the religious forum is getting stagnant. lets liven it up!.

Shaitan said:
otay uckingfay ightray, ymay riendfay.
eht lived edisni, si a tib fo a gnikcuf toidi.
infactioose alloose theoose religiousoose areoose.


the'yre not all exceptionally bonkers (allthough the bulk of them on these forums really are nuts). Devil is actually on the diet cola side of believers (not really a fanatic by any means). I think you two just didn't hit it off. I hate to see two underworld reps be so far a part. Now shake talons and be friends.
actually, mw.....i live in belgium, and frequent antwerpen very often.
if you didnt know, that is pretty much the capital of jews in europe. yiddish is very very very rarely spoken in europe.
what i was saying is that the actual language of yiddish is almost exclusively spoken by american jews.
i am jewish, and i think i know what i am talking about.
in fact, i know i do.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: But what, pray tell, is yours?
I can converse in two languages at once, as I have a forked tongue, one being yiddish, the other being what ever is being spoken at the time.
I am all languages, be they of heaven, earth, or hell.
Crunchy Cat said:

the'yre not all exceptionally bonkers (allthough the bulk of them on these forums really are nuts). Devil is actually on the diet cola side of believers (not really a fanatic by any means). I think you two just didn't hit it off. I hate to see two underworld reps be so far a part. Now shake talons and be friends.
he speaks the tongue of the slave, but is not worthy of my anger.
he cannot represent my domain, it's not is time to be there,YET.
btw, crunchy cat.....
thanks for about my "sugar free" status in your opinion. lol
i try to distance myself from folks with too much caffeine in their beliefs.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: About the forum getting stagnant, when all else fails like the religious burden of proof has, we can always argue semantics. The religionists can't win that one either.
nobody wins here except in the small confines of a single mind.