The Washington National Airport Sightings

And your qoute is wrong. People did see things in the sky. You've obviously not read the Airforce reports that the air pilots had intercepted the lights, observed them and the lights surrounded some of the pilots. The lights would evade them however at all costs.

So where did you get that clipping from, you should really cite when you do such a thing.
Shouldn't this be in the UFO nut enthusiast section?
Who cares about the video anyway?

Apparently you did, since YOU posted the link to it and YOU claimed it was the ORIGINAL.

Mister said:
Here is original video

Which gives us an idea of how critical your reasoning skills are and how ACCEPTING you are of things which agree with your pre-conceived notions.
Apparently you did, since YOU posted the link to it and YOU claimed it was the ORIGINAL.

He does that. He'll link to something and then disavow it.
Apparently you did, since YOU posted the link to it and YOU claimed it was the ORIGINAL.

Which gives us an idea of how critical your reasoning skills are and how ACCEPTING you are of things which agree with your pre-conceived notions.

If the video is fake, so be it.

The paragraph that was given with that conjecture is simply wrong as well. Saying there was no sighting of them is false. Period.
He does that. He'll link to something and then disavow it.

If there is any doubt on it, why wouldn't I? I am here to appease the scientific way as good as I can. I won't however sit back and let people tell me things like

''No one actually SAW anything in the skies over DC. Radar picked up blips that the USAF went to invesitgate.

The blips vanished once the planes got there and then returned as soon as the planes left.

But had anyone taken video footage like this back then you'd surely know about it. ''

The first line is just false. The second line is only partially true. As I said, one pilot is a witness to being surrounded by the lights --- In fact, the light's turned round and surrounded his plane.

That is a big difference to saying that no one saw anything in the skies of washington.

So adoucette, will you not disavow your claim in light of the evidence. Also, you never posted a link to where you extracted that little gem of a lie. I have asked you once to provide evidence, you still haven't done. I will ask again.
I'd also be worried with the state of arguements here. From hundreds of UFO-sightings during the war, to this account, it all boils down to ''pilots hallucinating''. If this is true, I am worried indeed, that we are letting people like this in our airspace. Not even a large percentage of educated pilots hallucinate, even in the best of conditions. Not to mention again, there was radar confirmation.
@Mister --

I'm going to do something now that you're going to hate, but it is still a valid explanation. It was coincidence.
Not even a large percentage of educated pilots hallucinate, even in the best of conditions. Not to mention again, there was radar confirmation.

Are they human? If yes then they hallucinate, end of story.
Are they human? If yes then they hallucinate, end of story.

Where is your logic in such a statement?

If the pilots are high in the air, conducting an aero-spatial dynamic, what makes you think they went in the mental zone of being alien?

My contentions are blind on the event, in effect, I cannot tell you what they were. I can only report that the event was observed in total contradiction to statement provided before that they hadn't and that the technological capabilities even exceeded those that could be managed by the US airforce.

You go figure.
@Mister --

You said this, "Not even a large percentage of educated pilots hallucinate, even in the best of conditions. Not to mention again, there was radar confirmation." But the pilots are human and therefore not only hallucinate but have selectively edited memories as well. We all do, these are two things that the human brain does naturally, with the latter being done literally continuously. You're ignoring two well established facts of human biology in an attempt to support your pet beliefs.
@Mister --

You said this, "Not even a large percentage of educated pilots hallucinate, even in the best of conditions. Not to mention again, there was radar confirmation." But the pilots are human and therefore not only hallucinate but have selectively edited memories as well. We all do, these are two things that the human brain does naturally, with the latter being done literally continuously. You're ignoring two well established facts of human biology in an attempt to support your pet beliefs.

Yes, what I said is true. If the larger part of pilots hallucinated, do you think they would be continued to be hired?

These guys, according to Military Law, get medicals all the time. Most of them are given a full bill of health. Explaining all these sightings off as hallucination, especially under normal conditions (that meaning they are not at excpetionally high altitudes where the air is terribly thin) how can one dismiss so many accounts to hallucinations?

The best part of the nations do not hallucinate.

Forgive me upfront, not to offend anyone who is, but such hallucinations are really reserved normally for schizophrenics and other chemically-disturbed brain activities.
Also, assuming then from what you qouted, you seem to be saying even the radar communication ''guys'' also hallucinate.

On what grounds do any hallucinate, seriously?
i've heard medical reasons, as far as the mind can stretch.
@Mister --

Not even a large percentage of educated pilots hallucinate, even in the best of conditions. Not to mention again, there was radar confirmation.

Yes, because for the most part their hallucinations don't coincide with their time in the air. The military has to hire humans so they therefore have to hire people who hallucinate since all humans hallucinate to some degree.

These guys, according to Military Law, get medicals all the time. Most of them are given a full bill of health.

You don't know much about human physiology do you? Perfectly healthy individuals hallucinate too, it's not necessarily a sign of illness, though a sudden rash of vivid hallucinations could indicate some sort of problem. It's a side effect of the way our brains are wired and the way they interpret sensory information.

Our brains never get the full picture from our senses. Even our eyes technically "see" things as a sort of stop-motion picture, with large packets of data missing(and then there's the "blind spot" that we all have, caused by the optic nerve penetrating the retina). Why, then, do we not perceive the world this way? Because our brains do their best to fill in the gaps with guesses based on other information sources and previously known information. This leads to all sorts of really cool optical illusions which are a sort of hallucination(sensory input that doesn't correspond with reality) and we are all subject to them at roughly the same rate. It's a fact of biology, you can't argue this away with appeals to authority or consequences.

And you completely skipped over the memory editing function of the brain too, but I can give you more on that at a later time.

Explaining all these sightings off as hallucination

Who said that all of them are hallucinations? I certainly didn't, I said that this one was most likely caused by hallucinations and radar error. Coincidence might be distasteful to you, but it's a hell of a lot better explanation than yours, which basically comes down to "I can't explain it, therefore I can explain it".

but such hallucinations are really reserved normally for schizophrenics and other chemically-disturbed brain activities.

LOL! You really are displaying your ignorance here. We're not dealing with physics, which is the only field you've claimed any significant knowledge of, we're dealing with biology. You've strayed from your realm of "expertise" into a realm where you're little different from a mewling babe.

Everyone hallucinates just as surely as everyone lies, the only variables are how often and how vivid it is. We know that the human brain is more than capable of creating entire illusory worlds with varied and different populations, even going so far as to create different personalities for different people in the hallucinatory world. In fact, if your brain ever really knuckled down to "fuck with your head"(sorry, I had to) you would be unable to discern the difference between your hallucination and reality. Given these capabilities(without which we wouldn't be able to function as we couldn't interpret our senses in a working manner), and given the fact that we all have minor hallucinations of no real importance(did you ever think that you saw something of a specific color only to later discover that it wasn't really that color? There's a good chance that you hallucinated there) almost on a daily basis, and given the fact that our memories are edited after the fact by our brains so that they fit our worldview better, is it any wonder that pilots hallucinate as well? After all, they are human.

Also, assuming then from what you qouted, you seem to be saying even the radar communication ''guys'' also hallucinate.

Yes, I did say that everyone hallucinates, but I didn't say that everyone hallucinated everything in that "event". The radar guys might have seen something, but radar failure happens, hence why I said it was probably a coincidence. Do you have any evidence that the radar device in question was in working order at the time of the sighting?
rubbish. There are corresponding radar communications with eye-witness accounts. both serve each other. Don't be blind!
@Mister --

There are corresponding radar communications with eye-witness accounts.

And both can be individually explained. A fairly common event(a human hallucinating) coinciding with a fairly uncommon event(radar failure) still fits better than an extraterrestrial craft. My explanation is parsimonious, yours is not. Mine fits the facts better, yours leaves only unexplained holes(such as how they found us or why they even bothered to come here in the first place).

Much as you might hate it, coincidence is a powerful explanation for this event.

Don't be blind!

You're the one being blind. You're ignoring physical facts to support your pet theory in the hopes that people here will buy into that bullshit.