THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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Leo Volont said:
I say we all agree with this guy so that he doesn't blow up a school bus or a day care center.

He seems to be Islamic.

Do you know of any Society that freely became Islamic without being persuaded by the Sword? Then we can look at what seems to be ordinary Islamic Political Behavior, where even the slightest civil or intellectual differences are settled through assassination. Glancing through any newspaper reveals at least one incident per day of another Islamic Mullah screaming for Jihad to resolve whatever inconveniences he must be up against. It is true I have not studied the Koran from one end to the other and back again, but it seems to me that their Prophet resorted to Violence again and again and again and must have offered dozens of justifications for war and killing. Yes, some very Civilized and Enlightened Islamic Clerics have been busy trying to convey to their own Fundamentalist Crowd that Mohamed really didn't mean any of that when given the context of his more easy going statements made when his blood was not quite in so much of a boil. But the Scholarly and exotic arguments fly over their heads, while they can plainly read what Mohamed had to say --- "Kill Kill Kill".

Besides, these Muslims can read the newspapers too, can't they. You would think that if they meant well, that they would be so embarrassed over the murderous behavior of their co-religionists that they would have more shame than to attempt to spread a Religion that has so badly misfired.
one_raven said:
What would make you think he has any violent tendencies at all?
I see no signs or threats of violence.

Dear Raven,

I replied to your statement, but I accidentally hit the wrong quote thing.... see above, if you will.
muhammad said:
he is joking :)

you shoud get it


Was 9-11 a joke? What about killing that guy in Amsterdam or Copenhagen or wherever because he offended one of your Mullahs?

That points out the problem that the rest of the World has with Islam... apparently you people think Killing is funny.
I DO think it is funny.
A Catholic apologist condemning a religion and all of its followers because of the actions of those that would use the stories in the holy book of that religion to justify murderous acts.
In fact, the amount of violence attributed to some within Nation of Islam, not endorsed by the leaders of the religion, seems to be fairly miniscule compared to the atrocities commited directly by the Holy Roman Church under mandate of the leaders of the religion in the name of God and progression.
Do you not see the irony in that?
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one_raven said:
That's a really interesting question, Bells.
Have you asked it of yourself?
Have you honestly questioned yourself if you truly are an atheist borne of lack of faith rather than in opposition of specific faith systems?
I'm not sure I have challenged myself and lack of faith in such a way.
Yes I have asked myself that question. I was raised a strict Catholic. Even as a child I questioned my faith. I would ask my parents and they could never answer my questions, merely take me to confession. I'd ask the priest and I'd be told to say 10 hail Mary's as penance while on my knees. As I became older and entered my teens, the questions came more often. I asked myself what I truly believed. I never believed in the Bible, as to me they were merely a book of stories and fantasies born of man's mind. They never once seemed true to me. After a long while searching, I realised I just did not believe. And I don't believe. I've never once seen proof of an existance of God. The bible is supposedly full of stories of God, but to me they are merely stories of men who speak of their belief. That's not proof. To me that's one man imparting his beliefs on another. They point to cruel acts and name them acts of God and then say God is loving. That's not proof. To me that's men committing horrendous acts and saying they do it in the name of God, thereby taking the blame away from themselves. I've never found faith in any religious text. Do I think God exists? Truthfully I don't know. If it does it does, if it doesn't it doesn't. I live my life on a day to day basis. I don't expect that there is an afterlife because I've seen no proof of it. In short, I don't believe in God because I've seen no proof of his/her existance. Biblical stories are simply that, stories. It's easy to think that there is some father figure watching over us, but I just don't buy it. It doesn't gel with me. I've never seen it and don't really care if I never do. As I told Brutus in another thread, I was born, live my life and will one day die and hopefully my ashes will feed some wild fish somewhere when they are scattered. Raven, I simply grew up told I had to believe and as I grew up, I realised that I was being told to believe in something I truly did not believe existed.

I've asked the question I posed Muhammad many times to people of faith, and they've never been able to answer it without quoting their religious text, be it the Quran, Bible, Torah. No one has been able to say that they would still believe in God or a God if their religious text did not exist. Their faith is based on what is read in a book, the very manner in which they live their lives is based on what is read in a book. I would simply like to know, that if the book never existed, would they still believe in a bigger entity, and no I don't mean Microsoft..
Leo Volont said:

Was 9-11 a joke? What about killing that guy in Amsterdam or Copenhagen or wherever because he offended one of your Mullahs?

That points out the problem that the rest of the World has with Islam... apparently you people think Killing is funny.
I'm sure the peons who bomb family health clinics killing innocent doctors, nurses, staff and patients while holding the bible and screaming, God will prevail, do so because they are offended by abortion and IVF programs.. all while claiming to fight for the right to life while taking another's.

Leo, your religion is no better or worse than any other. For you to accuse another religion of killing, when your own is litered with atrocities is highly hypocritical. Clean up your own house before criticising the mess in another's.
Hahaha...right ON. How true. It is like the pot calling the kettle black!

about the original sermon, where is GODDESS in all this? i am just hearing him him him. him not being birthed. etc etc. why is it you men make male gods who dont need to be birthed, and then make up stories where men /gods birth?

why is it you make women have to cover themselves up? i know many may want to, but then many are as indoctrinated as you men are.
Its all lies, all of it. I used to read the religion forum a lot, to try and understand where people were coming from with there religion. The thread starter is just another in a long line expousing how great his invented god is. Is there any point in replying to his comments? All he will do is garble on and on about how great allah is and everybody else is wrong etc.. All the religious posters have proved to me, is that all religions are evil, nasty, petty orginisations ruining millions of peoples lives. :eek:

I think you have some serious issues befalling you. You should try and see what is wrong with your own life and stop blaming things on religion, or God, or other people. You cannot control everything. Try fixing things that you can control and you will feel better about yourself.

That goes for myself and everyone else in this forum. ;)
I agree with you. But, what i notice with many athiests who having done so, then embrace 'science', they dont seem to see any irony with their latest chosen conviction, or the harm SCIENCE has done and is doing to many many people

ie., that in throwing out patriarchal religious 'spiritual' doctrines, they embrace their baby, patriarchal spiritLESS

just read on another thread an athiest explain away 'spirit' as being a misunderstanding from Indigenous beliefs regarding breath animating the physical body. and that we know more now. but this knowing more has stifled understanding the inwardness of things.....meaning
he or she went onto say how these seientists now can twiddle with our brains like a computer, creating reacions such as hearing bells, anger, name it

but what about the inwardness of all this ...the MEAN ING of it. they seek to explain meaning as though you can do so objectively. and that is ugly, and as dangerous as any religious dogma

I always have a hard time following your posts. I'm sure that you have something very important to tell us so please make it a little more clear. :bugeye:
:D Lol I have nothing wrong in my life at all. Nothing, no worries about anything. I'm atheist, so i am in control of my own destiny, when i make a mistake its called life. I learn by it and move on. One of the few truths i know is " shit happens". That one statment tells more than any book of religious bable i have ever read. I don't need religion to tell me how to treat people, i have my own moral code for that ( which i did not glean from any religious text) and i certainly don't try to fix things beyond my control, whats the point? . From my own observations of life, religion seems to cause masses of pain , grief , and suffering. All for books of lies. :m:
If there was no Quran.. actually this question is posed to all of religious faiths, if there were no Qurans, Torahs, Bibles, what would you believe in? So muhammad, if there was no Quran, would you still believe? If there were no religious texts at all, what would you believe in. Having read the Quran many years ago, I don't wish for you to answer the question based on your knowledge of the Quran.

Well I was going to stay outta this one because I didnt like the Preaching tone of the topic maker but I will answer this one.........You see there hasnt always been a Koran, Bible etc......Islam simply means one who surrenders to The Creators will and people have been doing that since Adam. Islam's Prophets didnt start with Muhammad they start with him (Adam) I personally think that if not for "society sterotypes" more people would be Muslim because it's doctrine is simply......believe that God is one and has no Creator.....Believe in Judgement day and Angels etc.....not that hard to believe or follow :m:
Do you know of any Society that freely became Islamic without being persuaded by the Sword?

The (non-Muslim) historian De Lacy O' Leary wrote: "History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever accepted." (Islam at the Crossroads, London, 1923, p. 8.).The largest Muslim country in the world today is Indonesia......and there were never any battles fought there! So where was the sword?There are more Muslims there than in the entire M.E. As a Christian Leo you should really be embarrased to ask such a question.....perhaps I should start a thread about the crimes commited by your Pope

Besides, these Muslims can read the newspapers too, can't they. You would think that if they meant well, that they would be so embarrassed over the murderous behavior of their co-religionists that they would have more shame than to attempt to spread a Religion that has so badly misfired.

Perhaps I will remember that the next time I read about a man who commits suicide because of his "relations" with his Catholic Priest when he was a child
All religions bear traces of the fact that they arose during the intellectual immaturity of the human race - before it had learned the obligations to speak the truth. Not one of them makes it the duty of its God to be truthful and understandable in his communications.

-Freidrich Nietzsche, German philosopher

All religions come from a time that men were undergoing through the (break down of the bicameral mind.)

surenderer said:
The (non-Muslim) historian De Lacy O' Leary wrote: "History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever accepted." (Islam at the Crossroads, London, 1923, p. 8.).The largest Muslim country in the world today is Indonesia......and there were never any battles fought there! So where was the sword?There are more Muslims there than in the entire M.E. As a Christian Leo you should really be embarrased to ask such a question.....perhaps I should start a thread about the crimes commited by your Pope
surenderer said:
Perhaps I will remember that the next time I read about a man who commits suicide because of his "relations" with his Catholic Priest when he was a child
surenderer, be careful when quoting history. Any point proved can be disproved. Christianity, following the Reformation and internecine warfare, moved well beyond immaturity into an adulthood of tolerance and co-existance, while Islam has yet that make that journey. Yet Suni and Shi'a continue to murder each other over religious matters with equal aplomb.
surenderer said:
The (non-Muslim) historian De Lacy O' Leary wrote: "History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever accepted." (Islam at the Crossroads, London, 1923, p. 8.).The largest Muslim country in the world today is Indonesia......and there were never any battles fought there! So where was the sword?There are more Muslims there than in the entire M.E. As a Christian Leo you should really be embarrased to ask such a question.....perhaps I should start a thread about the crimes commited by your Pope

See here LEO....i am watching this as an 'outsider' right? i am seeing that you justify your Catholic religion at these forums, and above the gentleman also defends HIs religion. what am i to make of this event?

I tend to go to the roots of it. both of you come from common stream....the Abrahamic religious stream. it is patriarchl, and THAT's what i question, not who is right or wrong between you two

Perhaps I will remember that the next time I read about a man who commits suicide because of his "relations" with his Catholic Priest when he was a child[/QUOTE]
surenderer said:
The (non-Muslim) historian De Lacy O' Leary wrote: "History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever accepted." (Islam at the Crossroads, London, 1923, p. 8.).The largest Muslim country in the world today is Indonesia......and there were never any battles fought there! So where was the sword?There are more Muslims there than in the entire M.E. As a Christian Leo you should really be embarrased to ask such a question.....perhaps I should start a thread about the crimes commited by your Pope
Ermm I guess you don't read much about Aceh, where both Muslims and Christians are at constant battle to the point of nearly being open warfare at times.

However I do agree with your first point. Not all Muslim conquerers forced their religion in the lands they conquered. Many allowed other religions to prosper within their newly gotten lands.

marv said:
surenderer, be careful when quoting history. Any point proved can be disproved. Christianity, following the Reformation and internecine warfare, moved well beyond immaturity into an adulthood of tolerance and co-existance, while Islam has yet that make that journey. Yet Suni and Shi'a continue to murder each other over religious matters with equal aplomb.
And you should be careful when making such general and sweeping comments. While the Sunni and Shi'a do war with each other, Christians take their intolerance of different Christian faiths to a different level of hypocrisy and down and out bitchiness. While they may not be at war directly with each other with running gun battles or murders, the intolerance runs deep.

You want to see Christian intolerance and immaturity? Look at Leo Volont as a perfect example of 'my version of Christianity is better than yours and all else are evil'. And sadly there are a hell of a lot of Christians out there who think just as Leo does when it comes to their brand of Christianity. They don't co-exist. It is a constant battle to keep the church numbers up to ensure that stragglers don't stray into other Christian faiths. Sunni and Shi'a battle it outside where all can see. Christians battle out of sight.. just slightly beneath the surface. They may appear to have made the journey marv, but sadly the battles have retreated to the simmering point of bigotry and intolerance and distrust of fellow Christian faiths.
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