The Swing of a Pendulum

This was an interesting complaint: It seems like you are forgetting what you are arguing about. The "closing speed" is the local speed of light as measured by you, from your reference frame. It is what is being measured inside your sphere. It is what you have previously claimed is not invariant. You've accidentally switched sides in the argument! [briefly]

What?? I haven't switched sides for one picosecond! Closing speed is what you refer to as relative velocity. It is a measure of distance between two points over a duration of time. So if the distance between the two rockets doesn't change then the relative velocity (closing speed) is zero. If the distance changes 10 meters in one second then the relative velocity is 10 m/s between the two objects. Same hold true for the way you claim to measure the speed of light. What you are measuring is the closing speed of light. That is NOT the speed of light, that is the CLOSING SPEED between you and light!
Appeals to authority .. appeals to strength in numbers .. appeals to tenure ..
It is a mistake to think these are always fallacies. They aren't:

And in this case, they provide a good sanity check. The issue being discussed here is a fairly simple concept in mechanics that predates Einstein by hundreds of years. Nothing here rises beyond the level of high school science/math and most of it is lower level than that. It isn't reasonable for a person to believe that every physicist and engineer has misunderstood it except him.

When I was in high school, I often battled my teachers instead of learning from them. This attitude prevents learning. I made the realization in Calculus class when I was arguing with the teacher and realized I was wrong and realized that the act of arguing was actually hardening me against learning the concept I was dealing with.
they can all fall in a heap overnight and have done so repeatedly in the past.
This is a crackpot fallacy. I don't know if it has a formal name. But even if true that some scientific principles have been proven wrong in the past (note: none has ever crashed and burned so badly as Motor Daddy would have Relativity fail), doesn't mean this one will. Scientific knowledge is compounding, so the more time goes by (the more evidence is collected) the less likely it is for any one theory to fail. That makes spectacular failures very rare. Remember, this theory Motor Daddy is attacking isn't some arcane, never-used, theoretical curiosity: it is constantly being used to make some major facets of our technology work. If Relativity were wrong, computers and GPS wouldn't be able to work.
What?? I haven't switched sides for one picosecond! Closing speed is what you refer to as relative velocity. It is a measure of distance between two points over a duration of time. So if the distance between the two rockets doesn't change then the relative velocity (closing speed) is zero. If the distance changes 10 meters in one second then the relative velocity is 10 m/s between the two objects. Same hold true for the way you claim to measure the speed of light. What you are measuring is the closing speed of light. That is NOT the speed of light, that is the CLOSING SPEED between you and light!
I understand how you are using the terms "closing speed" and "relative velocity".

But you said previously that your light sphere device will measure closing speed/relative velocity to be different (That's how you detect the sphere's absolute motion!), but then said it would measure them to be the same.
I understand how you are using the terms "closing speed" and "relative velocity".

But you said that your light sphere device will measure closing speed/relative velocity to be different (That's how you detect the sphere's absolute motion!), but them said it would measure them to be the same.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I clearly explain my method in the pic in the following link. You can see that after t=0 the source is a distance away from the center of the light sphere.
Not by a long shot! A bullet and a laser are fired simultaneously side by side. How far will the laser light travel in 1 second?

3x10^8 meters.

Now the bullet (traveling at 1x10^8 meters per second, it's a fast bullet) fires a laser from its nose. How fast does THAT laser light travel in 1 second? And what does it look like to the guy riding on the bullet? (Extra credit if you can answer for both Motor Daddy world and reality.)
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I clearly explain my method in the pic in the following link. You can see that after t=0 the source is a distance away from the center of the light sphere.
Yes, that's what I was referring to (not that you really did do any explaining in the actual link...). In that link, you are showing a non-constant "relative speed" of light. In the above quote, you switched and said it is constant.
Here's the post where you actually explain the method and make the non-constant relative speed of light claim (post #120):
I would need a sphere with a light source fixed to the center of the sphere. Then I would need almost exactly precise timers, all in sync at every point on the inside of the sphere. Then I would send a light signal from the center to all the timers which started simultaneously when the light signal was sent. Presumably the light would not hit all the timers simultaneously so I would transport the sphere to deep space and accelerate the sphere as required until all timers are struck by the light simultaneously, at which point I would have an absolute zero velocity sphere in space. [emphasis added]
3x10^8 meters.

Now the bullet (traveling at 1x10^8 meters per second, it's a fast bullet) fires a laser from its nose. How fast does THAT laser light travel in 1 second? (Extra credit if you can answer for both Motor Daddy world and reality.)

LOL You make it sound like there is a choice. There is no choice. The light traveled exactly 299,792,458 meters in one second. The length of the path is fixed. It is a 299,792,458 meter long string for all practical purposes. The bullet's muzzle velocity is 1 km/s. Assuming a constant velocity for sake of ease for the duration of one second the bullet traveled 1 km in the one second, so the light is ahead of the bullet by 299,791,458 meters, a thousand meters shy of the needed 299,792,458 meter separation for the bullet to measure the light to depart at c. That means the bullet did not measure the speed of light to be c.
LOL You make it sound like there is a choice. There is no choice. The light traveled exactly 299,792,458 meters in one second. The length of the path is fixed. It is a 299,792,458 meter long string for all practical purposes. The bullet's muzzle velocity is 1 km/s. Assuming a constant velocity for sake of ease for the duration of one second the bullet traveled 1 km in the one second, so the light is ahead of the bullet by 299,791,458 meters, a thousand meters shy of the needed 299,792,458 meter separation for the bullet to measure the light to depart at c. That means the bullet did not measure the speed of light to be c.

Correct in Motor Daddy world! The speed of light slows down, and the bullet rider does not measure it to be C.

Incorrect in the real world! Both an outside observer and the bullet rider measure exactly the same speed.
Correct in Motor Daddy world! The speed of light slows down, and the bullet rider does not measure it to be C.

Incorrect in the real world! Both an outside observer and the bullet rider measure exactly the same speed.

You're wrong! By definition if light and a bullet travel along the same axis in the same direction, for the bullet the light will be a thousand meters shy of the 299,792,458 meters needed for you to make that claim. You have no grounds to make that claim!
You're wrong! By definition if light and a bullet travel along the same axis in the same direction the light will be a thousand meters shy of the 299,792,458 meters needed for you to make that claim. You have no grounds to make that claim!

Sure I do - over a century of validated experimental data in the real world give me grounds. Both the bullet rider and the observer you mentioned (not a stationary observer, just one going slower or faster than the bullet) see light travel at the same speed.

But in Motor Daddy world, things are whatever you say they are - so be sure not to venture outside its confines!
You're wrong! By definition if light and a bullet travel along the same axis in the same direction, for the bullet the light will be a thousand meters shy of the 299,792,458 meters needed for you to make that claim. You have no grounds to make that claim! The bullet can not claim the light traveled the full 299,792,458 meters!
The "grounds" is the experiment you propose, being done in real life, saying that real life doesn't work the way you "define" it to be. You can't "define" real life. The universe doesn't care how you would prefer it to work. (by the way: "define", appropriately, is another word you don't understand. These aren't definitions, they are assumptions).

This experiment has been referenced many times. I must assume by now, you've got some knowledge of it:–Morley_experiment

It even has a pretty animation showing your expected result next to the actual result.

It's trivial to talk about the right red dot traveling with the z axis of the frame, since the light travels the hypotenuse of that triangle.
That means the bullet did not measure the speed of light to be c.
An unjustified assertion on your part, as in all practical implementations of such experiments the measured speed of light has always been the same, in contradiction to your assertion.

This is why you need to provide evidence and you need to explain all the evidence currently gathered against your claims. People have looked at such systems and in all case, by all people, in all places, over more than 100 years, your claims have been contradicted. That would be considered powerful evidence you're wrong by any rational person.

Notice I didn't say it is evidence relativity is right. No amount of experiments can prove something right, only prove it wrong, but in your case we have experiments proving you wrong. You are contradicted by reality.
Motor Daddy:

James, I've learned enough about relativity to know that it makes fundamental fatal mistakes which makes the theory a pile of trash.

No. The theory is completely self-consistent. The special theory of relativity has only two assumptions (or one, if you frame the principle of relativity appropriately). If those two assumptions are true of reality, the rest follows automatically. The two assumptions have, in fact, been tested rigorously and extensively. They have been proven correct beyond any reasonable doubt. This is why relativity is the dominant scientific theory of space and time.

In contrast, we have Motor Daddy physics. To its credit, with a slight bit of tweaking, it is also fundamentally self-consistent. That is because it is essentially Newtonian physics, with its assumption of absolute time. Confusion comes because Motor Daddy himself makes fundamental errors in deriving conclusions from the postulates of his own theory. The most egregious of these errors is that Motor Daddy likes to muddy the waters by claiming that in his theory, light travels at the same speed in all reference frames, whereas in fact the speed of light varies between different inertial frames in the MD theory. In the MD theory, in fact, there is one single preferred frame - the frame of what MD calls "space" - which is absolute. In that frame, light has the required speed; in every other frame the speed of light is measurably different. MD does not accept this because MD doesn't understand what a reference frame is.

The problem is not that physicists do not understand the MD-like picture of a Newtonian universe with an absolute, preferred frame of reference. That was, in fact, the accepted picture of space and time that all physicsts held up as the paradigm theory until Einstein's work demolished it. Today, students starting in physics are taught the absolute theory, then introduced to Einstein's theory later. The end result is that ALL students of physics today have an understanding of both relativity and the absolute spacetime picture of Motor Daddy. They also understand how those two pictures differ.

Then comes the crunch. Einstein and MD are incompatible. They can't both be right. The ONLY way to tell which is right, given that both are internally consistent and coherent pictures of a possible reality, is to compare predictions made by each theory to experimental results. When this is done, Einstein wins every time. Case closed.

Physicsts, including the physicists here, all understand in detail, the expected results of the MD theory, for light spheres in a moving box and so on. Speaking for myself, I have dealt in depth and mostly agreed with the results that the MD theory predicts for such thought experiments. The crunch comes where the rubber meets the road. Whenever such experiments are actually performed, Einstein wins and MD loses. Moreover, there are literally thousands of other much more complicated physical predictions that can be made using both the MD and Einstein theories. And again, when any of these have been tested (and they have been tested a lot), Einstein wins and MD loses. Every time.

So, this is crap:

Motor Daddy said:
Complete and utter nonsense caused by a lack of understanding of how absolute velocity works.

Physicists understand the concept of absolute velocities. They also know that experiment shows that no such thing exists in reality.

Motor Daddy said:
The entire theory of relativity was concocted under the premise that light is always measured to travel the same speed in all frames.

Yes. And the entire MD theory is concocted under the premise that there is absolute space and time, and therefore the speed of light must vary from frame to frame. Einstein wins when experiments are done.

That is simply impossible as I've shown over and over again. BY DEFINITION you are wrong and I am right. What part of "a meter is defined as the length of the path that light travels in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a second" do you not understand??????

Motor Daddy must understand that this argument CANNOT be won by definition. MD's theory defines an MD universe. Einstein's theory defines an Einsteinian universe. Which universe do we live in? Einstein's. Experiment proves it. No thought experiment can prove things either way. Thought experiments can at best show that a theory is self-inconsistent, or inconsistent with already-known facts. Einstein's theory is not inconsistent with itself or any known fact. MD's theory is not inconsistent with itself (when applied correctly), but it is inconsistent with many known facts.

If you are actually measuring the speed of light then how could it be anything different?

I have explained this in detail in our previous discussions of reference frames, linked previously in this thread.

The MD theory requires that measurements of the speed of light give different results in different frames of reference. Einstein's requires that measurements give the same result in all inertial frames. The tests are done. Nature says Einstein wins and MD loses.

Then there's the issue of the way you measure distance in a frame using round trip light travel time and divide by 2. Don't you see that is total BS and that only makes the length correct when the source and the mirror are at a zero relative velocity along the same axis, and at the same time each at an absolute zero velocity. If the absolute velocity would be greater than zero the length will be incorrect!

Rather than MD making empty assertions that this is what is done in all experiments, I suggest that MD produce the goods. Motor Daddy: your task is to find at least one example of a published physics paper that shows an experimental setup and results that use the "round trip and divide by 2 method" that you say is wrong. Then, we can all analyse that specific paper and agree on whether or not the method is flawed, based on what was actually done and reported, and not on some third-hand imaginings of Motor Daddy.

My prediction is that Motor Daddy will never produce any such paper.

Again, the reality is that each object has an absolute velocity, and you wouldn't know that because you've never measured the speed of light, you've only measured the relative speed of light compared to you!

This is an empty assertion, disproven by experiment over and over again.

In other words, you claim the measured speed of light is always the same regardless of your motion, so what you are saying is that since your measured speed of light is always the same and you know your motion is capable of being different, then you are saying that the speed of light must change speeds in order to maintain the same 299,792,458 m/s measured light speed in your different motion frames.

No. What changes is the nature of space and time when you change frames, not the speed of light.

To understand this, you need first to understand what a reference frame is, then to get a basic grasp of what Einstein's theory says. Motor Daddy has never even got to stage 1. It has been at least 3 years, just on this forum alone and there has been no progress in MD's understanding of what he is discussing. it that you always measure the relative velocity of light to be the same regardless of your motion, which means light knows how fast you are traveling, and it adjust its motion in order to maintain your measured relative velocity between you and it???

Light never adjusts its velocity. What happens is that your measuring instruments depend on your state of motion. Or, to put it another way, space and time itself change when you change reference frames - in a way that is completely, mathematically and numerically, specified by Relativity. This has been tested. Einstein wins over and over and over again. MD loses.

Impossible! By definition you are wrong!

I repeat: this is not a dispute that can be settled "by definition". What we have here is two competing physical MODELS of reality. Which one actually matches reality? Einstein Einstein Einstein. MD loses. The data are in.

An expanding light sphere does not travel in space it expands its radius in space.

A bizarre statement, but I think I know what you mean.

The center point is incapable of motion. HOWEVER, the source that emitted the light is an object in space, capable of motion during the same duration of time the light is in motion. That means:
If the source was in motion while the light sphere radius was expanding then the source will no longer be at the center of the light sphere.

True in the MD universe. True in Einstein's universe for somebody watching the source moving. Not true in Einstein's universe for somebody sitting on top of the source and moving with it.

No longer at the center means that the source is closer to one point of the light sphere than the other points. That means points of the expanding light sphere will be a different distances away from the source after a time has elapsed. So according to the source, the speed of light is measured to be different depending on which direction he measures the distance to the edge of the light sphere.

True in the MD universe. Not true in Einstein's universe.

Let's reconvene again 9 months time, Motor Daddy, and start all over again. We can pretend this discussion never happened. Agree? That's what you've done all the other times.
I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like to me is what you are saying is that you don't know the speed of the rocket, you don't know if during acceleration you are increasing or decreasing speed, you don't know which direction the ship is traveling, the relative velocity between you and another object can remain the same while you are accelerating,

My God you are starting to get it! That is correct, an observer in another reference my see your rocket as going 'backwards' and the acceleration you feel will be seen by him as a deceleration. Good job!

and you measure two different path lengths and try to say light takes the same time to travel each of the different lengths. WTF!!!

Not sure what you are trying to say here. Light always travels at c regardless of your relative velocity.