The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."
---President Harry S. Truman, 1950.
Truman was being challenged as to the possibility that UFOs were secret government craft.
No pay attention - if English is your first language you really should have understood this.

Given that they exist = if we assume that they exist = if for sake of argument we assume they exist

Truman was debunking the existence of flying saucers and implicitly questioning whether there was anything at all to be considered anyway.
A fleeting glimpse at a UFO does not afford that opportunity for even the most expert of witnesses.

and of course if the duration ever happened to be more than fleeting, it would be obvious to all that the witness is either willfully perpetrating a hoax or suffering from hallucinations if attempts are made to identify the object in question
There is also an excellent disc that documents the release of Russian classified knowledge and testing of UFOs. ..

I presume this disc is a commercial DVD? Like the Ray Santilli 'Alien Autopsy' film was?

So let's get this straight. World govts conspire to cover up Alien visitations, evidence for such exists, allegedly, and the film makers manage to gather it, and produce a DVD, and distribute it, without censorship?

You know, if the govt conspiracy stuff were true, I'd have expected a far more underground, and certainly non-commercial distribution method.

As soon as money is involved, I suspect a product has been created to take money off believers, and the whole thing becomes a religion.
Just more moronic retaliation on the part of the incredibly fearful. To all those seriously interested: You *do* realize that 100% of this retaliation in this thread is based in fear. "They" (all three of em) KNOW unquestionably that I have provided an unbeatable argument for the absolute possibility of non human technology. Note how NONE of them have quoted from the last few posts that I made. We got em running scared as little kids. You can KNOW that.

I nailed both SkinWalker & phlogistician down. They're done until they themselves will boost their own integrity and do some REAL research, or at very least some honest unbiased observation, of the materials I have pointed them to. Ophiolite is just muttering his ego based opinion as usual and ReadOnly as always is crying in his tripe about how unfair life is.

PS. phlogistician: Before spouting off concerning matters based on exterior uneducated opinions as unscientific with respect to your personal perceptions as would be possible, do some legitimate research first. Google the following: UFO Pilot Sightings DVD

It's over. We have annihilated the anti logic of the scientific hucksters and closed minded here. UFOs are real and quite possibly the result of non human technology.

Incidentally, for the feeble minded that are way too quick to dismiss gravity manipulation and scientific understanding, better go read this: EVIDENCE: The case for NASA UFOs, as well as: Stan Deyo - How Spaceships Fly

More pathetic closed mindedness.

Also, before there is ANYMORE ridiculous fear based nonsensical spouting off by the so called "scientific peanut gallery" here, watch these chronicles and documentaries. It's up to you and not those here that are in agreement concerning our speculations. You people are too much. For instance we have SkinWalker expressing the issue that somehow I equated Robert O. Dean with a scientist. Did I post that? NO, I DID NOT! I posted the Bob has scientists on the DVDs "he offers" and has MANY times himself appeared with different respected scientists on various DVDs I have watched. Pathetic comprehension there Sir.

It's time for the three (and the a forth if ReadOnly can somehow drop the insults and emotional outbursts) to do a little leg work and get with REALITY.
PS. phlogistician: Before spouting off concerning matters based on exterior uneducated opinions as unscientific with respect to your personal perceptions as would be possible, do some legitimate research first. Google the following: UFO Pilot Sightings DVD

UFO: Pilot Sightings (2002)
Starring: Unexplained Rating
(2 customer reviews)
Price: $19.95

Like I said, where money is involved, with people selling you the 'truth', you are a neophyte of their religion. Sorry kid, you want to believe, sure, but buying editorials isn't the same as having proof.

So, answer my question, if world govts conspire to conceal the 'truth' of alien visitation, how come they don't ban these DVDs?

Do you believe everything that there is a DVD relating to? How about these;'s+Mysteries:+The+Loch+Ness+Monster+DVD

And if not, why not?
A couple of questions to my biggest fans on this thread...

What are your motivations to come here and constantly insult and attack us "woo-woos", why not just leave us to talk in peace. Surely our discussions are causing no harm, people are capable of making their own decisions. The only reason I can see for the insults is your attempt to make any new comers to the thread see me as an unreliable source, and even a deliberate liar. This is unacceptable.

This is not so much a question but an issue with your methods. It seems you are incapable of thinking that we perceive UFOs to be ANYTHING other than "space aliens". No matter how many times we say this is only one possibility you are incapable of accepting this at face value. UFOs are not synonymous with space aliens for me, but apparently they are for you guys. This is a feeble attempt to label us as crackpots who are so gullible we will believe anything. As I have stated many times before I believe the majority (if not all) of UFOs observed from the 1900s on are man-made in nature. But this does not seem to register, you seem to content to ignore this statement and continually revert to "space aliens" as our explanations, which it is not. Slander and misdirection are the tools of you skeptics.

And Finally...
Every person in the US military who has had to report a UFO sighting has had exactly the experience. Their superiors always say "Soldier, this never happened, you will not speak of this ever again."(or something to that effect.)
Why do you think defenders of our country are threatened to keep quiet on a phenomena that doesnt exist?

Here is my explanation as to why people are threatened to keep quiet on the subject...

It has to be military aircraft, but they have capabilities far beyond anything revealed to the public. The technology is so mind boggling it defies everything we think we know about physics. They have found a way to instantly synthesize momentum and inertia. Weve been deliberately lied to the only arguable point is to what extent. These are incredibly powerful machines so of course they dont want anyone to know about them.
Do you believe everything that there is a DVD relating to? How about these;

What a useless assumption...(another feeble attempt to label UFO phenomena as a figment of woo woos imaginations)

It is NOT FAIR at all to compare UFOs to these COMPLETELY UNRELATED subjects. (cant say Im surprised) Lets compare UFOs to ghosts and the flying spaghetti monster while were at it.:rolleyes: Those have about as much relevance to UFOs then the links you posted, which is NONE at all.

What were to trying to accomplish by posting these links? To show us how gullible we are? Because I dont believe in anyone of those links you posted.
Incidentally, for the feeble minded that are way too quick to dismiss gravity manipulation and scientific understanding, better go read this: EVIDENCE: The case for NASA UFOs,

In the 2nd part on YouTube, at 6'11", you see a 'disc' come into focus as a dot of light briefly. The central dark spot is possibly the limit the CCD's brightness threshold, or some focus issue. I've taken digital photographs where the sun has a black central spot before, for instance.

Given that the discs are out of focus, we cannot ascertain size, distance, and the fact they appear to pass behind solid objects more to do with contrast and brightness than anything else. Basically, you are looking at an image artefact, and seeing more than there is.

Sorry kid, but here's the real hammer down on this one. The one Astronaut I ever met, was on that mission. He showed us personal camcorder footage, and guess what? No UFOs.

I know you want to believe, but really, you have to sift the wheat from the chaff, because if you don't, you get written off as a nutter.
It is NOT FAIR at all to compare UFOs to these COMPLETELY UNRELATED subjects. (cant say Im surprised) Lets compare UFOs to ghosts and the flying spaghetti monster while were at it.:rolleyes: Those have about as much relevance to UFOs then the links you posted, which is NONE at all.

What were to trying to accomplish by posting these links? To show us how gullible we are? Because I dont believe in anyone of those links you posted.

The Stan Deyo DVD is for sale at the same site as the last one I linked. They are related therefore, because they all deal with the paranormal.

You don't like the link, because it begs questions about eyewitnesses, evidence, video, and photographs of subjects you are perhaps skeptical about, while the quality of such evidence is comparable to what you believe in.

I'll let you wrestle with that.
This is not so much a question but an issue with your methods. It seems you are incapable of thinking that we perceive UFOs to be ANYTHING other than "space aliens". No matter how many times we say this is only one possibility[/B.

That is not true. I firmly believe what people perceive as UFOs are either natural, or man made phenomena. I do not believe UFOs are extraterrestrial.

However, woowoos hide behind the term. We need to separate the terms, and use 'ETV' for 'Extra Terrestrial Vehicles' or whatever.

So, using the certainty that secret military aircraft get flown and tested does not increase the likelihood of extra terrestrial craft visiting Earth. IE, the normal does not affect the paranormal.
The Stan Deyo DVD is for sale at the same site as the last one I linked. They are related therefore, because they all deal with the paranormal.

Right, so since they are available on the same website, they must be equally admissible and go hand in hand. I guess if that website started selling Brian Greene books they too would be equally dismissable?

You don't like the link, because it begs questions about eyewitnesses, evidence, video, and photographs of subjects you are perhaps skeptical about, while the quality of such evidence is comparable to what you believe in.

Except none of those other subjects have the quantity and quality of eye-witness reports like UFOs have. UFOs have been reported by military officials, astronauts, and laymen. All Bigfoot, chucacabra have are rednecks as eye witnesses. How many astronauts and pilots have claimed to see bigfoot and a blood sucking demon? Not comparable at ALL, but it does provide some insight to just how far gone your mind is.

This is exactly my point. Feeble attempts to label us as crackpots and woo-woos.

If you are so convinced we are wrong, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?
And Finally...
Every person in the US military who has had to report a UFO sighting has had exactly the experience. Their superiors always say "Soldier, this never happened, you will not speak of this ever again."(or something to that effect.).

Odd that, Skin was in the military, and I had close personal and professional relationships with military personnel, and this has never come up.

In fact, I've worked with so many people gathering so much data from satellites pointing both up and down, if ETV's were to be seen, I'm sure we would have seen them.

Hell, we once found a secret nuclear power station from an ionisation trail, I think we could find a few UFOs.
Except none of those other subjects have the quantity and quality of eye-witness reports like UFOs have.

Says you. You go tell that to the believers.

UFOs have been reported by military officials, astronauts, and laymen. All Bigfoot, chucacabra have are rednecks as eye witnesses.

Says you. You go tell that to the believers.

How many astronauts and pilots have claimed to see bigfoot and a blood sucking demon? Not comparable at ALL, but it does provide some insight to just how far gone your mind is.

Dunno, why don't you go buy all those DVDs, watch them, and tell me. It's simple, you don't believe their claims, and you dismiss them. Personally, I find claims of bigfoot more compelling than claims of extraterrestrial craft visiting Earth. For instance, we once thought the Coelacanth extinct, but discovered it alive and well, but that is somewhat of a digression. The fact that you dismiss it so easily speaks volumes, however.

If you are so convinced we are wrong, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?

To debunk bullshit?
The Stan Deyo DVD is for sale at the same site as the last one I linked. They are related therefore, because they all deal with the paranormal.

You don't like the link, because it begs questions about eyewitnesses, evidence, video, and photographs of subjects you are perhaps skeptical about, while the quality of such evidence is comparable to what you believe in.

I'll let you wrestle with that.

There is no need to wrestle with something that I have already come to terms with. UNTIL, you are willing to objectively weigh the EVIDENCE that is available to you, with respect to a real scientific consideration of UFOs, you will remain unreal until you decide to get real. At this point, you have either lost the argument "here" or have decidedly forfeited such a position as to oppose the distinct possibility that some UFOs are in fact of non human intelligent design. Period.

Also: To say that truth cannot be found scattered among fiction is to claim the exceedingly false logic of absolutism. Meaning that you contend that everything perceivable within a given finite environment is either (a) true, or (b) false.
There is no need to wrestle with something that I have already come to terms with. UNTIL, you are willing to objectively weigh the EVIDENCE that is available to you, with respect to a real scientific consideration of UFOs, you will remain unreal until you decide to get real. At this point, you have either lost the argument "here" or have decidedly forfeited such a position as to oppose the distinct possibility that some UFOs are in fact of non human intelligent design. Period.

OK, I grew up on a military base. My friends fathers were pilots, and RADAR operators. I later worked with a bunch of Astrophysicists, and Earth Observational Scientists, and met one Astronaut.

None of these people ever claimed knowledge of Extra Terrestrial Craft. We had telescopes and satellites covering the whole sky 24/7 looking for supernovae, and gamma ray bursts. We had all sky survey data in every wavelength from IR to X-Ray. Guess what? No Extra terrestrial craft.

That is evidence, bub. You got nothing, except prose.
It is NOT FAIR at all to compare UFOs to these COMPLETELY UNRELATED subjects. (cant say Im surprised) Lets compare UFOs to ghosts .

Ah, on the ABC thread, Rendlesham was mentioned. To quote one of the believers that it was a UFO event;

"Brenda Butler still believes that the phenomenon was true. She was the first person to investigate the case.

"Rendlesham is a very magical place," says Brenda. "It's like a doorway opening to another dimension. We've seen ghostly things and mists""


PARANORMAL BULLSHIT. If you want to be taken seriously, clean house, and cull these nutters, they aren't doing your case any good.