The universe is made of a particle, not of dark energy

Yeah it does. And all you say is it moves. Too simple. Nothing can just move. We have legs to walk, wings to fly, flippers to swim. Particles also need a means to move, and you have to be very careful how you allow them to move. They can't have limbs, they have no means of propulsion. In quantum physics even movement becomes more limited.

I mention the force of the Veegtrón because he unified the fundamental forces of Physics:



To begin with I should explain what is the Veegtrón. The Veegtrón is a particle that moves the waves of mobile phones, television, radio and other. The Veegtrón is everywhere, so composed the universe because it is a particle that moves the waves of a Galaxy to another.

The Veegtrón is located between the magnet and iron, between the Sun and planets, and from one atom to another atom. Move that leaves the magnet iron, planets, Sun and atoms.

The reason that drives what is inside of the matter it is because the Veegtrón magnetized energy which is inside the magnet, Sun, atom and planets up to a limit of stretching, because energy is stretched by the Veegtrón and then the Veegtrón let.

The Veegtrón is a force stretched the energy the atom, planets, Sun and magnets.

The formula that unifies the 4 fundamental forces is as follows:

There are 2 forces: one attracts iron, and the other it attracts the energy it has the magnet.

Attraction force = mass size * Veegtrón force

FA4 = TM4 * FV4

And when there are electricity:

Force of attraction = electricity * Veegtrón force

FA4 = (EL4 * FV4) ^ 3

The value of the Veegtrón force is 2 Newton (a constant). The formula does not make sense in their equivalences, but this is a new formula that scientists previously thought. There are 2 forces that create the complex understanding of magnetism and to accept the equivalence must accept its result giving a new symbol of equivalence that will be called "veegtrones", so the strength of the Veegtrón is "2 Veegtrones".



It is easy, the Veegtrón is between the iron and magnet, so it touches the iron and magnet, when the Veegtrón touch the Imam begins the stretching of the energy which is inside the magnet, because then the second Veegtrón will attract the energy of the first Veegtrón, then the third Veegtrón will attract the energy of the second Veegtrón and so on until you reach the iron.

When it reaches the iron, the Veegtrón loose energy stretched as a League or rubber and produces the movement of iron touched by the energy to return to the magnet.

The Veegtrón not only moves the waves but also moves the energy and creates a magnetic field.

Energy is a League or rubber that can be stretched to a certain distance forming a field around the matter.

To understand how the Veegtrón it extends the energy atom we know that the Veegtrón is around the atom moving waves of mobile phones.

To be around the atom, the Veegtrón is up to the atom and the energy of the atom is placed into the Veegtrón that is coming to the atom. In this case, the second Veegtrón which is about the first Veegtrón also will be filled with energy, this will happen until the Veegtrón can not already more stretch the electrical charge of the atom and will release the rubber energy separated from the atom.

When loose the rubber of energy inside the atom, it move the atom that is touching the rubber of atom, producing a rapprochement of the atom that surrounds it.

Not only Veegtrón magnetized color but also energy.

This is the process of magnetism, it is not magic Magnet attracts iron, just as happens with the atom, the Sun and the planets.


The new equivalencies would be:

Attraction force = mass size * Veegtrón force


FA4 = TM4 * FV4
FA4 = 200 cm^2 * 2 veegtrones
FA4 = 400 Veegtrones/cm ^ 2

For electricity would be:

Force of attraction = electricity * Veegtrón force

FA4 = (EL4 * FV4) ^ 3
FA4 = (12 volts * 2 veegtrones) ^ 3
FA4 = (24 veegtrones/volts) ^ 3
FA4 = 13824 veegtrones /voltios

If the size of the mass is 0, the result of the force of attraction will be 0.

If the electricity is 0 the result of the force of attraction will be 0.


Introduction: the Veegtrón is the particle moving waves of mobile phones, television, radio and others.

How it works the Veegtrón: when it vibrates to create waves, when it shines is to create the light when heated by the Sun is to create heat, when cooled in the darkness is to create the cold when it changes color it is to change the color of the light and is a magnet for colors because he magnetized the color of an object when you move sharply.

The Veegtrón also does the following moves the magnetism of the Sun to keep the planets in orbit, move the magnetism of the magnet to attract the iron a little retired, move the magnetism of the planets to attract the moons and move the magnetism of atoms to create strong and weak force, nothing moves only attract an object without touching it is magic and magic does not exist. But with the Veegtrón remove the magic to be the Veegtrón between objects and the universe to be the Veegtrón between the planets and galaxies.

The Veegtrón also takes away the weight to the planets by immersing them in a Lake of Veegtrones. The universe is fact transparent Veegtrones us confused and makes us believe that there is a vacuum, but nothing can not be made of nothing but Veegtrones moving waves.

An example of the Veegtrón in operation: when the Veegtrones are light, they also produce waves, this is due to that when the Veegtrón shines, it vibrates also together. This is an example that explains the phenomenon of light waves.

In conclusion: the Veegtrón "Vibrates", "Shine", "Heated", "Cool", "Change color", "Creates fields by moving what comes out of the magnet, Sun, atoms and planets" and "Acts as a Lake of planets". Their existence explains some phenomena of nature.

Very affectionate,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
June 10, 2011
You just added about 10 new components to your Vegatron. It stretches, which requires bonding, energy, which requires flow, magnetism which requires propagation, it vibrates which requires an internal structure of incredible complexity.. etc.

So something made up of all these components is no longer the creator of everything, because it needs more things to help it along.

My Aether does not need any additional components. An electron is Aether result from overlapping Aether. So an electron is Aether.. I don't need to add any new forms of characteristics.
You just added about 10 new components to your Vegatron. It stretches, which requires bonding, energy, which requires flow, magnetism which requires propagation, it vibrates which requires an internal structure of incredible complexity.. etc.

So something made up of all these components is no longer the creator of everything, because it needs more things to help it along.

My Aether does not need any additional components. An electron is Aether result from overlapping Aether. So an electron is Aether.. I don't need to add any new forms of characteristics.

Make me a single formula, "as I did", that unifies the 4 fundamental nature forces with your Aether.​
Make me a single formula, "as I did", that unifies the 4 fundamental nature forces with your Aether.​

+1 + -1 = 0

That's all you need. That is Trinary code, and the computer you are using uses binary code. The Aether is a physical trinary code system, which can obviously create every world you have ever seen on a computer. And that is what you get from overlapping Aether.. results, which work physically because our senses evolved to pick up those results.
I hope no young children are viewing this thread. It could harm their ability to learn true physics.

I have never, in my short time here, seen a post so deserving of the cesspool.

As aways, I mean that in the the nicest possible way.
The Veegtrón has many of the same characteristics as Silly Putty.
+1 + -1 = 0
That's all you need.

That is Trinary code

The Aether is a physical trinary code system, which can obviously create every world you have ever seen on a computer. And that is what you get from overlapping Aether.. results, which work physically because our senses evolved to pick up those results.

But a good attempt.
Which I just did. Thank you.

Yup, on the evidence so far I'm not even sure you'd recognise breakfast.
But another nice try.

Intelligent people don't hang around forums refuting theories. They transmit information, for the amoeba to swim around. You transmit information for flies to swarm around.
AlexG, Post #35:

Yes . . . (note elypsis), I noticed . . . did you also notice how many of them were ridiculed and derided by their contemporaries for their thoughts? . . . not unlike your derogatory comments toward others' ideas within this forum . . . keep up the great work . . . we need persons of your ilk to advance the truth!!

AlexG, Post #35:

Yes . . . (note elypsis), I noticed . . . did you also notice how many of them were ridiculed and derided by their contemporaries for their thoughts? . . . not unlike your derogatory comments toward others' ideas within this forum . . . keep up the great work . . . we need persons of your ilk to advance the truth!!


You seem to celebrate ignorance. I suppose you just like company.
AlexG, Post 37:

Perhaps . . . . but, I was just trying to compliment your efforts! . . take it as such. And, remember the dualistic nature of the "universe" you know . . . yin v yang . . . . no v yes . . . up v down . . . etc., etc. You appear (to me, at least) to be fulfilling your purpose in life! My purpose is different than your purpose.

Yeah I can see way more problems with science than just ridiculing what people haven't bothered to listen to. There is also a problem with translating binary into a communicable form, and a further problem of using that translation in a secondary translation which is required for the intelligent people around us.

Take my example...

+1 + -1 = 0

That translates in a few different ways, but in English it is read from left to right, and the signs are translated as none entities, not part of the actual numbers themselves. But you can re-examine the signs...

First '+'.................. = to grow
Second '+'................. = direction
'-'.................. = to shrink, and opposite direction
'='................. = to produce an outcome.. effect
'1'................. = the amount of energy that can be stored at a single X/ Y /Z location.
'-1'............... = To invert
'0'................ = The empty bubble.
So trinary.. +1 positive mass... -1 negative mass.... 0 empty mass.
When you just read something in English, you skip across it. The actual formula that I posted was a physical interaction that produces a result. That physical interaction is the simplest interaction possible.. to overlap a neighbour. You can build a Universe from +1 + -1 = 0. You can't get smaller information than that. You can't get less body parts, yet it can work physically, and you have to understand that the English language is too weak to transmit this across to other people without breaking it down into its true structure.

Don't just read what I write, you have to rebuild your thinking to understand me. You have to start living in the quantum world, and ignore the information that is being translated by your senses.
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