The Square Circle

If we begin at the entrance to the passageways, the first section is a downhill decline. If we follow the passageway downwards to the point where it first shifts sharply to an ascending direction, and allow one inch to represent one year, in chronological time it is 1484 BC - the Exodus.
Who says the Egyptians used inches?

Lucky you weren't born in Russia using arshins.
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As we turn to enter the first ascending passageway representing the beginning of the era of Moses and the Exodus (circa 1484 BC if we allow inches to represent years), we see before us two great red stone tablets blocking the way. (Remember Moses, the Exodus, the parting of the Red Sea and the two tablets of the Ten Commandments?)

The next significant change in the the first ascending passageway is where three different passageways connect. At this point, we have three options.

1. We can turn around and head back down to where we came from.

2. We can enter a horizontal passageway that leads in the end to what is known as the Queen's Chamber, or

3. We can continue our upward ascent and enter what is known as the Grand Gallery.

The architecture and construction of the Grand Gallery is quite different from lower first ascending passageway. It has a ceiling of 28 feet which helps create the feeling of being uplifted, after coming out of the first ascending passage through which we must crouch to ascend.

At the point where we are given these three choices, the distance we have now travelled in time (if we allow inches to represent years) brings us to circa 31 AD - The time of the Crucifixion and Ressurection of Jesus Christ.
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*Originally posted by blonde_cupid
circa 31 BC - The time of the Crucifixion and Ressurection of Jesus Christ.

Since when was Jesus crucified and resurrected in 31 BC?

I had just finished editing that, then I read your question. Of course it was AD. Thanks anyway.

As far as your question about since when did the Egyptians [living 2000-3000 years before the Christ] use inches? It seems that whoever was overseeing the project gave them that inspiration in addition to all the other biblical information and advanced technological information.

Actually, the inch as it is used here, is 1/25 of a biblical cubit as described by Sir Isaac Newton.
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In developing the law of gravity in the 1600's, Newton needed to know the diameter of the Earth. Newton had heard legends which claimed that the Great Pyramid held knowledge of the Earth past, the Earth present and the Earth future so he visited and studied the Great Pyramid.

During his study Newton recognized that many key measurements would be in round numbers if the standard unit of measure was just 0.001 (1/1,000) inch larger than the British inch-which just happens to be the Sacred Jewish Inch. (The Sacred Jewish Inch, 1/25 of a cubit, equals 1.00106 British inches.) This discovery allowed the secrets of the Pyramid to be unlocked and revealed unmistakable and mathematical relationships. In addition to Pi and the ability to view the Great Pyramid as a square circle as discussed previously, other numbers are also repeated throughout the Great Pyramid:

All of the evidence in the Great Pyramid shows that 4,600 years ago somebody knew a great deal about the Earth. But it gets better, much better:

All four sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly bowed in, or concave. This effect, which cannot be detected by looking at the Pyramid from the ground, was discovered around 1940 by a pilot taking aerial photos to check certain measurements. As measured by today's laser instruments, all of these perfectly cut and intentionally bowed stone blocks duplicate exactly the curvature of the earth. The radius of this bow is equal to the radius of the Earth. This radius of curvature is what Newton had been seeking.
O.K., now, back to the passageways inside the Great Pyramid... We are at the end of the first ascending passageway at the point where three passageways meet.

Allowing inches to represent years, scientists have made many more observations.

For example: The intersection of the Queen's Chamber floor with the floor of the Ascending Passage at its opening into the Grand Gallery creates a triangle. The triangle's length along the Ascending Passage of 33,512 Scriptual inches places the intersection of the Queen's Chamber floor and the Ascending Passage at September 29, 2 B.C., the date of the birth of Christ. (The calandar used contains a two-year error. When historians originally attempted to count backward to the birth of Christ, they did so by accounting for the Reign of Kings. One of the kings counted was actually ruler of his country twice, the second time under a different name for a period of two years. When the years of rule were counted, this king's reign was mistakenly counted twice).

Coincidentally, the horizontal base of the triangle in the Pyramid is 30,043 inches, or 3,469 inches short of the crucifixion, which corresponds to the date of October 14, 29 A.D., the date of Christ's baptism.

Over 4,600 years ago and over 1,000 years before the first book of the Bible was written, the Ascending Passage exactly depicted in inches (years) and fractions of an inch the exodus of the Jews, and the birth, baptism, and crucifixion of Christ. All that was stored in a stone structure with no written message on it.
In addition to the focus on the advanced knowledge which was needed to build the Great Pyramid approximately 4,600 years ago, whoever oversaw the building of the Great Pyramid must also have been able to see and maybe even control the future. Combined, these are the characteristics which we usually assign to what we call the supernatural.

Dedication of the interior of the Great Pyramid to the biblical history of mankind, prophecy, and especially to the life and death of Jesus Christ indicates that the Pyramid must have been designed and built with supernatural help as a prophetic monument able to endure through the ages.

But, what happens next? More to follow.
Remember those red stone tablets found at the beginning of the first ascent in the passageways of the Great Pyramid which corresponded to the time of Moses and the Exodus? They are made of a rare type of red granite found on Mount Sinai, the place where God* gave Moses the stone tablets on which the Commandments were written.
If all this is true, it's not that implausible that an alien race built (or at least helped build) the pyramids. Maybe they came back later, to learn more about us or whatever, and they sent one of their own to live amoung us for a few years. This being appeared to us as a normal human, except it seems it could perform miracles. People may have thought of it as a God and written the Bible, in which events that really did happen were greatly exaggerated.

Maybe they're planning on coming back sometime? I would.

Anyway, just one more theory in a slew of others that have been thought up.

Are you saying that Jesus Christ was an alien?

If so, do you think, then, that the father of all aliens gave Moses the Commandments and guided him across the Red Sea?
The height of the Great Pyramid in Scriptual inches divided by the perimeter of its base is 36524. We now know that a year is 365.24 days.
Modern technology has enabled us to determine the average height of all the earth's land above sea level. Guess what is built to that exact height?

If you guessed the Great Pyramid of Giza, you get the prize. :)
When the hypotenuse of the triangle described earlier, which represents the birth of Jesus Christ in inches to years, is extended on a map...

Drumroll please...

It extends directly to the little town of Bethlehem!
Here's a note on topic from the website which I just found and referenced above:

"If the height of the pyramid is taken as the radius of a circle, then the circumference of this circle is the same as the perimeter of the base. This provided the complimentary squaring of a circle and circling of a square. The key to this relationship is knowledge of the value of Pi and designing the angle of the pyramid to be exactly 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 14.3 seconds."
Quite interesting. I assume you mean the hypotenuse of the triangle in inches represents the number of miles to bethlehem. Inches on a map represent different amounts of miles depending on the scale.

Where are you getting all this info anyway?

Hello KalvinB,

***Quite interesting.***

Yes, I agree whole-heartedly.

***I assume you mean the hypotenuse of the triangle in inches represents the number of miles to bethlehem. Inches on a map represent different amounts of miles depending on the scale.***

Oh, no... there is a triangle which forms within the passageways. The various dimensions of the actual triangle (in inches) as formed in the passageways reveal (in corresponding years) various events in the life of Jesus Christ. If I superimpose the Great Pyramid to its location on a map, locate the triangle within the Pyramid, and extend the hypotenuse of this Christ triangle from its location within the Pyramid on the map, the line will extend to and cross Bethlehem. (I hope that's clearer).

***Where are you getting all this info anyway?***

I've held an interest in the revelations of the Great Pyramid and have been reading about it in various sources for quite some time now but, just within the last hour, I came across a website that looks like it might have pulled most of the revelations together in one place. I posted the web address above in my response to James R.

Here's another interesting piece of information about the Great Pyramid which I failed to address previously.

"The mortar used is of an unknown origin. It has been analyzed and it's chemical composition is known but it can't be reproduced. It is stronger than the stone and still holding up today."
Are you saying that Jesus Christ was an alien?

If so, do you think, then, that the father of all aliens gave Moses the Commandments and guided him across the Red Sea?
I'm not really saying anything, it was just a thought I had. But why would there have to be a father of all aliens? Could it not have been another alien? Or even the same one? The Bible has been copied many times since 1 AD, who knows what might have changed.

I'm just saying, this would explain:

a) The pyramids and all the "coincidences" in them.
b) Niether God nor Jesus Christ ever showing up again since Christ's resurrection.
c) The miracles Jesus performed.
d) The star of David.
e) The parting of the Red Sea (who knows why they did it, but they would probably have technology that can move water).
f) Stonehenge?

I can't think of any more, I'm too tired (its 2 am). But I agree, some pretty interesting stuff concerning the Giza pyramid.