The Simpleton Notion of ‘God’ is Unveiled Here

This may be over-inclusive, but is what I get about 'God', at least from the three main religions:

0) God is fundamental and responsible for everything.

Yes. God created our universe (whatever that may mean), so he is responsible for the outcome. The outcome, and ONLY the outcome. Anything that happens in between creation and the end times is all part of the plan.

1) God has mind.


2) God is involved in every happening, every interaction.

No. He can observe, but understand he has NO reason to interfere because as far as I can see everything is going according to plan.

3) God is everywhere.

Yes. Can he see into our realm? Im not sure. But he does commune with us daily.

4) We are God’s special creation.

Yes. In his image.

5) God listens to our thoughts.

He can. My assumption is he only cares about the faithful and the truly damned.

6) God operates from a supernatural dimension.

A different realm. What is supernatural might be natural here.

7) God places a soul in every human.

No. to every soul a body.

8 ) God published a book.

With help.

9) God performs miracles.

He can.

10) God is good and loving.


11) God provides an afterlife.

You call it afterlife, I call it the promise land, the real life.

All theoretical.
I foresee a problem...the three main religions are currently Christianity, Islam, and Those-Who-Have-No-Religion-To-Speak-Of (

Option A will tell you different things depending on the time of day and who sneezes first on a Monday because the majority are settling their doctrines out (no offense to my fellow Christians, but it's kind of true...).

Option B will tell you different things with perhaps slightly less variations than Option A depending on the denomination.

Option C will tell you that it doesn't matter, and why am I being included on a list that involves God at all (an exaggeration, but let's have a little laugh from it, 'kay?)?

If we replace option C with an actual religion, Hinduism is next up, and they have many types/faces/forms of a God/gods (apologies for the simplification,my Hindu friends, but I feel you're better suited to state what you believe than me).

So, which God/gods are we going with? Because, I'm getting lost now...unless, of course, you meant the Jews, in which case, we take all other options out but the Judeo-Christian God, and I feel that's discriminatory. If we're unveiling "God" here, let's at least be just and put out all the cards and options on the table. I mean, we're not the only ones who believe in a higher power after all.
I foresee a problem...the three main religions are currently Christianity, Islam, and Those-Who-Have-No-Religion-To-Speak-Of (

Option A will tell you different things depending on the time of day and who sneezes first on a Monday because the majority are settling their doctrines out (no offense to my fellow Christians, but it's kind of true...).

Option B will tell you different things with perhaps slightly less variations than Option A depending on the denomination.

Option C will tell you that it doesn't matter, and why am I being included on a list that involves God at all (an exaggeration, but let's have a little laugh from it, 'kay?)?

If we replace option C with an actual religion, Hinduism is next up, and they have many types/faces/forms of a God/gods (apologies for the simplification,my Hindu friends, but I feel you're better suited to state what you believe than me).

So, which God/gods are we going with? Because, I'm getting lost now...unless, of course, you meant the Jews, in which case, we take all other options out but the Judeo-Christian God, and I feel that's discriminatory. If we're unveiling "God" here, let's at least be just and put out all the cards and options on the table. I mean, we're not the only ones who believe in a higher power after all.

There is ONE God. He is the Creator, and he is just. Were do I fit in? I follow bits and pieces of all religion, mainly Christianity. I'd like to get into Islam, and Buddhism more.
This may be over-inclusive, but is what I get about 'God', at least from the three main religions:

0) God is fundamental and responsible for everything.

That which is "fundamental and responsible for everything" cannot be derived.
I try to deal with the pro and con of ideas here, not people personally.

This from you

Avoidance and neglect: It is reported that some of Galileo’s clerical opponents were loath to gaze through his telescope to take a closer look at the planets, sun and moon for fear that what they saw would violate their beliefs.

Very few seek knowledge in this world. Mortal or immortal, few really ask. On the contrary, they try to wring from the unknown the answers they have already shaped in their own minds – justifications, explanations, forms of consolation without which they can’t go on. To really ask is to open the door to the whirlwind. The answer may annihilate the question and the questionner.

Anne Rice Marius - The Vampire Lestat​

is about people personally, though.

As for the nature of people, there is a range from so-called good to bad traits.

Only "so-called"? Not real, actual?

In forums, there can be many shady ploys attempted, but they don't usually pass muster, since eagle-eyed forum members are wise to these, among which may be not answering, neglect, deflection, general broad-brush statements claiming something but obviously showing no specifics, insults, and pusedo-science using scientific lingo pretending to say something.

Sure. but depending on which kind of person you are is what you will focus on it others.
To an avid fault-finder, everyone is a crook.
There is ONE God. He is the Creator, and he is just. Were do I fit in? I follow bits and pieces of all religion, mainly Christianity. I'd like to get into Islam, and Buddhism more.

Then study, my friend. Study long and hard and never let any ignorant fool tell you that the pursuit of knowledge is a waste of time.

An Aside: I too believe there is one God. But I also accept that not everyone is going to agree on one universal idea of what He/She/It is. I also don't like being discriminated against.
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Then study, my friend. Study long and hard and never let any ignorant fool tell you that the pursuit of knowledge is a waste of time.

An Aside: I too believe there is one God. But I also accept that not everyone is going to agree on one universal idea of what He/She/It is. I also don't like being discriminated against.

The idea is basic. There IS a God, he is the creator, and he is just. Thats all that maters. Everything else is frosting.
Why do you not like being discriminated against?

This is a serious question.

It depends on the point, really. On this God issue? Because in my opinion, this was never really about the "simpleton notion of God". It was about calling Christians "stupid". There's no point to those sorts of arguments. It's a waste of time. If this was genuinely about theists' reasoning towards a higher power, the Judeo-Christian God would not be singled out.

I also feel personally discriminated against because sciwriter had the audacity to interrupt my own thread, in which I was trying to gain some enlightenment.

None of these tangents matter if we can't identify the existence of the Creator, so come and help me do this here:

The tangent mattered to me, otherwise why start the thread at all? I was learning from it. I even changed a few points of my own philosophy because of it. Because I believe in the Christian God, I must be unintelligent, therefore my viewpoints don't matter? Well, that's giving Christians just too much credit. I like to think I am fair. The least I could do was level the playing field.
I was thinking in more basic terms:

The fact is that discrimination occurs.
What spiritual significance does this have for an individual?
How does an individual understand or interpret the fact that discrimination occurs?
What does the fact that discrimination occurs say about God?

How come some people feel wronged when they are discriminated against?
Do they interpret this as proof that God is unwilling, or unable to intervene? That God doesn't exist?
I was thinking in more basic terms:

The fact is that discrimination occurs.
What spiritual significance does this have for an individual?
How does an individual understand or interpret the fact that discrimination occurs?
What does the fact that discrimination occurs say about God?

How come some people feel wronged when they are discriminated against?
Do they interpret this as proof that God is unwilling, or unable to intervene? That God doesn't exist?

I speak for myself only in the following response.

If by spiritual, you mean my soul? I wouldn't know. You'd have to discuss things with my deity to find out. I don't even get to know till the end. If by spiritual, you mean the part of my person that holds emotions? It stings. It's a slap to my face because it feels as if somewhere I have failed to provide the right amount of courtesy/respect/love/or what have you to a fellow human being, so that person feels the need to lash out at me.

When it is shown that all I did was make a choice, and based off of that choice, I am being judged without consideration to the fact that I am still a decent/thinking human being, I find that judgement and the negative/obtrusive action stemming from it discriminatory.

It says that God made us creatures of choice, and some creatures choose to be ungrateful for the gift and force their choices onto others.

Ah, I see what you did there. I should respect his right to choose to take my choice from me. Okay. I respect it. But I don't have to like it, and I can defend my right as well.
If by spiritual, you mean my soul? I wouldn't know. You'd have to discuss things with my deity to find out. I don't even get to know till the end.

I meant "spiritual" in the sense that mundane things can have metaphysical meanings for us.

For example like when some people think that if they stub their toe, this is a sign that God doesn't exist - because they think that God, if He existed, wouldn't allow them to stub their toe.

If by spiritual, you mean the part of my person that holds emotions? It stings. It's a slap to my face because it feels as if somewhere I have failed to provide the right amount of courtesy/respect/love/or what have you to a fellow human being, so that person feels the need to lash out at me.

IOW, you think you are solely responsible for how others treat you?

And that if you are nice enough to people, they will not harm you?

Ah, I see what you did there. I should respect his right to choose to take my choice from me. Okay. I respect it. But I don't have to like it, and I can defend my right as well.

He (that poster) didn't take your choice away.
Originally, I was going to try and justify the outburst. I cannot. I retract the statements made in post #152.

My other statements, I will let stand because they are still my opinions/feelings on the matter.

I understand that bigotry and discrimination are going to happen in this life. I would rather have us discussing something that will alleviate it rather than further it. I am not a perfect debater, nor am I the perfect topic starter. I do not have the authority to judge my fellow man. My apologies to this thread for disrupting the argument. I have the choice to stay out of this argument, and I will do so.

I am intelligent enough to admit my mistakes.
I do not have the authority to judge my fellow man.
Pfft. You're a human - that alone confers the "authority" to judge others.

My apologies to this thread for disrupting the argument. I have the choice to stay out of this argument, and I will do so.
Again, pfft.

Signal is good (very good) at deep questions. Stick around. Stretch yourself.
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Originally, I was going to try and justify the outburst. I cannot. I retract the statements made in post #152.

My other statements, I will let stand because they are still my opinions/feelings on the matter.

I understand that bigotry and discrimination are going to happen in this life. I would rather have us discussing something that will alleviate it rather than further it. I am not a perfect debater, nor am I the perfect topic starter. I do not have the authority to judge my fellow man. My apologies to this thread for disrupting the argument. I have the choice to stay out of this argument, and I will do so.

I am intelligent enough to admit my mistakes.

Two things:

How Women Undermine Their Credibility


Extreme Modesty: The Case of the Disappearing Self
This from you is about people personally, though.

It about a human condition in general, not singling anyone out personally, saying that the nature of strong belief seems to sometimes lead to avoidance and neglect.

Would a believer here admit that 'God' cannot be shown?

Would someone stand up in the church pulpit and say "Well, 'God' is just a notion and not even up to the level of a theory, but…"