The War on Christmas

Most liberals support atheists attack on Christmas. It seems they don't want Christ in Christmas even though it's the day most celebrate His birth.

Same old rubbish every year from christians. The only thing about xmas to do with christianity is the name. No one with an iota of intelligence believes Jesus was born on Dec 25th. Almost everything we celebrate from Xmas comes from the Victorians. god's thoughts on xmas (bah, humbug!):

Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

10:3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
I'm wintering in Bangkok as I have the last two years. The Thais are a quite people in what is known as "The Land of Smiles". Two years ago a horde on christians went on the rampage, going around ranting at the local people that they were going to burn in hell for not believing in Jesus.
I certainly don't remember or acknowledge the resurrection as such things are, according to science, impossible.
Oh. Ok. Nevermind.
But it's ok to believe/witness people coming back to life in hospitals after being dead for up to an hour?
Obviously they weren't "dead" then. Moreover, they didn't lie in a cave for three days then come back as zombies. Nor do we celebrate them as zombies through vampirism and cannibalism on a regular basis.

But I'm curious, why would a mall want a nativity scene? They're not a church. Christmas for malls has nothing to do with religion -it has to do with Santa and consumerism. If you want to bow down to your zombie baby, go to church or do it in your home.
Yeah, they were dead. Many times. I've read about people/kids brought in clinically dead to hospitals after being underwater for up to 7 hours and many of them come back. I've also seen miracles of people coming back after devout Christians laid hands on them. It happens in churches more than you know.:)

So it's ok for malls to take millions of our dollars for gifts celebrating our cause (the birth of Jesus Christ) but not ok to display a symbol of His birth? :confused:

I would think malls would want to display a Nativity purposely to make Christians happier and want to spend more money there. I know I spent over $5k on Home Depot Christmas gift cards because of their pro-Christian stance/support. They even have two different Christian gift cards with the Nativity on one and Star of David on the other. :bravo:
What's the definition of "dead?" They obviously weren't if they're still alive. And I suggest you are either lying or deluded with your statement of "people coming back" just because other deluded people "touched" them. I doubt it happens in churches at all, but since its your claim, its up to you to demonstrate with evidence. Otherwise we're left with either a lie or delusion.

Malls can make millions celebrating xmas all they want. It isn't your cause. The celebration was originally pagan (remember the tanenbaum, holly, mistletoe, yule log) and has zero to do with the birth of your alleged savior. If you want to celebrate it that way, feel free. The rest of the country shouldn't be forced into your delusions just because you're deluded -malls are private property and they should be free to express their season's greetings in anyway they see fit. Or are you un-American and don't believe in religious freedom, free speech, and other freedoms that I and others fought so hard to give you? Are you un-patriotic? It sure seems that way.

If you don't like what malls have chosen, you're free to spend your money at the local Christian book store on dvd box sets of the Narnia series, C.S. Lewis books, and little schools of fish to plaster on the back of your minivan.
Coach Turned Holiday Display Into Porn:

Police arrested a coach in Georgia for taking middle school students on a Christmas vandalism spree that left some reindeer in X-rated sexual position.:(

John Scott Hayes, 46, of Marietta, GA, has been charged with criminal trespass for unlawful purposes, contributing to the delinquency of minors and reckless conduct. Hayes drove students around in the back of his pickup truck while they vandalized decorations.:(,2933,317271,00.html

More war on Christmas. This time by a pathetic government school teacher. Great example for the kids. Not. Ugh. :(

Oh, and I wouldn't be caught DEAD in a minivan. Ugh...
Where's the evidence that John Scott Hayes wasn't a Christian? If this evidence isn't forthcoming, it qualifies as a deception on Sandy's part (down here in Texas, we call deceptions "lies," -though I don't know what they call them where she is). If the guy *is* a xian, then is he making "war" on himself?
Coach Turned Holiday Display Into Porn:

Police arrested a coach in Georgia for taking middle school students on a Christmas vandalism spree that left some reindeer in X-rated sexual position.:(

John Scott Hayes, 46, of Marietta, GA, has been charged with criminal trespass for unlawful purposes, contributing to the delinquency of minors and reckless conduct. Hayes drove students around in the back of his pickup truck while they vandalized decorations.:(,2933,317271,00.html

More war on Christmas. This time by a pathetic government school teacher. Great example for the kids. Not. Ugh. :(

Oh, and I wouldn't be caught DEAD in a minivan. Ugh...
I thought that was an interesting way of looking at the issue. Or am I reading to much into your word choice?
I assume he was arrested by government police, will face a government judge and so on.
Is the Bush Administration allowing a government war on Christmas and with all those Repulicans in Congress and in high court positions?
It is amazing how much power one can have and still be a victim.
Moreover, unless he was a DoD teacher, he was *not* a government employee. The deceptions by so-called Christians just roll on, and on...
No Nativity Scene allowed at Mall. :(

Jesus must be very sad. Another mall says no to Jesus and yes to everything else satanic/secular. Ugh...,0,2996589.story

I agree with the last point
Malls are satanic and secular.
There are things that are secular and not satanic of course: like apple pie and baseball.
(I am trying to bridge a cultural gap)
But malls are the work of the devil if anything is.
Where's the evidence that John Scott Hayes wasn't a Christian? If this evidence isn't forthcoming, it qualifies as a deception on Sandy's part (down here in Texas, we call deceptions "lies," -though I don't know what they call them where she is). If the guy *is* a xian, then is he making "war" on himself?

Christians don't put reindeer in vile positions. Not real Christians anway. Maybe some of the fake denominational ones, but not born-agains.

Public schools are government schools. We pay taxes to support them and out government gives (WAY TOO MUCH!!) money to the schools.
Christians don't put reindeer in vile positions.....

sex is not vile. It may have been rude, but not vile.
Have you seen this one?


I was in Wal-Mart the other day and there was a xmas cake with the nativity on it. It was pretty. Then I realized the knife would be cutting right through baby jesus and everyone. Isn't that more offense to christians?