Theists: Are you here to defend theism, or to convert people?

Theists: Why are you posting here?

  • to defend theism

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • to convert people to my religion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • to help people

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • to come to my own certainty about God

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • a combination of the above (please explain in thread)

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • other (please explain in thread)

    Votes: 8 61.5%

  • Total voters
I confess i do fall short of the good teachings of Jesus not to hate people. I have had the emotion of hate for others in the past and i will probably into the future.

But i do not seek to justify myself when i do fall into this emotion. I sin when i hate people. Thanks be to God that i am forgiven my failings in this through the atonement of the Messiah Jesus. :D

All glory and honour be to God. To men be shame.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Do you really think you can go out and commit sin and just automatically be forgiven? No, you must repent. NO, by repent I don't mean go tell some old horny priest about all the women you cheated on your wife with, I mean go make it right, if you can't make it right make it better. Hate is just bottled up anger, anger is justifiable. What would you do with your anger? Would you turn it into riotousness, or would you let it consume you? Chose wisely.
Your statement came to the conclusion that religion causes conflict in the world because religion teaches that people who reject the will of God deserve to be killed.

The conflict that is caused by religion is over who's god is real, but there is only The God. Those who reject the will of God may not be smite'd, but their soul will burn.

I clearly showed you that my Faith tells me that God will be the one carrying out the destruction in the next world and we have been called upon by God not to kill anyone.

This world will not be destroyed, only changed forever and ever.

Also my faith teaches that everyone, Christians included, fall short of the perfection needed to avoid the destruction of God in the next world.

The Christian church clearly has its head up its own ass.

Therefore Christians declare themselves worthy of destruction along with everyone else.

Ok you cast yourself to the lake of fire while I kick back with my pretty lady sipping whiskey, drinking PBR on my beautiful shoreline.

Yeah in the World... Not in the Afterlife... They are different.

They are different, but they are the same.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days[/QUOTE]
Do you really think you can go out and commit sin and just automatically be forgiven? No, you must repent. NO, by repent I don't mean go tell some old horny priest about all the women you cheated on your wife with, I mean go make it right, if you can't make it right make it better. Hate is just bottled up anger, anger is justifiable. What would you do with your anger? Would you turn it into riotousness, or would you let it consume you? Chose wisely.

Ah, so much extension and elaboration on a concept not even near sure in the first place. I guess it's like a hobby.
Do you really think you can go out and commit sin and just automatically be forgiven? No, you must repent. NO, by repent I don't mean go tell some old horny priest about all the women you cheated on your wife with, I mean go make it right, if you can't make it right make it better. Hate is just bottled up anger, anger is justifiable. What would you do with your anger? Would you turn it into riotousness, or would you let it consume you? Chose wisely.

Well i don't recall the last time my anger ever lead me to take violent actions. I do have a level of self control in that respects. But the emotion is equal to the deed in the eyes of God. So it is irrelevant to God if my hate is transformed into actual physical or verbal violence.

And no i do not use the forgiveness of God as a licence to sin, which actually is a common accusation of those who hate the love of the truth.

Anger against sin is justifiable. But as a Christian anger against the sinner is not justifiable.

Anger does cause stress and stress causes self-damage, i will probably pay for my anger in a shortened life span. Like all sin it has real world consequences that come and id does not matter if your forgiven or not by God for it. People who bear a grudge carry a curse on their shoulders for as long as they do not give their anger up.

And repentance is a state of mind, it is an attitude, It is a regret for and agreement with God that going against His will is sin.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Sorry, this still does not make sense. You believe that people who don't embrace your particular faith are so fundamentally flawed that they deserve to be destroyed. However (and by whomever) this sentence is supposedly carried out doesn't change that.

Actually my stance is that people who Reject the gift of salvation by the atonement of the Messiah Jesus are worthy of death.

But i see you now move your position from death in this world to death in general.

Anyway that is what i believe and if you have a problem with it then that problem is very much your problem. I am not here to change the will of God because someone is offended by it. Offence or not, nothing will change the will of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The conflict that is caused by religion is over who's god is real, but there is only The God. Those who reject the will of God may not be smite'd, but their soul will burn.


This world will not be destroyed, only changed forever and ever.

Well i was talking about people when i said destroyed. the person i was quoting talked about the destruction of people, so i was using his word destruction as a way of making my reply clearer to them. So again i agree with your statement. Of course there will be much destruction to the earths environment and civilizations at the return of the Messiah Jesus, but the world will go one and be made better than it was.

The Christian church clearly has its head up its own ass.

Well i do believe most of the christian churches are not true to the will of God, But there is varying degrees of non agreement, some very serious.

Ok you cast yourself to the lake of fire while I kick back with my pretty lady sipping whiskey, drinking PBR on my beautiful shoreline.

Oh nooo :) I have been forgiven.

And we shall not take wives in eternity. For we will be as Angels neither marry or given in marriage.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Theists: Why are posting here, engaging in discussion?

Just because.

Are you here to defend theism, or to convert people?

Are you here to help people?
To come to your own certainty?

Certainty doesn't exist when it comes to religious beliefs. Because people are always experiencing new things, their beliefs of those things may change - as mine have and probably will again.

A combination of the above?

I just like hearing all points of view, regardless of if I agree with them or not. Everyone has their right to their own beliefs. I don't expect nor would want anyone to tell me that I'm wrong or that I should believe otherwise. Neither would I tell them that as well.

I've always had a fascination with religion. I find the differences and similarities in opinion very interesting. Sure, I have my own beliefs, but again - they are my own. I just like gaining knowledge about others' beliefs as well. Would their beliefs assist me in helping me become more certain about God or whatever? Maybe. Who knows? But I'm not here looking for answers about my beliefs. I'm probably a very stubborn person in the aspect that I don't let other peoples beliefs dictate mine. My beliefs are a product of my own personal experience, not that of anyone elses.

Well i was talking about people when i said destroyed. the person i was quoting talked about the destruction of people, so i was using his word destruction as a way of making my reply clearer to them. So again i agree with your statement. Of course there will be much destruction to the earths environment and civilizations at the return of the Messiah Jesus, but the world will go one and be made better than it was.

Well i do believe most of the christian churches are not true to the will of God, But there is varying degrees of non agreement, some very serious.

Oh nooo :) I have been forgiven.

And we shall not take wives in eternity. For we will be as Angels neither marry or given in marriage.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Who told you this, load of crap. why would Angels not be able to experience love? This falls under the bs book of Priest marrying God, NO, God is not a homosexual. No female pastors? Are you fucking kidding me. Go watch Da Vinci Code. Angels are meant to marry.
Actually my stance is that people who Reject the gift of salvation by the atonement of the Messiah Jesus are worthy of death.

But i see you now move your position from death in this world to death in general.

My position hasn't changed for the entirety of this discussion. What has changed is that you've finally managed to interpret my comments with respect to the obvious context of the discussion.

Anyway that is what i believe and if you have a problem with it then that problem is very much your problem. I am not here to change the will of God because someone is offended by it. Offence or not, nothing will change the will of God.

Well done on missing the point, again.
LOL God is gay.

I am not . The flying free Monkey don't go that way . Stop saying that . Someone will believe you . Not that there is anything wrong with that . Mikey don't go that way . I am gay in some respects though just not sexual orientation. I believe in freedom of choice !!
duh..he is omnisexual..

neither male nor female but human . That is the way I say it . Artist in deep character roll get that way. I have known of some that will check them selves into mental wards because of the lost of Identity . We can't hardly paint our selves in the picture of life . We want to be part of life yet we struggle to see our selves in the picture . Painters painting paintings of there selves painting. Trying to get the self in the painting but never quite realizing the self in the painting .

Mouth full Spidey . Maybe your art takes you there too . I think maybe it has on occasions . Might be wrong ? I don't know ? I know I been there did it doing it tomorrow. Actually tonight at Craig the drummers studio . Me and Mary got a Drummer to play with . So freaky Spidey So fucking Freaky . If you was Me You would be freaked too
I reply in religion threads mostly to try to defuse common misconceptions about my religion. I often hear non-Christian people say "Christians believe ..." or "Christians do ...". Certainly there are Christians who might believe or do strange/controversial/hypocritical things, but there's a huge swath of average Christians who are the religious "middle class" of Christianity and who live the Christian life and do not make the news.
neither male nor female but human . That is the way I say it . Artist in deep character roll get that way. I have known of some that will check them selves into mental wards because of the lost of Identity . .

I have always wondered..i think i would make a good actor,but i would not be able to get into acting the normal way and there would have to be some hand holding..
Who told you this, load of crap. why would Angels not be able to experience love?

Where did i say Angels do not experience love? Your good at injecting words and ideas into peoples replies that where never there. Your like some of the atheists in here there good at it too.

So as a child can love and experience love. Without even seeking or knowing about sex. So will we in eternity for we will be life children. See Jesus said that also.

This falls under the bs book of Priest marrying God,

Priests don't marry God, as i recall some catholic nuns in my primary convent school said they where married to God. But i never heard a priest say he was married to God. As i am not a catholic i reject any notion of nuns being married to God.

NO, God is not a homosexual.


No female pastors? Are you fucking kidding me.

A woman should be silent in a faith gathering. On this point i do not kid you.

Go watch Da Vinci Code. Angels are meant to marry.

lol i will not waste my time to watch someone’s pathetic fantasy filum about the catholic church.

Angels do not marry. If you don't believe Jesus on this one then your not a follower of the God of Abraham.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
My position hasn't changed for the entirety of this discussion. What has changed is that you've finally managed to interpret my comments with respect to the obvious context of the discussion.

Of course your point changed. I replied to your original point about religion causing violence and conflict in THIS WORLD. My reply was fashioned to the point put. Once i answered you moved the goal posts of the discussion to include Violence into the after life.

Well done on missing the point, again.

That’s the thing you don't really have a point. in regard to the truth faith of God. Your original point only related to religions who believe it is their calling to enforce their belief in this world, if insectary through violence.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days