Theists: Are you here to defend theism, or to convert people?

Theists: Why are you posting here?

  • to defend theism

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • to convert people to my religion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • to help people

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • to come to my own certainty about God

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • a combination of the above (please explain in thread)

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • other (please explain in thread)

    Votes: 8 61.5%

  • Total voters
Praising God and shaming people, so that you can neverthless bask in glory ...

Well i will bask in glory in eternity. But not now.

LOL No one in here see's me as being glorious, no one on any other forum thinks i am glorious.

Ok let me ask. Does anyone in this forum think i am Glorious?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Of course your point changed. I replied to your original point about religion causing violence and conflict in THIS WORLD.

No, actually. Your first reply to me was in response to this:

A sure fire way to make sure that this cycle never ends however is for theists to continue to dangle the idea of judgment and damnation in front of the face of everyone else. As far as I am concerned, this is ultimately the idea from which the bulk of the conflict emerges.

This set the context for our subsequent exchange. I was quite obviously talking about the conflict that emerges as a result of what some theists believe will and should be the eternal fate of many others.

My reply was fashioned to the point put. Once i answered you moved the goal posts of the discussion to include Violence into the after life.

No. The idea of "damnation" quite obviously applies to the "afterlife" by default. I had it right from the very beginning, and I haven't changed the context since.

That’s the thing you don't really have a point. in regard to the truth faith of God. Your original point only related to religions who believe it is their calling to enforce their belief in this world, if insectary through violence.

I don't understand why you keep pulling the word 'violence' out of your arse. I didn't use it. Not once.

Let me break it down for you one more time:

You believe that anyone who doesn't embrace your particular faith deserves to be destroyed ('destroyed' is synonymous with 'damned' with reference to the originally established context). Such a belief causes conflict (and 'conflict' does not automatically entail 'violence', as I explained to you during one of our previous exchanges).

That's what I have been saying the entire time. Perhaps if you spent less time with your head in the clouds and more time doing everyone the courtesy of actually paying attention to the discussion, we would be able to avoid this ridiculous nonsense.
@Knowledge --

That's bollocks. If I slip and fall and land on someone thereby breaking their neck, my actions did indeed kill them, but the intent to kill them wasn't present in the least. That's the problem with such absolute statements, one can always envision a scenario in which they are wrong.
Action=intent, and intent=action. If you intend to hurt another man you ought intend to repent.

What does that mean ? If I intend to hurt you you going to be hurting and there won't be any repenting involved . If I am to first think of hurting you there is valid grounds for the hurt I am going to put on you . You got it coming is what I am saying . Listen bro people all day in your regular life are giving you signals day by day in orderly fashion telling you what the spirit is trying to say to you . Start with someone you trust and then you can go on a walk and start seeing what the stranger has to say . You might even get an education in living life . Try It , it can't hurt . Well maybe if you fall in with the right bunch of fellows
Where did i say Angels do not experience love? Your good at injecting words and ideas into peoples replies that where never there. Your like some of the atheists in here there good at it too.

So as a child can love and experience love. Without even seeking or knowing about sex. So will we in eternity for we will be life children. See Jesus said that also.

Trust me, the last thing you want with me is a holly war. Your church is blasphemous, and you are too so long as you donate your hard earned money. Pastors at my church were molesting children, how about yours? If angels do not marry then they do not experience love, as law is to love is to marry.

Priests don't marry God, as i recall some catholic nuns in my primary convent school said they where married to God. But i never heard a priest say he was married to God. As i am not a catholic i reject any notion of nuns being married to God.

Im sorry, they marry the church. So they are married to Christ. The church teaches you it was St. Peter who was to start the church? This is impossible. St. Peter did not have faith in Christ. Im going with the Da Vinci Code on this one.

A woman should be silent in a faith gathering. On this point i do not kid you.

And I should beat you upside the head. You are lost, and the church is who blinded you. He who hath a ear let him hear what the LORD says unto the church.

lol i will not waste my time to watch someone’s pathetic fantasy filum about the catholic church.

So only Christians are going to Heaven?

Angels do not marry. If you don't believe Jesus on this one then your not a follower of the God of Abraham.

I am a follower of the God of man, you are the follower of a church.
@Knowledge --

That's bollocks. If I slip and fall and land on someone thereby breaking their neck, my actions did indeed kill them, but the intent to kill them wasn't present in the least. That's the problem with such absolute statements, one can always envision a scenario in which they are wrong.

I can't deny this.
I think it Mary Magdalene . I think she instigated the whole thing . I think she talked Jesus into doing the things he did in Jerusalam . Like stealing the Donkey and riding on it . Kicking up shit at the temple . I think they were lovers and puppy dog pussy whipped Jesus did anything she asked . I think she came from more affluent family and Jesus was like the bad boy poor boy rough neck in the construction industry . She fell for him cause she new he could get back at the authority figures that represented here child raping dad . Molested Mary Magdalene and because of it . Well no fury like a woman scorned as they say .
Jesus was Mary"s Chump. She devised the whole thing , but being a woman a man had to be the head