That is not my position I don' hate them , I am in favor they live their life quietly as any body , keep their sexuality to them self and don't peddle it and don't promote it for the youngsters .
Look Tiassa is the biggest problem on the board. He-She won't stop moderating valid posts into oblivian while completely lacking any comprehension of your submissions.
That is not my position I don' hate them , I am in favor they live their life quietly as any body , keep their sexuality to them self and don't peddle it and don't promote it for the youngsters .
solution...simple... confer the same or almost same rights but call it Garriage instead of marriage...end of issue!
as a not so famous person once said "It's that simple"
ha ...a bit like solving the Middle East stabiity issue yes?... simple to say but hard to do..
I do not practice discrimination because there are so very many good reasons to dislike persons on an individual basis.
If we threw the religions out of it, there would be no further need for discussion of who gets to marry whom.
Thread: The reasoon forthe decilne in forum membership - any one?
I wasn't going to be obsessive compulsive but the Captain's got me started.
If nothing else, Quantum, you have managed to convene more posters on this thread than many others have garnered of late.
Ei Gess I wlil never be abel ot ilve it doone!Go and wash your hands 40 times as punishment!
I believe the 'rights' in question are largely around receiving the same financial considerations as hetero couples when it comes to work benefits, income tax deductions, travel and medical considerations and property disposition upon dissolution or divorce. These economic considerations have been debated as one reason that legislators have been dragging their feet and then there is the religious thing which is where homophobia originates, in my opinion, for the bible teaches intolerance in this regard.
IMO The decline maybe attributed to some threads getting off the subject.
I agree. Can we get this offtopic gaybullshit out of this thread? Where is a moderator when we need one???
They wouldn't have to "promote" it if they were just allowed to live it with the same rights as the rest of us. Heterosexuals have the right to marry and divorce as often as we want and whomever we want. Homosexuals should be allowed the same rights. They just want to be treated equally.