the ShiftShapers

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free thinker
Registered Senior Member
hi all.

i would like to thank the peoples who fight to bring awareness. it is this quest for truth that will truly free us from the traps/tricks of those in positions of power and control.

you may have heard of them.
you may have not.
either way- youll soon find out.
you wont see them, because they're invisible.
you wont recognize them, because they shapeshift.
you wont be alone- we never were.
you wont see home- the way it was.
let them shapeshifters pretend to be...
while i shiftshape and set myself free.


we have heard the shape shifters. metaphorically speaking they are the various groups of people who, with their combined efforts, are able to shape world events to their liking.

it is time for us to SHIFT this SHAPE, and begin the crusade to bring the REAL light to the table.

therefore, i present to you ... the ShiftShapers.

this thread will most likely be deleted as being off-topic. thats okay, i meant for that to happen.
for those who read it with an open mind, i am sure you will know what steps to take.

z ya !
Illuminati warns you
Illuminati doesn't fear you
Illuminati laughs at you
Dear zonabi,

I once knew a friend that was a shifter shaper. He could change into any shape at will, but he could not change color and had a brown, wet diarrhea like color, not to mention a oder to match. He was easy to spot no matter what form he took and you could only be around him if you were up wind of him. One day he took the from of a giant blob of elephant doodoo as that was the only form people would mistake him for. Sadly he was pick up by Clrnaps sanitation crew which was actually a Clrnaps secret police. Dam you Billy why you do it! Now look who’s strapped to a wall, enslaved by the hyper-intelligent chickens!
intelligent thread topic still at zero
(besides I have nothing agains Illuminati ruling the world. it gives a certain ellegance to it all)

After seeing your previous posts I wouldn't be surprised if your completely serious... you seriously need to find some psychiatrist before you hurt someone or yourself...

Anyways, Nonabi, do not worry, there will be no need for "ShapeShifting" since the world will most likely be dystroyed by the third world war which will occur during this generation I promise you this.
you promise us this? then I'm afraid I'll have to kill you. in the interests of all humankind of course
you promise us this? then I'm afraid I'll have to kill you.

*sigh*. Running away from the problem won't help my friend, I won't be the cause of this war, China will.
I wish to add: I did not take the meaning of Zonabi's post, as some shape-shifting aliens. Rather, I enjoyed it metaphorically, which I am sure, is what Zonabi meant; an invisible and black government, constantly changing form and colour, continuously deceiving us and lying to us; transforming our world and taking away our freedom, right before our eyes, without us knowing. Hence, to self yourself free, open your eyes, and as Zonabi said, "shift shape" before they "shape shift"

I do not give much attention to biblical prophecy, being an Atheist and all. However, when it said, the 3rd Antichirist will appear and we'll mistake them for our prophet. I think that is exactly what explains what is happening today.
Mikey it seems the only one that miss-understood what Zonabi meant was Exploding_Necquim which would be reasonable for Exploding_Necquim's distorted reality.
How dare you say he's insane, I read is story and it checks out :eek: ...everyone in the future will have drug problems! ;)

I think the next stage of human evolution involves cybernetic and AI: the ability to extend are minds beyond our bodies and mortality.
WCF: This is probably the 8th, 9th or 10th time, you have responded to defend this person. Do you know him ;)
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