The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
You are the only one here basing your claims solely on your experience. Now, that my friend, is bullshit. Just because you say it's so, does not make it so. VERY weak.
Just more moronic retaliation on the part of the incredibly fearful. To all those seriously interested: You *do* realize that 100% of this retaliation in this thread is based in fear.

While it is possible that I am, indeed, a moron, it isn't likely nor have you shown it to be true given that I've schooled you in logic, rhetoric and argumentation quite handily. That would seem, prima facie, to place you at least a rung under a "moron."

With regard to "retaliation," I would say that if you're aren't mature enough to engage in a logical discussion that questions and criticizes your claims (and you've made several), then you're in the wrong place. Don't bitch and cry when you get responses to nutty ideas or even good ideas that aren't well thought or expressed. It is, after all, a discussion forum. If you were looking for mental masturbation of your woo theories, you might have looked at one of the paranormal/ufo sites out there instead of a science site. They'll pat you on the back all day long.

It's over. We have annihilated the anti logic of the scientific hucksters and closed minded here.

At least you're big enough to recognize your own self-annihilation. This is quite a shame since I, personally, have endeavored to share some critical thought and education on argumentation and logic.

UFOs are real and quite possibly the result of non human technology.

Which is not inconsistent with anything I've stated. The UFO phenomenon is real. It does exist -else we wouldn't be discussing it. That at least some of the sightings are the result of non-human technology *is* possible. It just isn't very probable nor is there any good reason to believe it is the case.

Also, before there is ANYMORE ridiculous fear based
I am most curious, however, what this "fearful" and "fear based" reference is in regard to? What reason, specifically, do you think that I or other have to base "fear" about UFOs upon? I find this outlook fascinating and truly want to know if it's just rhetoric and a well-poisoning ad hominem or if you actuall believe those that disagree with you and dare to question your beliefs and assertions are somehow "afraid." If the latter is the case, what is the basis for this alleged or perceived fear?

It's time for the three (and the a forth if ReadOnly can somehow drop the insults and emotional outbursts) to do a little leg work and get with REALITY.

What you see as insulting and emotional outbursts are legitimate questions, query, criticism and rebuttal to your poorly constructed arguments and assertions. Almost none of which you've actually addressed.

A couple of questions to my biggest fans on this thread...

What are your motivations to come here and constantly insult and attack us "woo-woos", why not just leave us to talk in peace.

Pardon me, but please take this opportunity to explore the post counts and registration dates of your "fans" and compare them with you and electrifixtion. You came to our science forum and decided to post pseudoscientific ideas. The posts moved to the Pseudoscience subforum, populated largely (though not exclusively -spookz still haunts us) by the scientifically minded.

If anyone has the right to question the presence of the other, it is us. We welcome, however, your presence as long as you're willing to participate in dialog and have others that disagree with your beliefs, superstitions and irrational ideas offer their criticisms, rebuttals, and counterpoints.

If this is unacceptable, you can leave at any time. I rather hope you stay, however. But if you do, keep in mind that this is the pseudoscience subforum of a science forum. There are plenty of opportunities elsewhere on the internet to discuss paranormal, supernatural and speculative nonsense on UFOs without fear of criticism or inquiry.

The only reason I can see for the insults is your attempt to make any new comers to the thread see me as an unreliable source, and even a deliberate liar. This is unacceptable.

It is unacceptable, which is why we expose such things. I haven't noticed any deliberate lies, but you are, indeed, an unreliable source since you and elect. have yet to answer queries, criticism and rebuttal with any logical and rational discourse.

Instead, we only get the reliance on logical fallacy and speculation.

As I think about it, it occurs to me that the closest thing to a "lie" I can think of on your part is the inclusion of "philosopher" in your avatar title since there has been little evidence of even basic understandings of philosophical discourse. See my earlier posts.

This is not so much a question but an issue with your methods. It seems you are incapable of thinking that we perceive UFOs to be ANYTHING other than "space aliens". No matter how many times we say this is only one possibility you are incapable of accepting this at face value. UFOs are not synonymous with space aliens for me, but apparently they are for you guys.

I've asked several times for some clarifications (see my earlier posts), yet these requests appear fall on deaf ears. Still, the only thing I've actually been critical about, with you specifically, is your poor argumentation and lack of support for your premises and assumptions.

This is a discussion forum and such discussions are a part of academic discourse. I realize that this is not an academic forum, but that's my own discussion style. You're free to ignore me if you'd like, however, I still reserve the right to criticize and refute illogical and unreasoned claims, assertions, etc. you make.

This is a feeble attempt to label us as crackpots who are so gullible we will believe anything.

On the contrary, it's been quite successful due mainly to you and electrafixtian to adequately or even partially address logical and legitimate criticisms.

As I have stated many times before I believe the majority (if not all) of UFOs observed from the 1900s on are man-made in nature. But this does not seem to register, you seem to content to ignore this statement and continually revert to "space aliens" as our explanations, which it is not. Slander and misdirection are the tools of you skeptics.

Please. Clarify. What portion, if any, do you assign as likely to be "extraterrestrial" and what probability do you see this? On what basis do you exclude natural and human-psychological/pathological explanations -if at all?

Such clarifications I've been calling for throughout the thread.

And Finally...
Every person in the US military who has had to report a UFO sighting has had exactly the experience. Their superiors always say "Soldier, this never happened, you will not speak of this ever again."(or something to that effect.)

This is untrue. I don't think its an intentional "lie" on your part, but merely an assumption based on logical fallacy (again -why the "philosopher" moniker at your avatar?). I'm a vetern of the armed forces. I witnessed a UFO and spoke about it to members of my unit -several were officers and fellow non-commissioned officers.

Not one ever made such a comment. Indeed, I had a lively and interesting discussion with two officers about the incident.

Further to the point, in the program which aired on ABC's Primetime last night, the U.S.A.F. colonel said (and I paraphrase), "no one ever told us not to talk about it. No one ever told us not to report it."

That incident has been shown to be a hoax (see Phlog's link in the related thread).

Why do you think defenders of our country are threatened to keep quiet on a phenomena that doesnt exist?

This, too, is a logical fallacy. You've created a slippery slope that doesn't exist. You're premises collapse, leaving this assumption to hang in the wind like flatulent expression in a place of worship.

I don't think defenders of our country are threatened to "keep quiet." Indeed, I've never known this to be the case unless there were national secrets and non-disclosure issues -for instance, I cannot reveal to you some of the specifics of several missile systems I used to work on. If those missiles were fired and one went off-course and caused a "UFO sighting," it is possible that I might not be able to comment for reasons that have nothing to do with it being labeled a UFO by significance-junkies and mystery-mongers.

Such an event never took place, by the way.

As far as you know.

They have found a way to instantly synthesize momentum and inertia.

This is an example of pseudoscientific jargon: take some scientific-sounding words, apply them to your own beliefs, and have them confirm a conclusion you already have.

There are no good reasons to believe such nonsense. While it is very possible (even probable) that there exist technological advancements used in military equipment that isn't publicly available, there's no reason to believe that anything special is occurring that violates laws of physics as we currently understand it. Momentum and inertia cannot be "synthesized," they either exist as products of energy and work or they don't.

And I've yet to see evidence of anything going on that suggests that military scientists and researchers have created any new physical laws or found work arounds to physics since I've yet to see evidence of a UFO sighting that didn't have some very mundane and prosaic explanations.

My position is: some people are significance-junkies and mystery-mongers and apply undo significance and mystery to anything that defies their imediate understanding.

You are the only one here basing your claims solely on your experience. Now, that my friend, is bullshit. Just because you say it's so, does not make it so. VERY weak.

Its as if you looked in the mirror when you wrote that. Truly you aren't so daft as to ignore the logical and reasoned arguments he (and I) have presented and then to dare to say "because you say it's so, does not make it so?" Isn't this exactly what you've been doing?

What is the name of the most compelling scientist investigating UFOs and what is the citation to his most compelling research?

You say this is so, but fail (FAIL) to support this claim. Does this not fit with your complaint of Phlog?
The only reason I can see for the insults is your attempt to make any new comers to the thread see me as an unreliable source, and even a deliberate liar. This is unacceptable.
I want to be sure that casual readers can see why your comments are unreliable, how your thesis is flawed, and where you are deluded.
I don't think you are a liar. I just think you capable of much self decpetion.

This is not so much a question but an issue with your methods. It seems you are incapable of thinking that we perceive UFOs to be ANYTHING other than "space aliens". No matter how many times we say this is only one possibility you are incapable of accepting this at face value. UFOs are not synonymous with space aliens for me, but apparently they are for you guys.
You to some extent and electrafixtion to a great extent have been very vague and coy about just what you do believe UFOs are. There has been a clear reluctance to state what you think they may be. SKin has challenged this in detail, supported by quotations from your (in genral) posts.

The skeptics have been very forthcoming, listing all manner of things they think UFOs may be and indeed are. I would welcome a clear statement from each of you as to just what you think those which cannot be explained away as mundane, or even slightly unusual unnatural things, might be.
I don't rule out the possibility that a sighting, or sightings in the future, and maybe some in the past could have been ET. I just see no compelling evidence to entertain this as a serious possibility at present.

Slander and misdirection are the tools of you skeptics
.Get real. Please. Cite an example. Cite all the examples, one at a time. We'll dissect them and demonstrate the extent of your delusion.

Every person in the US military who has had to report a UFO sighting has had exactly the experience. Their superiors always say "Soldier, this never happened, you will not speak of this ever again."(
Evidence please.

It has to be military aircraft, but they have capabilities far beyond anything revealed to the public. The technology is so mind boggling it defies everything we think we know about physics. They have found a way to instantly synthesize momentum and inertia. Weve been deliberately lied to the only arguable point is to what extent. These are incredibly powerful machines so of course they dont want anyone to know about them
Did you hear something EndLightEnd? I don't know, maybe just a light fixture about to go or an insect flitting about. Good game my friend. It's good to know that SkinWalker, Ophiolite & phlogistician will do the right thing and examine the EVIDENCE we (and others) have gone to the trouble to point them to. They seemed a bit fearful, lazy and self convinced at first, but I knew they would come around despite their prejudices. Again, my compliments on a GREAT thread as well as the grace you have exhibited in dealing with intellect that would have surely tried the patience of Mother Theresa herself. I will say this though, that SkinWalker guy is FUNNY!
It's good to know that SkinWalker, Ophiolite & phlogistician will do the right thing and examine the EVIDENCE we (and others) have gone to the trouble to point them to.

Evidence? Where? We've been asking for this all along. Please cite the post #'s where you mention evidence.

Not doing this will be accepted as a concession that you are lying about this point.

They seemed a bit fearful,

Again, please go into more detail on the "fearful" bit. I'm curious what you perceive as a reason that either of your critics might be "fearful." What's the basis of this belief or perception? Are you suggesting that we're afraid of space aliens, or that we're afraid of ... ?

Finally, which scientist and his/her research is the most compelling to you?
Skin, I think I should concede to him on this point about fear. I have been afraid several times when reading his nonsense that I would suffer a fatal apoplectic fit.
epilogue: SkinWalker is now working as a car parts delivery person in Roswell New Mexico. He has a bumper sticker on his delivery vehicle that reads, "I Have PROOF That Everything You Know Is Wrong" (just ask me)

Ophiolite is without question the most successful of the bunch. He tried his luck at opening up an Ice Cream Parlor in which he offers a huge variety of flavors all of his own design. He does things a little different however with respect to the ordering process. He tells you what you want after he samples the person's ice cream in front of you in line. No one has a clue how he does it but he's ALWAYS right. He claims it's because of psychic abilities he received from too many episodes of brain freeze. I am certain we'll never know but he is very successful.

phlogistician: Not much to tell. After being born again she spent 7 months as missionary in Ethiopia. She got depressed and moved back home. Some claim it was very much a human condition of loneliness that thwarted her motivation while she herself ardently contends that's she's not human at all. In fact she claims it's because of a childhood she never had.

Read-Only became a motivational speaker based on an epiphany that he claims to have had. I tried going and listening to him one time but he was talking so fast and exuberant that his mouth appeared to be going backward in slow motion. I got scared and left.
What would you consider the most compelling scientist with the most convincing research in the field of UFOs?

Can we accept your failure to answer this as concession that you really don't have a clue?
You are the only one here basing your claims solely on your experience. Now, that my friend, is bullshit. Just because you say it's so, does not make it so. VERY weak.

That's not true. I've read quite a bit about the UFO phenomenon too, but all of it has been lacking, and none of of it convincing. There are to many paranormal nutters talking about extra dimensional travel, people who claim to 'channel' aliens, get serially abducted, etc etc. Now if you want to be taken seriously, you have to show some discernment. Once you start thinking critically, however, the phenomenon loses all mystique.

Why do you want to discount personal experience though? If I said I'd seen a UFO you wouldn't be so quick to discount that!

Maybe you have no counter to the fact that there are telescopes and satellites monitoring every inch of the Earth and Sky, which aren't in the hands of the military, and people analysing the data might just see something, if it were to be seen? You just don't like the idea that people who work with the tools to see these things, don't see them.

Anyway, please explain two things;

1, with all the recording devices in the hands of the populace these days, why are all UFO videos so shockingly bad? Why can't one person capture decent quality footage?

2, with the alleged govt conspiracy to cover up alien visitation, how come DVDs allegedly exposing it aren't censored?

actually, let's make it three;

3, with world govts not agreeing much on anything, how come they all conspire together on this one issue? Whay hasn't one blown the whistle?
It's almost as if there were an inverse correlation between UFO sightings (and even photos and videos) and the advent of the digital camera.

If UFOs were so significant, you would think that the sheer number of recorded sightings would have increased as digital cameras were so handily placed with the public -most cellphones have a camera. Nearly every single amateur astronomer has a digital camera.

And, If there were something to see, the number of sightings among amateur astronomers would be higher than with non-amateur astronomers. The former is looking up at the sky with far more frequency. However, the number of sightings among amateur astronomers is exactly what you might expect if UFOs were nothing significant, given their skills and experience in identifying things in the sky.
It has to be military aircraft, but they have capabilities far beyond anything revealed to the public. The technology is so mind boggling it defies everything we think we know about physics. They have found a way to instantly synthesize momentum and inertia. Weve been deliberately lied to the only arguable point is to what extent. These are incredibly powerful machines so of course they dont want anyone to know about them.

Of course that's the explanation.
Now all you have to do is explain why NASA/ USAF and every other aerospace manufacturer and airforce in the world spends billions on outdated technology, and billions more on "new" technology (scramjets, hypersonics research etc) that is made obsolete by stuff which is, according to you, already in service.
And then explain:
A) who develops this technology that's so far ahead? Who educates the engineers and scientists in this field since it's contrary to everything taught in any school colege and university?
B) who builds it? Since the known manufacturers are pouring billions into technology that doesn't even come close.
C) where does the money come from? Or is every single analyst and aerospace writer in the pay of this secret organisation to overlook discrepancies in the budgets? And if they are, how come my cheque hasn't arrived yet?
It's almost as if there were an inverse correlation between UFO sightings (and even photos and videos) and the advent of the digital camera.

This is something I have mused upon often, ... and I can only perhaps attribute a small part of it to image artefacts being less in newer cameras, and even then, people have to see something to take a picture of it, and then question what it was, ... taking pictures of regular events, and later seeing something is more the remit of the ghost/orb/rod brigade, than UFOlogists.

The constant despite the increase in recording devices, of course, is the observer. I can only postulate that the number of people who would shout 'UFO' was already at the maximum, and giving more people more cameras won't change the human element to UFO sightings. The majority will see flashing lights as a passenger jet, or something more prosaic.

Even seeing things that move in such a way that would cause injury via g-forces to a pilot does not mean we should shout UFO either, because we are assuming without evidence that the craft is piloted. Developments in UCAV technology means that pilots aren't always in what we see flying, and as pilots are a limiting factor in fighter planes, wouldn't pilotless one be more agile, and quicker to change direction?
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wouldn't pilotless one be more agile, and quicker to change direction?
Only if they go for an agile UCAV - currently they're relatively large-span low-power recce assets.
Keeping the sensors pointed accurately is more important than agility at the moment so it's fairly slow rate manoeuvres.
But once someone decides that an air-combat UCAV is worth producing then watch out.
I had a lengthy discussion on this a year or two ago with service fighter jocks who are most definitely not looking forward to "being out of a job".
It spoils the macho image... :D
Even seeing things that move in such a way that would cause injury via c-forces to a pilot does not mean we should shout UFO either, because we are assuming without evidence that the craft is piloted. Developments in UCAV technology means that pilots aren't always in what we see flying, and as pilots are a limiting factor in fighter planes, wouldn't pilotless one be more agile, and quicker to change direction?

Interesting you should mention UAVs. Back in 1995 (+/-) I watched a civilian company that contracts to the US Army test a UAV at Ft Sill -just about a mile or so from an off-base residential subdivion. It was the damnest thing I ever saw. Overall, it was cyndrilical in shape, but standing on end instead of horizontally. The overall cylinder was put together by a couple of spherical sections in the middle or near the top and it had rotary blades which (I think) turned at opposite directions.

The thing hovered and looked like it had space for instrumentation like cameras, etc. It was, perhaps, 8-10 feet tall. Maybe a couple feet in diameter (not counting rotar blades).

If I hadn't seen the ground crew working below, with their familiar logo on the trucks, along with their military counterparts, I don't know what I might have thought about the thing.

I can only imagine what it looks like at night or dusk!
It might have been this:


In fact, that looks a lot like Ft Sill in the background.
Listen bud, I am done expressing the obvious. I realize that I won the debate or argument here as there is not a need nor can there be any other pseudo disqualifying requirements on the part of those that lost. It's a done deal and there is simply no question about that. I wrapped up things on a humorous note to add a little levity to the whole nine expressing my confident and ego less dismissal of the issue. The pro UFO non human intelligent design of technology advocates here have won the argument on the merit of the opposition's laziness let alone the fact that the opposition has provided ZERO evidence to the contrary. We have provided ample evidence. A plethora of evidence so large it could only be likened to an orchard that the opposing view has been too lazy to pick from.

For your insignificant enjoyment, I will repeat what I have already told you at least 3 times prior. I do not have a "most compelled list of scientific treatise" as I do not need one. This being no matter what you say in a most irrelevant context and self appointed manner. But I will say that I have GREATLY been enriched by the symposium conducted at the University of Wisconsin Parkside facility in 2003. I believe Richard C. Hoagland to be one of the most intelligent and well versed scientists on the planet with respect to the case for solar archeology and the subsequent speculative proof for non human intelligent life. If you yourself will simply go to the far reaching trouble of locating and viewing the God, Man & ET documentation of the aforementioned event, I am most certain you will agree.

Why are you wasting your precious time playing games here SkinWalker? You are too intelligent for that. Empower yourself with knowledge friend and leave the fearful validation of prejudice to those more so befitting of such a foolish crown.
Listen bud, I am done expressing the obvious. I realize that I won the debate or argument here as there is not a need nor can there be any other pseudo disqualifying requirements on the part of those that lost. It's a done deal and there is simply no question about that.

Excellent, so where's the visiting aliens? Show them to us if it's a done deal.