The War on Christmas

Christmas seems about as un-jesus-like as anything I could come up with.
I mean we're talking about a guy living out of doors with a bunch of poor people, not many ornaments, a lot of very serious, heavy talking, a great deal of focus on things having nothing to do with consumption, no coniferous trees, no pagan deities - Santa Claus, some not so positive evaluation of rich men's chances of getting in to heaven - rather than, say, a large number of rich men making a mint marketing a bunch of toys, most of which I can't really get into the same image with Jesus or imagine him thinking 'these are the things we should give children'.

I can't connect Christmas to Jesus in any way and I've read the Bible quite a bit. I know we are celebrating him, but I can't connect the spirit of this celebration with the spirit of Jesus.
Christians don't put reindeer in vile positions. Not real Christians anway. Maybe some of the fake denominational ones, but not born-agains.

Real government workers don't do this either.
Nor do real men. He was also a man.
Are men making war on Christmas?
I'll bet he was white.
I've been to afro-american churches and I've been to white ones.
Man, the former know how to pray, you could feel God in that room.
Maybe white men are making war on Christmas because they can't really do Christianity.
Christians don't put reindeer in vile positions. Not real Christians anway. Maybe some of the fake denominational ones, but not born-agains.

Ahh... yes. The old pseudo-intellectual and dishonest "real Christians" argument. That's always the hold-card for whenever someone who professes to be Christian behaves badly and tarnishes the superstitious name of jeebus.

I'm sorry, sandy, but that bit of intellectual-dishonesty doesn't wash. If the guy thinks he's christian and behaved badly, then the fault rests squarely on christian values and morality -which is completed wacked, since all he has to do is get ask his imaginary sky-daddy for forgiveness anytime he wants to "sin."

I'm betting the guy *is* Christian, indeed the odds are against the fact that he isn't. And you don't get to make the call of whether or not he is. If he believes that there is a god as mentioned in biblical mythology and that that god -without consent (in Texas, we call non-consensual sex rape -I don't know what you call it where you're from) got a woman named mary pregnant who had a child name jesus that grew up to be an alleged messiah, then he's christian as sure as the day is long.

But, I'll accept that, as a Christian, your bigotry prevents you from accepting anyone whom you disagree with or hate. Next you'll tell us that, as a Christian, you don't "hate," but based on the deceptions (TX -lies) you've shared with us today, we haven't any reason to accept that claim -do we?
I was in Wal-Mart the other day and there was a xmas cake with the nativity on it. It was pretty. Then I realized the knife would be cutting right through baby jesus and everyone. Isn't that more offense to christians?

LOL, if it was a red velvet cake, then you can also have communion at your xmas party. Talk about having your cake and eating it too! Eat the flesh & blood of baby Jesus (cannibalism/vampirism) and transubstantiate all for the low price of $8.99 at your neighborhood Wal-mart.
I've been to afro-american churches and I've been to white ones.
Man, the former know how to pray, you could feel God in that room

Wouldn't this verse:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

...suggest that they don't know how to pray?

As for christmas... You guys want to pretend that it has anything to do with jesus then go right ahead. It is of no consequence to anyone other than yourself. I have no personal issue with christmas at all or any other holiday or celebration time, (regardless to what's being celebrated) - even national doughnut day.
LOL, if it was a red velvet cake, then you can also have communion at your xmas party. Talk about having your cake and eating it too! Eat the flesh & blood of baby Jesus (cannibalism/vampirism) and transubstantiate all for the low price of $8.99 at your neighborhood Wal-mart.

My son has a pair of 'I Love Jesus" socks that his girlfriend bought him. He's putting them on his smelly feet, stuffing them in smelly shoes and walking through the dirt/mud with them. He's grinding Jesus under his feet.
What's next? I love Jesus toilet paper??

I was speechless when I saw that cake.
Wouldn't this verse:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

...suggest that they don't know how to pray?

As for christmas... You guys want to pretend that it has anything to do with jesus then go right ahead. It is of no consequence to anyone other than yourself. I have no personal issue with christmas at all or any other holiday or celebration time, (regardless to what's being celebrated) - even national doughnut day.

Oh, read my other posts and get the context and figure out what I was doing.

I am not one of 'you guys.'

But despite all that, no I think that quote does not work at all given the examples I made to irritate Sandy.

It speaks to motive.
What's next? I love Jesus toilet paper??

I never said Christians were perfect. There are plenty of hypocrites. Look at Haggard. He was a freakin abomination/joke/embarrassment to God/his church. :mad:

I don't know/have never heard of a true,devout, born-again Christian doing anything really bad. But I'm sure they're out there somewhere embarrassing Jesus. :(
I never said Christians were perfect. There are plenty of hypocrites. Look at Haggard. He was a freakin abomination/joke/embarrassment to God/his church. :mad:

I don't know/have never heard of a true,devout, born-again Christian doing anything really bad. But I'm sure they're out there somewhere embarrassing Jesus. :(

Like you!
Certain posters keep repeating that Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Christ because the December 25th date is wrong. Yes, Jesus was not born on December 25th. Yes the day was borrowed from the pagans as a way of getting them to celebrate a Christian holiday. Yes it is over comercialized.

None of these things mean that Christmas is not about the birth of Jesus. The date may be arbitrary but the reason for the celebration is not. Christians around the world use this date, and other dates to focus their attention on the fact that Jesus was born. It doesn't matter if the date is wrong. What matters is the fact that they are celebrating his birth.

For Christians, Jesus is indeed the reason for the season.
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Certain posters keep repeating that Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Christ because the December 25th date is wrong.

Or, it could be that "certain posters" keep reiterating that Xmas has nothing to do with Jesus because, for them, it doesn't. I could care less what superstitious and/or religious cult practices and beliefs you hold in within your family, your home, or your church.

Hell, I really couldn't care less if nativity scenes are put up at malls and other private property. They look out of place to me, but I realize they're appropriate for others that have superstitions about them.

For me and for my family -even my family members that believe in the Christian gods, Xmas has nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with family, friends, giving, peace, and joy. Indeed, I've had Xmas music on all morning. This is my favorite time of the year. The aesthetic appeal is great: holly, mistletoe, decorated trees, candy canes, gingerbread houses, snowmen, snowflakes decorating all the windows, .... The music. The friendship. The food.

I'm loving it all.

Merry Xmas, Till. Happy Holidays, Sandy. And a happier New Year to you all. I hope Santa treats you all right.
christmas was nothing more than a marketing ploy to convert pagans anyone with knowledge of history knows this
SkinWalker said:
Or, it could be that "certain posters" keep reiterating that Xmas has nothing to do with Jesus because, for them, it doesn't

I realize that Christmas means nothing to some posters and to others it means getting together with family, having a nice dinner, giving a few gifts. I have no problem with that. That does not mean December 25th means nothing though. To many it is significant because it is the arbitrary date that has been selected for many Christians to remember and celebrate the birth of Christ. The date is not important but to Christians the celebration is.