The Trouble With Islam

Except that there are many people who profess to be Christians who have trouble distinguishing between the two or who are selective about what they accept and what they don't from the Old Testament.

That is correct but it also displays their gross ignorance. Christianity, like any religion, has many splinter groups that disagree with the mainstream.
There are about 350 million Muslims living in countries where they execute you if you try to leave Islam (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Mauritania, and Pakistan). That’s the sort of barbarism that doesn’t belong in the 21st century, and anyone who kills someone simply because they decide to change religion is a savage. Does anyone want to disagree with me on that? 350 million is about 25% of the world’s Islamic population.

So now I apparently think that about 25% of Muslims are barbaric savages, because they kill people who want to leave their religion. Does that make me a religious bigot? And if so, is it necessarily a bad thing in this case?
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There are about 350 million Muslims living in countries where they execute you if you try to leave Islam (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Mauritania, and Pakistan). That’s the sort of barbarism that doesn’t belong in the 21st century, and anyone who kills someone simply because they decide to change religion is a savage. Does anyone want to disagree with me on that? 350 million is about 25% of the world’s Islamic population.

So now I apparently think that about 25% of Muslims are barbaric savages, because they kill people who want to leave their religion. Does that make me a religious bigot? And if so, is it necessarily a bad thing in this case?

No, I don't consider you a bigot at all. The world has a huge share of idiots - what more could you expect from a mere 25% of any very large group?
No, I don't consider you a bigot at all. The world has a huge share of idiots - what more could you expect from a mere 25% of any very large group?

Yeah, but none of the other religions seem to be into that sort of thing any more. I'm sure the average christian is about as smart as the average muslim, but 25% of christians don't advocate murdering people switch religions. So it appears to be something that's unique to Islam.
Yeah, but none of the other religions seem to be into that sort of thing any more. I'm sure the average christian is about as smart as the average muslim, but 25% of christians don't advocate murdering people switch religions. So it appears to be something that's unique to Islam.
Christians also don't burn buildings and torch flags when newspapers depict a cartoon of Jesus either.

I long ago lost count of the number of times I’ve switched on the TV and seen crazy guys jumping up and down in the street, torching the Stars and Stripes and yelling ”Death to the Great Satan!” Or torching the Union Jack and yelling ”Death to the Original If Now Somewhat Arthritic And Semi-Retired Satan!” But I never thought I’d switch on the TV and see the excitable young lads jumping up and down in Jakarta, Lahore, Aden, Hebron, etc., etc., torching the flag of Denmark.

I think this statement sums up the thread title pretty well.
Say what you like about the Islamic world, but they show tremendous initiative and energy and inventiveness, at least when it comes to threatening death to the infidels every 48 hours for one perceived offense or another. If only it could be channeled into, say, a small software company, what an economy they’d have.
No, I don't consider you a bigot at all. The world has a huge share of idiots - what more could you expect from a mere 25% of any very large group?
"Mere 25%"?
Those are whole countries/acknowledged governments and cultures, not "idiots".

If they were mere 'Idiots' or had Islam very wrong, I would expect the other 75% to protest- and tell them they have it wrong.

But most of them know the 25% have it Right.

Even in 'moderate' countries like Egypt, another 75 million people not mentioned above, ("Idiots"?), if really free elections were held, an Islamist regime would be elected.
So that 25% may be low. Very Low.

Did I miss the "Muslims for America" march after 9/11 in Washington DC? (or London after 7/7)

Consistent with my opening post And Opinion/Point here:

Irshad Manji: Denial is Scouge of Islam

"...The trouble with Islam today is that Literalism is Mainstream.

Even moderate Muslims take the Koran as the final word of God: unfiltered, unchanged and unchangeable.
This supremacy complex inhibits us from asking hard questions about what happens when faith becomes dogma. Such a path can lead only to a dead end of more violence...."
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You were doing fine until your final quote which was part of the law given to the Jews in Moses' time. It has absolutely nothing to do with Christians
Not according to Christ.

As it is written: Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."
Yeah but that's the commandments. It says so specifically:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."
"Mere 25%"?
Those are whole countries/acknowledged governments and cultures, not "idiots".

If they were mere 'Idiots' or had Islam very wrong, I would expect the other 75% to protest- and tell them they have it wrong.

But most of them know the 25% have it Right.

Even in 'moderate' countries like Egypt, another 75 million people not mentioned above, ("Idiots"?), if really free elections were held, an Islamist regime would be elected.
So that 25% may be low. Very Low.

Possibly so.

Irshad Manji: Denial is Scouge of Islam

"...The trouble with Islam today is that Literalism is Mainstream.

Even moderate Muslims take the Koran as the final word of God: unfiltered, unchanged and unchangeable.
This supremacy complex inhibits us from asking hard questions about what happens when faith becomes dogma. Such a path can lead only to a dead end of more violence...."

Agreed. Literalism is the problem, and seems common enough.
Yeah but that's the commandments. It says so specifically:
"The Law or the Prophets" you mean.

The Law usually refers to Jewish law as spelled out by the Torah.

The Prophets refers to the teachings of the great Hebrew prophets throughout the later parts of the old testament.

Remember, Jesus was a hardcore arch-conservative Jew from first to last, who never said a word about creating a different religion.
Possibly so

Agreed. Literalism is the problem, and seems common enough.
Kind of a blasé answer(s).
"Seems common enough".. Where? with whom? Islam? Christianity? Judaism?

The point being .. probably 90% of Judaism and Christianities adherents are non-literalists, while in Islam the Majority are.
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"The Law or the Prophets" you mean.

The Law usually refers to Jewish law as spelled out by the Torah.

The Prophets refers to the teachings of the great Hebrew prophets throughout the later parts of the old testament.

Yes but Matthew specifically cites the Commandments.

Remember, Jesus was a hardcore arch-conservative Jew from first to last, who never said a word about creating a different religion.

You are asking me to 'remember' something that I don't necessarily agree with. He talked extensively about "coming to the Father only through him [Jesus]"; this I would argue is quite a leap from ordinary Judaism of any type.
That is correct but it also displays their gross ignorance. Christianity, like any religion, has many splinter groups that disagree with the mainstream.
M*W: That's why it's obvious to me that christianity is a false religion (well, they're all false), but I just don't understand why the people involved in christianity cannot see the forest for the trees. There is so much dissention within the ranks of christianity, there's no wonder it's dying worldwide.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the day:

"The reason there are so many opinions is that no one knows the Truth." ~ Joan Konner, editor
The most recent problem with islam is Muhammed cat, a nefarious feline with the aim of dissing the religion of peace. "Who is this cat" you ask "that can cause death and destruction?"

The text of the cartoon is a conversation between a boy and an aged person.
* Boy, what is your name?
- My name is Babu.
* It is customary to mention Muhammed before the name.

* What is your father's name?
- Muhammed Abu

* What's this in your lap?
- Muhammed cat

result, riots, deaths and destruction of property of non-muslims.

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Gustav: doth the Christians these things? Hath they legal recourse to them? Is the death of unbelievers commanded in their laws? Verily, it would be frigging news to me.

*waits patiently for thread spam attack*

You obviously have never read the OT.

Kind of a blasé answer(s).
"Seems common enough".. Where? with whom? Islam? Christianity? Judaism?

The point being .. probably 90% of Judaism and Christianities adherents are non-literalists, while in Islam the Majority are.

Give me some examples as to what Judaism and Christianity as a general public disregard as literal.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the day:

"The reason there are so many opinions is that no one knows the Truth." ~ Joan Konner, editor

I suppose it would be succinct to say that this applies to atheists as well.
You obviously have never read the OT.

You obviously have never read the subsequent posts

Give me some examples as to what Judaism and Christianity as a general public disregard as literal.

The entire old testament for starters. I went through 12 years of catholic school never was I told the OT was to be taken as literal.

I suppose it would be succinct to say that this applies to atheists as well.

That they don't have ALL the answers?? Yeah, difference is, they know it.
You obviously have never read the consequent posts

I have, and none really take away from the OTs barbarity.

The entire old testament for starters. I went through 12 years of catholic school never was I told the OT was to be taken as literal.

Why? The NT is based on the OT, so disregarding the OT means to disregard the NT as well. Or, are you guys out with a new Bible?

That they don't have ALL the answers?? Yeah, difference is, they know it.

They "know it"? I suppose Sci is a poor indicator, then.
I have, and none really take away from the OTs barbarity.

proof positive you didn't read

Why? The NT is based on the OT, so disregarding the OT means to disregard the NT as well. Or, are you guys out with a new Bible?

No Jesus said specifically "turn the other cheek" "love your neighbor as yourself" "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" That is incompatible with the OT. Muhammed never went that far, so the Quran is more in line with the OT.

edit: btw that's exactly why you have the OLD testament and the NEW testament they aren't the same..get it?
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No Jesus said specifically "turn the other cheek" "love your neighbor as yourself" "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

He also said, "I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword." Matthew 10:34.

That is incompatible with the OT. Muhammed never said anything like that, so the Quarn is more in line with the OT.

The NT is a censored version of the OT, so to speak. Any Christian who doesn't follow the OT has no basis in following the NT, because both are inextricably intertwined. The NT is based off the OT, and this website shows massive similarities through direct quotation.