The statistical probability of Extraterrestial life


Registered Member
The statistical probability of extraterrestial life is staggering.
We have over one hundred thousand planets out there circling too many solar systems. These systems are too far away to even see what the inhabitants look like.

Man is arrogant to assume that he is the only life form capable of breaking his terrestial bonds.

We must also assume that not all aliens are bipedal. As on Earth, physical shape is determined by the environment in which the animal has evolved and lived in. Only Man's arrogance automatically assumes that all aliens are bipedal.

Let us also consider the fact that light travels at a specific speed. This speed then becomes a standard. If a Galaxy is ten thousand LY (light years) away, then any light (both ways) would be then thousand years different. that means that the aliens would have a ten thousand year advance on us and we would seem like cave men to them.

Look at the speed in which the computer has developed. since the 1980's it has grown from the 286 to a mega clock computer that can do miracles (when compared to the original PC). Now imagine ten thousand years of computer development.

Also, imagine ten thousand years of trasnportation development. what is standard to them is "alien" to us. Again, look at the car. The Model A was the first car mass produced. Since then cars have evolved to complicated machines. Also, think of space travel. Man has launched himself into space with shuttles. Man has also created Ion driven sattellites. Woud it not be intelligent to think that a potential ten thousand advanced peoples would have developed an improved transportation system?

I will end this way, "Man has yet to disocver the entire ocean floor, determine if Nessie, and The Champlaign monster actually are either hoaxes or pre-hostoric animals. If man can not answere these, then how doe he expect to say categorically "NO LIFE OUTSIDE PLANET EARTH EXISTS"?
Kawika said:
The statistical probability of extraterrestial life is staggering.
We have over one hundred thousand planets out there circling too many solar systems. These systems are too far away to even see what the inhabitants look like.

Man is arrogant to assume that he is the only life form capable of breaking his terrestial bonds.

We must also assume that not all aliens are bipedal. As on Earth, physical shape is determined by the environment in which the animal has evolved and lived in. Only Man's arrogance automatically assumes that all aliens are bipedal.

Let us also consider the fact that light travels at a specific speed. This speed then becomes a standard. If a Galaxy is ten thousand LY (light years) away, then any light (both ways) would be then thousand years different. that means that the aliens would have a ten thousand year advance on us and we would seem like cave men to them.

Look at the speed in which the computer has developed. since the 1980's it has grown from the 286 to a mega clock computer that can do miracles (when compared to the original PC). Now imagine ten thousand years of computer development.

Also, imagine ten thousand years of trasnportation development. what is standard to them is "alien" to us. Again, look at the car. The Model A was the first car mass produced. Since then cars have evolved to complicated machines. Also, think of space travel. Man has launched himself into space with shuttles. Man has also created Ion driven sattellites. Woud it not be intelligent to think that a potential ten thousand advanced peoples would have developed an improved transportation system?

I will end this way, "Man has yet to disocver the entire ocean floor, determine if Nessie, and The Champlaign monster actually are either hoaxes or pre-hostoric animals. If man can not answere these, then how doe he expect to say categorically "NO LIFE OUTSIDE PLANET EARTH EXISTS"?

You got me there........You tell us. O.K? :D
Yea, I presently believe in aliens for the sole reason that it is ignorant not to. Considering the virtual infinite amount of planets out there, ther is bound to be at least one planet containing life, life capable of interstellar communication. There is also this equation, the Drake Equation that is a pretty good equation of odds. Google it...very interesting to me.

(Wooooo, my first post back from a LONG break. It feels good)
If this is an attack on skeptics giving no credit to theories about ET visitng Earth, it faels. I do not deny that aliens may exist somewhere, but the chances are very, very small indeed that they are remotely near Earth.

Hence the Fermi paradox

And please, ignore craterchains (Norval and FieryIce. They are the same person trolling.
Logical conclusions to be made:

1. extraterrestial life almost certainly exists elsewhere in the universe
2. since we have no evidence that contact has been made with ET life, some possibilities -
a. intelligent life evolving is extremely rare
b. contact has been made but is being kept secret from the public
c. distances in the universe are so vast, communication/discovery is very difficult
fadingCaptain said:
Logical conclusions to be made:

1. extraterrestial life almost certainly exists elsewhere in the universe
2. since we have no evidence that contact has been made with ET life, some possibilities -
a. intelligent life evolving is extremely rare
b. contact has been made but is being kept secret from the public
c. distances in the universe are so vast, communication/discovery is very difficult

You forgot #3. 'No' intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. That can be a logical assumption too:D
The FACT is "they" are here.
On this forum.

What better way to interact with humans for the humanoidal hemroidal demons?

*big cheesy grins here*
The fact is logically, some life form MUST exist in the universe (billions of galaxies, each of with billions of solar systems). Logically, given the age of the universe and the fact of evolution, there must be some intelligent life (given billions of years of evolution).

The only question is whether its possible to travel to other galaxies and whether aliens have visited us or not.
VitalOne said:
The fact is logically, some life form MUST exist in the universe (billions of galaxies, each of with billions of solar systems). Logically, given the age of the universe and the fact of evolution, there must be some intelligent life (given billions of years of evolution).

The only question is whether its possible to travel to other galaxies and whether aliens have visited us or not.

Answer is: Probably 'No'. :D
I think that it's safe to assume that the human race won't exist in 10,000 years. We're going to destory ourselves!
Well, to throw my 2 cents...

To say that there is no chance for extraterrestrial life, intelligent or otherwise, isn't scientific. We have had some clues, in fact, that it does...granted, nothing certain, but there is always the "Well, it's so biiiiiiig!" argument.

But to say that intelligent life...intelligent life certainly exists somewhere also isn't scientific. Granted, the universe is huge, but since we have not seen it anywhere else, we must be cautious of our statements.

Yes, we are here, so that means that intelligent life is certainly possible. But looking at our own planet, it has only evolved once, and considering the amount of species that have lived here, we are more than a longshot. Even if we were to find a planet identical to ours, there is no guarantee that we'd find intelligent life there, becuase up until a few hundred thousand years ago, you couldn't even find a recognizable form of Humans on this planet.

People like Norval, who make wild claims that an interstellar war led to not only the huge craters we see in our solar system, but the evil Humans we see lurking today...(Sounds a lot like Scientology, in way, doesn't it?) are peolpe with great imaginations who have forgotten these most simple facts. Drawing a conclusion like "These craters are proof of an interstellar war which resulted in the banishment of the losing side to planet earth, where they still roam and preach their evil messages of debunkery to the believers" is kind of insane. Well, not insane, but very, very outrageous, and completely improbable.

Not impossible, but how does one reach a conclusion like that?

Anyway, I think the safest, most logical answer to the question is "I don't know" because honestly, that's the only true answer. We haven't seen aliens, we haven't been visited by aliens (that we know of), and we haven't found them elsewhere, even in microbe form.

I'd like to find out that they're out there someday...I just know that it hasn't happened yet.

Let us also consider the fact that light travels at a specific speed. This speed then becomes a standard. If a Galaxy is ten thousand LY (light years) away, then any light (both ways) would be then thousand years different. that means that the aliens would have a ten thousand year advance on us and we would seem like cave men to them.
It seems what you are trying to say is that although we don't see life on other planets, it may be there at present, since it takes so long for the light to reach us?

Actually, our light telescopes have only recently even seen an extra-solar planet, much less attain the resolution to detect civilizations there.

I think it is likely that life exists somewhere besides Earth, but that it is very unlikely it has traveled here in a vehicle. Organic molecules or spores may be another matter.
I don't think anyone has ever ruled out the possibility of life existing somewhere else in the universe (if not multiple somewheres). The main commentary thats usually based on peoples fanatical conclusion that "...aliens are among us now" is that it's extremely unlikely and as soon as they contort views of global conspiracies of governments or groups of people controlling the world to hide aliens.... well they are beyond being reasoned with.
I think Stryder hit the nail on the head.

The people who are Believers tend to take the very same approach to their theories as religious people take to theirs; they hold true to theories which cannot be tested, and therefore cannot be disproven.

Like the Norval War, which I referenced to in my last post, is a story which cannot be proven false or true no matter how much testing we do, because there will always be some other cooked-up story to back it up. They call us the debunkers, and yet they hold to things where their sole means of "proof" is that "the government is covering it up."

How do you argue that? It's like telling someone to disprove the fact that you spit a french fry out of your window on the highway two weeks ago.

Put it this way. When was the last time we recieved a 'confirmed' radio signal from another intelligent civilization from another solar system? 'WOW'! I just can't remember.