The Square Circle

Not much has been said about the Queen's chamber but if we allowed inches to represent years and if we walked the horizontal passage to the Queen's Chamber, we would be entering the chamber circa 1553 - which corresponds with the beginning of the reign of Bloody Queen Mary.
Here's something else I just read at the website posted above:

"The 344 ft. length of the Descending Passage provides an angle of view of only +/- 1/3 of a degree. Alpha Draconis has not been in alignment for thousands of years. The next alignment will be with the North Star, Polaris, in about 2004 A.D. Polaris in Greek means "Satan"."

I'm confused. You said:

The height of the Great Pyramid in Scriptual inches divided by the perimeter of its base is 36524. We now know that a year is 365.24 days.

The height of the Great Pyramid cannot be over 30,000 times greater than its perimeter. That would probably make it tall enough to put its apex into geosynchronous orbit!

***I'm confused. You said:


The height of the Great Pyramid in Scriptual inches divided by the perimeter of its base is 36524. We now know that a year is 365.24 days.


The height of the Great Pyramid cannot be over 30,000 times greater than its perimeter. That would probably make it tall enough to put its apex into geosynchronous orbit!***

It's a good thing you are confused because you should be... I surely must have been when I posted that!

I was probably intending to provide two separate pieces of information and did not do a very good job of proof-reading my post.

I'm not quite sure right now what I was getting at about the height. I'll try to get back to you on that. However, the perimeter of its base is 36524. We now know that a year is 365.24 days.

A little off the topic but just for the sake of argument Xelios...The Bible speaks of the sons of God comeing to live on earth, and Angles...[Not splitting hairs on weather or not the two are the same]....What would be the basic difference in the "sons of God" decending from the upper level of the heavens (we know Biblically heaven has more than one level or realm) and alien beings decending from outer space or another galaxy?
Just food for thought. :O)
Originally posted by blonde_cupid

However, the perimeter of its base is 36524. We now know that a year is 365.24 days.
Strictly speaking, a mean solar year is 365.242190 days. If precision meant that much, why'd they leave off the extra decimals?
It would probably be hard to find it's perimeter to that many decimals today, as erosion has taken a fairly heavy toll on the pyramids. Just my guess.

***Strictly speaking, a mean solar year is 365.242190 days. If precision meant that much, why'd they leave off the extra decimals?***

Glad you asked that, rde. It's construction is wonderously precise, actually. Here are some other measurements concerning the year only which were taken from the Great Pyramid with varying degrees of precision:

Tropical Year or Calendar Year: The length of a base side is 9131 pyramid inches measured at the mean socket level, or 365.24 pyramid cubits, which is the number of days in a year. {9131/25 = 365.24, accurate to 5 digits}

Tropical Year: - The perimeter of the base divided by 100 = 365.24, the number of days in a year. {9131 PI * 4 / 100, accurate to 5 digits}

Tropical Year: The length of the Antechamber used as the diameter of a circle produces a circumference of 365.242. {accurate to 6 digits}

Tropical Year: - The length of the granite portion of the floor of the antechamber to the King's Chamber times 2*sqrt(Pi) = 365.242

Tropical Year: The ratio of the lengths of the Grand Gallery to the solid diagonal of the King's Chamber times 100 equals the number of days in a tropical year. {(1881.5985600 / 51.516461) * 100 = 365.242200, accurate to 8 digits}

Sidereal Year: - The length of the antechamber of the King's Chamber times Pi = length of a sidereal year { 116.26471 PI * 3.14159 = 365.25636 days, accurate to 8 digits}

Sidereal Year: The length of a base side at sidereal socket level is 365.256+ pyramid cubits. {accurate to 6 digits}

For a glimpse at the bigger picture see:

It is hard to imagine that a people living more than four thousands years ago actually built this one, unique, magnificent structure and incorporated into its architecture so much advanced knowledge and information in the way of astronomy, geometry, geophysics, numerics and prophecy. What's best about it for us, though, is that it is an objective Ancient Wonder that has withstood the test of time - for our benefit!

Understanding that your theory about aliens IS a theory, what DO you think might be the aliens' purpose?

For example, a divine purpose was revealed within the biblical events of the Exodus and the Ten Commandments which can both be seen as symbolically substantiated within the stone passageways of the Great Pyramid. Why, do you think, would aliens want to give such Commandments to us (I Am The Lord, Thy God...) and why, do you think, would the aliens want to guide the Israelites across the Red Sea? What do you think might be the purpose of the Jesus-alien suffering a human crucifixion?

I'm also not sure what you mean when you say the alien theory would explain a) through f)

For example, how does an alien theory explain:

***b) Niether God nor Jesus Christ ever showing up again since Christ's resurrection.***

(not that I agree with that assessment, but that's a topic for another discussion).:)

I think they wanted to influence our evolution (for what, I don't know). Perhaps they built the Great Pyramid to contain many messages and puzzles intended to help us along our evolutionary path. Or, perhaps they are messages that we must decifer when we have the sufficient understanding and technology (who knows, maybe a universal initiation :p ).

Perhaps in order to allow us to progress faster (or in the direction they needed us to go in) the introduction of a stable religion was necessary. Therefor, they created the Ten Commandments, and performed some "miracles" to sort of back it up.

The theory would explain a-f because after they sowed the seeds of knowlege and religion, they would leave us be until we reached the right scientific or technological level to be, for lack of a better phrase, allowed to cruise around with them.

All of the things in a-f could be easily done by an advanced alien race. The Star of David could easily have been their ship. Parting water would be an easy task for a race that travels the cosmos. Stonehenge may be another puzzle to solve, but I think it was actually erected by us for whatever purpose.

I don't actually think this happened, but it is one explanation that came to mind. But, looking back on it, it does seem a little far fetched doesn't it? ;)

In my mind, God* and alien life are not mutually exclusive.

I am convinced of God* and see alien life as a possibility. If aliens do exist, then they too would be from God*.

It would be cool to cruise around with aliens but only if they're friendly. I wouldn't want it to be like the American Indian meets the White Man.

***Perhaps in order to allow us to progress faster (or in the direction they needed us to go in) the introduction of a stable religion was necessary. Therefor, they created the Ten Commandments, and performed some "miracles" to sort of back it up.***

Deception? :confused: Well, then, I don't think I can trust those aliens.

*Whoever/Whatever your Higher Power might be.
*Originally posted by blonde_cupid
Tropical Year or Calendar Year: The length of a base side is 9131 pyramid inches measured at the mean socket level, or 365.24 pyramid cubits, which is the number of days in a year. {9131/25 = 365.24, accurate to 5 digits}

The Egyptian website for the pyramids gives the base as 754 feet which is 9748 inches.

Besides, what is a pyramid inch?
Is it a special unit of measurement specifically designed for this particular theory?

*Originally posted by Xelios
That would depend on why they are deceiving you

You're playing a high-stakes game called life.
You only have one bet.
The "aliens" have already lost, and they're hoping you'll lose, too.
:D That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

So the aliens believed in God, and they lost their "bet". So now they are trying to get us to believe in God so they can take us down with them? Think about what you just said Tony...
nooo... what Tony said was

The "aliens" believe in God but lost their bet by siding with Satan and they want to take you down with them by causing you to deny what they know.

It's pretty simple really if you know your Bible.


Perhaps in order to allow us to progress faster (or in the direction they needed us to go in) the introduction of a stable religion was necessary. Therefor, they created the Ten Commandments, and performed some "miracles" to sort of back it up.
The "aliens" believe in God but lost their bet by siding with Satan and they want to take you down with them by causing you to deny what they know.

This makes no sense. If the aliens had sided with satan, why didn't they simply tell us he is God? According to you, what the aliens have just done is sided with satan, then teach us to believe in God in order to cause us to go to hell with them? I don't know, I must have missed something here...
*Originally posted by Xelios
This makes no sense. If the aliens had sided with satan, why didn't they simply tell us he is God?

They did.

The Catholic church has the pope.
Islam has Allah.
Buddhism has Buddha.
Humanism has you.

Even though all of these sound like different names, all religions will tell you that God by any name is still God, all except for the guy hanging on the cross, Jesus Christ.
He's the one exception to all of that unity and warm fuzzies and all.
All those religions stemmed off of one. If the aliens came before this one formed (at least before Jesus Christ came to Earth) then it would have been them who started religion in the first place (at least what you believe in tony). Which means all religions are "deceptions", including yours tony.

The hidden legacy of man kind can be found in the pyramid but
not on the inside, it is hidden in plain view, in the outside,
the portion of the Square that, you can not see, that is
not readily apparent, sacred, hidden from view.

The shape of the pyramid is the Secret, the Holy Grail.

The Square Circle is a Perfect Square, is without sin,
has no corners, a Vessel that holds the Spirit of God,
the Spiritual Reality of First Cause.---->O

Perfect Squares that have no corners are many.

The many variation of the Cross are Circles, perfect squares
that have no corners.

The Breath of God, the Spiritual Reality of First Cause, breathed
into Buddha's nostrils, the Spirit that became Buddha's Foot print,
path, the way he walked the earth, his spirit, his nature, his way,
his attitude, the swastika, su asti, Well being, good being, Supreme BE-ing.

Sacred Geometry, Turning a Square, a Triangle, a Cross into a circle requires divined intervention.

:confused: Duality is Irrational!!!!!!!!!

Hermes Pythagoras Trismegistus, Keeper of the Holy Grail------>O
Originally posted by wayne_92587
The Breath of God, the Spiritual Reality of First Cause, breathed into Buddha's nostrils, the Spirit that became Buddha's Foot print, path, the way he walked the earth, his spirit, his nature, his way, his attitude, the swastika, su asti, Well being, good being, Supreme BE-ing.
Do Buddhist believe in god?

"Man fears time, yet time fears the pyramids"
-Arab proverb