The Washington National Airport Sightings

Individually explained?

A wee analogy here...

You see an entangled particle in the lab, with another a distance apart. Would you automatically believe they are individual phenomenon?

Please lol
Evidence is very powerful. Coincidence cannot be fathomed if it is beyond reason. Just like the case we have been speaking about, I know where your logic is. You don't seem to realize the important of finding alluminium at both the crash site, or the alleged place at where it dwelled for many years.

you are totally unscientific.
@Mister --

Individually explained?

A wee analogy here...

You see an entangled particle in the lab, with another a distance apart. Would you automatically believe they are individual phenomenon?

For your analogy to be valid the entanglement would have to be an unparsimonious explanation like your explanation for these events is. Again, my explanation is more parsimonious than yours.

As for your other post, I think that you're having difficulty keeping your threads separate.
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You obviously missed the goal, when it was hit.

I've had enough of you. I won't discuss this with you anymore, including the fact I acted as a skeptic to a bit of the information which fell through. You are set inherently to dissinform anyone against those who believe, the complete opposite to my goal.

You aren't a scientific skeptic, you are simply a troll. From, saying there is no evidence, which there clearly is, to saying what I say is folly without good justification.
A UFO nut is a UFO nut, and there's no masking it.
lol... you lot make me laugh. I am the one who has provided evidence yet you lot think you can give frivolous answers to them, yet you think you can report me....

....for what?
@Alex --

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I reported Mister for continuously posting false and misleading information in violation of the Sciforums posting guidelines.
@Geoff --

It doesn't have to be debunked, it already has an explanation, hence why Mister put it in the conspiracy sub-forum.
For those on the debunking side, where has it been debunked?

Actually a very good question. A question itself I have raised a few times in a different guise.

Indeed, you cannot refute a thing because there is no proof against (please everyone, stop mistaking a proof from an evidence. I see too many today raising I have no evidence, when I and others, clearly do!)
@Alex --

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I reported Mister for continuously posting false and misleading information in violation of the Sciforums posting guidelines.


SORRY... i missed a bit...

@Mister --

Again, you haven't posted any evidence. But go ahead and report me, let's see what happens.
@Mister --

Again, you haven't posted any evidence. But go ahead and report me, let's see what happens.

You seem to still be grapling with the difference between evidence and proof...

...I am sorry this is the case. But I am afraid it won't get me banned; atleast, it should not.
@Mister --

What evidence have you provided us? Some words on a page and two links, one to a debunked video(so not evidence), and one to a wikipedia article which gives an alternative explanation to the one you like(so not evidence in your favor). Again I have to ask, where have you provided any evidence?
@Mister --

What evidence have you provided us? Some words on a page and two links, one to a debunked video(so not evidence), and one to a wikipedia article which gives an alternative explanation to the one you like(so not evidence in your favor). Again I have to ask, where have you provided any evidence?

You are highly trolling. Either you are incompetent to the nature of evidence, or you don't know it's difference to proof, in which case, god bless, you must be somewhat retarded.

extacted from the OP

taken are excerpts from wiki

Barnes had two controllers check Nugent's radar; they found that it was working normally. Barnes then called National Airport's other radar center; the controller there, Howard Cocklin, told Barnes that he also had the objects on his radarscope. Furthermore, Cocklin said that by looking out of the control tower window he could see one of the objects:

"a bright orange light. I can't tell what's behind it" (Clark, 653).

Airman William Brady, who was in the tower, then saw an "object which appeared to be like an orange ball of fire, trailing a tail . . . [it was] unlike anything I had ever seen before."

As Brady tried to alert the other personnel in the tower, the strange object "took off at an unbelievable speed." Meanwhile, another person in the National Airport control tower reported seeing "an orange disk about 3,000 feet altitude". On one of the airport's runways, S.C. Pierman, a Capital Airlines pilot, was waiting in the cockpit of his DC-4 for permission to take off. After spotting what he believed to be a meteor, he was told that the control tower's radar had picked up unknown objects closing in on his position. Pierman observed six objects — "white, tailless, fast-moving lights" — over a 14-minute period (Clark, 655). Pierman was in radio contact with Barnes during his sighting, and Barnes later related that "each sighting coincided with a pip we could see near his plane. When he reported that the light streaked off at a high speed, it disappeared on our scope."

The object vanished in all three radar centers at the same time (Ruppelt, p. 160). At 3 a.m., shortly before two jet fighters from Newcastle AFB in Delaware arrived over Washington, all of the objects vanished from the radar at National Airport. However, when the jets ran low on fuel and left, the objects returned, which convinced Barnes that "the UFOs were monitoring radio traffic and behaving accordingly" (Clark, 656). The objects were last detected by radar at 5:30 a.m. Around sunrise, E.W. Chambers, a civilian radio engineer in Washington's suburbs, observed "five huge disks circling in a loose formation. They tilted upward and left on a steep ascent."

The officials working at the time tried to account the radar blips as being due to ''bad weather''.... yeah right. How long did it take them to make that story up? Because no objects were actually seen, right?

two jet fighters from Newcastle AFB in Delaware arrived over Washington. Capt. John McHugo, the flight leader, was vectored towards the radar pips but saw nothing, despite repeated attempts (Peebles, 76). However, his wingman, Lt. William Patterson, did see four white "glows" and chased them. Suddenly, the "glows" turned and surrounded his fighter.

Suggests intelligence behind the objects.

So how long will skeptics honestly keep the cherade up, that those who believe, believe for no good reason and are nothing but a bunch of unintelligent crackpots, who are niave and without good judgement?

The 1952 case is the best reported UFO case. It cannot be denied in any shape or form. The nature of the event is spectacular as well.