The Soul

itopal said:
. . . memory and experience of this material life you’re living might transcend itself (MIGHT!);
With the brain already gone ?
On one hand you assert with authority ; on the other hand you concede with a 'might'. Your materialism seems to have a dualism in itself.
Cris said:
Regarding the loss of a brain hemisphere etc -

It is perhaps of more interest to consider the cases where the connection between the two hemispheres is completely severed. The individual goes on to develop two distinct personalities. Does this mean that a new soul was born the instant the brain was damaged? I think it is examples like this that reveal the ludicrous nature of the soul concept.


Still it can be said that the same soul interacts with material world differently through 2 different type of setup posed by disconnected hemispheres.
I dont like 'Illusion' which is termed 'Maya' in Eastern mysticism. it has come to mean that only spirit is real, and matter /Nature is an enticing trap

I prefer Alan Watts interpretation o f'Play' and/or 'magical skill'

Material reality is both real, and .....errrm, i dont know. choose a term?

Still it can be said that the same soul interacts with material world differently through 2 different type of setup posed by disconnected hemispheres.

If so then that infers that the soul is not the source of personality but it is the brain. What then is the purpose of a soul?
But when I have realized the true reality of nothingness, there is no such thing as baseball bats or any other visions.

It' s unfortunate you are unable to accept reality and must seek fantasies to subsist.

Of course, your statements are hypocritical as well as ridiculous. You have been reading my words and responding. Welcome to reality.
It' s unfortunate you are unable to accept reality and must seek fantasies to subsist.

It's not that, it's just that I get so bored of this so called "reality". Is reality only what you see? Have you ever thought that whatever you see, you see only because you're conscious of it, you can never see something which is outside your consciousness. So it appears that the universe is inside you consciousness instead of the other way around.

(Q) said:
Of course, your statements are hypocritical as well as ridiculous. You have been reading my words and responding. Welcome to reality.

The truth is that you are talking with yourself when you think you are talking to Yorda, because you and Yorda are one and the same thing. And so am I talking with myself when I am talking to "you". Of course, Yorda and (Q) are only two small aspects of the infinitely large self. You never wrote anything, I wrote what you said, and you wrote this. Accept that you wrote this, don't defend the personality of (Q), accept your infinity.

I and the rest of the world is the unconscious part of you, (Q) is the conscious part of you. Just calm down and concentrate on yourself.
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Okinrus (What is an Okinrus? Is it a name?). . .
It's a handle.

. . . remove a part of the brain, emotional connections to others - gone.
. . . remove another part of the brain, thinking is diminished.
. . . continue removing parts and eventually (while you might still be alive); all capacity for thinking, experiencing anything - is gone.
No, it something you cannot know. If a person's communication to our world is completely shut off, it follows that we can know of anything that person's experiencing. Perhaps if the brain was all we have, we could tell. But to assume conjecture, we'd be assuming the nonexistence of the soul. We'd be begging the question.

It doesn't mean their not experiencing anything, only that we do not know.Yes I do know that - brain death is death; a heart can be replaced; a person can have the brain destroyed; and be placed on machines to keep the blood pumping; to introduce nutrients and oxygen; the body may be there but the person; personality; is gone.
No, you do not know that. You know what is materially visible, that their personality is no longer apparent and that their brain is dead, but you do not know whether that person is really gone from existence. In fact, cases extist where a person is called clinically brain dead, but when that person wakes up they remember a whole range of experiences, some of whom claim to have gone to heaven or to hell, or to whatever. My point is, even when external evidence clearly indicates, personal evidence cannot be immmediately discounted.

My conclusion is not an analytic conclusion; it is a matter of fact. There is no reason for a so-called immaterial astral plane spiritual realm invisible soul to even interact with the material world - none - it is just theology; the multi-layers of assumptions upon assumptions; ad infinitum.
What we call spiritual or immaterial isn't clear and cut. What I mean is, we've invented such terms to call what is visble and known to us. They describe our interactions between the two planes of existence. How our body reacts to the material world, how the soul tells the body to do, and how our body reacts to the spiritual world. Because such places seem to us separate but somehow connected, we name them as different realities or places. But it's really nothing more than terminology.

There is no reason for a so-called immaterial astral plane spiritual realm invisible soul to even interact with the material world - none - it is just theology; the multi-layers of assumptions upon assumptions; ad infinitum.
My question to you, then, is what is an appropriate reason? If it's something we do not understand, then there are countless things about the brains workings, some of which I've even mentioned, that neither science nor you can figure out. If it's a logical reason we do understand, then it must be put into the form: condition A implies the existence of the soul. And so if the soul doesn't exist, then condition A doesn't exist. But in reality, the soul isn't observable. Someone could build a computer, vastly large however, to replicate the external behavioral of a person. The computer of course would'nt have a soul, and so, I think it follows, we have no physical reason meeting condition A. Hence, our only logical reason could be a spirtual one, from which it's reasonable to onclude both the soul and the spiritual realm exist.

If a person's communication to our world is completely shut off, it follows that we can know of anything that person's experiencing.

Yes we can. We can measure electrical activity in the brain that we know through endless experiments are the result of thoughts, emotions, and feelings. If there is zero activity then the person has none of those experiences. If the brain is damaged or is missing then clearly there is no activity and hence there can be no experiences.

Perhaps if the brain was all we have, we could tell.

We know of nothing else and there is no reason to suspect anything else.

But to assume conjecture, we'd be assuming the nonexistence of the soul.

Not quite. The soul is already conjecture. There is simply no reason to assume the existence of a soul.

You know what is materially visible, that their personality is no longer apparent and that their brain is dead, but you do not know whether that person is really gone from existence.

Billions of people have died and none have ever returned to assert that death is not the same as non-existence. Again there is no reason to suspect anything else.

In fact, cases exist where a person is called clinically brain dead, but when that person wakes up they remember a whole range of experiences, some of whom claim to have gone to heaven or to hell, or to whatever.

Clearly they weren’t truly dead so your point is not relevant. And any memories recalled during a period when the brain and memory paths were under severe trauma (e.g. starved of oxygen) cannot ever be considered in the least bit reliable.

What we call spiritual or immaterial isn't clear and cut.

As is the case with any fantasy concept not based on actuality.

If it's a logical reason we do understand, then it must be put into the form: condition A implies the existence of the soul.

No that is not valid logic. If it is something we do not understand then the conclusion is we do not know. It in no way points to a conclusion that souls exist. The absence of knowledge is not evidence of a fantasy being real.

But in reality, the soul isn't observable.

Which is consistent with anything that doesn’t exist.

Hence, our only logical reason could be a spirtual one, from which it's reasonable to onclude both the soul and the spiritual realm exist.

No again – absence of knowledge does not imply the existence of something which has not been observed and is undetectable. For example if we used your reasoning we could substitute super aliens that control our behavior instead of souls – this fantasy works equally well. Without objective detection and observation you have no rational basis to ever conclude that souls or a spiritual realm exist or could exist.
Yes it is something I know, you can know too, read up and find out. There is no reason to assert a process separate from the complexity called mind occurring in a brain. . . no brain no experience in this reality - period. Already I have stated this FACT twice. . .
Well, yes. If we could replicate the total external behavioral of a human mind, we would have no material reason to assume the existence of the soul, side our own conscious. But as it is, this hasn't been done, and is likely never to be done.

Already I have stated this FACT twice. . .
You stating it as fact doesn't make it make it fact. Look, what we call a person is terminology, really. If you define a person as the summation of the material, then you're right. That person dies from existence when he or she dies. But to do so is to assume a definition which is biased towards a person only having a material existence. If, on the other hand, a person is defined to have a soul, a person exists without the material body. So, you're not really getting anywhere. To assume either definition is to beg the question.

Assuming the existence of something is what you’re doing; it’s converse is not logical period.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Converse error, you know, is when you have If A then B and you attempt to say If B then A. I haven't committed converse error here.

Proof-less things are just that proof-less; therefore no reason to suggest them.
Untrue. All proofs require a system of axioms to make sense. These axioms are unproven.

The burden of proof is on the one making the extraordinary claim; I am not making that claim you are; and where you have no proof; there is tons of proof about how brains actually work; and where they are; not in astral planes; but inside skulls.
Well, astral planes etc., are an extraordinary claim. But remember, your not an unbiased observer. What you consider extraordinary, isn't necessarily extraordinary to people thousands of years, to me, or to anyone else. Consciousness seems pretty extraordinary to me. You also have to show that the soul isn't extraordinary. There's no proof of how our brains work. We'd have very fast computers with very large amounts of harddrive space even if we understood the material aspects. And remember, too, the soul isn't doing much. It's only making a decision every second or so and observing visual, audio infomation, etc. It could be just influencing a few neurons by changing the charge slightly. We don't know.

That’s bullshit, that near death experience crap, it’s pure bias, and presented with bias, and a topic for another thread.
Well, I'd have to look at each case of near-death experience to complete brain death.

I already said comma/coming out of a comma is a measure of incompleteness in understanding (incompleteness does not infer wild theological speculation) or are you not understanding? Minimal brain activity, no apparent brain activity, does not equate to brain death.
The doctors reported "brain dead". I don't know what that means precisely. Perhaps it means the brain activity when below our sensers. What it does show, I think, is either our sensors are inept to sense all brain activity, or the soul exists, or the instruments failed.

This is not question - it is a theological statement. . .
Of which there is no proof. . .
Of which there is no reason to infer a special-essence of “in-mind” experience in dualistic terms/notions of astral spiritual planes these - “you can’t find it” and “you can’t see-it” or “test for it” existence.
And this - “In conclusion” - I think so - therefore it’s true. (No logic, just another absurdity.)
Well, you haven't explained what you'd think would be convincing evidence here. If you believe no convincing evidence of the soul could ever be found or obtained, then how am I, or any other, supposed to convince you the soul exists?

No that is not valid logic. If it is something we do not understand then the conclusion is we do not know. It in no way points to a conclusion that souls exist. The absence of knowledge is not evidence of a fantasy being real.
Chris, it's logical. If no amount of evidence could ever convince you of the existence of the soul, then either you look else where or you say "you don't know". You don't know whether the soul exists. Simple enough. iI wasn't claming what I said proof of the soul.topal, however, is stating the soul doesn't exist, as a fact actually. The only true evidence of the soul's existence can come from the soul and from the spiritual realm. While the brain is an elaborate task master, I can't say you're any better off on this argument than when we lacked knowledge of the brain and onlby believed soul directly connected to your arms and legs, like the greeks believed. We've given a more specified connection.

For example if we used your reasoning we could substitute super aliens that control our behavior instead of souls – this fantasy works equally well.
Yes, from a material perspective we wouldn't know. But really, from a material perspective we'd have to consider the entire world as the motive force. That is, your behavior is caused by material around you, for which the movement or activity is caused by material around it. In fact, you could keep going backward and you'd never know why you did. Eventually, though, you'd have to consider all mater's motion to be caused by a prime mover or say matter has always been in motion. Neither of these two choices is apparent, the prime mover suggesting a supernatural entity and the matter always in motion being unintuitive.
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Cris said:
If so then that infers that the soul is not the source of personality but it is the brain. What then is the purpose of a soul?

Or rather the brain enables or challanges the ability of soul to interact with material world. Its all in the perspective one has - material or otherwise. While you ask about the purpose of a soul, i think about the purpose of brain to be a necessary interface for the soul.
itopal said:
Hey why don't you try organizing my paragraphs sentence by sentence backwards that might help to . . . ;)
I would suggest that you read again your own responses to me and okinrus in chronological order to see your contradicting repetition of brain disection even after you seemingly agreed to the fact that brain adjusted the loss of left hemisphere leaving all the earlier neurophysiological assertions to be rather naive.
everneo said:

Or rather the brain enables or challanges the ability of soul to interact with material world. Its all in the perspective one has - material or otherwise. While you ask about the purpose of a soul, i think about the purpose of brain to be a necessary interface for the soul.

Hey everno, yes, i was thinking about similar as that only recently. i was wondering abou tthis impasse one has communicating with science people who adhere to a physicalist theory about emerging consciousness. The impasse being how to communicate about Direct spiritual experience, and that the environment is how?

of course they assume--like you imply--that only with a brain can consciousness and intelligence manifest, and for them only with human brains is this fully achieved.
But like you say, and i was thinking about. we ARe here, and in order to interelate with other people, species, Nature--the whole wonderful EVENT, we NEEd to be bodies with brains that have capacities for both logic/reason/analysis and emotion/ecstasy/feeling
As many of us may be aware. when the modern physcisists -at the trun of last century -began exploring deeper and deeper into physical reality, what they found deeply confused their assumptions about reality.
doesn't that confoundment of the 'logical' 'objective' human brain imply an Intelligence that is outSIDe the physical brain, as well as inside of course?
It's not that, it's just that I get so bored of this so called "reality".

You're bored of reality because you know nothing about reality. You exist in a fantasy world created by your mom. Confirmation of your ignorance is clearly stated here:

So it appears that the universe is inside you consciousness instead of the other way around.

The truth is that you are talking with yourself when you think you are talking to Yorda

Quite frankly, I would get more intelligent conversation from a brick wall.

And so am I talking with myself when I am talking to "you"

No, you are talking to yourself and not listening to anyone else.

Accept that you wrote this, don't defend the personality of (Q), accept your infinity.

Sorry, Q attempts to steer clear of writing nonsense.
Why? It is only an engineering problem to be solved. A solution is inevitable.
You're bored of reality because you know nothing about reality. You exist in a fantasy world created by your mom.

Is that so...

Quite frankly, I would get more intelligent conversation from a brick wall.

True, but even if you talked with a brick wall, you would still be talking to yourself. When people pray to God, they pray to themselves, they talk with themselves, not God.

Sorry, Q attempts to steer clear of writing nonsense.

Seems like a good thing to do.
duendy said:
Hey everno, yes, i was thinking about similar as that only recently. i was wondering abou tthis impasse one has communicating with science people who adhere to a physicalist theory about emerging consciousness. The impasse being how to communicate about Direct spiritual experience, and that the environment is how?
Its a tough job made tougher by the notion that science validates materialism.

of course they assume--like you imply--that only with a brain can consciousness and intelligence manifest, and for them only with human brains is this fully achieved.
But like you say, and i was thinking about. we ARe here, and in order to interelate with other people, species, Nature--the whole wonderful EVENT, we NEEd to be bodies with brains that have capacities for both logic/reason/analysis and emotion/ecstasy/feeling
As many of us may be aware. when the modern physcisists -at the trun of last century -began exploring deeper and deeper into physical reality, what they found deeply confused their assumptions about reality.
doesn't that confoundment of the 'logical' 'objective' human brain imply an Intelligence that is outSIDe the physical brain, as well as inside of course?

I almost agree with you but it is also true that a transcending & immanent intelligence is way beyond the capability of our 'logic' & 'objective' methodologies to even recognize it let alone exploring it. You can see apparently that materialism is holding the 'reality' as its hostage!