The Trump Presidency

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What is the Christian Right's take on this election? Many of their leaders have said God chose Trump. So God must have voted him out, I mean certainly the liberals didn't beat God.

On the whole biblical a aspect of the election; it was pretty clear that Trump was going to be reelected because of the booming economy, but then a literal plague was unleashed on the US! Christians need to ask themselves, "why would God do that"? Let's not forget that plagues are clearly one of God's favorite forms of retribution!
What is the Christian Right's take on this election? Many of their leaders have said God chose Trump. So God must have voted him out, I mean certainly the liberals didn't beat God.

On the whole biblical a aspect of the election; it was pretty clear that Trump was going to be reelected because of the booming economy, but then a literal plague was unleashed on the US! Christians need to ask themselves, "why would God do that"? Let's not forget that plagues are clearly one of God's favorite forms of retribution!
God is going to steal the election but claim it is **** who is actually stealing it.
So I am

You did not even noticed

  • never said rigged by who
  • never said rigged to favour who
So CLUMP CLUMP CLUMP you come along

Make assumptions

And when I request

You still don't get the point, and come out with


Goodness! Did somebody forget to take his little yellow pill this morning?
On the whole biblical a aspect of the election; it was pretty clear that Trump was going to be reelected because of the booming economy, but then a literal plague was unleashed on the US! Christians need to ask themselves, "why would God do that"? Let's not forget that plagues are clearly one of God's favorite forms of retribution!
That's easy! Men marrying each other unnaturally and wanton women complaining of harrassment just because future supreme court judges and broadcasting executives do what comes naturally.
So I am

You did not even noticed

  • never said rigged by who
  • never said rigged to favour who
So CLUMP CLUMP CLUMP you come along

Make assumptions

And when I request

You still don't get the point, and come out with


Did I explain it properly?
Once the president is sworn in he becomes "untouchable".

Trump is a perfect example. He committed crimes while in office and he could not be prosecuted or removed from office. They tried (impeachment) and failed.
Onwards and upwards ..

The right has a new darling. Kim Davis is now relegated to second place.

Emily Murphy has now taken her lofty place by holding the incoming government hostage. This is her time and god damn she's gonna shine!

A Trump administration appointee is refusing to sign a letter allowing President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to formally begin its work this week, in another sign the incumbent president has not acknowledged Biden’s victory and could disrupt the transfer of power.

The administrator of the General Services Administration, the low-profile agency in charge of federal buildings, has a little-known role when a new president is elected: to sign paperwork officially turning over millions of dollars, as well as give access to government officials, office space in agencies and equipment authorized for the taxpayer-funded transition teams of the winner.

It amounts to a formal declaration by the federal government, outside of the media, of the winner of the presidential race.

But by Sunday evening, almost 36 hours after media outlets projected Biden as the winner, GSA Administrator Emily Murphy had written no such letter. And the Trump administration, in keeping with the president’s failure to concede the election, has no immediate plans to sign one. This could lead to the first transition delay in modern history, except in 2000, when the Supreme Court decided a recount dispute between Al Gore and George W. Bush in December.

“An ascertainment has not yet been made,” Pamela Pennington, a spokeswoman for GSA, said in an email, “and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law.”

The GSA statement left experts on federal transitions to wonder when the White House expects the handoff from one administration to the next to begin — when the president has exhausted his legal avenues to fight the results, or the formal vote of the electoral college on Dec. 14? There are 74 days, as of Sunday, until the Biden inauguration on Jan. 20.

“No agency head is going to get out in front of the president on transition issues right now,” said one senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly. The official predicted that agency heads will be told not to talk to the Biden team.

I wonder how Trump would have responded if Obama had pulled the same stunt in 2016..

Perhaps this is proving to be welcome relief for Trump, however. Attention forced elsewhere after the disaster that was Rudy's press conference outside the Four Seasons Landscaping..

Or maybe not..

The first person Rudy Giuliani, the attorney for President Donald Trump, called up as a witness to baseless allegations of vote counting shenanigans in Philadelphia during a press conference last week is a sex offender who for years has been a perennial candidate in New Jersey.

“It’s such a shame. This is a democracy,” Daryl Brooks, who said he was a GOP poll watcher, said at the press conference, held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Northeast Philadelphia. “They did not allow us to see anything. Was it corrupt or not? But give us an opportunity as poll watchers to view all the documents — all of the ballots.”

Trenton political insiders watched with bemusement as Brooks took the podium.

Brooks was incarcerated in the 1990s on charges of sexual assault, lewdness and endangering the welfare of a minor for exposing himself to two girls ages 7 and 11, according to news accounts

There's something to be said for claiming there is evidence of fraud and then desperately setting up a hotline trying to fish for said evidence and what they offer is a sex offender who is also guilty of flashing two little girls..
Biden just gave a speech on Covid-19. Watching the speech was a delight in light of watching Trump tell us the virus is not a problem.
Ben Carson has now tested positive for Covid-19. These idiots will never learn.
You mean the sanctions Obama put on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election? And, then Trump supported Putin for his reaction?
No, I did not have in mind particular examples of sanctions. Sanctions are a general method of US politics. Some (against a few persons) are symbolic and irrelevant, all other sanctions have the intention to hit the economy of the states which are sanctioned. And hitting the economy of states always means hitting the poor in those states. But if you want some especially nasty sanctions, think about sanctions which hit the medical sector, in particular against Syria.
These sanctions are not officially directed against medical imports, but if it becomes close to impossible to pay because of sanctions against the financial sector, one cannot buy medicine too.
Tell us all about Bidens sanctions? What's that you say? There are none?
They will come, with certainty, if Biden succeeds with the stealing (as it actually looks like). Else Trump will continue with sanctions as before. No difference. And we will be happy if there will be only sanctions. Simply by extrapolation, I expect two or three new wars, and hope that these will be only small terrorist wars.
Yes, Americans care if their business goes bankrupt because of Trumps trade wars. Duh.
And they never care about all those businesses going bankrupt all over the world by all those sanctions done by all those US presidents. All the world can hope for is that, with time, such sanctions lead to more bankrupt US firms than victims in other countries, so that at some point the US decides to stop this. Or force the vassals to do the sanctions while not really sanctioning themselves. (Which they have already done in all those anti-Russian sanctions related with the Ukraine. US sanctions were irrelevant to both Russia and US, the EU vassals had to bear the costs of the sanctions war.)
The point is who deserves to be President. IMO, Biden qualifies in ALL respects.
One can at least hope that at least rich enough states can buy peace by giving Hunter Biden a good job. Hunter is now allowed to do anything and at the end will receive the Nobel peace price, for preventing at least three US wars by taking jobs in key industries of the endangered countries. :rolleyes:

And, just for fun, some evil conspiracy theory: See
Why, for example, was counting suddenly suspended in multiple states – all of which were battlegrounds where Trump was ahead – nearly simultaneously? This had never happened before in modern American history. In presidential contests, it is extremely rare for a state to suspend counting before the winner is known. For several states to do this in unison is unheard of. What normally happens is that each state continues its count without interruption at least to the point where the presidential winner in that state is determined. This is done by going through a sufficiently high proportion of the ballots to establish with adequate certainty who comes out on top.
Notice something very important: all the places where the count was incomplete this year are deeply blue precincts. Why is it that the vast majority of red or mixed districts were able to carry out their counting procedure on time and give us their results before midnight on November the third? Why is it that only some heavily blue precincts in the battleground states were unable to carry out their counting duties within a reasonable time frame? Why did it take them so much longer?

The reason for this seems quite obvious. They stopped the counting process so they could come up with enough votes to erase the president’s lead.

Just to explain Putin's idea: Trump has done what he could do to destroy American soft power, now it is better to allow the Dems to win by destroying the remaining soft power related with the word "democracy". Anyway there is already a job reserved for Hunter at Gasprom, so the relations with the US will be good enough. Moreover, the Big Crisis related with the end of the Petrodollar as the world currency has yet to come, and it makes no sense to install an own guy before such a crisis. It is much easier to win the elections with an own puppet after this. :D
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One can at least hope that at least rich enough states can buy peace by giving Hunter Biden a good job. Hunter is now allowed to do anything and at the end will receive the Nobel peace price, for preventing at least three US wars by taking jobs in key industries of the endangered countries. :rolleyes:
What is your obsession with Hunter Biden?

Are you trying to divert attention from Trump Jr. and his profitable dealings for the Trump organization under the guise of US negotiations? I guess he is now SOL.

President -Elect Joe Biden has an impeccable reputation, don't you dare try to besmirch it with innuendo and veiled accusations, without presenting any proof whatsoever.

That is just seedy ........ Yuck ....
No, I did not have in mind particular examples of sanctions. Sanctions are a general method of US politics. Some (against a few persons) are symbolic and irrelevant, all other sanctions have the intention to hit the economy of the states which are sanctioned. And hitting the economy of states always means hitting the poor in those states. But if you want some especially nasty sanctions, think about sanctions which hit the medical sector, in particular against Syria.

That was mostly a result of the Syrian government slashing their health care budget to pay for weapons.

They will come, with certainty, if Biden succeeds with the stealing (as it actually looks like). Else Trump will continue with sanctions as before. No difference. And we will be happy if there will be only sanctions. Simply by extrapolation, I expect two or three new wars, and hope that these will be only small terrorist wars.

Sorry, I have no response to that delusion.

And they never care about all those businesses going bankrupt all over the world by all those sanctions done by all those US presidents. All the world can hope for is that, with time, such sanctions lead to more bankrupt US firms than victims in other countries, so that at some point the US decides to stop this. Or force the vassals to do the sanctions while not really sanctioning themselves. (Which they have already done in all those anti-Russian sanctions related with the Ukraine. US sanctions were irrelevant to both Russia and US, the EU vassals had to bear the costs of the sanctions war.)

Sorry, but one country has no responsibility to another countries bankruptcies.
What is your obsession with Hunter Biden?
Obsessed? I like him, he is my hope for peace during the years before that unfortunate accident/illness which makes Harris president.
Are you trying to divert attention from Trump Jr. and his profitable dealings for the Trump organization under the guise of US negotiations?
I couldn't care less. You know, I like it if US presidents are corrupt.
President -Elect Joe Biden has an impeccable reputation, don't you dare try to besmirch it with innuendo and veiled accusations, without presenting any proof whatsoever.
LOL, YMMD. I would suggest, as a minor orthographic correction, "impeachable reputation". Google yourself for Hunter Biden. Or, today for such politically problematic searches use some less pro-Biden search engine. Proofs are for people really interested in truth. I have given up the idea to meet such people among Biden supporters. Those interested in truth would have looked at the evidence with is around in the net.

This is, btw, the same point as with those stolen elections. You can make the sheeple under control of your media believe that everything is fine, but the rest of the world, with access to non-pro-Western media, is laughing at you. This rest includes today even one half of the US population. Expect the number being much greater in those parts of the world where the mass media are not controlled 99.5% by the West.
Sorry, but one country has no responsibility to another countries bankruptcies.
If it starts sanctions with the aim to hit their economy, it certainly has the moral responsibility for the outcome.

Legal responsibility is another question, I think there should be none. So, ok, once moral responsibility is something unknown to the US, there is none.
But by Sunday evening, almost 36 hours after media outlets projected Biden as the winner, GSA Administrator Emily Murphy had written no such letter. And the Trump administration, in keeping with the president’s failure to concede the election, has no immediate plans to sign one. This could lead to the first transition delay in modern history, except in 2000, when the Supreme Court decided a recount dispute between Al Gore and George W. Bush in December.
Perhaps the White House needs to invest in more efficient document shredders as Trump is taking way too long in attempting to cover up the mess he is going to leave behind.
If it starts sanctions with the aim to hit their economy, it certainly has the moral responsibility for the outcome.

Like Trump did with tariffs on Canada? Of course, Trump doesn't care about Canada's economy anymore than he cares about the US economy, Trump only cares about the Trump economy.

Legal responsibility is another question, I think there should be none. So, ok, once moral responsibility is something unknown to the US, there is none.

Morals is something devoid in the Trump administration as they send in their army of ambulance chasing lawyers.
This video of Mitch McConnell today should sink the Trump administrations claims of voter fraud.

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