Theory Of Everything Cracked!


Physics Explains conformance
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Theory Of Everything Cracked!

Before one proceeds into the absolute basics of how Gravitational and Electromotive forces have been amalgamated let me refer to the basis of my reasoning and necessary calculus so that one may also be enlightened by ones very own calculus.

Previously, one had worked with five functional equations, which dealt with 11 variables, now to those that have and are still playing around with such calculus, may have instantly recognized what one has referred to, and had one mentioned 5 representations and or flavors leading to M theory which involves those 11 dimensions, Most String Theorists would now be hooked with keen interest with out considering why one has termed Variables over Dimensions.

Read one’s previous statement again as obviously the way one has expressed it was for a very good reason as one may find it difficult to comprehend such a concept possible, Err~ Let’s hope one has clarified some concerns without confusing anyone by ones constructs thus far.

Before proceeding any further we need to get the rest of the scientific community up to speed with what one may have been grappling with, and in doing so perhaps shed some electromagnetic waves Err~ Light on what is yet another problem to most if not correctly addressed as to how and why “c” the constant that refers to the maximum speed of electromagnetic propagation, commonly referred to as the speed of Light and note one has deliberately preceded with ones wording for good reason as well.
And no! It’s not because of the current contradiction to some ever increasing expansion of our universe, although if one considers how “c” came to be, the obvious should be that our universe is not expanding at an ever-increasing rate, and in fact is NOT expanding at all! And this will be Err~ expanded on and clarified by further reading or perhaps via familiarity with theories entailing electromagnetic transmissions.


Let us draw two large circles and define to them a set quantum.
We also should state the circles drawn represent spheres that are the same in dimension to each other.
Further more let us state these spheres are equal in quanta to our universe or should we choose to, to a given portion or percentage of the whole Universe. Noting the Whole Universe may not be currently pertaining to a spherical shape let alone a flattened one, although messing around with these spherical dimensions based on Physical laws gives for some really interesting results that just may be the case!

Moving on let us state that the first quantum or sphere defines moment one. Imagine one encapsulating and freezing Area/time and being able to apply means of calculus to it by divvying or dividing it to areas.

Let us state that the second quantum defines moment two. Note if this sphere and or quanta is a partial component or portion of the universe, Time reference or data is a little more involved and therefore the snapshot of Area/time may not be relative to our observation point of time “unrelative” pronounced “un-re-late-ive” that’s if the Time rates are different, to which this second sphere should then reflect what data was availed to a time reference and hence should be defined accordingly proportionally smaller, taking into careful consideration the rate of data availed to time at our observing locality which is governed by the same rule, So for simplicities sake for now this exercise will conform to current constructs of time used in current calculus in every day science, so it will remain the same quanta as the first moments data availed to time because we have remained relative to the sphere or to the whole Universes time reference or moments. Whew what a mouth full! And if not fully understood may need re reading it!

So imagine encapsulating and freezing Area/time dimension without considering Times accruing data and its rate of data being availed back to the universe via momentum if one is dealing with a percentage or portion of the Universe.

So for simplicities sake let us now state each sphere represents two snap shots of Area/time of the universe.

Let us now portion or define the two snap shots of time references into some components, portions and or dimensions of whatever variables one wishes to work with, keeping in mind we are dealing with more than just two dimensions if we treat the Circles as Spheres and or as real time.

For those individuals that have dealt with String Theory one may wish to Portion ones spheres or Universe accordingly to proceed ones calculus using your favored equation to both moments by giving some indication of change or momentum to the plotting points that define ones current string/s.

Having allowed String theorist the luxury of partial first glory, the rest of the scientific community can now define portions and or variables to each snapshot of our universe pertaining to changes of state from area to area, and if we are to express changes, the portions from the first instance must then be different to the second moment of our universe. In doing so we must do two things and note that these changes suggest movement, momentum or force with some unity to all momentum, and hence a set amount of time frames or references need to be considered “more spheres or snap shots!” just in order to express this movement via calculus more accurately, It is my hope this brings some insight gained from ones earlier inference of time being variable via given velocity to given mass.

But what has all this to do with the THEORY OF EVERYTHING?
The new dimension or rigid quanta introduced via the aforementioned into String theory is part of the key. But not the whole key of what we are dealing with, it only gives rise to a finite and an unchanging dimension for our Universe.
That along with depicting the universe at the very least in two moments as to why it works, importantly we now can do calculus that gives rise to momentum representing change which is about to lead us to ask if we are truly adhering to a rigid rule that concerns Time? Re-read ones earlier statements with respect to relativity and how important this is when one reasons what the speed of Light infers.

So far we have implied the universe is finite and what’s more, influences beyond it cannot change it, besides there is nothing left! Because everything has been assumed as part of the Universe, including time! Should we discover more to the universe all we need do is add more dimensions to our current Model. Hence we exist in a closed system and what’s more no matter how many variables and or dimensions we work with we can still precisely predict and apply calculus to it all as long as we apply a rigid rule in that,

If time is to accrue Data in order the Universe may exist by some record, All dimensions or “variables” that we define on what truly does exist, all must avail a portion “%” “or small image of its changing states” to the time reference and this suggests, as the Time reference accrues this Data “or images” of changes, The time references “image” involved must also avail or communicate back to the universe an image, and it is this reason why a Klein Bottle plotting is used to express these changes to our universe in order to simplify all the dynamics! Read the previous paragraph in bold a few times, as it takes some getting use to, one also highly recommends one study Klein Bottle plotting if one really needs to understand the universes full dynamics and forces that pertains to mass, force and the perception of gravity.

Getting back to our circles or Spheres that represent our universe with the respective portions that we have defined via known physical laws, Has any one noticed the implications with respects to times portion and the various possible implications if we apply the rule that all variables or dimensions MUST avail information to time, including time itself must avail data of its accruing changes back to the universe? Some serious shrinking is implied.

In the real world, time goes by and as changes occur, times quanta or data accrues and hence must increase times quanta or record taking up a greater and greater portion of the Universe, but this implies every portion or dimension must concede to times increasing quanta or portion, but if we are to truly deal with a finite quantum or quanta to the Universe as a closed system, this would be problematic if we don’t concede that time must portion itself back or avail its information or data back to the Universe, so if we apply the same rigid Rule to Time but rather Time avails its data to the universe we complete and now adhere in the end to the rule of energy is not gained nor lost but rather is exchanged via momentum from area to area leading to our perception of Mass, Force, Gravity Charge and Time.

Perhaps some insight may be gained if we are to concede that our local area is availing to time due to data being dependant on change and hence local rate of data availed to Time being of a differing ratio to where we may be observing, and to prove this we need to observe beyond our local area and the further away from the Black Hole as a given time reference the more dramatic the ratio should be, to where a result of an increasing rate of expansion seems to be occurring, when in fact our local area has availed much more data to the time reference and or in real terms our galaxies centre than what the observed area other than in our galaxy has, hence it is proportionally with less momentum and or velocity to our time reference, now let us apply some plots to our Klein Bottle model to better understand this involving reasoning, or we may simply envision to be situated as such in real time to such a momentum or velocity where it seems we are indeed entering a neck of a Klein Bottle or to some inward momentum of our galaxy, which interestingly so happens we have a Black Hole conforming perfectly to ones plotting points of an extremely twisted and complex Klein Bottle neck, Err~ to which you may have to resort to calculus anyway if curious of its functional form pertaining to a Black Holes dynamics as being our current time reference, which if not considered as part of our calculus one will never lead one to electromotive forces and the true momentums to the area that refers to the humble Atom.
LaidBack said:
Perhaps some insight may be gained if we are to concede that our local area is availing to time due to data being dependant on change and hence local rate of data availed to Time being of a differing ratio to where we may be observing, and to prove this we need to observe beyond our local area and the further away from the Black Hole as a given time reference the more dramatic the ratio should be, to where a result of an increasing rate of expansion seems to be occurring, when in fact our local area has availed much more data to the time reference and or in real terms our galaxies centre than what the observed area other than in our galaxy has, hence it is proportionally with less momentum and or velocity to our time reference, now let us apply some plots to our Klein Bottle model to better understand this involving reasoning, or we may simply envision to be situated as such in real time to such a momentum or velocity where it seems we are indeed entering a neck of a Klein Bottle or to some inward momentum of our galaxy, which interestingly so happens we have a Black Hole conforming perfectly to ones plotting points of an extremely twisted and complex Klein Bottle neck, Err~ to which you may have to resort to calculus anyway if curious of its functional form pertaining to a Black Holes dynamics as being our current time reference, which if not considered as part of our calculus one will never lead one to electromotive forces and the true momentums to the area that refers to the humble Atom.
This paragraph is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. I'm going to print it and frame it for my office. Stunning. Absolutely stunning.
I feel honoured that you've chosen sciforums as the place to publish your groundbreaking research, shunning the traditionally more prestigious outlets such as Science, Nature, Physics Review Letters, and so on.
superluminal said:
This paragraph is the most beautiful thing I have ever read.
Does it qualify as a paragraph if it only has one sentence?

Edit: snap!
przyk said:
Yes, that's what I meant, sorry about the confusion, sometimes I fail to use the right words to describe something, I usually don't make this sort of mistake, again my apologies,
superluminal said:
Yes, that's what I meant, sorry about the confusion, sometimes I fail to use the right words to describe something, I usually don't make this sort of mistake, again my apologies,
Tsk. Tsk. Comma splices. :rolleyes:
Roman said:
You guys... you should be nicer to the cranks.
What? You dare to call the author of such an inspiring theory a crank!
Roman said:
You guys... you should be nicer to the cranks.
I agree. In fact, if he has suitable self photo, we could use* it for the cover of the next issue of my journal:
Concerning Reveling All Common Karma Propositions Or Theories
*I charge $5 extra (for a total of $15) as "page charges" to the cover article authors.

Edit: btw, I wish the Internet was 100 years old so we could see the flame-wars between Einstein and others when the kook came up with special relativity! And if only he and Bohr could have had it out in cyberspace, with a proper audience, rather than keeping that ire in envelopes...
There are two interesting & perhaps related concepts: One used to be called double talk, an ability to construct verbiage which seems to make sense, but which really has no meaning. It appeared in several movies about American prisoners in WW2. Double talk provided humor as some prisoner was threatened with torture, hoping to force him to reveal critical information. The prisoner was able to stall due to being adept at double talk.

The second concept can be summarized as follows.
  • If one cannot dazzle others with brilliance, then try baffling them with bulls**t.
I wonder if this post is an example of either or both of these concpets.
Hello everyone, and yes~ Hello even to those that have taken on a neutral stand with a wait and see attitude.

Moving on let me thank those that have commented somewhat positively and or via with some reservations, and let me say further comments are most welcome by you on this complex subject matter.

NOW! For those that have been quick to quip the likes of “Crack Pot” Ect without even attempting to apply oneself to what is obviously beyond your comprehension, let me say simply say. Piss off! You’re out of your league!

Ok guys~ Now that we have rid ourselves of all the morons let me address any serious questions and or contributions.

But first a quick mention of the previous Interesting post by "Mosheh Thezion" who so far has posted on the subject matter and in fact if one refers to some of the dimensions and or variables used in the depictions submitted by Mosheh Thezion a few matters are actually clarified a little better and gives far more in-depth insight with respects to the velocity and “Flow” of all mass, which also gives us a pretty good understanding of how current definitions are the result of these various velocities “which gives rise as to how various “forces” densities are possible” which also hints to our perception of gravity and the electromotive forces simply by the use of two or more snap shots of time reference’s that I have suggested as a method for some clarity.
Mosheh Thezion said:

I have one tiny problem, and that is if we consider "c" the speed of light and how this constant has been derived… When we consider “c” we must concede if the universe were expanding this constant would have to be changing along with this expansion, the constant “c” is not changing so therefore our Redshift measurements must be indicating something else is occurring other than an expansion, there are other constants that also should be considered and another is permittivity of free space also will be effected with the universes expansion.

But if we consider our local mass is availing more data to a given local time reference to where mass that is not availing data to the same time reference, like for instance a Black Hole in the centre of our and every other Galaxy where one could reason is a perfect time reference and as the black hole strips its surroundings, all the mass and space gains momentum "velocity" towards this time reference and as these diminsions or variables do this they "for want of a btter word" "shrink" whilst the time reference gains the data or mass, we don’t notice this because all dimensions avail data/mass at the same local rate and therefore everything stays relative to each other, but should we observe distance objects that are not being stripped away by the same time reference they should seem to move away and expand to us, when in fact it is our local area that has a momentum into a Klien Bottle neck "better expressed as" Black Hole component of our universe.
Mosheh Thezion said:

Oh my!~ :confused: I have a hunch that your treating light as particles and or as photons with a given velocity that is the speed of light.

If this is not the case and you are treating the propagation of a given charge correctly, I have to wonder~ what the? and why is there a need to resort to such complex constructs?
Mosheh Thezion said:
C = ONE OF THE motions of space... from the 4th dimension.
c ^2 is both of them.


Ah~ha! I was right! :bugeye: as to why I am having difficulties in putting together your constructs, you see Light can not be treated as a particles or photons.

First we need to refer to how an electrical Engineer treats electromagnetic propagation so that we may better understand the momentums involved.
study... along electromagnetic lines.... will only get you confused... since magnetic flux literally... goes in circles... as you will be... if you allow yourself to believe that electromagnetic energy is fundamental....

no... it is a construct... constructed out of electric fields by electrons...... period.

in photons... it is true.. that an occilatory cycle takes place with both electric and magnetic halves.... such.. is not what i discussed in the lasts posts.

c the speed of light... is such, simply because space itself is moving at that speed...
and loose. .. un attached elecrtromagnetic and electric fields are immediately given motion by this spatial motion.

that is why a photons energy is not dependant on speed... but is instead dependant on frequency.

Maxwell... showed it good in his book, a treatise on electric and electromagnetic fields... or something.

photons.... twist to the right.... all of them... and have magnetic cycles.

there is something also note worthy... inductive fields... generated by the passage of electrons in conductors.... all twist to the LEFT.

this is fundamental, and points to the nature of the electron... which can and will on one hand.. emit a right spinning photon.... can also emit a left spinning inductive field....

meaning... that since electrons... are a polar thing... perhaps they are physically so... and if so... what might the composition and shape of things, as an electron be?????????? how would it function?
and why?

i have also explained this.

as you can see... i propose quite literally.. that electrons.. are in some way made of.... made of literally... an electric field line of force...
and that... it... the electric field.. whatever it is... tension... a line..
it rolls up and forms the electron due to some natural pattern.

the electron i propose is the shrunken result,, of a nuetron spinning and emitting its top most layer of densely packed electric field energy, and emits it do a distance sufficiant to allow its collapes... which then forms the electron.
the pattern of the electron then... is representative of the actual patterns of energy in the protonn and nuetron masses of the cores....

this pattern... is polar.. and serve the function of adding a higher dimension to the line of force being emitted... this addition of dimension, may come at a price of energy, resulting in limited sized electrons, which on their surface, emit a twisting field coil... loose.. and it can emit energy and obsorb it, and emit it as either right twisting photons... or left twisting inductive felds...

its emission then... is based on the polarity of the electron at the time of emission.

i.e.. in wires... all electrons are pointed at the pos source... and only when slowed down.... do they emit fields in the same direction of motion... a left twisting field.

but when orbiting atoms... the emission.. is always... in the opposite direction.

yielding a right twisting photon.

this is entirely my theory, and while, people should be intrigued, they usually arent.
