The Square Circle


Registered Senior Member
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest known structure on the face of the earth. It was build on the center of the earth's landmass. Even with all of the advances into modern technology, most experts agree that it's construction cannot be duplicated today. (Some refer to this as evolution in reverse).

According to Physicist and author John Zajac, we know from geometry that there is a universal relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. Consider this: The height of The Great Pyramid of Giza's apex is 5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the radius), the result is 3.14159, which just happens to be pi. Incredibly, this calculation is accurate to six digits. The Pyramid can be viewed as a square circle. Pi was designed into it 4,600 years ago. Pi is demonstrated many times throughout the Pyramid.

An in-depth analysis of The Great Pyramid of Giza also reveals the Bible in stone if we allow "Pyramid inches" to represent "Bible years". The history of man's relationship with God* as told in the Bible, including: The exodus, the ten commandments, the parting of the Red Sea, the birth, baptism, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is represented in the Pyramid despite the fact that the Pyramid was built more than a thousand years before the time of Moses.

Who had knowledge of an advanced technology, thousands of years ago, which is still not totally understood by modern man? Who could the ancient architect have been who knew how to create and build a square circle? Who, then, knew how to demonstrate Pi? Who knew about the biblical history of man's relationship with God* thousands of years before the Bible was written? Who knew where the center of the earth's landmass was before it was explored and mapped?

There are a number of theories out there. What's yours?
Even with all of the advances into modern technology, most experts agree that it's construction cannot be duplicated today. (Some refer to this as evolution in reverse).

Which part of the Pyramid that we can't duplicate? Who are those experts? Can you post the complete quote?

Or you are referring that we still not sure how Pyramid was built without heavy construction equipment of today?

*Originally posted by blonde_cupid
The Pyramid can be viewed as a square circle.

Here's the definition of a circle...

---cir·cle (sûrkl) n.

1. A plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center.---

Pyramids aren't circles.
Here's my theory (yes, it sounds like sci fi, but just think about it for a bit).

At approximatly the time of the pyramids, an alien race of some kind landed on Earth and found a very primitive civilization. Instead of showing themselves right away, they built these great pyramids as a kind of coded message. Their intention being, once humanity had grown advanced enough, they could decifer the message of the pyramids and the aliens could come back to establish contact, because now humanity would be able to comprehend what they (the aliens) were, instead of believing them to simply be Gods.

I know it sounds like science fiction, and I'm sure tony1 will tell you it is. This message is not intended for him, but for those of you with open minds, willing to accept new ideas.

I mean, just think about it. These pyramids were built to astonishing accuracy. Stone blocks that massed more than an average car were somehow lifted onto eachother to form an almost perfect pyramid. These pyramids are very durable, as they have survived thousands of years and are still in relatively good shape. Now, we find that pi, one of the most famous constants, was built into the pyramids to an astonishing accuracy of 6 decimal places. Do you really believe our ancestors could have built them? I don't.
<i>There are a number of theories out there. What's yours?</i>

Mine is that the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids with technology that was available at the time. The pyramids were tombs for Pharoahs and also monuments of the civilisation.

<i>The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest known structure on the face of the earth.</i>

The oldest <i>existing</i> structure, perhaps, though I'm sceptical even of that.

<i>It was build on the center of the earth's landmass.</i>

The Earth's landmass is on a sphere. It has no centre.

<i>Even with all of the advances into modern technology, most experts agree that it's construction cannot be duplicated today.</i>

Most experts do not think that.

<i>[All the stuff about pi]</i>

This is either coincidence, or it is a consequence of the practicalities of constructing a structure which is the almost the steepest possible without collapsing under its own weight. The Egyptians had already learnt that lesson by having a previous pyramid collapse on them because it was too steep.

<i>An in-depth analysis of The Great Pyramid of Giza also reveals the Bible in stone if we allow "Pyramid inches" to represent "Bible years". [snip]</i>

Wishful thinking.


<i>At approximatly the time of the pyramids, an alien race of some kind landed on Earth and found a very primitive civilization. Instead of showing themselves right away, they built these great pyramids as a kind of coded message.</i>

A lot of trouble for them to go to. Why not just write down a message? It could still be in code if that's what they wanted. Perhaps they could have put it on plastic or some other material unknown at the time.

<i>I know it sounds like science fiction, and I'm sure tony1 will tell you it is. This message is not intended for him, but for those of you with open minds, willing to accept new ideas.</i>

This is not a new idea. Pseudoscientists have been pedalling this one for years.

<i>Do you really believe our ancestors could have built them? I don't.</i>

Yes I do. I think you underestimate the abilities of the ancient Egyptians.
Fair enough.

By new I meant new to the person reading it, not that it is an idea that has just recently been thought up.
*Originally posted by Xelios
I know it sounds like science fiction, and I'm sure tony1 will tell you it is. This message is not intended for him, but for those of you with open minds, willing to accept new ideas.

Sounds like you want to preach to the choir.
Can't you tolerate skepticism?

*Do you really believe our ancestors could have built them? I don't. *

Neither do I.
I'm not Egyptian, either.
Mind you, the Egyptians could have built them.
After all, they are just big piles of rock.

*Originally posted by James R
The Earth's landmass is on a sphere. It has no centre.

Some of the more scientifically-minded among us might argue that the Earth has a center.
Some would go so far as to say that spheres in general have centers.

*Most experts do not think that.*

Anyone that watches demonstrations of pyramid construction by Egyptian peasants using nothing more than logs and ropes wouldn't think that either.

*By new I meant new to the person reading it, not that it is an idea that has just recently been thought up.*

Actually, that's what I was thinking, too.
Yes, big piles of rock that are almost perfect pyramids, off by no more than an inch on any side. But maybe perfection was just a coincidence and the Egyptions were really piling rocks on top of eachother for something to do... :rolleyes:
"But maybe perfection was just a coincidence..."

Maybe the Egyptians, like the Greeks, actually took pride in their work resulting in perfection. A rare thing these days.


***Which part of the Pyramid that we can't duplicate?***

I'll be brief on this point for now. Using modern knowledge and technology, a few years ago, the Japanese attempted to duplicate the Great Pyramid at one-quarter scale. They couldn't do it.

***Who are those experts?***

There are thousands who have studied the Great Pyramid.

***Can you post the complete quote?***

What quote?
James R,

***The pyramids were tombs for Pharoahs***

The evidence indicates that a pharoah was not laid to rest in the Great Pyramid.

***The Earth's landmass is on a sphere. It has no centre.***

The Great Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. Its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. The longest land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also passes right through the Pyramid. Do you think that's a coincidence?

***[All the stuff about pi]
This either coincidence, or it is a consequence of the practicalities of constructing a structure which is the almost the steepest possible without collapsing under its own weight.***

Pi is a coincidence? Due to the fact that Pi was demonstrated repeatedly throughout the Great Pyramid, I am inclined to think that it was intentional.

Do you think it was a coincidence that the Great Pyramid was built to face true North and that no other attempt to build a large structure facing true North has ever been accomplished as precisely as this was?

In the June 1999 issue of Civil Engineering Magazine, Craig B. Smith, P.E., PhD, reported that the base of the Great Pyramid is square and is oriented to the four points of the compass to standards that would be challenging to a builder of today.

**An in-depth analysis of The Great Pyramid of Giza also reveals the Bible in stone if we allow "Pyramid inches" to represent "Bible years". [snip]

Wishful thinking.***

Are you familiar with the facts? I'll post them separately.


You are not alone with your alien theory. There is also a theory that the Egyptians were assisted by the advanced technological knowledge held by a civilization now lost to Atlantis.

Many wonders of the Great Pyramid tend to point to a higher power.

***Maybe the Egyptians, like the Greeks, actually took pride in their work resulting in perfection.***

What do you think would account for the physical representation of bible history in advance?

<i>Some of the more scientifically-minded among us might argue that the Earth has a center. Some would go so far as to say that spheres in general have centers.</i>

It seems you've misinterpreted what I wrote. I meant the the Earth's <b>landmass</b> has no centre. I would have thought it was obvious from the context, but there you are. I'll try to be more careful in future. I agree sphere's tend to have centres, by the way, but thanks for the correction. I wonder how many other readers misinterpreted my comment the way you did?


<i>The evidence indicates that a pharoah was not laid to rest in the Great Pyramid.</i>

I'd say the evidence is equivocal on that point, but you may be right.

<i>The Great Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. Its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. The longest land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also passes right through the Pyramid. Do you think that's a coincidence?</i>

America is not connected to Africa or Asia. Neither is Antarctica. Nor were they when the pyramids were built. Aside from that, yes, I think it's a coincidence.

<i>Due to the fact that Pi was demonstrated repeatedly throughout the Great Pyramid, I am inclined to think that it was intentional.</i>

Where else is it demonstrated?

<i>Do you think it was a coincidence that the Great Pyramid was built to face true North and that no other attempt to build a large structure facing true North has ever been accomplished as precisely as this was?</i>

The alignment is probably not a coincidence. But I dispute that no other structure has been lined up to the same degree. For example, stonehenge is pretty well aligned, in its own way. Of course, maybe aliens built it too. :)

<i>In the June 1999 issue of Civil Engineering Magazine, Craig B. Smith, P.E., PhD, reported that the base of the Great Pyramid is square and is oriented to the four points of the compass to standards that would be challenging to a builder of today.</i>

You've gotta admire those Egyptians, don't you? They sure knew how to build stuff.

<i>Are you familiar with the facts [concerning the bible's relation to the pyramid]?</i>

No, I'm not. Please post them.

By the way, have you been reading Graham Hancock? He's really into this sort of thing. Making lots of money, I bet.
*Originally posted by Xelios
Yes, big piles of rock that are almost perfect pyramids, off by no more than an inch on any side. But maybe perfection was just a coincidence and the Egyptions were really piling rocks on top of eachother for something to do...

Actually, you can go to any city in the world and see big piles of rock, called buildings, which are off by considerably less than an inch.

Your argument appears to be based on the assumption that the Egyptians were somehow worse than everyone else when it comes to piling up rocks.

I don't share that assumption.

*Originally posted by blonde_cupid
the Japanese attempted to duplicate the Great Pyramid at one-quarter scale. They couldn't do it.

Americans were more successful.
Check out Las Vegas, the pyramid there even has little lights on the edges.

*The Great Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. Its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. The longest land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also passes right through the Pyramid. Do you think that's a coincidence? *

Every point on the earth has at least two perpendicular diameters passing through it.
It isn't coincidence, it is unavoidable.
As a matter of fact, every point on the earth has an infinite number of pairs of perpendicular diameters passing through it.
(Disregarding the fact that the earth is an oblate spheroid, rather than a perfect sphere)

It's much like saying the Pyramids are unusual because they are surrounded by air.

*What do you think would account for the physical representation of bible history in advance?*

Nothing, since the building of the Pyramids happened after the beginning of the Bible, even if you disregard the creation.
I don't think the great pyramid of vegas is built of solid slabs of granite.

There was a special on PBS about recreating the pryamids and a small team succeeded in building a very small version using only the tools assumed available at the time.

We could do it with modern tools. It would just take a very long tim and a whole lot of money. Something they really didn't have to worry about back then.

We tend to take on only projects we can get done in a short time and that take a minimum of cost. I wonder how much it actually cost to build the pyramids back then.

You're right, of course.

The Vegas pyramid has more room inside, and probably won't last as long.

I note no disagreement that the pyramids are big piles of rock.
Hey gang,

It is the Great Pyramid of Giza which is under discussion. Not pyramids in general. The Great Pyramid is quite a unique pyramid.
One of the Great Pyramid's unique features is that it is situated in the center of gravity of the continents. At 31 degrees east of Greenwich, its north-south axis is the longest land meridian. At 30 degrees north, its east-west axis is the longest land parallel on the globe. The Great Pyramid is situated in the only place where the longest land-lines of the earth cross. Isaac Newton studied this structure in order to unlock some of the secrets of gravity.
The Great Pyramid is unique in that it was not used to entomb a pharoah.

Another unique feature of the Great Pyramid is that, unlike other pyramids, its passageways do not focus on the Pharoah, his ancestors or other Egyptian dyasties. Instead, they focus on the past, present and future of the human race in general, the Exodus, Christ and the second coming.

Although the prophecy revealed in the Great Pyramid was the same as that of the Bible, please keep in mind that the Exodus came more than one thousands years after the Great Pyramid was built and that Christ came even much later.