The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
The thing is there is no evidence.
If there were, there would be no debate.
And it would be earth shaking news.

I think most people of earth would be very enthusiastic would it become a proven fact.
Nothing would be more exciting to me anyway :).
But so far there is no evidence.

I´m very interested in this stuff, but to me it seems all people involved in the UFO-field are doing it for the money and attention. I haven´t seen anything yet to convince me otherwise
(and I´m one of those who want this to be true.)
There is evidence. The fact there are sightings across the world everyday, is evidence alone.

But, there is no proof it is of aliens. I think that's what you mean.
Well of course Oli,
it is a serious question, why can you not build your own, seeing how they exist.


Seeing something tells you its shape.
Not what it's made of, how it's powered or the principles behind it.
Reverse-engineering isn't that easy.
No worries. :)

Let me see if I can make myself as clear as possible: I've never once said or doubted that people have seen very strange things in the sky. In fact, I've seen two things myself that were unexplainable and very similar to each other - about 600 miles and ten years apart.

But what I do keep coming back to is that to attribute them to ETs is one big strech of the imagination. And the fact that over all these decades of sightings, no one has ever produced even one single bit of solid, physical evidence.

That's where I stand on the issue.

Completely rational and I understand your position.
Evolution's based on emperical verifiable evidence that can has been measured, stored, and verified by other scientists.
Yea, UFO "analysis experts" that like to get their faces in the gullable news, where they and the news profit off gullable people..........
Sorry, but I'm a skeptic until I see real evidence in a real reputable scientific journal.

In other words, common scientific consensus. That's what scientists call speculative "empirical evidence". Information that can be readily agreed upon among themselves as having been "verified".

Can you duplicate it? Can you test it in a controlled situation? NO? Then it's merely scientific speculation until you can. That's my perspective.

As to the "experts" that like to get their faces on cereal boxes or whatever. That's just pointless and nonfactual sarcasm that bares out little substance but rather reflects on the typically dismal status of supposed real scientific skepticism.

The truth is: This is more (as in MUCH more) evidence that UFOs are a real mechanical (or some form of physical movement) phenomenon than there is hard evidence to support the theory of evolution. That taking into account that men within the scientific community as a collective majority can hypothetically explain what they cannot duplicate or replicate.

Go get me CURRENT film footage that has been scrutinizingly analyzed by UNBIASED independent testing agencies of evolution in progress. No empirical cartoons of just how things "were" please.
Completely rational and I understand your position.

Having spoken to a few other people who have allegedly seen UFOs (and are otherwise quite normal), I could add to Read's statements, that there Should be more to fear from the military than ETs, given the known track record of each party.;)
Chances are that if it is ETs, they've been here as long (and likely longer) as we have with no documented violent actions (obviously).
Go get me CURRENT film footage that has been scrutinizingly analyzed by UNBIASED independent testing agencies of evolution in progress. No empirical cartoons of just how things "were" please.



The point is perspective or the notion of what is "acceptable" evidence. In one case we have an accepted explanation accompanied by what is perceived as credible proof. We can't duplicate that explanation. We have as many questions to this very day concerning the reality of the proposed explanation's process as we do hard facts to support it's premise. But because it's considered an empirical "scientific explanation" we disregard the missing bits that we don't understand and tie it all together with something I have always contended was a parallel to religious faith.

The thing with UFOs is that in all our commonly understood and accepted scientific knowledge of space and dimensional reality, we don't have a clue how they "work". All we can do is observe them ignorantly, and yet undeniably. Then in some vainly proud & embittered furry demand "hard evidence" or we won't be swayed by any such nonsense.

It all boils down to our scientific habits and our ever present human ego. If we can't attach a logical explanation to the irrefutable film and video based evidence, one that juxtaposes itself against our undeniable superiority in the vast scheme of things, we'll just chalk it all up to wackos and attention grabbers. Right?

I for one of many do not buy it for a second. The truth is that there has been a great deal of credible research done on the history of the social impact of UFOs. That impact is readily visible throughout the last several thousand years of recorded history and no I am not talking Chariots of The Gods BS here.

I just find the whole perspective of science concerning UFOs extremely hypocritical. The standoffish nature of the scientific communities rebuttal reeks of egotism via a distinct possibility that man can simply not come to terms with the fact that he is truly not the superior intelligence involved in the big picture. "Oh yes, there is no question that the possibility of other life in the universe is very real. Quit probable actually. I sincerely doubt however that such life has evolved to a stance superior to our own"

What kind of a narrow minded, inferiority complexes poster child of a perspective is that?

It's just more ego driven scientific faith based bullshit.

It's time we quit getting back to the proverbial logic based drawing board and start admitting that we require a different route if we are ever going to TRULY evolve to a potential level of understanding concerning these "silly" matters.

I am sure that this will be greeted with the usual "warm and fuzzy" anecdotal scientific communities satire. Thing is, it's the very nature of this type of impulsive dismissal that has kept mankind locked in it's comfortable ego subservient "silly" stone age closet for so long. :rolleyes:
The point is perspective or the notion of what is "acceptable" evidence.
The point being that film recordings aren't accepted as scientific evidence...

"Oh yes, there is no question that the possibility of other life in the universe is very real. Quit probable actually. I sincerely doubt however that such life has evolved to a stance superior to our own"
Um, if you talk to any scientist who admits the possibility of extra-terrestrial life then the majority will actually argue the opposite:
that there MUST be civilisations far in advance of ours.
Hard luck.

What kind of a narrow minded, inferiority complexes poster child of a perspective is that?
Yours, apparently.
The point being that film recordings aren't accepted as scientific evidence...

Um, if you talk to any scientist who admits the possibility of extra-terrestrial life then the majority will actually argue the opposite:
that there MUST be civilisations far in advance of ours.
Hard luck.

Yours, apparently.

Still no better than an average troll eh? Keep trying my man. Maybe someday you'll succeed.

BTW, glad you think you're able to answer for "any scientist" which proves beyond the shadow of doubt that your input is jaded & worthless.
Tut you can't read can you? to any... the majority...
How do you manage to read that as me imagining I can answer for any scientist?

Try looking up "Drake Equation".

BTW, glad you think you're able to answer for "any scientist" which proves beyond the shadow of doubt that your input is jaded & worthless.
As opposed to, say, making false statements with effectively the same claim:
The standoffish nature of the scientific communities (sic) rebuttal... I sincerely doubt however that such life has evolved to a stance superior to our own
Any evidence of that?
Or did you just make it up?
Now tell me about "worthless".
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The Drake Equation is nothing more than speculation. Its based on variables we have know way of knowing to be true or not.

Um, if you talk to any scientist who admits the possibility of extra-terrestrial life then the majority will actually argue the opposite:
that there MUST be civilisations far in advance of ours.
Hard luck.

Ok so why is it so hard to imagine that they are already here?:shrug:
Ok so why is it so hard to imagine that they are already here?:shrug:

Precisely the point, thank you. It certainly isn't hard for gullible minds to imagine it - or anything else they wish to belive.;)

(I hope this thread never dies, I always get a good laugh watching foolish people dance around who will accept almost anything as evidence.):D
The Drake Equation is nothing more than speculation. Its based on variables we have know way of knowing to be true or not.
Yup. Speculation by scientists: which invalidates the comment about scientists en masse declaring any other civilisation must be inferior to ours...
But the equation doesn't take into account the infinity of possibilities, in equally an infinity of spacetime for them to arise in.
But the equation doesn't take into account the infinity of possibilities, in equally an infinity of spacetime for them to arise in.

I wonder if that's because there isn't an infinty...:rolleyes:
What, not an infinity of possibilities that can arise in an infinitely large vacuum of spacetime?

Are you being serious?
You're claiming that the universe has expanded to infinity since the big bang?

Certainly given an infinitely large space time then there would be infinite possibilities, but we aren't at infinity yet are we?
The universe is infinitely expanding. That is what i claim, and that spacetime is therefore infinite according to all models of astrophysics. There may be no limit to expansion. You do understand this?

And it is considered, since there is presently no stop to expansion, that spacetime is an ifninite void. Why do you think people say, often, ''spacetime is infinite in volume.''?

What is infinity?

The best way to describe infinity, is that it is always one more than any absolute count.