The sayings of the Prophets and Saints.

Wrong. not anyone is a prophet, you dont get to call yourself one god tells you that you are one and sends you,

And you dont even believe in the prophets so why are you here if not to discredit them?

i don't think people should call themselves prophets. i think so-called prophets or gurus today tend to be those who are experts in their field, so to speak though they are not perfect either or know everything just like anyone else.

that said, even a common person can have insights and wisdom about something. understanding is really not just artificially limited to just some select people, it's just that they all have their strengths, weaknesses and areas of talent.

i mean does one really need to believe another is a prophet just to consider what they are saying or what they know which may or may not be true?
Wrong. not anyone is a prophet, you dont get to call yourself one god tells you that you are one and sends you,

And you dont even believe in the prophets so why are you here if not to discredit them?

The Creator wants Me to be a prophet Chi. Yeah its the shits !! I don't want the job. I am sick of it . I want to learn how to be a freeloader . That is something that has escaped my cognitive function. I need to learn how to milk the teet of the cow so to speak . Then I will be a good freeloader that don't care if my freeloading hurts anybody . Why should it matter to Me anyway ? Whats the Creator going to do about it anyway? The Creator lets everybody else freeload at will so the Creator should let Me do it too? Don't you think?
You claim you are a prophet yet you deny god's existence?

Wouldn't that make me the first honest prophet?

so who exactly sent you to earth?

Why does it have to be a "who" and why do I have to be "sent"?

seeing as all messengers were sent by god your claim is self contradictory.

Are you saying that you possess objective evidence that 'god' exists and that he 'sent messengers'?

There is a criteria for prophethood and you don't meet them, 1) you will be foretold to the people and mentioned by the last prophet, he will say another will come after me, 2) all prophets will give credit to previous prophets and speak highly of them as they are kindred prophet brothers who share a strong bond of brotherhood. 3) all prophets will speak of God and come in his name(s). Anyone who claims prophethood and deny God is surely not a prophet and is false.

Wait a minute, where did that criteria come from?

You mark 0 next to all pre-requisites, also you didn't even know the pre-requisites it seems which is another denial of your so called prophethood.

I think you are confused. The word 'prophet' has several definitions. This definition:

"a person regarded as, or claiming to be, an inspired teacher or leader. "

has the criteria for being a prophet built into it and I do in fact meet that criteria.

To top it all off you yourself do not even believe you are a prophet you are just trying to cause mischief in the lands which is a sin by itself.

I have news for you. "Sin" is not something that objectively exists.

I told you your intentions and they are to cause mischief, prophets unite people under the banner of the one true god, you are trying to divide your own people yet another sign you are not from the great I AM, YHWH.

Prophets teach people and can provide accurate predictions within their realm of expertise. Consequently, I am from the great WHAT IS.

If you continue to play along with your own joke/lie then you are going to dig deeper into your pit of lies and foolishness you caan opt out now and change your path and just admit your joking around which will save you being a public humiliation later in your life, surely he will humble you for your vanity and arrogance don't be bold for punishment he surely will give you what you ask for.

I will never stop valuing truth. I will never stop pointing out where people make false claims of truth. I will never stop challenging those who hurt others with their lies. If you continue to play along then you are going to dig deeper into your pit lies and foolishness. You can opt out now, change your path, and just admit that you value how you feel more than what is true. This will save you from public humiliation here and later in your life. Surely even your vanity and arrogance can be tempered by rational thinking. Punishment for not doing so will be a mental impairment which will always limit your comprehension and identity.

peace and repentance.

what is.
Ah , it is not Mormons Chi. They are L.D.S. which stands for Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints . Jesus"s church is the implication. They say Micheal is Christ . I like that about them after all I am a Mike. Who wouldn't want to be king of your own town. It is a dirty job thou and you can have it . I am thinking about becoming a freeloader instead.

I was talking about Joseph smith and his golden tablets. ( I think )

Why would they say an angel is the christ? I don't get this. thats like saying Gabriel is a prophet. he is an angel it's different lol.
Ah , it is not Mormons Chi. They are L.D.S. which stands for Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints . Jesus"s church is the implication. They say Micheal is Christ . I like that about them after all I am a Mike. Who wouldn't want to be king of your own town. It is a dirty job thou and you can have it . I am thinking about becoming a freeloader instead.

Who the hell is Micheal? I am LDS bro...what the hell are you talking about?
Also, I am Christian, and it is not in my belief that Jesus is a prophet, but he is the Christ, the son of the living god. You are pressing others by saying there can't be modern day prophets? Is there a particular reason why? By your definition HAVE GOD FORSAKEN US?

You chose to believe what you believe and its fine with me, and don't press your religion on others. Gabriel is the archangel BTW.

Don't try to press your religion on others Chi, everyone is entitled to their beliefs and their free agency, thereby their ability to chose.
I was talking about Joseph smith and his golden tablets. ( I think )

Why would they say an angel is the christ? I don't get this. thats like saying Gabriel is a prophet. he is an angel it's different lol.
Joseph Smith is the guy that started the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and there was much discussion on Micheal being the name of Christ . It was before he became human is what they say . A lot like the 7th day Adventist saying the same thing, or Jehovah Witness say Jesus came back in 1913? as Michael. Anyway there is much on the internet about this stuff . Google Micheal Christ and you will see what I am talking about . All kina mythologies going on there . It might stem from the book of Danial when he says " and at that time your Great Prince Michael will stand. It is where some Jewish peoples get the Idea that Jesus is not Christ for his name is not Michael . Last year there was a thread that popped up by a social community of Jewish people ( I think, most of the writings were in a foreign language I didn't understand) . But the one thing I did understand was the statement and I just caught a little bit of the writing " Has anybody talked to Mekigal "
I sure wish I could read and understand the rest of what they were saying . The thread was removed from the internet the very next day and a omission was deleted by court order of stuff posted by Danial Winters . I don't know if the 2 were related or not , but the coincident was astounding as I think that Danial Winters called him self Melchizedek. One of the many peoples that claim to have the truth , except he stole his works from a Jewish community in California . At least that was what the court order said. I don't know Chi . You want my crown . You can have it . I am going to learn to be a free loader if you take it . Yeah Way . I will be able to roll around in the money and master debate all over it before I go spend it on Jet skis and 4 wheel drive monster pick ups so I can go tear up the wilderness shooting at grizzly bears in the forest. Maybe kill a wolf or 2 ! Yeah a life of debauchery too . Hookers and good whiskey and the best smoke money can buy. Get Me a Marijuana card and smoke out every day all day legally. It sounds better than trying to change the world at this point . People think I am delusional anyway, so instead of beating my head against the wall , I quite and now you get the job . Pass Me a blunt please !! I am dropping out ! Who's with Me?
Who the hell is Micheal? I am LDS bro...what the hell are you talking about?
You better go read some of the things Joseph Smith wrote bro and then go read some of Brigham Young writings too. Much about it . Also on L.D.S. threads too .
You better go read some of the things Joseph Smith wrote bro and then go read some of Brigham Young writings too. Much about it . Also on L.D.S. threads too .

Dude...there are different branches of LDS after Joseph Smith died...I belong to the Salt Lake and Brigham Young one...the largest.

There are plenty of BS on the internet. I was ( forced to ) read the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price and pretty much every scripture we had. All my years ( 6 now ) in the Church, I have NEVER heard the name Michael. I heard Jesus Christ, Messiah, the Lord, the Son of Man and that is about it.
Joseph Smith is the guy that started the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and there was much discussion on Micheal being the name of Christ . It was before he became human is what they say . A lot like the 7th day Adventist saying the same thing, or Jehovah Witness say Jesus came back in 1913? as Michael. Anyway there is much on the internet about this stuff . Google Micheal Christ and you will see what I am talking about . All kina mythologies going on there . It might stem from the book of Danial when he says " and at that time your Great Prince Michael will stand. It is where some Jewish peoples get the Idea that Jesus is not Christ for his name is not Michael . Last year there was a thread that popped up by a social community of Jewish people ( I think, most of the writings were in a foreign language I didn't understand) . But the one thing I did understand was the statement and I just caught a little bit of the writing " Has anybody talked to Mekigal "
I sure wish I could read and understand the rest of what they were saying . The thread was removed from the internet the very next day and a omission was deleted by court order of stuff posted by Danial Winters . I don't know if the 2 were related or not , but the coincident was astounding as I think that Danial Winters called him self Melchizedek. One of the many peoples that claim to have the truth , except he stole his works from a Jewish community in California . At least that was what the court order said. I don't know Chi . You want my crown . You can have it . I am going to learn to be a free loader if you take it . Yeah Way . I will be able to roll around in the money and master debate all over it before I go spend it on Jet skis and 4 wheel drive monster pick ups so I can go tear up the wilderness shooting at grizzly bears in the forest. Maybe kill a wolf or 2 ! Yeah a life of debauchery too . Hookers and good whiskey and the best smoke money can buy. Get Me a Marijuana card and smoke out every day all day legally. It sounds better than trying to change the world at this point . People think I am delusional anyway, so instead of beating my head against the wall , I quite and now you get the job . Pass Me a blunt please !! I am dropping out ! Who's with Me?

0_0 what bible are these guys reading? this is totaly not what the dead sea scroll,s the torah or the gospels say.

Did they just whoop a new book out of their ass or something? I have studied every canon i could get my hands on and i have never read any of this in any bible or scroll.

0_0 what bible are these guys reading? this is totaly not what the dead sea scroll,s the torah or the gospels say.

Did they just whoop a new book out of their ass or something? I have studied every canon i could get my hands on and i have never read any of this in any bible or scroll.


We just added three, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price...

You seem to be pressing your religion quite vehemently on others...note to self...
What are you saying about we believe Christ came in 1913? We believe in the book of Revelations and the details containing within it, plus a few extra. Those conditions have not been met...

Also we say Latter-Days as in relative to Earth's history...
We just added three, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price...

You seem to be pressing your religion quite vehemently on others...note to self...

Joseph smith and the golden tablets? are you joking, No wonder that you let that un believer dissrespect the prophets and godn and call them all fairy tales. your some kind of mormon follwoing false prophets.

Which angel was told to have revealed your holy books to the prophet? waas it Gabriel?
Joseph smith and the golden tablets? are you joking, No wonder that you let that un believer dissrespect the prophets and godn and call them all fairy tales. your some kind of mormon follwoing false prophets.

Which angel was told to have revealed your holy books to the prophet? waas it Gabriel?

What I did was that I let every man express his opinion like Christ and the Lord commanded of man and Christ have done.
I find it funny how man claims to know all there is about God. My religion have never laid that claim for the record so try that.

It is funny how you think you know all there is to know about God.