The sayings of the Prophets and Saints.

Can't stand those liars.

Then who are the ones telling you that you are "invading" the middle east to "fight terrorists"

Your not over there to gain strategic posiitions and secure a foothold and then tap into the oil pipe lines right?

Yeah your over there defending the muslim people yeah right, more like your killing the muslim civi's and backing israels illegal embargo of paletine and dont evn say it's not an embargo israel has control over all the shipments that go into palestine, they police the pali people and tell them what items they are even allowed int here houses, they wont even allow enough concrete or building amterials or computers. they attacl all the flotillas that reach them with aid and actualy attack and fire upon the aid workers.

Are you blind? can't you see america are tyrants? can;t you see they are the ones who have invaded and over thrown over 40 seperate governments since 1945?

And we will invade and overthrow as many as we need to. This isn't a Fox news invention, 9/11 really happened. We are defending ourselves. Civilians get killed in war too, that's not a reason against war, (and I know you believe in war). I'm also sure you believe opium and terrorism are legitimate exports, but wouldn't it be nice if people had some options? Like the Saudis enjoy?
Where are the moderators? This thread needs to be cleaned up


Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.- Prophet Mohammed
''While chanting the name of the Lord one should earn Divine wealth. The divine wealth to be earned are kindness, nonviolence, freedom from lust, truth, equality, equanimity, detachment, stability of mind, control over senses, seriousness, compassion, friendship, brilliance and tolerance. ''

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Where are the moderators? This thread needs to be cleaned up


Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.- Prophet Mohammed

This is a good quote, I think all so called religious people (and secular humanists) going to war against their fellow man should have this in mind.
go to any bible and look at the footnotes,
phrases like 'some manuscripts say' (or don't say)
is an indicator of its editing.
This post seems to be about as close as "Chi" has yet come to actually discussing the subject of prophetism.

You claim you are a prophet yet you deny god's existence?

Why must a prophet believe in your God? I think that it's true that prophets in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic family of religions are expected to do that, naturally enough, but prophecy doesn't seem be to restricted to just those three related religions.

so who exactly sent you to earth?

Even in Judaism and Christianity, there's no belief that prophets were sent to earth from anyplace else. (From where?) Do Muslims believe that about Mohammed? (I don't think so. The Quran maybe, which I understand many Muslims believe to be heavenly and eternal. But not the man himself.) Prophets are earth-people, members of the community, who, so these religions' tradition says, were chosen to convey God's opinions. (For some unknown theological reason, God never seems to speak to people directly.)

seeing as all messengers were sent by god your claim is self contradictory.

What about oracles, shamans, seers and diviners, rishis, gurus, spiritualist mediums, and many similar sorts of figures, all of whom purport to bring the world information derived from transcendental sources? I perceive Judeo-Christian-Islamic prophets as belonging to that broader class of religious figure.

There is a criteria for prophethood and you don't meet them

Where do these criteria originate? (Please don't say "God".) What is their source in religious tradition, philosophy, scripture, or wherever you found them? What justification is there for the rest of us who aren't adherents of the tradition where they originated accepting these particular criteria and not some others?

1) you will be foretold to the people and mentioned by the last prophet, he will say another will come after me, 2) all prophets will give credit to previous prophets and speak highly of them as they are kindred prophet brothers who share a strong bond of brotherhood. 3) all prophets will speak of God and come in his name(s). Anyone who claims prophethood and deny God is surely not a prophet and is false.

So people can only recognize prophets if they... can already recognize prophets? Isn't that circular?

You mark 0 next to all pre-requisites, also you didn't even know the pre-requisites it seems which is another denial of your so called prophethood.

Maybe the 'pre-requisites' are false. Maybe prophets in general aren't bound by them, even if those in your own Islamic tradition are.

To top it all off you yourself do not even believe you are a prophet you are just trying to cause mischief in the lands which is a sin by itself.

Isn't mischief precisely what you're trying to spread here on Sciforums?

I told you your intentions and they are to cause mischief, prophets unite people under the banner of the one true god, you are trying to divide your own people yet another sign you are not from the great I AM, YHWH.

In these situations, perhaps the true voice of wisdom is the skeptical voice.
Originally Posted by EmptyForceOfChi
No it seems he thinks his bible is the perfect un adultered edition it was 2000 years ago.

What was so speacial about 2000 years ago?

...oh, cant remember anything from that time, thats it. LOL...people act like the earth was another planet back then. Well lets make stuff about about that time. Wow, memebr when that guy carved in the rock? that was great.
Joseph smith and the golden tablets? are you joking, No wonder that you let that un believer dissrespect the prophets and godn and call them all fairy tales. your some kind of mormon follwoing false prophets.

And you're some kind of muslim, following false prophets in my opinion.

But what justifies you in saying that Joseph Smith and the LDS prophets are false? Lets see how they stack up according to the Muslim (I assume) criteria that you posted earlier.

1) you will be foretold to the people and mentioned by the last prophet, he will say another will come after me

I'm not sure that the LDS prophets satisfy this one, but it takes quite a bit of imagination to see how any of the Biblical prophets were specifically foretold. And only Islam seems to insist that prophecy has finally ceased. Both Judaism and Christianity have strongly downplayed prophecy during their subsequent histories, probably in hopes of reducing the chance of prophet-inspired heresy, but both religions still formally accept the possibility that more prophets might appear.

2) all prophets will give credit to previous prophets and speak highly of them as they are kindred prophet brothers who share a strong bond of brotherhood.

The LDS certainly honor the old testament prophets.

3) all prophets will speak of God and come in his name(s). Anyone who claims prophethood and deny God is surely not a prophet and is false.

The LDS acknowledge the Judeo-Christian God. (I don't think that they took Islam very much into account.)

Bottom line is that the Latter Day Saints seem to do pretty well according to your rather mysterious criteria of prophethood. Probably as well as Mohammed himself, I'd say.
What are you saying about we believe Christ came in 1913? We believe in the book of Revelations and the details containing within it, plus a few extra. Those conditions have not been met...

Also we say Latter-Days as in relative to Earth's history...

""Jehovah Witness""" believe that Micheal Christ came back in 1913 ? I think that is the date they claim . I don't know if they mean physically or metaphorically. The Adventist say Christ is Micheal before he was Jesus and expected his return in 1843 or there about . It was known as the Great Disappointment I believe?
The L.D.S. writings by Brigham Young , which I read the manuscript some time ago talk about Jesus being the spirit of Michael. Also the whole Adam - god - Jesus thing . Where Adam is first Man and God- Micheal . This doctrine was dropped by the official church in public view , but the writings and debate of the writings still exist and lots of L.D.S. hold firm to the belief . F.L.D.S. I believe still do out right . Check out the Adam -God thing
Commenting no.
Making facile and unwarranted assumptions yes.

I just read that and his comment off your quote...

I study Wing Chun currently and have in the past studied Shaolin and for a brief period Karate.

Bushido is NOT a martial art, it is a code of honor for Samurai.

Not only Japanese martial arts and martial arts.

I picked the name Shogun for my love for Strategic and Military Sciences, and after reading the Book of Five Rings, I became intrigued with Japanese military philosophy, thus my username.
Why should I tell him?
I'm sure he's as aware as I am that there have been selective alterations.

I would not doubt it, it have had a long history and been through many translations, who knows what people did to it, but I believe the gist remains. Accidental translation and comprehension errors are possible. However, I go by the King James Bible, better than the million other modern copies out there in my opinion.
Wait your joining a US armed forces? The americans are waging war ont he holy land. Ugh your like the perfect little Dajjal follower. they have you wrapped perfectly.

Jerusalem is under siege!:eek: I plan on joining and serving the Canadian Forces. I always have been fond of Military and Strategic Sciences, it is my passion.

got you believing in shirk polytheism. claiming jesus is equad if not higher than god himself. saying jesus is the judge? NBo God is the judge and Alpha. a mere man and creation you actualy associate with god and acredit him a partnership.

You again are pressing your beliefs on others. I have told you, I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You idolize only jesus and don't even pay attention to allt he other prophets. What did moses teach about monotheism> and idol worship what did abraham teach about monotheism and idol worship? what did mohhamad teach about monotheism and idol worship? Peace be upon them all.

What do you mean idolize only Jesus? Your claims about your other statements do not stand.

Your like one of them new agers they put a battery on your back liek a toy soldier gave you a corrupted book and sent you off to commit blashemy. now you even befriend the enemies of god the ones who insult him you are no loyal servant of god. you even look down on the muslims you obviously watch american news netweorks and have been effected by the media. the way you talk about muslim extreamists., I read and study History, and pay specific attention to Military History. I have not looked down on Muslims, I merely said it is not my belief. If that is an offense to you, then you chose to take it as an offense. I talk about Muslim extremists as they have been in fact.

He did not insult the Lord, you interpreted it as an insult to the Lord.

Wait, don't tell me...the "American" education system brainwashed me about the Crusaders and the witch hunts as well :rolleyes:

You take offense in the absence of insult to any religion and beliefs, I have insulted certain figures such as Pope Gregory IV ( correct me if I'm wrong, the Pope that proclaimed the Crusade ). You continue to interpret them as an offense to your religion, and proclaim I have offended you and your religion whereas you have openly done so about mine.

I have a Muslim friend thank you very much, his family is Persian, from Iran, one of my closest friends in fact and I just played a Rugby exhibition match with him today, our inside center-backer ( I'm outside center ).

Listen yeah have you even studied the other books and religions of moses abraham and mohhamad peace be upon them?. You don't sound liek you have any understanding of the fundementals of the pure form of the religion. you christians havent even been taught how to pray properly because of your churches. you just turn up on a sunday once a week maybe twice and listen tos ome guy talk crap for a few hours. Why dont you pray like the jews and the muslims and the Essenes did?

Do you have any detail pertaining to the ongoing on our sacrament meetings? Do you even know how we pray?

Doesn't seem like it thus far to me.

Also, you seem that you want to force everyone to believe in the religion you believe and follow your traditions and culture, shall I quote you from the past as well?

You break basic rules of abrahamic faith , you worship idols, god forbid you wear cross with dead prophet on your neck. you associate partners with god! you are a new ager polutheist who claims to be the followers of Hazrat Isa pbuh. you dont follow jesus you just idolize him as some kind of god. he told you pray tot he father not to him, you guys eat pork too, what kind of crap is that?. you dont even eat kosher or halal meat your the worst followers of any of the prophets.

We eat pork we believe we have the right to do so.

We don't wear the Cross in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I suggest you do not make false claims, for your own reputation and your credibility.

Provide you evidence the bible has been corrupted? why don;t you ask your atheist pals they are usualy the first ones to spout this about the bible being perverted and changed and corrupted . You seriously didn;t know the bibles have been changed? you think they are in pure form?

Nothing is in pure form because they all have been written by man and man is imperfect.