The seemingly anti-gay thread

Do you blame me for my feelings towards homosexuality?

When I was seven, I remember climbing a tree near our house with a young friend. It was boy's stuff you know. Grazed knees, cut arms as we got to the top of the tree.
I loved to climb. It was exhilerating, no looking down just always looking up for the next branch to grip on, knowing that the branch you gripped with your hands would also be the branch you pushed on with your foot. When we had reached the top, this lad said to me "Let's rub our willy's together".
I was horrified. I had just climbed the tree as a man, the struggle, the effort, the sweat, the exhileration and all this lad could say was "Let's rub our willy's together".
I tell you I climbed down that tree just as fast as ever I could! The very thought was abhorrent to me.
Later in life, I remember my best friend at school. we were eleven years old. One morning he came running into the class very late and obviously very very flustered. When I asked him what was wrong he said "I was doing my paper round and the milkman who normally let's me get a ride on the back of his truck said to me 'I'll give you ten pounds if you let me play with your willy'". My friend having been horrified at the suggestion ran away and hid afraid, thus he was late for school waiting for the milkman to finish his round so he could come out of his hiding place.
Later on in my teens I became interested in dance music. I enjoyed clubs and would actively seek out the dance scene. Being a musician myself I quickly learnt to embrace new music technologies and bought a whole load of electronic music whith which to gain inspiration. There was a record shop near to where I lived that just sold the rarest imports of this musical genre. I became very friendly with the DJ who ran the shop and he asked me if I would help him to get to a gig that night cos his ride had let him down. In return he offered me a free pass. Of course I said 'Yes'! How wonderful, VIP entry to a big gig! After the gig was over he asked if I would like to come back to his house to 'chill out' for a bit. Being very tired from dancing all night I said "Yeah! Sure nice one"
When we got back to his flat, he made me coffee and then started masturbating in front of me. I left the coffee and ran out of that house ashamed and afraid.

Now tell me. How did I or my best friend, not show unconditional love for those people with gay motives in their hearts? It was not until their motives bore fruit that I despised them. Do not blame me therefore for not trusting the homosexual. It is my life's experience that gay people cannot be trusted to do right by me, i.e. to not make me feel afraid of them. What they do makes me terrified. I am also terrified of spiders. I do not go near them. I hate spiders.


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Does that mean the several Christians who have offended me over time should represent the whole of them? I mean, especially in the case of religion, it's behavior you choose.

Should women whose experience tells that men cannot be trusted to do right by them consider you dangerous? Most women operating on such a small handful of men would be finished by the time they graduated high school.

By the way, I hate spiders, too. I destroy them if they get near me. It's highly irrational behavior on my part, considering I'm not nearly so unsettled by creatures that can do much more harm much more quickly.

Oh, and where the hell are you that gays are hitting on you left and right? I can't raise an eyebrow, period. It's actually unsettling in a way.
do a google on these terms "AIDS/HIV fraud", and study it. dont spread evil--i am speaking aboutth ose in this thread spekin outta their arses about Queers cause AIDS shite. i dont know if you are doing it for the sake of whatever, but STOP spreading evil

here in the UK a few days ago a Gay dude was kiked to death by a gang of lads and some girls
He had originally survived a horrific bomb attack at a pub in London's Soho, called the Admiral Duncan, where he was bartender

Then the other day after a night out at a Gay club called 'Heaven' he was simply sat on a local park bench with another dude and the gang got him, breaking all his ribs and damaging most of his organs.
for him to survive that bomb -which had been planted by a young man who was a homophobic fuker--only to end his life in a yet more violent way by people who should be shown NO fukin mercy by society

So i am saying to those here in this thread. THINK, and more importantly FEEL about your prejudice, because if you continue spreading evil hatred then you are exactly the same as that bomber and that gang etc!
When we got back to his flat, he made me coffee and then started masturbating in front of me. I left the coffee and ran out of that house ashamed and afraid.

Well you ought not to have asked for 'cream'!
Ridiculous, just shows how mentally inferiour Christians are. Men act that way all the time, yet who condemns their gender for it?
Gays take a hell of a lot more shit from heterosexuals, from the prospect of violence to the denial of very simple things. Should they hate heterosexuals en masse?
Xev said:
Well you ought not to have asked for 'cream'!
Ridiculous, just shows how mentally inferiour Christians are. Men act that way all the time, yet who condemns their gender for it?
Gays take a hell of a lot more shit from heterosexuals, from the prospect of violence to the denial of very simple things. Should they hate heterosexuals en masse?

Xev oh my Xev, my gaurdian angel as ever :cool:
c20H25N3o said:
Do you blame me for my feelings towards homosexuality?

What they do makes me terrified. I am also terrified of spiders. I do not go near them. I hate spiders.



It's not about's about truth. The truth is that fear is not of God.


Lori_7 said:
It's not about's about truth. The truth is that fear is not of God.



I do not fear God.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meak, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.”
Matthew 5:3–12



I know you don't fear God.

Don't fear anything.

Fear is the opposite of faith.

If you were able to see yourself through my eyes, then you would know that you are invincible. That's what God has shown me. That is what faith says about you.

Look at where you've been...has He not snatched you out of a den full of vipers? Has he not allowed you to walk out of the lion's den unscathed? What you have been through makes you that much stronger.

Go and look in the mirror. I wonder if you know just how beautiful you are. You may have scars, but they make you more beautiful. They tell a story...the story of who you are, and of what you have been through...what you have been victorious over. I look at them and see your will to seek the truth...and to fight. I see your courage, and your strength...your discipline, and your passion. And these things that are in your heart manifest themselves on the outside. And these things make you the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Do you see that you are invincible in Christ?

My love is like a diamond.
So many different facets of him
turning in my eyes
each one sparkles in it's own way
spinning in my mind
each one as brilliant as the next
shining in my life
he is the most beautiful thing I have ever known.


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c20H25N3o said:
It was not until their motives bore fruit that I despised them. Do not blame me therefore for not trusting the homosexual. It is my life's experience that gay people cannot be trusted to do right by me, i.e. to not make me feel afraid of them.

Damn, well I guess we had our chance and blew it. You know, I was once mugged by a black guy, a friend of mine has been in car accidents with no less than three illegal Mexican immigrants with no insurance and I've been yelled at by more Puerto Rican woman than I can count. But does that make me feel that blacks Mexicans and Puerto Ricans are a bunch of theivin' crashin' and bitchin' nogoodnicks? No, I give people the benefit of the doubt, it's a very Christian thing to do. Every group has their major assholes, and every person has their own bad days. Blaming other people for these sorts of things reminds me of whenever my cats get scared by a door slamming or broom falling and end up blaming each other and fighting over it for the rest of the day. It's just silliness.

In any case you're quite lucky that not many people feel about Christians the same way which you feel about homosexuals, because otherwise they'd have a lot to answer for. Kind of makes me think about how we throw out the term "Islamic terrorist" over and over again but no one ever seems to want to apply the term "Christian terrorist" when abortion doctors are assassinated, or gay clubs bombed, and the like. Why are some individuals actions indicative of a problem with the whole group, whereas others are just isolated and harmless incidents?
Lori_7 said:

I know you don't fear God.

Don't fear anything.

Fear is the opposite of faith.

If you were able to see yourself through my eyes, then you would know that you are invincible. That's what God has shown me. That is what faith says about you.

Look at where you've been...has He not snatched you out of a den full of vipers? Has he not allowed you to walk out of the lion's den unscathed? What you have been through makes you that much stronger.

Go and look in the mirror. I wonder if you know just how beautiful you are. You may have scars, but they make you more beautiful. They tell a story...the story of who you are, and of what you have been through...what you have been victorious over. I look at them and see your will to seek the truth...and to fight. I see your courage, and your strength...your discipline, and your passion. And these things that are in your heart manifest themselves on the outside. And these things make you the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Do you see that you are invincible in Christ?

My love is like a diamond.
So many different facets of him
turning in my eyes
each one sparkles in it's own way
spinning in my mind
each one as brilliant as the next
shining in my life
he is the most beautiful thing I have ever known.



Dearest Lori,

Thank you for your most kind words. It is nice to be 'seen' by another who is also quite plainly a temple for the Living God, the Holiest Ghost. Your word's of encouragment bless me greatly for my scars are many and my pain is drenched in innocent blood.
We are invincible in Christ. We are the saved. Declared righteous, not by good works but through faith, hope and love. We shall eat from the Tree of Life.
May your seed grow into the most marvellous thing. May your fruit always be pleasing to God. May he always smile with you as He does. Blessings upon you from the Most High God.


Mystech said:
Damn, well I guess we had our chance and blew it. You know, I was once mugged by a black guy, a friend of mine has been in car accidents with no less than three illegal Mexican immigrants with no insurance and I've been yelled at by more Puerto Rican woman than I can count. But does that make me feel that blacks Mexicans and Puerto Ricans are a bunch of theivin' crashin' and bitchin' nogoodnicks? No, I give people the benefit of the doubt, it's a very Christian thing to do. Every group has their major assholes, and every person has their own bad days. Blaming other people for these sorts of things reminds me of whenever my cats get scared by a door slamming or broom falling and end up blaming each other and fighting over it for the rest of the day. It's just silliness.

In any case you're quite lucky that not many people feel about Christians the same way which you feel about homosexuals, because otherwise they'd have a lot to answer for. Kind of makes me think about how we throw out the term "Islamic terrorist" over and over again but no one ever seems to want to apply the term "Christian terrorist" when abortion doctors are assassinated, or gay clubs bombed, and the like. Why are some individuals actions indicative of a problem with the whole group, whereas others are just isolated and harmless incidents?

I am sorry if you feel I have judged you personally. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. Genuinley. I am sure you are not like those people who made me afraid. Don''t judge me harshly either though. I have only told the truth in an attempt to be understood. I do not like feeling this way about people. It makes me sad.


Ok first off, Lori and c20, take it to a bedroom or something. You're turning me off my coffee.

And now back to the topic of this thread...

c20H25N3o said:
Now tell me. How did I or my best friend, not show unconditional love for those people with gay motives in their hearts? It was not until their motives bore fruit that I despised them. Do not blame me therefore for not trusting the homosexual. It is my life's experience that gay people cannot be trusted to do right by me, i.e. to not make me feel afraid of them. What they do makes me terrified. I am also terrified of spiders. I do not go near them. I hate spiders.
You can't blame a whole group of people because of a few bad experiences. I know a few gay people who I'd consider to be animals, just as I know a few straight people who I consider to be animals. That does not mean that I would barricade myself in my house and fear everyone on Earth.

You have stated that your ex-wife burned you and turned your family against you, something I'd more personal to you than a child wanting to experiment with his penis (which is something a lot of children do), a DJ thinking you were there for the same thing and the experience of your friend with a paedophile (the milkman may not have been gay but was seriously a paedophile.. on that note, does your friend judge all milkmen or older men in the same way you fear and judge ALL homosexuals?). And yet you don't seem to fear or hate women regardless of what your wife did to you, because you've remarried. Do you see where I'm heading with this?

You've been quite selective with your hate and your bigotry. But then hey, it's easy to hate gays. They're different than you. A lot of people hate them just as much as you do. You feel quite comfortable in denying them any rights because they are different. You're a bigot, and yet you call yourself a Christian. The irony is delicious if you like vile tasting food.

Don't forget c20 that homosexuals have more to fear from you than you from them. They have the history of being treated like second class citizens and they have a history of experiencing violence from people who feel such as you do, and yet they don't appear to hate you as much as you hate them. That's quite telling in my opinion.
here in the UK a few days ago a Gay dude was kiked to death
Awww... that is horrific. This thread was just a bit of fun, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, deserves to be kiked to death.
Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick.
Xev said:
Well you ought not to have asked for 'cream'!
Ridiculous, just shows how mentally inferiour Christians are. Men act that way all the time, yet who condemns their gender for it?
Gays take a hell of a lot more shit from heterosexuals, from the prospect of violence to the denial of very simple things. Should they hate heterosexuals en masse?

Very good sentiments exactly. I condemned their gender for it, that's who...for a long, long time. The way a lot of men treated me when I was younger scared the shit out of me. I suppose that they would still treat me that way if I was still so naive and innocent, but I'm not. The fear that I felt, and the disappointment...the hurt caused me to believe a lie for a long, long time. The lie that I believed was that I could never trust a man...his intentions...his heart. That lie cost me a lot. It caused me so much pain and misery...and ironically, pain and misery was what I was seeking to avoid by believing the lie. God and I had a conversation about that lie about five years ago, and it changed my life forever...I'll tell you about it...

I had been separated from my husband for about 10 months...and I had exhausted every attempt to reconcile with him. Offered to go to a preacher or to church...I read books...the Bible...listened to preachers. I tried desperately to talk to him but everytime he came around he would only smoke all my weed...fuck me like a prostitute...and then leave crying in the bed...horrified as usual. So I was at the end of my rope...I was done trying...I was admitting defeat, and looking for a divorce.

I was sitting on my bed with my 38 special in my lap...admiring it. To be clear, I was in no way contemplating suicide...but I was greatly admiring the thought of it. I wished that I seemed like it would be such a relief. I was done. I didn't want to play anymore. I hated this game and I just wanted to take my toys and go home. I was not playing anymore...ever. But I couldn't kill myself. I knew God at that point in my life...I was sitting there explaining all of this to Him...I was born again...I knew that it wasn't an option. So I considered living the rest of my life alone...with no love...with no husband. And the thought of that just made me want to refer to the first option again. So I considered starting over and trying it, I'm kidding...I didn't really consider that. I sat there and told God that there was no way in hell I was doing it again. There was no way that I was going through another failed relationship. There was no way I was screwing it up again...I couldn't take it anymore. This wasn't the first time...but it was damn well the last. I was in the middle of an emotional breakdown...all I could do for months was stare at the wall and cry...I could barely function at all. So where did that leave me? Back to the second option? To the first? I told God that I had no where to turn but to Him...that He had to help me. No one else could...I couldn't help myself...He was my only hope...I had no hope. I was completely heartbroken....crushed...done.

Even though I wanted to blame the husband for everything...I knew that deep down inside I had to be doing something wrong. I kept ending up in the same place. I knew something was wrong with me. So He asked me if I wanted to know what was wrong with me and I said yea. He said that I didn't trust men. I said well yea duh, can you blame me? And I told Him that He was well aware of all the downright horrifying behaviour that I had witnessed of them over the which He agreed. And He said that it was true that some men...maybe even most men were not so well intentioned or trustworthy, and that it was a shame. I told Him that I had been watching TBN and listening to preachers talk about marriage and the roles of a man and a wife...about how the wife was to submit to the husband and the husband was to always act in her best interest. I told Him that sounded wow, what a huge relief that would be to truly be able to trust a man like that, but that I thought it likely that the preacher on tv who was explaining this all to me was probably doing a select few of the choir members behind his wife's back. And His sentiment was something along the lines of "touche".

So He says to me...and I will never forget this as long as I live...He says "So you're saying that you don't believe that there is any man alive on the face of this earth that is as trustworthy as you are?" And I sat there completely dumbfounded. What dumbfounded me was the last three words that He put at the end of that sentence. I would have never thought to put those three words there...I would have stopped at trustworthy. So in the midst of confusion about how I really felt about that question, I answered..."I guess I don't." And He said, "Don't you think that sounds pretty arrogant?" And I said, "Yea, when you put it that way, it does sound pretty arrogant." I guess I hadn't really thought about it that way before...but then I sat there so confused, wondering, well how in the hell HAD I been thinking about it then??? What had I been thinking? And after consideration...that night and since...I've concluded that I thought that even if there were a man who was as trustworth as I, that my chances of meeting him, and him wanting to be with me, and loving me were so slim to non-existant that it was a stupid idea to plan on it hope for it would be stupid...a waste of time. It just sounded too much like that horribly cruel and torturous fairy tale that I had stopped believing in a long, long time ago.

So instead, I sought out men whom I didn't have to trust. I didn't really do this on purpose, or consciously really. If you had asked me, "Do you trust 'insert name of signifcant other'?" I would have said of course I do...otherwise I wouldn't be with him. But in hindsight, I realize that wasn't exactly the case. I didn't trust them for the right I'm not sure if that even amounts to trust. That is, I didn't trust them to love me and treat me right because it was the right thing to do, but only because they needed me...for reasons that they should not have needed me for. They were weak...immature...unstable. They needed me to take care of them...they needed to rely on me in ways that a man should not have to rely on a woman...more like a child needs a mother than a man needs a woman. I wanted it that way and perpetuated it...he wanted it that way and perpetuated it. And at the same time, don't you know, that I resented it and took my resentment out on him, and he resented it, and took his resentment out on me. We were both believing and perpetuating lies that made the both of us feel like shit...left both of us unfulfilled, and we took our frustrations out on each other. Strange huh? Strange the lies we tell ourselves out of fear. Now, five years later...I look back almost stupid I was for sooooooo long. It's just amazing the lies that your flesh can have you buy into and the damage they can blind you can be. Thank God for opening my eyes and giving me faith in Him...Thank God indeed for proving me wrong. I was so, so wrong, and it's never felt so good to be proven so wrong. :D
That was no excuse for feldmaning them.
God damn it, I just can't let this one go.
Tell me a moil wasn't involved, please give me that much.

I have said "The way I feel about it makes me distrust gay people", note I did not say that "They should all be kicked to death"


Why would I support them in what they do? I accept that they do it. I am not naieve.
But I believe woman was made for man. This is my faith. It rings a great big bell that resounds "TRUE" when I think about it. Then I read that God too find homosexuality abhorrent and this justifies me in my inner being. I am pleased God finds it abhorrent and am assured that he is pleased that I find it abhorrent. Like I say, I am afraid of what those men do. If they cannot be trusted to do right by their own bodies, how can I trust them with mine?
It is funny that you can justify the homosexual and throw my feelings out of the window because I have claimed to be a Christian whose feelings are justified by God. You are like all the others that seek the praise of others. Justifying your own ignorance with others ignorance. Will people like you more Bells because you are so liberal in your thinking? You who say "Don't hate anyone" and then hate the first Christian that speaks out against something that the whole world has taught you to accept. The Christian is not taught by human teachers Bells.
If I saw a man lying in the gutter having been kicked and punched, do you think I would ask him first if he was a homosexual before I helped him? Of course not! You make out that I condemn the homosexual but I do not. I just hate what they do and ask them to think about why they are prevented from receiving the same benefits as heterosexual people. Homosexuality is considered a perversion but you embrace it so as not to upset anyone so that people still like you. How terrible to have to live in a world where one must just accept perversion or be reviled for not accepting it. How terrible that a relationship between two men could end up so very confused and so devoid of feminine grace and touch and beauty. Men are ugly. Women are beautiful. It is to man's glory that woman is so graceful, with her hair so long and her smile so sweet. Men are not like this which is why man seeks out woman. For a man to seek out another man seems to be terribly confused from my standpoint. Call me a hypocrite if you will.


c20H25N3o said:
Men are ugly.

Men are not ugly. God does not think that men are ugly. And if a man is ugly, then it is certainly not because of his gender, but because of ugliness in his heart...because of sin.

I would also respectfully like to point out that most heterosexual relationships are just as twisted and "perverted" *cringe as I don't like that term* as any homosexual relationship. It is very rare to find a marriage based upon faith in the Lord nowadays. It is so very rare to find a marriage that could be described as a covenant between a man, a woman, and God. THAT and only that is a marriage, and all else a "perversion". As a matter of fact, since it is that we are all sinners, we are all "perverted" in one way or another to some degree or another. There is no perfect sexual relationship as we all fall short of His glory. For any of us, as humans, to stand in judgement of each other, and point and say, "you are more perverted and I" or "you are more of a sinner than I" or "this sin is greater than that sin", or "this relationship is more sinful than that" is incorrect. None of us have the knowledge to judge.

What God taught me is that "sexuality", specifically homosexuality and heterosexuality being discussed here is a lie. That it is nothing more than genderism. Like racism is racism. It is discrimination based solely upon gender. A discrimination based solely upon a physical trait, that being what is or is not hanging between a person's legs. And that it is a lie. Therefore, the ONLY reason that a man is to be with a woman and a woman with a man is because that is God's will. To deem it to be so for any other reason, such as some "magical" inherent attraction perhaps, is a lie.

