The seemingly anti-gay thread

Ever touched the inside of a woman's butt? Ever been arrested for it?
If I was, I wouldn't try to play the role of a holy martyr.
The injustice would be the caging of the animal that I am, the villain would be civilisation as a whole. Even though it's not illegal(and I don't think being gay is illegal either for that matter) I wouldn't be suprised and I think society would merely be showing consistency and staying true to itself for arresting me.

what's your opinion of lesbian porno?
The question should be- whats my opinion of lesbian pornstars protesting against being judged for being lesbian pornstars. And my answer would be that they are dirty filthy sleazy christian whores who just as easily could have opted for being gloriously hot wild animals.

Lesbian pornstars and gays and murderers and adulterers and non-lovers-of-thy-neighbours should laugh when they are judged and say "boo!", possibly accompanied by satanic gestures. They shouldn't expect christian society to not judge them and they certainly shouldn't play christian societies game against christian society.
Which is what gay rights activists are doing.
Dr. Lou Natic said:
If I was, I wouldn't try to play the role of a holy martyr.

Yes, but should you be allowed to serve food?
Dr Lou Natic said:
The only reason I can say gay sex is fine, is because I have rejected christian morality.
While it often seems to ironically be the cornerstone for gay rights arguments.
I can be fine with it, but I can't be angry at someone for not showing tolerance. Why should they be tolerant? That's just like demanding someone stop fucking ass.

This sounds to me like political correctness taken out to a seemingly absurd degree. I should be accepting of law-makers hatred of me and not complain about their discrimination of me in the name of tolerance? riiiight. I'm having a bit of trouble following your logic.

In my opinion no one has to accept homosexuality, they just have to realize that it doesn't make a person sub-human or worthy of being relegated to a second class citizen.
c20H25N3o said:
Gay people get so uppity when heterosexual men say that they find gay love disgusting. I say to gay people "Why?"
Wouldn't you get 'uppity' if someone told you that your sexual practices or preferrences was distusting? Wouldn't you feel offended that another found what you feel is right and beautiful for you disgusting? I know I sure as hell would.

Because you want 'equal rights'? You are begging 'equal rights' from the very people telling you that they find it immoral. Don't you see the irony here?
The issue c20 is that they shouldn't have to beg for equal rights. They should have equal rights because of the fact that they are human beings, just like you and I. You expect to have your rights upheld, yet you don't find it hypocritical that you and your kind don't wish the same rights for others. You accept the discrimination of gays because they weren't born like you. The same as the whites discriminated against blacks, asians and hispanics because they appeared to be different, forgetting all the while that while their appearance was different, they were human beings. Gays are humans too c20. They are human just like you. As such, they deserve the same rights that you deserve and expect. I personally find your hypocritical discriminatory ways to be immoral.

As for those who would use Christianity as a weapon against me claiming such nonsense as "Christians should just love gay people", I suggest you pick up your bible and start at the place where God says that homosexuality is abhorrent to Him. Trust me when I say that I am loving a gay person by making my feelings known.
You're loving a gay person by telling them that they are disgusting and an abomination? Lovely. Hate to think how you show love to your family. What do you do? Stone them to death? Gay's don't want you to love them. Gays just want to have the same rights as you do. They want to be able to live in peace and not be persecuted for being born the way they were. They did not choose to be gay. They were born that way. Why do you abuse and hate them for something they have no control over? You weren't given the choice to be heterosexual, just as they weren't given the choice to be Gay. Christians believe that God is the father and creator of all life, so wouldn't gays be the fruit of that father?

But begging straight people for 'equal rights' is all you will ever do. What message would it send out to the God fearing if homosexuals were seen as 'equals' in the eyes of the law. They will only be seen as equals when they stop maligning 'love' by doing something that is abhorrent in the eyes of 'love'.
What message do you send to your child by hating another for being different? Gays shouldn't have to beg for equal rights. They should have them regardless of their sexuality. How would you feel if one day you woke up and found out that you had no rights? That you couldn't marry who you wanted to marry? That you were fired from your job because of the way you were born?

How would you feel if one day a member of your family came to you and told you that they were gay? How would you feel if that loved one was denied their rights because they were gay? Wouldn't you want to fight for their rights because they are your loved one and should have those rights regardless of how they were born? Or would you toss them out on the street? Banish them from your home and deny them the love you'd given them before they came out? Gays can't help being gays, just as you can't help being a heterosexual.

A father has a son after making love to his wife. The father is straight. Do you think the father wants his son to be buggered when he grows up? That same son he read stories to about princes and dragons and maidens and heroines? Do you think that father wants to see another man on top of his son filling his son's anus with his member?
Do you seriously think that the son would choose to be gay because it was fun? Do you think anyone in their right mind would choose to be gay so that they can face the abuse that you and your like reap on them? Do you think that any sane individual would choose to be denied their rights and discriminated against? Ask the father of the gay son if he'd choose to have society make his son suffer because of the way his son was born. Ask yourself if you'd sit idly by if your child was gay and treated as you treat gays today. Ask yourself if you'd accept that your offspring be denied the rights that you have for being born the way he was.

It IS disgusting! Stop doing it! If you cannot control your urges then I suggest you have hormone treatment or have your testicles removed. Better to enter heaven with no testicles than to be cast into hell with your whole body intact!
Getting a bit hysterical there aren't you? Who says that they won't enter heaven for being born the way they are? The Bible? What if God forgives all for their sins, including Gays? After all, isn't God supposed to be the one who judges? Isn't God supposed to be the one who decides who gets through the pearly gates? Doesn't God supposedly love all his children equally? Isn't God supposed to be the all loving God? So who are you to judge in his place? Who the hell are you to tell anyone to deny who they are?

Defend your own gay actions mystic. Does your boyfriend's dad approve of you tampering with his son? Does he bless your relationship?
Isn't it your boyfriend's dad that you are really angry with? Perhaps it is your own father you are angry with as well for not accepting what you do!
I am just the voice of their conscious. This is all. Your father would thank me for rebuking what it is that you do. I am on your father's side.
I hate to think of what you'd do to your child if they were gay. Wouldn't you love them for who they are? Don't you love your child now with all your might? Don't you accept that child for who they are? Why should any father not accept their child for who and what they are?

Oh I have issues, I have many issues but my anger on these matters is justified.
Interesting. So you don't think it's justified for a gay human being to be angry at society for denying them their rights?

Whining because the common people are against buggery just seems to pail away to nothing in comparison. Your whinging makes me sick quite frankly hence I was agreeing with Dr Lou Natic on an issue for once.
The KKK would have loved you c20, because they too thought that the black people were whining for not having equal rights. You seriously think that their being angry for not having equal rights compares to your petty squabbles with your ex wife? It is you who is sickening c20. Frankly, I'm beginning to think that you are a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

But you are right, I am stern, cocky, condescending AND impossible , typical male actually but after all I am just a 'man'. My second wife is a little lamb. Her maternal instincts are second to none, her abilities to please me in the bedroom are second to none, her willingness to submit to my authority is second to none and pleases me greatly. I love my second wife with all of my heart and she loves me. She is nothing like the woman my first wife became because it is not in her nature to be unfaithful.
I think I'm going to puke.

Little lamb? Do you pat her on the head when she obeys?

Her willingness to submit to your authority? Are we in the dark ages? You like to be the big powerful man don't you? You like having a woman who sees you as her lord and master. God help you the day your second wife develops her own personality and sees you for the puny imbecile that you are. No wonder your first wife ran. I'd have headed for the hills as well if I were in her shoes.

And believe me c20, you aren't a typical male. You're the type of male that most women run from when they realise how chauvinistic you really are. Hell if my partner ever dared even say half the shit you just said in here, he'd come to the realisation that he was suddenly single when the door hit the back of his head as he was kicked out of the house.

I submit to Christ, she submits to me.
Ah, so you expect your wife to submit to you as you submit to your Christ? I don't think I even want to go there. Brings new meaning to being nailed...

So you see yourself as her God and master and so she must submit to you, just as your Christ as your God and master, and you submit to him. Lovely healthy relationship you have there c20.

What do you do if she doesn't submit to you? Beat her into submission?

is worth noting that on many issues I yield to her as well.
Now I am going to puke. And here I'd thought that couples should view themselves as equals and treat each other as such. Silly me... Let me guess, you submit to her when she asks you to take the rubbish out.

It is not like she is stupid or anything! We love eachother!
And from what I'm reading, you deserve each other. Birds of a feather flock together as they say.
Bells said:
Wouldn't you get 'uppity' if someone told you that your sexual practices or preferrences was distusting? Wouldn't you feel offended that another found what you feel is right and beautiful for you disgusting? I know I sure as hell would.

The issue c20 is that they shouldn't have to beg for equal rights. They should have equal rights because of the fact that they are human beings, just like you and I. You expect to have your rights upheld, yet you don't find it hypocritical that you and your kind don't wish the same rights for others. You accept the discrimination of gays because they weren't born like you. The same as the whites discriminated against blacks, asians and hispanics because they appeared to be different, forgetting all the while that while their appearance was different, they were human beings. Gays are humans too c20. They are human just like you. As such, they deserve the same rights that you deserve and expect. I personally find your hypocritical discriminatory ways to be immoral.

You're loving a gay person by telling them that they are disgusting and an abomination? Lovely. Hate to think how you show love to your family. What do you do? Stone them to death? Gay's don't want you to love them. Gays just want to have the same rights as you do. They want to be able to live in peace and not be persecuted for being born the way they were. They did not choose to be gay. They were born that way. Why do you abuse and hate them for something they have no control over? You weren't given the choice to be heterosexual, just as they weren't given the choice to be Gay. Christians believe that God is the father and creator of all life, so wouldn't gays be the fruit of that father?

What message do you send to your child by hating another for being different? Gays shouldn't have to beg for equal rights. They should have them regardless of their sexuality. How would you feel if one day you woke up and found out that you had no rights? That you couldn't marry who you wanted to marry? That you were fired from your job because of the way you were born?

How would you feel if one day a member of your family came to you and told you that they were gay? How would you feel if that loved one was denied their rights because they were gay? Wouldn't you want to fight for their rights because they are your loved one and should have those rights regardless of how they were born? Or would you toss them out on the street? Banish them from your home and deny them the love you'd given them before they came out? Gays can't help being gays, just as you can't help being a heterosexual.

Do you seriously think that the son would choose to be gay because it was fun? Do you think anyone in their right mind would choose to be gay so that they can face the abuse that you and your like reap on them? Do you think that any sane individual would choose to be denied their rights and discriminated against? Ask the father of the gay son if he'd choose to have society make his son suffer because of the way his son was born. Ask yourself if you'd sit idly by if your child was gay and treated as you treat gays today. Ask yourself if you'd accept that your offspring be denied the rights that you have for being born the way he was.

Getting a bit hysterical there aren't you? Who says that they won't enter heaven for being born the way they are? The Bible? What if God forgives all for their sins, including Gays? After all, isn't God supposed to be the one who judges? Isn't God supposed to be the one who decides who gets through the pearly gates? Doesn't God supposedly love all his children equally? Isn't God supposed to be the all loving God? So who are you to judge in his place? Who the hell are you to tell anyone to deny who they are?

I hate to think of what you'd do to your child if they were gay. Wouldn't you love them for who they are? Don't you love your child now with all your might? Don't you accept that child for who they are? Why should any father not accept their child for who and what they are?

Interesting. So you don't think it's justified for a gay human being to be angry at society for denying them their rights?

The KKK would have loved you c20, because they too thought that the black people were whining for not having equal rights. You seriously think that their being angry for not having equal rights compares to your petty squabbles with your ex wife? It is you who is sickening c20. Frankly, I'm beginning to think that you are a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

I think I'm going to puke.

Little lamb? Do you pat her on the head when she obeys?

Her willingness to submit to your authority? Are we in the dark ages? You like to be the big powerful man don't you? You like having a woman who sees you as her lord and master. God help you the day your second wife develops her own personality and sees you for the puny imbecile that you are. No wonder your first wife ran. I'd have headed for the hills as well if I were in her shoes.

And believe me c20, you aren't a typical male. You're the type of male that most women run from when they realise how chauvinistic you really are. Hell if my partner ever dared even say half the shit you just said in here, he'd come to the realisation that he was suddenly single when the door hit the back of his head as he was kicked out of the house.

Ah, so you expect your wife to submit to you as you submit to your Christ? I don't think I even want to go there. Brings new meaning to being nailed...

So you see yourself as her God and master and so she must submit to you, just as your Christ as your God and master, and you submit to him. Lovely healthy relationship you have there c20.

What do you do if she doesn't submit to you? Beat her into submission?

Now I am going to puke. And here I'd thought that couples should view themselves as equals and treat each other as such. Silly me... Let me guess, you submit to her when she asks you to take the rubbish out.

And from what I'm reading, you deserve each other. Birds of a feather flock together as they say.

Bells there is no need for you to 'save' the Homosexual. Jesus has already done it. They just need to repent and believe in His power to transform their lives. All things are possible with God.

The following is an extract from


According to the Center for Disease Control in analysis after 1997:
60% of all AIDS cases in the United States are homosexual men.
This is an amazing figure and is brought into focus when we consider the fact that homosexuals are only about 1-2% of the population of the United States.
People are not born homosexual. (U.S. Center for Disease Control study.
Atlanta, 1982). Current research shows no physiological or genetic
difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals. There are only genetic
theories and speculations.

According to Dr. Elizabeth Moberly, Cambridge University:
85-90% of all lesbians have been victims of sexual abuse.

The 1948 Kinsey's report, that stated 10% of the U.S. population was
homosexual, has been completely discredited by recent studies which charge
him with biased and non-representative sampling.

The correct statistics according to a University of Chicago study is that about 1% of
the U.S. population is homosexual. And the National Center for Health
Statistics shows that less than 3% of the U.S. population is both homosexual
and bisexual.

The lifespan of a single homosexual man, aside from AIDS, in the United States is 42 years.
This is according to a study done by Dr. Paul Cameron, Chairman of Family Research Institute, Inc. Studied were 6,737 obituaries from 18 U.S. homosexual journals over 13 years; they were compared to a large sample of obituaries from regular newspapers. (Cameron et al. The longevity of homosexuals. Omega 1994:29:249-72.)


Adultery and hypocrisy


I had let your personal life go by without comment before, but the bombshell you dropped demands that I at least make the following point:

(1) I lament the loss of love from my parents to me because my adulteress wife has turned them against me by bearing false witness against me but I know they have been deceived and so I bless them and pray for them.

(2) My second wife is a little lamb. Her maternal instincts are second to none, her abilities to please me in the bedroom are second to none, her willingness to submit to my authority is second to none and pleases me greatly. I love my second wife with all of my heart and she loves me. She is nothing like the woman my first wife became because it is not in her nature to be unfaithful.

But will you repent of your second wife?

"Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery."

Luke 16.18

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

1 Corinthians 6.9-11

I think that perhaps you ought to get off the backs of the homosexuals, c20H25N3o, since they will burn or be saved just the same as you.

Something about a plank in the eye?

Your love and trust in your second wife is a sin; you, like you claim of your first wife, are an adulterer. Will you repent of that sin?

Will you leave behind your adultery and follow Christ?

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tiassa said:

I had let your personal life go by without comment before, but the bombshell you dropped demands that I at least make the following point:

But will you repent of your second wife?

I think that perhaps you ought to get off the backs of the homosexuals, c20H25N3o, since they will burn or be saved just the same as you.

Something about a plank in the eye?

Your love and trust in your second wife is a sin; you, like you claim of your first wife, are an adulterer. Will you repent of that sin?

Will you leave behind your adultery and follow Christ?


Nice try though.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
- Of Course I know this! I am a Christian duh!

Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.

- I know this! Do you?

And such were some of you.

- Indeed I completely agree. I was the worst!

But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

- Oh Yes! Hurray Hurray - Hallelujah to the Highest. Heaven and Earth sing His name! The Good News of the Gospel of course!. Thank you Jesus for your life. Without you offering up your own life to God, I would have no life but only destruction because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
How interesting that the upshot of my sin which means 'miss the mark' incidentally is that I have not quite been as shiny as I might have been had the fall of man not taken place. I have dishonored my Father's name like the son in the Prodigal Son parable. My clothes are dirty as have been the women. But I have come home. I think God justifies the sinner quite beautifully and His love washes us clean and remembers the sin not. Jesus sealed the whole deal with His blood. It is done. The power of sin is destroyed by that Blood and the fall of Man will have no consequence to those that believe in Him. Amen.

1 Corinthians 6.9-11 << God bless St Paul :)

Ephesians 5:21-33 - [Verse 25 in Original Greek]
21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ. 22 Wives, {be subject} to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself {being} the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives {ought to be} to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in F96 all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. 28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also {does} the church, 30 because we are members of His body. 31 FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND SHALL BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. 32 This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must {see to it} that she respects her husband.

Matthew 5:27-32 - [Verse 32 in Original Greek]
27 "You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY'; 28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 "If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 "If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell. 31 "It was said, 'WHOEVER SENDS HIS WIFE AWAY, LET HIM GIVE HER A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE'; 32 but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for {the} reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Mr 8:33
But turning around and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter and *said, "Get behind Me, Satan; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."
1 Co 11:6
Indeed, if a woman does go without a veil, she should have her hair cut off too.

Does your wife wear a veil, c20H25N3o? Or is her head shaved?
Seriously, how do Christian's expect people to respect them when they cannot even follow their own laws? Even if we ignore the Old Testament, which promotes genocide and race hatred, I cannot think of a single Christian who actually follows the Bible's teachings.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Indeed, the gay lovers in a committed relationship walking hand in hand with knitted sweaters tied around their clean pastel panted wastes through a beautifull park in the nicest suburb in town are still going to go home and explore eachother's shit pits, damaging their assholes and rendering their penii feculent all merely for the sake of their own sick perverted pleasure.

Well, now I'm excited. Want to try it? What's your phone number?

1 Co 11:6
Indeed, if a woman does go without a veil, she should have her hair cut off too.

Does your wife wear a veil, c20H25N3o? Or is her head shaved?

Response by C20: She does not wear a veil and she often has her hair cut like most woman today. Women love their hair dont they :) Bless them.

Seriously, how do Christian's expect people to respect them when they cannot even follow their own laws?

Response by C20: God's grace is sufficient for me.

Even if we ignore the Old Testament, which promotes genocide and race hatred, I cannot think of a single Christian who actually follows the Bible's teachings.

Response by C20: I do. I am a new creation. As prophecied in the OT. Please read it. Better still just say "Thank you Jesus" and live...
So in other words, c20H25N3o, you intend to keep living in sin with your second wife, ne'er to repent of that adultery, and need not discontinue your sinful behavior, because Jesus will save you, anyway?

tiassa said:
So in other words, c20H25N3o, you intend to keep living in sin with your second wife, ne'er to repent of that adultery, and need not discontinue your sinful behavior, because Jesus will save you, anyway?
Probably. But he expects that sinners such as homosexual stop their evil ways. He can sin but and be saved, but no one else can. He is a good hypocritical Christian after all... :rolleyes:


According to the Center for Disease Control in analysis after 1997:
60% of all AIDS cases in the United States are homosexual men.
LMAO! Let me get this straight... you go to a Christian journal for information about gays and use that as your trumph card? And c20 the Christian article you've used as your proof of the evilness of homosexuality shows that 40% percent of straight people in the US have AIDS, so what does that tell you about straight people?

One of the opening paragraphs from your charming site:
Remember that we aren't trying to condemn, but, after exposing homosexuality for what it is, to give "a hope and a future", to show that there is a way to find true freedom.
Lovely. They're not trying to condemn, just 'expose' it for what it is and try and change their minds. c20, if you expect to be taken even half seriously, you'd use real scientific sites and not religious claptrap that distorts reality.

People are not born homosexual. (U.S. Center for Disease Control study.
Atlanta, 1982). Current research shows no physiological or genetic
difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals. There are only genetic
theories and speculations.
So does the 1982 study say how homosexuals came about? 1982... hmm.. this was of course the time where fear of homosexuals ran rife because it was assumed that all homosexuals had AIDS.

31 "It was said, 'WHOEVER SENDS HIS WIFE AWAY, LET HIM GIVE HER A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE'; 32 but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for {the} reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
I just adore how it's soooo discriminatory. The wife can be sent away for not being chaste, but not the husband.

So you are saved because for reason of unchastity? It'd be funny as hell if you were wrong and she was in fact chaste. You'd go to hell. And I'm guessing that your second wife is not a divorced woman? Was she wearing a chastity belt? You're a hypocrite c20.
Bells said:
So does the 1982 study say how homosexuals came about? 1982... hmm.. this was of course the time where fear of homosexuals ran rife because it was assumed that all homosexuals had AIDS.

Come now, Bells, has this world made you so cynical as to doubt the findings of one of the best study's of homosexuality and AIDS to have been preformed more than 20 years ago in the Reagan Era? Oh, wait, I suppose looking back on things the very idea dose seem a bit silly, doesn't it?

Dig a little deeper, c20H25N3o, "gay bowel syndrome" was only 30 or so years ago. Or hey, maybe mental illness is more your speed? Maybe you can forget that the APA declared that homosexuality isn't a mental disease in the 70s, or just bypass the credible psychological establishment all together and take a look at NARTH's findings.

There's a lot of chaff out there regarding homosexuality and rates of various illnesses. The fact of it remains that no one is immune to disease, and despite what you may have heard there are plenty of old and healthy homosexuals :p There's nothing about the "Lifestyle" which particularly leads to an early death outside of the factors which effect heterosexuals just as much.
c20H25N3o said:
I am a new creation. As prophecied in the OT. Please read it.
Do you follow the laws in the Old Testament, or do you like most Christians, ignore those passages that you find inconvenient?
She does not wear a veil and she often has her hair cut like most woman today. Women love their hair dont they Bless them.
Looks like you need to read the bible. It does not say that her hair must be cut, it says it must be cut off. Oh, and by the way, could you be any more patronising?
Mystech said:
Come now, Bells, has this world made you so cynical as to doubt the findings of one of the best study's of homosexuality and AIDS to have been preformed more than 20 years ago in the Reagan Era? Oh, wait, I suppose looking back on things the very idea dose seem a bit silly, doesn't it?
So I'm cynical.. shoot me.. :p But at least I face reality and not the reality prescribed in a book that can't be verified in any way, shape or form.

Dig a little deeper, c20H25N3o, "gay bowel syndrome" was only 30 or so years ago. Or hey, maybe mental illness is more your speed? Maybe you can forget that the APA declared that homosexuality isn't a mental disease in the 70s, or just bypass the credible psychological establishment all together and take a look at NARTH's findings.
Didn't our little christian fundamentalist say in a round about way that homosexuals choose to be homosexual? He probably thinks it is mental. Anyway, c20 appears to have run for the hills and I don't think he's going to be coming back to this thread. He's probably praying for our lost evil souls as I type. ;)

There's nothing about the "Lifestyle" which particularly leads to an early death outside of the factors which effect heterosexuals just as much.
Shame on you Mystech! Don't you know that Christians see homosexuality as bad and evil and as punishment, you will die a horrible painful death, after you've become a drug addict and bonked 300 men on average a year. :p

geodesic said:
Do you follow the laws in the Old Testament, or do you like most Christians, ignore those passages that you find inconvenient?
Well having read through his posts, he appears to be selective.

Looks like you need to read the bible. It does not say that her hair must be cut, it says it must be cut off.
Don't tell him that. Now he's probably going to go back to the bible and then force his wife into 'submitting' into getting a Sinead O'Connor hair cut.

Oh, and by the way, could you be any more patronising?
I don't think patronising even comes close.

Bells said:

• Didn't our little christian fundamentalist say in a round about way that homosexuals choose to be homosexual? He probably thinks it is mental.

• Well having read through his posts, he appears to be selective.

• Don't tell him that. Now he's probably going to go back to the bible and then force his wife into 'submitting' into getting a Sinead O'Connor hair cut.

Well, it's both easier and more complex than that. I don't see the need of inventing what he might do next for two reasons:
• Whatever that is, he will do it, and that might offer even more to object to. In other words, he might actually give us something substantial.

• Why invent something to wonder about when we've got a possible cause right in front of us?
I tried putting the relevant parts of the Bible in front of him (e.g. Luke 16.18, 1 Cor. 6.9-11), but he responded with some very interesting quotes from the Bible, but none of which directly respond to the issue of remarriage. I mean, I don't think I was particularly artful about it, nor that I wasted any words. (Okay, one sentence about a plank can be reasonably argued to be extraneous by the fact that it ought to be implicit.) I thought the simple approach might work, but no.

So anyway, there's this article called "When Christ was Gay" that seems to confuse many folks of the faith, because it points out that the same churches that condemn the sin of homosexuality condone the sin of adultery:

The Religious Right is nearly half-full with people living in continuous adulterous lifestyles, and those who are not remarried fully accept their remarried brothers and sisters without question. They even perform their adulterous marriage ceremonies in their churches. Yet they have the gall to preach from their pulpits or shout through the airwaves that God wants us to stop the world from accepting homosexuals the same way they have been accepted by God.


And yet, here we have a man, c20H25N3o, living in sin, very possibly consumed in the conflict. Dr. Lou wrote that we live in a Christian society; our friend with the chemical moniker responded, "Oh God how I wish that time would come" (707488).

That has to be a heavy burden: wishing for a society that would cause him to do the right thing that he is unwilling to do for his own soul. The conflict that comes from believing something is right, living in defiance of that principle, and wishing for someone to stop you is actually something that is generally regarded as ... um ... how to put it delicately? Generally folks whisper words like, "He's not well." The conflict of living daily in sin takes its toll on one so devoted to his God and salvation. The same device in other situations can be found in more severe offenses than mere jagged, disparate beliefs. I mean, think of the other folks whom society believes to be crying for help: suicidals don't want to die, serial killers want to get caught, and drug addicts really do want help. And other such themes. This, obviously, would be more sublimated and considerably less severe, but it would also explain a good deal about the difficulty of communicating with this particular evangelist of the faith.

McKinley, Brian Elroy. "When Christ was Gay". See
c20H25N3o said:
Bells there is no need for you to 'save' the Homosexual. Jesus has already done it. They just need to repent and believe in His power to transform their lives. All things are possible with God.

The following is an extract from


According to the Center for Disease Control in analysis after 1997:
60% of all AIDS cases in the United States are homosexual men.
This is an amazing figure and is brought into focus when we consider the fact that homosexuals are only about 1-2% of the population of the United States.
People are not born homosexual. (U.S. Center for Disease Control study.
Atlanta, 1982). Current research shows no physiological or genetic
difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals. There are only genetic
theories and speculations.
Yeah, speculations. No one knows, except people who hate gays and then it turns out, the ghays are all evil bastards, or equivalent and should be denied the staus of human being. Sure, whatever you handle is, gays choose to be anethema, hated, targets of violence and exclusion, mostly by white christians. god bless 'em.

The 60% homosexuals agrees with my research also. I'll bet the CDC didn't give you th eother suide of the story. Those 60% homosexuals are also deeply committed to a severe drug lifestyle, not the weekend high or smoking a lot of grass. Also, from this group the number of yearl sexula partners is in the hundreds. There are huge numbers with multi cases of sexually transmitted diseases. Your immune system would go through the toilet too if you lived that way.

DId you find he next largest block of AIDS victims? The 30% representing intravenous drug users, a deeply committed lifestyle, though not necessarily gay, are identified by their extreme drug use. The "dirty needle" theory is a myth.

The 10% remaing represents the general population, highly biased to hemophiliacs, even though the life expectancy of the hemophiliacs has increased greatly since 1982. Spreading into whiotey hood, nope, iyt still mostly in the ghetto.

The "epidemic"? has been a fairly constanty 30,000/year new cases reported. If the disease of AIDS was sexually transmitted there would be millions more in the US alone. Epidemic means geometric progression of spreading by contact.

Myths all over the place and advertised to you, with reccomennded drug therapy, including AZT,by whom wou may ask? Your best of all possbile governments that money can buy.

A study of street prostiturtes found variations from AIDS incidents of the general population only in that group with chronic drug use.

The test for HIV is not a test for the "virus", it is a test for a segment of the protein wrapping that supposedly carries the virus around. However, this protein segment, I forget the designation, is common in four of five other diseases, including Epstein Barr virus. The HIV test is highly unstable and innacurate from a lack of controls and standards. There are dozens if not hundreds of testing laboratories.The incidents of false positives and negatives is alarming, but once tagged with "HIV positive", you don't get off the "positive" list even if it is clearly proved the HIV test was flawed.

luc Montaingier, Paris the first to find a "virus link", which he didn't find, did something interesting in his published 1982 paper. There was an electron micrograph on the front page of the paper (Science 1982, very poor;ly documented) thatwas supposed to be a photograph of the "virus". When asked abiout this years later. Luc replied that they (the research team,) "tried and tried" to locate a virus butwere unable (as have all other attempts since). Why then he was asked did the photo aopears? His answer: was it was included for instructional purposes.

HIV has never been isolated to the exclusion of all other organic substances., ever. All claims of "electron photogrphy" are mere suppositions and inferences and bullshit mostly. They give you a black background wiwth thousands of little dots with arrows pointing to a few. It is sad situation.

The AZT scandal is tearfully sad. The drug was abanadomned in he early 60s as a possible cancer drug tested on terminal patients who suffered much more from the AZT than the cancer: dementia, muscle wasting, anemia , . .(requiring full body blood transfusion and moe) ,severe nausea .. The drug was considered worthless and the inventors didn't bother to obtain a patent.

Homosexuals and AIDS you say? Keep looking ("rethinking AIDS' etc on thei nternet, or the "the perth group") if you haven't already made up your mind, or had it made up for you.
And yes, there is an unmistakable bias against minorities in the 60% and 30% numbers.

So if the CDC tells you that research, ".., shows no physiological or genetic
difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals...", this proves what? Absolutely nothing, unless you talk really loud,

(Moderator edit for lack of subtlety.)

"The enemies of truth. Convictions are more dangerouis enemies of truth than lies". FN

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What was Geistkiesel trying to say to us? I read it three times and feel no more enlightened.
SpyMoose said:
What was Geistkiesel trying to say to us? I read it three times and feel no more enlightened.

I'm not sure. . .drug use causes AIDS, and not a virus, is that it? I can't be sure.