The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
Tell me, why should I be obligated to play a game in a thread that is not of your creating.

You're not. You can leave at any time you feel.

Many scientists (of which I am not) have done lengthy research and reports on the UFO phenomenon.

Which of these scientists and their reports do you find the most compelling?
Cooper claims the craft he said he saw were extraterrestrial. He could not have know that. He may have seen craft which performed manoeuvres that conventional aircraft could not, and he would be qualified to make that judgement, but to say that had to be extraterrestrial is going too far.

Even then, he's just a man, and our senses play tricks on us, especially under times of stress. This accounts for the disparity between eye witness accounts of UFOs, and what is actually captured on film.

Don't you find it odd, that most 'Foo Fighter' reports happened during times of stress, during warfare, but now civil aviation sees far more aircraft in the skies, carrying far more people, all with cameras, as they prepare to go on holiday, the phenomena has all but vanished? Where are the pictures?

You cannot rule out the human element here.

Ah, but "foo fighter reports" were only contextually made during a time of war and MANY identical respected testimonies and reports from highly accredited pilots exist well outside of these times of war. They are simply not referred to as "foo fighter" reports because of the specific contextual bearing of that particular historic "pop" term.

I do not rule out the human element and you should know that if you have read what I have posted. I'm not being an ass here, I am being implicant. If as I voted, many (yet not most) UFO sightings can be attributed to UFOs of man made origin, then that automatically takes into account mistaken or exaggerated perceptive claims.

Cooper merely referred to the UFOs as being of extraterrestrial design and occupancy because that was the current reported speculative protocol. The point is that the man was an expert and he "knew" according that expertise that what he was witnessing was intelligently controlled technology not of human origin.

That's the bottom line. Whereas this debate could continue throughout infinity because of an overt lean on the element of average human error, such expertise validates the testimony and dismisses the basis for average human error. This being with respect to the criteria that amply secures the premise that some UFOs are in fact of non human origin. Case closed.

I Wish:rolleyes:
You're not. You can leave at any time you feel.

Which of these scientists and their reports do you find the most compelling?

I am not the one being adverse to the subject matter, shouldn't it be your choice to leave or to stay? I support the original poster. You oppose and yet have seen fit to dodge the obligation to provide a valid argument containing evidence against such a position.

I am enjoying myself "here" and have found a great deal of inspiration from both the adversity as well as the like minded.

As far as my favorite scientist and scientific report. I can't say I have one although I have read several well written books that do a great job of compiling highlights from those reports to best support their positions.

I have specified where I believe you could yourself receive the broadest and most enlightening introduction to the reality of UFOs. Why not take me up on that if for no other reason than to intelligently refute the scientists that are present and out spoken on these discs?
I am not the one being adverse to the subject matter, shouldn't it be your choice to leave or to stay?

It has always been my choice to "leave or stay."

I have specified where I believe you could yourself receive the broadest and most enlightening introduction to the reality of UFOs. Why not take me up on that if for no other reason than to intelligently refute the scientists that are present and out spoken on these discs?

Since the breadth and depth of UFO literature is so huge, I'm asking what you found to be the most compelling.
hmmm, interesting.

edit: for the sake not wasting space.

It seems to me that some of the most interesting footage I have ever seen was that being shown in some of the programs that Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean offered. Incredible stuff shot in space via satellite although nothing like what I myself witnessed. The dimensions of this supposed technology is just astounding.

There is also an excellent disc that documents the release of Russian classified knowledge and testing of UFOs. It contains interviews with Soviet Generals as well as Military film of the UFOs being both tested and observed. I think it's on this disc as well that former Canadian Defense Minister speaks openly at a UFO symposium about the reality of the UFO phenomenon and the reaction and subsequent high level cover up that the US and Canada are joined in.

However, I think one of the things that has really stuck with me the most over the last few years is film of our (human) own technological developments with respect to gravity, forcefields and mass manipulation via various wave bombardment. It's fairly obvious that there have been men like Tesla, but that are completely kept under lock and key, that understand a WHOLE LOT MORE than what is common knowledge scientifically speaking.

You were pretty quick to dismiss the one man here as a quake or a kook that mentioned building and operating flying saucers. The truth is that it most assuredly has been done. Self perpetual gravity generating (attracting/detracting) drives are not science fiction. If we all really knew all the technology that has been squelched by big business/science, the feelings of more than genuine distrust would concur the ability of things to be "covered up". The men that led the industrial revolution and beyond have been nothing short of ruthless with respect to a true interest in advancement.
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A command sergeant major is not a scientist. Nor is he a researcher. You were appealing to scientists and their research -and my question stands: what is the most compelling research by the most compelling scientist on UFOs?

Self perpetual gravity generating (attracting/detracting) drives are not science fiction.
What are the scientific data that support this positive assertion?
You were pretty quick to dismiss the one man here as a quake or a kook that mentioned building and operating flying saucers. The truth is that it most assuredly has been done. Self perpetual gravity generating (attracting/detracting) drives are not science fiction. If we all really knew all the technology that has been squelched by big business/science, the feelings of more than genuine distrust would concur the ability of things to be "covered up". The men that led the industrial revolution and beyond have been nothing short of ruthless with respect to a true interest in advancement.

Now you HAVE gone and done it! Not science fiction, eh? Wow - that's the goofiest thing you've said yet! "Gravity generating (attracting/detracting) drives.":D:D:D
If we all really knew all the technology that has been squelched by big business/science, the feelings of more than genuine distrust would concur the ability of things to be "covered up".
You clearly have never worked with scientists and engineers in an R & D department. :rolleyes:
You clearly have never worked with scientists and engineers in an R & D department. :rolleyes:

It's also painfully obvious that he's never even been near a research facility in his entire (young) life!

He's read and heard far too many fantasies about Groom Lake, Area-51 and the Lockheed Skunkworks - and believes that ALL research organizations are involved in secret "black-ops."

That's just part of the price he pays for being an uneducated dolt who is constantly on the lookout for sensationalism. <heavy sigh>
What are the scientific data that support this positive assertion?

We know anti-gravity in a way exists, we just call it dark energy and its responsible for the acceleration of our universe. Sufficient technology could manipulate this force.

Now you HAVE gone and done it! Not science fiction, eh? Wow - that's the goofiest thing you've said yet! "Gravity generating (attracting/detracting) drives."

Just cause you dont know about it means it doesnt exist?:shrug: Well that explains alot about your mindset.

I dont understand why RO, skinwalker, and ophiolite dont just leave us "nuts" to discuss the possibility. What harm could we do since its all bullshit eh? This is supposed to be a free forum where I can discuss my ideas with like minded individuals without fear of reprisal and being oppressed. I have never had a problem on this forum before, but now more then ever I feel as though I am not wanted on this forum for simply addressing the subject. (Which apparently is on many other people's minds as well.:)) When I posted on a completely unrelated in a different thread I was attacked and an attempt was made to discredit me solely because of my involvement on this thread.(By someone who has also incidentally posted on this thread as well) WTF is with that?

What are peoples motivations to come here and constantly insult and attack us "woo-woos" since you seem utterly convinced we are fools incapable of a single rational thought?

You clearly have never worked with scientists and engineers in an R & D department.
That's just part of the price he pays for being an uneducated dolt who is constantly on the lookout for sensationalism. <heavy sigh>

Im sure youve already noticed our positions have not changed, so exactly what is your purpose here except your attempts to insult, degrade, and humiliate?:bugeye:

If you really had any concern for trying to show us how we are wrong, you would not do it with insults, degrading insinuations, and derogatory remarks like children. Cant you see this only strengthens OUR resolve?

And like electrafixation has pointed out SEVERAL times you hardly ever address the subject directly, you divert(very cleverly) the phenomena from being real to being a figments of imaginations from thousands of people across thousands of years. Time and time again youve ignored reports of UFO sightings making extreme manuevers such as 90 degree turns (which weather balloons dont do by the way) by experiences pilots, attributing it solely to human perception error. Expert opinions are accepted in EVERY facet of our society(not just courtrooms), but apparently not when they deal with UFOs because it is a very sensitive subject.

I really hope something comes from this MUFON story.

Every person in the US military who has had to report a UFO sighting has had exactly the experience. Their superiors always say "Soldier, this never happened, you will not speak of this ever again."(or something to that effect.)
Why do you think that is?

It has to be military aircraft, but they have capabilities far beyond anything revealed to the public. The technology is so mind boggling it defies everything we think we know about physics. They have found a way to instantly synthesize momentum and inertia. Weve been deliberately lied to the only arguable point is to what extent. These are incredibly powerful machines so of course they dont want anyone to know about them.

And guess what I have no proof. So dont even bother going there.
I dont understand why RO, skinwalker, and ophiolite dont just leave us "nuts" to discuss the possibility. What harm could we do since its all bullshit eh? This is supposed to be a free forum where I can discuss my ideas with like minded individuals without fear of reprisal and being oppressed.

Such a guarantee isn't provided at this forum, although no one is "oppressing" your opinion. If I were to start deleting your posts, or editing out the bits I didn't like, that might be a different matter.

As far as "reprisals," I see no reason why we shouldn't be expected to retaliate. After all, we're the "residents" as it were of a science forum where woo-woos are arriving, testing out their speculations and announcing them as if they were "science."

That you've decided to discuss it all in our Pseudoscience subforum is telling. You realize, of course, that your speculations about UFOs aren't actually scientific and utilize the space you think is accepting of your ideas.

This is the subforum where we, of the science forum, discuss and expose pseudoscience. It's also where the forum moderators of other forums dump the nonsense.

If you'd like us to "leave [you] 'nuts' to discuss the possibility," then perhaps you might consider finding other sand to play in. This is a Science Forum, not a paranormal one.
That you've decided to discuss it all in our Pseudoscience subforum is telling. You realize, of course, that your speculations about UFOs aren't actually scientific and utilize the space you think is accepting of your ideas.

I did not start this thread here I started in FREE THOUGHTS, it got moved by a moderator. Hence the oppression.

Talk about biased moderation. Cant even post this in free thoughts.

This is a Science Forum, not a paranormal one.

This is exactly my point of you diverting it from a REAL phenomena to fantasy.
It's not "oppression" its pseudoscience. The only "real phenomena" occurring is mass hysteria, misconception, mystery-mongering, hoaxing, the human-willingness-to-believe-in nonsense-as-long-as-it-adds-significance-to-their-lives, and ignorance
I did not start this thread here I started in FREE THOUGHTS, it got moved by a moderator. Hence the oppression.

Talk about biased moderation. Cant even post this in free thoughts.

This is exactly my point of you diverting it from a REAL phenomena to fantasy.

Why don't you two guys just take the hint he gave you and go SOMEWHERE ELSE and talk about this junk all you want???:shrug:

You won't miss us and we SURE won't miss you!!!!
I dont understand why RO, skinwalker, and ophiolite dont just leave us "nuts" to discuss the possibility. What harm could we do since its all bullshit eh?
Because it is attractive bullshit masquerading as science. Casual readers of this and similar threads can be seduced by your shallow arguments. That would be a shame. It behoves someone to point the logical fallacies, the alternative explanations, the poor science, the self-deception and the like.
This is supposed to be a free forum where I can discuss my ideas with like minded individuals without fear of reprisal and being oppressed.
Who is oppressing you? What reprisals have been taken? Your suffering delusions again, it seems.
I have never had a problem on this forum before, .
Perhaps you weren't talking crap before.
When I posted on a completely unrelated in a different thread I was attacked and an attempt was made to discredit me solely because of my involvement on this thread.(By someone who has also incidentally posted on this thread as well) WTF is with that?
Was that me? If it was I probably noted your contribution to that thread and felt it appropriate to question some aspect of it. I rarely notice who has posted something, I notice what they have posted. As a consequence, if you wish to look through my 5,000+ posts, you will fine instances where I lambast SkinWalker, Read-Only and a host of other anti-woo-woos for some infringement of logic or fact. The instances are rare, because usually they make sense.
You should try it some time.
Im sure youve already noticed our positions have not changed, so exactly what is your purpose here except your attempts to insult, degrade, and humiliate?:bugeye:.
No. I'm just trying to point out how screwed up and unscientific your ideas are. It is your refusal to accept this that insults, degrades and humiliates you.
And like electrafixation has pointed out SEVERAL times you hardly ever address the subject directly, you divert(very cleverly) the phenomena from being real to being a figments of imaginations from thousands of people across thousands of years..
Because that is what the evidence supports.
Expert opinions are accepted in EVERY facet of our society(not just courtrooms), but apparently not when they deal with UFOs because it is a very sensitive subject.
Expert opinions are incidental to eyewitness testimony. Expert opinion counts because the expert has time to fully analyse and appraise the topic on which he has been called. A fleeting glimpse at a UFO does not afford that opportunity for even the most expert of witnesses.
It's not "oppression" its pseudoscience. The only "real phenomena" occurring is mass hysteria, misconception, mystery-mongering, hoaxing, the human-willingness-to-believe-in nonsense-as-long-as-it-adds-significance-to-their-lives, and ignorance

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."
---President Harry S. Truman, 1950.

Why would President Truman contribute "mass hysteria" to his country he is supposed to be keeping calm? And how this did add any significance to his life as President other than ruin is credibility?

Skinwalker its become very obvious to me know that you are incapable of accepting this a real phenomena.
Again you have attributed expert opinions to gullibility, and hysteria ONLY WHEN CONCERNING UFOs. Im sure you would have NO PROBLEM accepting an experts testimony in ANY other area.

Why don't you two guys just take the hint he gave you and go SOMEWHERE ELSE and talk about this junk all you want???:shrug:

You won't miss us and we SURE won't miss you!!!!

Again with disrespectful remarks. And since I STARTED this thread, why would I go anywhere?

Why dont YOU go make a thread about crazy UFO guys and talk about THAT there? Stop pestering those who actually would like to discuss the subject seriously, display your ignorance to a real phenomena in another thread of YOUR choosing.

But something tells me you just cant stay away, can you?
Because it is attractive bullshit masquerading as science.

Right, let me get all my scientific evidence. Who said this was science, are you assuming again?

Casual readers of this and similar threads can be seduced by your shallow arguments. That would be a shame.

Your arguments are much more shallow. Weather balloons, expert error, and swamp gas, oh my! All accelerating and maneuvering in impossible fashions!

Who is oppressing you? What reprisals have been taken? Your suffering delusions again, it seems.

When my thread was moved from FREE THOUGHTS where more people would be exposed to pseudoscience to limit the amount of viewers. Controlling what people see is fascism. I guess free thoughts dont include SPECULATION.

Was that me? If it was I probably noted your contribution to that thread and felt it appropriate to question some aspect of it.

No it wasnt you.

No. I'm just trying to point out how screwed up and unscientific your ideas are.

My ideas are screwed up because they arent your ideas. Are you a christian?