the religious forum is getting stagnant. lets liven it up!.

welcome to my ignore list, since you seem unable to even see that i STARTED the thread. i guess that means i wasnt taking part.

I would just like to point out that whilst science and religion don't go hand in hand. That should not mean that one is more right than the other.

Science can explain most things by conducting tests numerous times and then coming up with a tight conclusion to the findings, science also offers hope and people should have faith in what scientists do and have done for mankind but........

Spiritually science offers us nothing, so religion offers us that hope in what comes after. There is nothing wrong in romanticising what we do not know. It is the best fantasy ever to wonder what happens when life ends.

So to keep this short, science offers us hope in life but religion offers hope for after life.
To me they should walk hand in hand although most would disagree. Sometimes though i think both do have a secret love affair because science wants to solve the unanswerable. Perhaps one day it will.
The Devil Inside said:
welcome to my ignore list, since you seem unable to even see that i STARTED the thread. i guess that means i wasnt taking part.


welcome to me not giving a shit. good luck being a loser.

That should not mean that one is more right than the other.

That is a good point.

Science can explain most things by conducting tests numerous times and then coming up with a tight conclusion to the findings, science also offers hope and people should have faith in what scientists do and have done for mankind but........

Science is not in the business of hope, nor is it personal, its use is to gain knowledge about the physical/phenomenal world.
Having "faith" in science is like having faith that cars will be mobile in the future. "Science" assures us that we do not know everything about our (physical) selves, or environment, that there is indeed more to learn.

Spiritually science offers us nothing, so religion offers us that hope in what comes after.

The above appears to mean spirituality is only about hope of the afterlife. Is that so?
While I can accept that some understanding of religion is based on this type of gross-materialistic desire, I fail to understand how you come to the conclusion of your definition. Spirituality, by definition must incorporate everything, including "science" and all it entails.

There is nothing wrong in romanticising what we do not know. It is the best fantasy ever to wonder what happens when life ends.

Don't assume that this statement applies to every person who decides to become God-conscious.

So to keep this short, science offers us hope in life but religion offers hope for after life.

Hope is a subjective aspect of our human, physical (albeit subtle) make-up and has nothing to do with either of the diciplines, unless we decide to apply it. Religion appeals to the human heart, mind, and intellect, its point is to elevate the human to his/her highest human potential.

Sometimes though i think both do have a secret love affair because science wants to solve the unanswerable. Perhaps one day it will.

The rift between science and religion is, IMO, a man-made agenda and has nothing to do with reality.

Hey Jan,

Not everything i say is right. I don't always explain things the way i would like to so everything you've said about my last post is good. With your take on things others will understand it better.
The Devil Inside said:
shaitan...if you ARE who you say you are, why dont you tell me about my family and what they did for you?
Ak'hen Zun Szh'abasch
I have no need to answer your questions, your father is not the Baal Te'fillah he thinks he is, your mother is just Agu'nah she wishes she was not.
but your parent have given me silent Bracha which please's me, so I hold them in high stead, they will sit by my side in the after.
you must feel Ch'ayav, for it was not for them you would be Ch'eshbon Hanefesh for your Ch'illul Hashem.
so be careful what you say, as you do not have the same respect as they.
Din Shulam.

and it's should be Ak'hen Zun Sh'abash
Shaitan said:
I have no need to answer your questions, your father is not the Baal Te'fillah he thinks he is, your mother is just Agu'nah she wishes she was not.
but your parent have given me silent Bracha which please's me, so I hold them in high stead, they will sit by my side in the after.
you must feel Ch'ayav, for it was not for them you would be Ch'eshbon Hanefesh for your Ch'illul Hashem.
so be careful what you say, as you do not have the same respect as they.
Din Shulam.

and it's should be Ak'hen Zun Sh'abash

LOL, what the hell?
Shaitan, you dont know what you are talking about.
my father has been dead for years.
good job getting caught in a lie.
and you are correct that i do not have respect for folks like you.
"thou shalt have no other gods above me."
i am jewish, dolt.
I did'nt say he was'nt dead, I said in hebrew he was'nt the prayer leader he thought he was, and that your mother felt chained.
I have always had respect for your parents, they always worshipped me.
I said they would sit by my side, in the after, not just him, as it is now.
I warned you, judgement has been made.
why did I reply in yiddish, if I did'nt know you were a jew.

Ch'erem Emet
it isnt yiddish that jews speak, retard.
thats an almost purely american phenomena.
so tell me: why did you respond in "yiddish" (not very well i might add), if i was speaking chaldean?
Shaitan said:
I have no need to answer your questions, your father is not the Baal Te'fillah he thinks he is, your mother is just Agu'nah she wishes she was not.
but your parent have given me silent Bracha which please's me, so I hold them in high stead, they will sit by my side in the after.
you must feel Ch'ayav, for it was not for them you would be Ch'eshbon Hanefesh for your Ch'illul Hashem.
so be careful what you say, as you do not have the same respect as they.
Din Shulam.

and it's should be Ak'hen Zun Sh'abash

sanguese minimoose carpoose animoose
Sanguese Minimoose Carpoose Animoose

Yeshli chatool gadol bemichnasiam.
The Devil Inside said:
it isnt yiddish that jews speak, retard.
thats an almost purely american phenomena. so tell me: why did you respond in "yiddish" (not very well i might add), if i was speaking chaldean?

M*W: Sorry, Dev, but you're wrong. Yiddish is not "an almost purely American phenomenon." It is a hybrid of Hebraic language that came out of Central and Eastern Europe, and more specifically, the Germanic languages.

Wikipedia also has a comprehensive definition, but for some reason, it wouldn't post live.
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Crunchy Cat said:
sanguese minimoose carpoose animoose
Sanguese Minimoose Carpoose Animoose
Yeshli chatool gadol bemichnasiam.
otay uckingfay ightray, ymay riendfay.
eht lived edisni, si a tib fo a gnikcuf toidi.
infactioose alloose theoose religiousoose areoose.
M*W: About the forum getting stagnant, when all else fails like the religious burden of proof has, we can always argue semantics. The religionists can't win that one either.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Sorry, Dev, but you're wrong. Yiddish is not "an almost purely American phenomenon." It is a hybrid of Hebraic language that came out of Central and Eastern Europe, and more specifically, the Germanic languages.

Wikipedia also has a comprehensive definition, but for some reason, it wouldn't post live.
yiddish is actually the language of my deciples.