The Square Circle

I don't see how, One Raven. It's numbers equate to everything about the planet, including Christianity. How does it not belong here?

I agree that something like that sounds like a stretch, but is it really? The numbers are there; hence so is the proof!

The theists on this board are guilty of brushing away the evidence as they see fit just to keep their faith from being shaken. That is what we, as reasonable people, cannnot stand about the religious. But if we just say "Bah! No F'N way!" about this, arent' we doing the same thing?

Just because something seems so incredible that it cannot be true, the evidence is there..the facts are there. The radius of the indentations of the Great Pyramid is the radius of the planet. The Jewish sacred inches counted out in the pyramids equates to dates in the Bible. The base of the pyramid equates to the exact length (accurate up to five digits) of our solar year.

It seems like the Great Pyramid may be the answer to so many of questions (and it already has, such as being a key component in Newton's theory of gravity) and deserves to be seriously discussed.

What is so unbelievable about the Ancient Egyptians understanding the concept of pi?
Why do people think they could not have had any math or engineering skills?

Why is it so hard to believe that they would know the largest land mass and where the longest spans of that land would intersect?
The Phonecians (who many believe existed before the Egyptians) were very accompished sea fareres who traveled the world (and are believed to have spent time in Ancient Egypt).

Historians can't even agree on whether or not Jesus even existed, never mind when he was born.

No one knows for sure when Moses was supposedly walking the earth.

As for the contrived coincidences with the numbers...

It is easy to look into the past and find "prophecies".
Look at Nostradamus' (sp?) quattranes.
Look at all those people that list dozens of coincidences between JFK and Lincoln.
Look at all those nuts that show the countless number coincidences that can be applied to the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
It is pretty easy to draw the numeric (and otherwise) coincidences out after the fact.

Let's look at the life of the great one_raven and the magic number 9...

He was born on September 18, 1971.

That is 9/18/1971.

Let's look further...

1+9+7+1=18 *gasp*
eeire, huh?...
And what is 1*9*7*1?

His birthday shows he was born under the sign of Virgo on the 18th day of the 9th month. His birthdate and sign is a prophecy that he would lose his virginity at age 18.
Needless to say, it was correct.

what is 9*18?

At the time he wrote this he was 31 years old.
His phone number when he was 9 years old was:
What happens when you add4+7+2+6+1+3+8?
You get 31!!

This year, he turns 32.
on 9/18/2003
What is 9+18+2+0+0+3?
You guessed it, 32.

When you step in the front door of his home, directly in front of you is a staircase.
It is 11 steps to the Master Bedrrom Chamber.
What, I ask you is 9+11?
You guess it, 18!!

Let's go further with the 9 and the 11 (a PRIME NUMBER, of course).

The great one-raven worked in the World Trade Center until April, 2001, which, of course, was destroyed on 9/11/2001.
9+11, of course, is 18. Divide that by 2 (he worked in Tower number 2) and we are back to 9.
Coincidence, or prophecy?
Did he know that the World Trade Center was going to be destroyed?
The world may never know.:eek:
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If you take the measurements, date of construction, architect's name, date of birth and office address (don;t forget to search for his dog's name too, that might help), nuber of steps and any other irrelevant information you can find about The Empire State Building, I am positive with a little imagination and ingenuity (and of course knowledge of past events) you could come up with a plethora of coincidences.

Especially if you mix math operations randomly, mix units of measure and convert words, dates and such to numbers in convenient irrational ways to meet your needs.

It could actually be fun.

I can give you a head start...
(you don't have to use all the data, of course.
Just pick and choose whatever is convenient for you.)

Where is the Empire State Building located?
The Empire State Building is located at 350 Fifth Avenue (between 33rd and 34th Streets) in New York City.

How tall is it?
There are several numbers to describe the height of the Empire State Building. The total height of the building, including the lightning rod, is 1,454 feet. The height of the building from the ground to its tip is usually given as 1,250 feet. The measurement from the ground to the 102nd floor observatory is 1,224 feet and from the ground to the 86th floor observatory is 1,050 feet.

Who were the architects?
Shreve, Lamb & Harmon Associates

Who built the Empire State Building?
The builders Starrett Bros. & Eken were contracted to build it.

How long did it take to build?
The building was actually completed ahead of schedule, taking only one year and 45 days to build.

How much did the Empire State Building cost to build?
The building itself cost $24,718,000 to build (nearly half the expected cost because of the Great Depression). Including the property on which the building sits, the total cost for the Empire State Building was $40,948,900.

How many floors are in the Empire State Building?
There are 102 floors.

Who many steps are there to the top of the Empire State Building?
There are 1,860 from street level to 102nd floor.

How many windows are in the building?
There are 6,500 windows. What a lot to clean!

How many man-hours did it take to construct?
It took 7,000,000 man-hours.

How many people worked on the building?
At peak times, there were as many as 3,400 workers at one time.

How much steel did it take to construct the frame?
It took 57,000 tons of steel to construct the steel skeleton.

How much telephone wire is in the Empire State Building?
There is approximately 17 million feet of telephone wire servicing the building.

How many people died while building the Empire State Building?
Though rumors of hundreds of people dying on the work site circulated during the time of its construction, official records state that only five workers were killed: one worker was struck by a truck; a second fell down an elevator shaft; a third was hit by a hoist; a fourth was in a blast area; and a fifth fell off a scaffold.

What's inside the Empire State Building?
The Empire State Building is mostly filled with rentable space for businesses. No one lives in the building (inadequate bathing facilities). The building is also used as a tourist attraction and offers views from the 86th and 102nd floors.
Trivia source
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I totally agree with you. This is very interesting and should be discussed much more. We should be totally objective. This is what makes us scientists.

But I also agree with one_raven though I think he should try attacking the evidence at hand rather than showing what is possible. While I am no expert, the info given by Blonde Cupid seems sound.

This is all very wonderful, although, except for the prophecy of Christ part, there is no reason to believe the Egyptians werent just very skilled and full of knowledge about the world they lived in. This is to the glory of the human race, I would think.:eek:
Originally posted by blonde_cupid
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest known structure on the face of the earth. It was build on the center of the earth's landmass. Even with all of the advances into modern technology, most experts agree that it's construction cannot be duplicated today.There are a number of theories out there. What's yours?

I think we were visited by the an alien race who were the "Titans." Because the aliens already knew about anti-gravity and the space/tme continuum, they were able to build the pyramids with presicion tools like laser beams that hewn very large stones from a quarry, etc. With their knowledge of anti-gravity, they were able to build the pyramids with their space ship, possibly, by lifting the huge stones into place. Maybe, at that time, the Sahara wasn't there, but spacecraft landing there created a burnt spot on earth. For some reason, I think the aliens were partial to arid areas. Maybe this was because damper areas may have interfered with their anti-gravity abilities.

Anyway, we really don't know for sure how they got here, but the Egpytians as well as other cultures had drawings of space-like creatures in their caves, etc. So I think building the pyramids was probably a very easy job that took no time at all.

Pyramids of varying designs can be found all over the world. They are not limited to Egypt, Mexico and Peru. They are found in China, too. I think there is a connection between China and the Pacific Coast of North and South America. Eskimos in the Arctic are very similar to Mongolians of Northern China, for example. Mayans and Peruvians look similar to Chinese, and their architecture is similar.

There has got to be an easy explanation for the pyramids. If they had been made by Man, they would have tumbled a long time ago.
Re: Re: The Square Circle

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I think we were visited by the an alien race who were the "Titans." Because the aliens already knew about anti-gravity and the space/tme continuum, they were able to build the pyramids with presicion tools like laser beams that hewn very large stones from a quarry, etc.

There has got to be an easy explanation for the pyramids. If they had been made by Man, they would have tumbled a long time ago.
And the historical records that have been found indicating that the pyramids were constructed by Egyptians under orders of various Pharos were then written for what reason?

Try sticking with facts instead of fantasy.

Re: Re: Re: The Square Circle

Originally posted by Raithere
And the historical records that have been found indicating that the pyramids were constructed by Egyptians under orders of various Pharos were then written for what reason?

Try sticking with facts instead of fantasy.


As an Egyptian decendant, I thank you much for the clarification.
Re: Re: Re: The Square Circle

Originally posted by Raithere
And the historical records that have been found indicating that the pyramids were constructed by Egyptians under orders of various Pharos were then written for what reason?

Try sticking with facts instead of fantasy.


Sometimes fantasy becomes reality. The important thing is to keep searching and thinking about all kinds of possibilities. I am aware of what the historical records say, but I retain my right to form alternate theories and share them with this group if I choose to.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Square Circle

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Sometimes fantasy becomes reality. The important thing is to keep searching and thinking about all kinds of possibilities. I am aware of what the historical records say, but I retain my right to form alternate theories and share them with this group if I choose to.
Okay, but then why do the records indicate that the pyramids were man made and why do you believe differently?
Why jump to a fantastical hypothesis when a mundane explanation suffices?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Square Circle

Originally posted by Raithere
Okay, but then why do the records indicate that the pyramids were man made and why do you believe differently?
Why jump to a fantastical hypothesis when a mundane explanation suffices?

They still don't know how the huge blocks of rock were put together--they've "fantisized" how the pyramids might have been built, but even now they're changing their story. It used to be from "slave" labor, but now they're saying the builders were not slaves, etc., etc. This has been on the Int'l History Channel.

All I'm saying is I THINK they had the help of aliens who could have easily built such monuments. We should NEVER stop "fantasizing". Jules Verne is a very good example.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Square Circle

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
They still don't know how the huge blocks of rock were put together
This is an argument from ignorance, “We don’t know. Therefore aliens did it.” It’s not a sufficient argument.

they've "fantisized" how the pyramids might have been built
Actually, it would be more proper to say theorized rather than fantasized. Several groups have demonstrated that it is very possible to cut and move such large blocks of limestone using only tools that would have been available to the Egyptians. Now perhaps the Egyptians used different methods but the fact that it is possible has been well established.

but even now they're changing their story. It used to be from "slave" labor, but now they're saying the builders were not slaves, etc., etc. This has been on the Int'l History Channel.
Yes, many of the particulars are still unknown, and perhaps they always will be. I still don’t see any reasoning behind the leap to your conclusion.

All I'm saying is I THINK they had the help of aliens
What I asked was why.

who could have easily built such monuments.
First you have to establish some grounds to infer that they existed at all. Why aliens? Why not giants? Maybe great green giants assembled the pyramids like children with building-blocks.

We should NEVER stop "fantasizing". Jules Verne is a very good example.
Imagination and fantasy are wonderful things. But there are times when their use is appropriate and times when it’s simply silly. I don’t know how they make Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Does that mean it’s reasonable to fantasize that it is made by elves?

Something of interest

As we all know the exact value of Pi is unknown, that makes the circumfrence of all circles an inexact value. Maybe the value of Pi is one of the secrets of the universe.

A whole religion started in ancient Greece over the value of Pie and its mysteries.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Square Circle

Originally posted by Raithere
This is an argument from ignorance, “We don’t know. Therefore aliens did it.” It’s not a sufficient argument.

First, let me say, that I was NOT adamantly stating that I knew for sure it was aliens who helped the Egyptians build the pyramids. I simply offered my theory.

Actually, it would be more proper to say theorized rather than fantasized.

You are right about the use of theorized instead of fantasized. I'm not a scientist. I am an intuit.

Several groups have demonstrated that it is very possible to cut and move such large blocks of limestone using only tools that would have been available to the Egyptians. Now perhaps the Egyptians used different methods but the fact that it is possible has been well established.

I never said that the Egyptians didn't build the pyramids, all I said was I thought they had help from POSSIBLY aliens (called Titans), so I believe whomever helped the Egyptians were gigantic.

Yes, many of the particulars are still unknown, and perhaps they always will be. I still don’t see any reasoning behind the leap to your conclusion.

What I asked was why.

My "leap" to this conclusion has not, as far as I know, been theorized. Since we have never had this conversation before, it may appear to you to be a "leap." I'm quite sure even serious researchers of such events take their own "leaps."

First you have to establish some grounds to infer that they existed at all.

I thought this was well-documented? Aren't there paintings or drawings of bas reliefs of alien-type travelers in Egypt (as well as in places all over the world)? Haven't they been refered to in the Bible (I'm not a believer in the Bible, but it has several references to Titans, etc.)

Why aliens? Why not giants? Maybe great green giants assembled the pyramids like children with building-blocks.

Maybe they did, I'm only assuming that aliens were probable helpers.

Imagination and fantasy are wonderful things. But there are times when their use is appropriate and times when it’s simply silly. I don’t know how they make Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Does that mean it’s reasonable to fantasize that it is made by elves?

If cream cheese had been around since the time of the pyramids, and there was nothing else like it to be found on the planet, and if it was huge and unexplicable as to how it got to be so creamy in a time when there were no blenders, then one my fantasize that it was made by elves. If this were a laboratory, and I was a scientist, and it was my job to prove or disprove a hypothesis, I would arrive at my data in a much more methodical manner ruling out the impossible and rationalizing the possible, because that's what science does. Science can only prove what isn't, not what is. But this is a scientific forum where ideas can be exchanged by a range of intelligence. One man's fantasy of the pyramids may be another man's reality of cream cheese. Who's to say in this continuum?

My point remains: I believe the Egyptians had some kind of help, and I believe it may have been super-sized travelers from another world. In any event, thanks for your comments which allowed me to take more "leaps."

Re: Something of interest


<i>As we all know the exact value of Pi is unknown, that makes the circumfrence of all circles an inexact value.</i>

Just because we don't know something doesn't mean that thing doesn't exist. Of course circles have an exact circumference. It is simply impossible for us to measure the exact value, because we have no tools up to the job. But that has nothing to do with pi. We can't measure ANY distance to infinite accuracy.