THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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DiamondHearts is perhaps unable (rather than unwilling) to be objective; you wouldn't make fun of other handicapped people, so just lend him some "paper and crayons" for entertainment's sake, and the latitude to keep repeating "you know nothing about Islam" until he takes another nap.

Everybody wins.
Yeah, Godless, like *golly* you should've quoted every single verse of the whole flipping thing AND THEN just highlighted the offensive verses...

OH, wait...


"All Gods are imaginary, mythological beings" -Kamian
DiamondHearts said:
Having so little knowledge of Islam and so little reason to comprehend them, you wouldn't know them. In Islam women are far more respected than your your society. Islam honors women to a very high degree.

Then, Muslim men must be ignoring Islam and oppressing, brutalizing, genitally mutilating their women due to the long standing patriarchial system?

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) also said, 'the best among you men is he who is best to his wife.' Which shows the level of respect and love which Muslims are commanded to show to their wives.

Yet, they don't respect their wives, why is that?

In the West, women are used in ads and in movies as objects and tools. This idea of 'freedom' is exploitation of women. Islam is the only religion which respects women to the highest degree and protects them from exploitation and abuse.

Yet, they are in fact exploited and abused, why is that?

One of Islam's greatest and most treasured symbols is the Muslim women who is the nurturing mother, the teacher, the caretaker, and the dutiful wife which Allah has commanded her to be. The only women mentioned in the Quran by name is the Holy Virgin Mary (Maryam) (peace be upon her), in fact there is a verse entitled Surat Maryam (The Chapter of Mary). The Holy Messiah Jesus (Isa) (peace be upon him) said in his cradle as an infant,

[' He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah. He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet;

So, Islam regurgitates the myth of Jesus and the virgin Mary?

This was to set the example in the Quran the respect and reverance due to the mother.

n April 1991, a 22-year-old Saudi woman arrived at Montreal's Mirabel Airport and requested asylum on the ground of "gender-related persecution." She told authorities that if Canada forced her to return to Saudi Arabia, her life would be in danger. Her crime? Walking outside her home without being enveloped from head to toe in a black chador.

Initially, the woman's request was rejected. Canadian officials were apparently reluctant to believe that women in Saudi Arabia today live as third-class citizens. In fact, they do: Saudi women are not allowed to drive, to marry whom they want or to travel without written permission from a male guardian, and they are the target of frequent searches by the Mutawwai'in, dreaded religious police.

Under the banner of Islam, (although it is not Islamic in origin) female circumcision, more accurately defined at female genital mutilation (F.G.M.) has flourished in many countries.

Unlike man, however, an accused woman is not allowed to testify on her own behalf. Women who claim to have been raped are often imprisoned for committing 'zina', sex outside marriage.

In certain parts of the Muslim world, "honor killings" - in wish a father kills a wife or daughter believed to have dishonoured a family - are not uncommon.

Sectarian violence does occur, but it is not as common with Muslims or never has been as compared to sectarian history in other religions, particularly in Christianity.

Therefore, both Islam and Christianity should be abolished, by your own words.

The situation in Iraq right now is a problem because the US government had invaded a sovereign nation on the basis of lies and deciet. The escalation of sectarian violence is one of the US' goals in the region to make the Iraqi people weak and divided so the US can steal their wealth and use them as much as they want. Sectarian violence in the situation of Iraq has increased many times more than in history due to the US' divide and conquer rule to create violence between its people to consolidate their rule while the people kill each other. The situation was created by the occupation forces.

Typical, blame someone else for your own internal problems. Why then are Muslims blowing each others temples in the name of Islam?

Many countries like Palestine, Lebanon, and Pakistan have major Shiat minorities populations in Sunni countries and they are respected. Iran has a Shiat majority and a Sunni majority, but the situation is quite peaceful. There are a few cases of isolated violence from one or two people every now and then, but the situation is quite calm. Iraq is a special case, mainly due to American engineering and negligence. Christians sometimes bomb abortion clinics in the US, but this is not the overall standard in America. There are idiots in all regions of the world.

True, and they are all religious idiots. Hence, all religion must be irradicated. Islam and Christianity are two of the most dangerous and should be the first to go.

You have 'seen' Muslims killing infidels? Really where have you 'seen' them? Did they show some Muslims killing infidels on tv?

I don't watch tv. But how about some good ole' verses from the your favorite book:

5:33-“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution (by beheading), or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;”

8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”

47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”

9:123: “Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you.”

2:191- “Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out.”

5: 45-- “We ordained therein for them: “Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear. Tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal.”

2:193- “Fight them on until there is no more tumult and religion becomes that of Allah”

9:29- "Fight those who do not believe in God and the last day... and fight People of the Book, (Christian and Jews) who do not accept the religion of truth (Islam) until they pay tribute (Zizziya tax) by hand, being inferior.”

8:17-It is not ye who Slew them; it is God; when thou threwest a handful of dust, it was not Thy act, but God’s…..” (Allah is a real merciful indeed!)

There is plenty of wiggle room in these and other passages that allows Muslims to justify any killing of infidels under any circumstances. And they have exercised those passages most fervently.

And then there is this little gem:

"According to the biography of Prophet Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Muhammad himself sanctioned the massacre of the Qurayza, a vanquished Jewish tribe mercilessly. Thus some 600 to 900 men from the Qurayza were lead on Muhammad’s order to the Market of Medina. Trenches were dug and the men were beheaded, and their decapitated corpses buried in the trenches while Muhammad watched in attendance. Women and children were sold into slavery, a number of them being distributed as gifts among Muhammad’s companions, and Muhammad chose one of the Qurayza women (Rayhana) for himself. The Qurayza’s property and other possessions (including weapons) were also divided up as additional "booty" among the Muslims, to support further jihad campaigns."

I have seen some Israelis killing Palestinians on tv. I have seen Americans and British soldiers shooting innocent Iraqis and Afghanis. There is a video circulating around the internet showing British soldiers killing Iraqi boys. Infact, it was in the news. Have you seen that?

Yes, alongside the news of the beheadings.

'Infidel' is an english word with an english origin. There are no words for 'Infidel' in Arabic. The word translated as 'Infidel' by Non-Arabs who have no idea of Arabic is the word Kaffir which means simply Un-believers, simply in Islamic terminology.

Then, muslims kill Kaffirs and the Qu'ran condones it.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The example of me with respect to the prophets before me is like that of a man who built a house and made if complete save one brick. People were looking at how nice the building was but were wondering about that brick. I am that brick and I am the last of the prophets.”

Infact, Islam is perfect and Islam is the only truth.

I feel sorry for you having been so completely brainwashed, to the degree that you must preach and spread lies and propaganda to make your point.

If you reject it, your rejection will be a source of darkness for you. You are entitled to your disbelief belief. If you insult Islam and spread hatred against Muslims, however, I have to step in to correct you. If you proclaim 'Death to Islam' like you did earlier, I can't sit here and let you say that. No hard feelings, but you don't know anything about Islam.

You have failed miserably in your attempts to correct me and have instead merely regurgitated lies and propaganda. You only reinforce that which has caused many to understand Islam for what it is, the most dangerous religion on the planet.

Yes, only the complete irradication of Islam will allow its followers to move out of their caves and shed the barbarism of their vile beliefs.[/QUOTE]
(Q) said:
Then, Muslim men must be ignoring Islam and oppressing, brutalizing, genitally mutilating their women due to the long standing patriarchial system?

Yet, they don't respect their wives, why is that?

Yet, they are in fact exploited and abused, why is that?

So, Islam regurgitates the myth of Jesus and the virgin Mary?

n April 1991, a 22-year-old Saudi woman arrived at Montreal's Mirabel Airport and requested asylum on the ground of "gender-related persecution." She told authorities that if Canada forced her to return to Saudi Arabia, her life would be in danger. Her crime? Walking outside her home without being enveloped from head to toe in a black chador.

Initially, the woman's request was rejected. Canadian officials were apparently reluctant to believe that women in Saudi Arabia today live as third-class citizens. In fact, they do: Saudi women are not allowed to drive, to marry whom they want or to travel without written permission from a male guardian, and they are the target of frequent searches by the Mutawwai'in, dreaded religious police.

Under the banner of Islam, (although it is not Islamic in origin) female circumcision, more accurately defined at female genital mutilation (F.G.M.) has flourished in many countries.

Unlike man, however, an accused woman is not allowed to testify on her own behalf. Women who claim to have been raped are often imprisoned for committing 'zina', sex outside marriage.

In certain parts of the Muslim world, "honor killings" - in wish a father kills a wife or daughter believed to have dishonoured a family - are not uncommon.

A few Muslims do oppress their wives, as do a few Westerners, and a few Americans, Europeans. However as the majority of Muslim women will tell you this case is not a standard practice in islamic countries. The majority of Muslim women are devoted to their religion and completely and totally believe in it. The oppression of headcovering which you so vehemently dislike, most of them do out of their own accord. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Afghanistan, no other country has laws that make women wear scarves. In many Islamic countries women choose to wear what they want, and many choose to wear their traditional dress which they have worn for thousands of years in their cultures.

Saudia Arabia is the only Muslim country in the world that has a law against women driving. This is not with Islam and most Muslims are against this law. Saudi Arabia also has a law which bans Muslim pilgrims from attending certain graves of famous people, this is insulting on Muslims. The Saudi family are monarchs which were placed in power with the help of the British and the French and remain in power due to American support. Without western support, their regime would crumble. The ruling Saudi family do not represent Islam. They often drink alcohol, gamble, and waste the money of the people on extravangances which Islam is completely oppossed to. As a matter of fact, in most Muslim countries, women have the right to drive, work, go to school, and anything else a man can do. The fact the the Muslim world has had women presidents and prime ministers is a fact to this. Also I would like to ask you about female genital mutilation. Where did you get your information from? Islam forbids even the piercing of body parts of women other than nose and ears, so how would Islam allow the mutilation of female genitals. I think you are very much misinformed. I am a Muslim and I know it is not at all true, this is a blatant lie. Maybe some Non-Muslim tribes in African countries do this, but how can you level such a charge against us? Under the banner of Islam, only male circumsion is practiced.

Women who claim to have been raped are imprisoned often? Do you have any stories? I can tell you being a Muslim from the Islamic world myself, that when a women accuses someone of adultery she needs proof. If there is proof, the crime for the man is execution. This is far more just than the western rule regarding rape. If there is no proof, usually it is bio sample, then the charge is reversed against her. Then she is charged with falsely accusing a man. Adultery is different, if it is consentual between two individuals, then the crime is punished as adultery. If the women is charged with adultery, the man is also charged naturally. "Honor killings" are a word for masking the punishment for the crime of adultery. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts may choose to execute their family member if that family member has dishonored the family by committing the crime of adultery. In the Muslim world, adultery is a serious crime and rightly so. Adultery is the basis for alot of the family problems and broken homes in Western countries.

(Q) said:
Therefore, both Islam and Christianity should be abolished, by your own words.

I never said that. I guess twisting truth is something you are used to. A pity you lack basic honesty.

(Q) said:
Typical, blame someone else for your own internal problems. Why then are Muslims blowing each others temples in the name of Islam?

Only in Iraq, made by the US.

(Q) said:
True, and they are all religious idiots. Hence, all religion must be irradicated. Islam and Christianity are two of the most dangerous and should be the first to go.

I don't watch tv. But how about some good ole' verses from the your favorite book:

5:33-“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution (by beheading), or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;”

8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”

47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”

9:123: “Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you.”

2:191- “Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out.”

5: 45-- “We ordained therein for them: “Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear. Tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal.”

2:193- “Fight them on until there is no more tumult and religion becomes that of Allah”

9:29- "Fight those who do not believe in God and the last day... and fight People of the Book, (Christian and Jews) who do not accept the religion of truth (Islam) until they pay tribute (Zizziya tax) by hand, being inferior.”

8:17-It is not ye who Slew them; it is God; when thou threwest a handful of dust, it was not Thy act, but God’s…..” (Allah is a real merciful indeed!)

There is plenty of wiggle room in these and other passages that allows Muslims to justify any killing of infidels under any circumstances. And they have exercised those passages most fervently.

And then there is this little gem:

"According to the biography of Prophet Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq, Prophet Muhammad himself sanctioned the massacre of the Qurayza, a vanquished Jewish tribe mercilessly. Thus some 600 to 900 men from the Qurayza were lead on Muhammad’s order to the Market of Medina. Trenches were dug and the men were beheaded, and their decapitated corpses buried in the trenches while Muhammad watched in attendance. Women and children were sold into slavery, a number of them being distributed as gifts among Muhammad’s companions, and Muhammad chose one of the Qurayza women (Rayhana) for himself. The Qurayza’s property and other possessions (including weapons) were also divided up as additional "booty" among the Muslims, to support further jihad campaigns."

The word for Jizya you mispelled Zizziya. I did a simple google search and found that you just copied and pasted it from some Anti-Islamic or some Zionist website. Nice try, but you prove you insolence once again. Someone already answered it at .

(Q) said:
Yes, alongside the news of the beheadings.

Then, muslims kill Kaffirs and the Qu'ran condones it.

I feel sorry for you having been so completely brainwashed, to the degree that you must preach and spread lies and propaganda to make your point.

You have failed miserably in your attempts to correct me and have instead merely regurgitated lies and propaganda. You only reinforce that which has caused many to understand Islam for what it is, the most dangerous religion on the planet.

Yes, only the complete irradication of Islam will allow its followers to move out of their caves and shed the barbarism of their vile beliefs.

Why feel sorry for me when I am firm and resolute in my belief and my happiness that Islam is the only religion for humankind which will give them peace and justice? It is not Islam which you are against, it is your false perception of Islam which you are against. The fact that many idiots have understood Islam to be a dangerous religion does not prove anything. Islam is the best religion for everyone, including you.

Allah Almighty says in a hadith qudsi, "O My servant! If you take one step toward Me, I am taking ten towards you."

Allah give you Mercy. Peace.
Oh! you bloody blind idiot!

From the source:

*Women, Shari'a, and Oppression - Where are the Voices of Conservative Muslims?
"When we stay silent in the face of injustices, non Muslims begin to wonder if we really care about our women as much as we claim to", says American convert to Islam, Saraji Umm Zaid.

A lot of attention has been focused on the issue of Muslim women and human rights since September 11, almost all of it by non Muslims. Once again, images of women swathed in black veils or blue burqas are de rigeur, as the media soberly reminds us that Muslim women are not considered equals to men in Islam, and that they are oppressed even by the moderate regimes in the Muslim world.

From the Muslims, we have one of two reactions. The first is the reaction of the "liberal, reformist, secular" Muslims. They believe that Shari'a oppresses women, and that we need to completely overhaul it, or toss out sections of the Qur'an that are "uncomfortable," or institute secular forms of government that separate the sacred from the legal all together. These are the same Muslims who equate hijab with oppression, and who support the denial of free speech rights to "Islamists" (all the while, crying for their rights to free speech in countries where it is denied). They take their political thought not from Islamic sources, but from feminism, socialism, and capitalism. Naturally, it is to these Muslims that the Western media turns when it wants a "Muslim" perspective on "Muslim issues."

On the other side, we have the organizers of the mainstream conservative Muslims, the leaders of our civic societies, advocacy groups, and associations. When presented with instances of women's oppression in the Islamic world, these Muslims, almost always men, respond defensively. They cart out examples of women's oppression in the Western world, or worse, they address the issue by lecturing the questioner about the virtues of the Ideal Place of Women in Ideal Islam. In other words, they treat the ideal that we are all aspire to as the reality on the ground. Pressed into taking a stand on real life issues, they retreat in anger. "That's culture, not Islam, it has nothing to do with me as a Muslim," they sniff.

Meanwhile, real Muslim women suffer at the hands of societies and governments who would harm them in the name of Islam.*

Your so full of shit its pathetic!! :rolleyes:

Godless said:
Oh! you bloody blind idiot!

From the source:

*Women, Shari'a, and Oppression - Where are the Voices of Conservative Muslims?
"When we stay silent in the face of injustices, non Muslims begin to wonder if we really care about our women as much as we claim to", says American convert to Islam, Saraji Umm Zaid.

A lot of attention has been focused on the issue of Muslim women and human rights since September 11, almost all of it by non Muslims. Once again, images of women swathed in black veils or blue burqas are de rigeur, as the media soberly reminds us that Muslim women are not considered equals to men in Islam, and that they are oppressed even by the moderate regimes in the Muslim world.

From the Muslims, we have one of two reactions. The first is the reaction of the "liberal, reformist, secular" Muslims. They believe that Shari'a oppresses women, and that we need to completely overhaul it, or toss out sections of the Qur'an that are "uncomfortable," or institute secular forms of government that separate the sacred from the legal all together. These are the same Muslims who equate hijab with oppression, and who support the denial of free speech rights to "Islamists" (all the while, crying for their rights to free speech in countries where it is denied). They take their political thought not from Islamic sources, but from feminism, socialism, and capitalism.


The blind idiot is you who does not know anything about women in Islam. If you believe oppression due to the wearing of a scarf then Roman Catholic Nuns, Sikh women and Jain women are also oppressed. Can't your mind even entertain the thought that Muslim women want to practice their religion and don't care at all what you say. It's the age-old colonial tactic of trying to convince the one in a vulnerable position that his way of life is wrong with using pressure. This will never work in regards to Islam. Islam provides the perfect example for life, and defines the rights and duties of women in every respect. I never said Muslim women aren't treated well in reality. Have you ever even talked to a Muslim women? I don't mean a false convert who likes to talk bad about Islam, I mean a real Muslim. If you hold such low views of them, you should understand that you know nothing what they think. Also, if you ever give Islam a chance and allow a Muslim women to talk about Islam, they will have only good things to say. It's very idiotic for you to say that Muslim men have no right to defend Muslim women. So tell me, do you represent their good interests more than I do? What are they to you? They are my mother, my sisters, my aunts, cousins, friends. What right have you to them? I have every right to defend them. If you want to ask a Muslim women go ahead, I am not against it.

Ofcourse secular and non-religious Muslims look good to you. You want as many Muslims to not follow Islam as possible. You are arguing with me to dissuade others from Islam. The West's Muslim servants and puppets will ofcourse look good to the West. What kind of reasoning is that?

Godless said:
Naturally, it is to these Muslims that the Western media turns when it wants a "Muslim" perspective on "Muslim issues."
I agree with the text you put here.
Godless said:
On the other side, we have the organizers of the mainstream conservative Muslims, the leaders of our civic societies, advocacy groups, and associations. When presented with instances of women's oppression in the Islamic world, these Muslims, almost always men, respond defensively. They cart out examples of women's oppression in the Western world, or worse, they address the issue by lecturing the questioner about the virtues of the Ideal Place of Women in Ideal Islam. In other words, they treat the ideal that we are all aspire to as the reality on the ground. Pressed into taking a stand on real life issues, they retreat in anger. "That's culture, not Islam, it has nothing to do with me as a Muslim," they sniff.

Meanwhile, real Muslim women suffer at the hands of societies and governments who would harm them in the name of Islam.*

Your so full of shit its pathetic!! :rolleyes:

Muslims have every right to defend other Muslims. We don't want people like you to defend us. Women have an esteemed part of Islamic culture. The religion teaches respect and admiration for women which is practiced in the Islamic world today. If you don't know what you are saying and have no knowledge, then talk about something you know about. Just because some Muslim hater is saying something on a website doesn't mean its true. Infact, its one more reason to claim it is false. You said 'real' Muslim women suffer at the hands of society? Define a 'real' Muslim women to me. Is she used as a ad or commercial object to sell products? Maybe she is used as your girlfriend and thrown away the next day? Or does she cut her hair short, wears jeans, and tries to behave like a man? Is she free to kill her unborn children because they are a burden to her? Maybe she dances with you in clubs with unmarried men? How vile. Don't teach me about real women. We don't need people like you to teach us how to live or to try to tell us that we treat our women bad when they are treated far better than your women. Give your women respect and honor, then they might even reach the high status that our women have reached. The Muslim women is the flagbearer of Islam. Allahu Akbar.

Allah give you Mercy. Peace
Just a quick couple of questions..

Give your women respect and honor

Ok, I would submit that giving women respect comes in the form of allowing them the right to choose what they want to do. It seems quite strange then that the sentences before that one seemed to imply that muslim women don't have rights. Let me point it out:

Or does she cut her hair short, wears jeans, and tries to behave like a man?

Is a muslim woman allowed to?

Is she free to kill her unborn children because they are a burden to her?

Is a muslim woman allowed to?

Maybe she dances with you in clubs with unmarried men?

Is a muslim woman allowed to?

How vile.

For you perhaps, but what if the muslim woman wants to? Does she have that right? Is she given the "respect" to make her own choices?
Here the testimony of a female apostate

where on earth is this great islam that lots of muslims talk about?
a tolerant,peaceful and fair islam for all humanity?
SInce i rejected it i have tons of people telling me that the real islam is this and that and that women are treated like gold and i am still asking where is it?but no one can answer!
you see i lived in a muslim family where i was constantly seen as servant,nothing compare to my brothers!it could have been worse! my father an algerian muslim living in France,treated us like slaves,something to control!when i at school read the sentence in the q'ran"women are inferior to men"i saw red like a bull!i finally understood why i was treated that way,the way women in islamic country are treated!One of my childhood friends,muslim, keep telling me how the religion was hijacked by bad muslims and i am like alright me where is that supposedly awsome islam is followed?which islamic country is following the true islam?where women are treated equal,put on a pedestal,where people of different faiths can live in peace there?where is it?because as far as i know i don't see it!!! in those countries women is oppressed!
i will choose hell rather than be a slave to men,slave to islam!

Go inform her that she was actually treated well DH

Mustaphakofi where are you?
DiamondHearts said:
A few Muslims do oppress their wives, as do a few Westerners, and a few Americans, Europeans. However as the majority of Muslim women will tell you this case is not a standard practice in islamic countries.

So, you now admit Muslims DO oppress their wives. Of course, you lie when you state only a 'few'. It is in fact many, if not most.

The majority of Muslim women are devoted to their religion and completely and totally believe in it.

They are brainwashed, like you. However, they are not so brainwashed to know the difference between abuse and adornment.

The oppression of headcovering which you so vehemently dislike, most of them do out of their own accord. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Afghanistan, no other country has laws that make women wear scarves.

So, in contradiction to your claims that muslim women are devoted to their religion, laws must exist in those countries forcing them to wear scarves.

In many Islamic countries women choose to wear what they want, and many choose to wear their traditional dress which they have worn for thousands of years in their cultures.

Or, because their husbands demand it.

Saudia Arabia is the only Muslim country in the world that has a law against women driving. This is not with Islam and most Muslims are against this law.

More lies. If most muslims are against it, why is it so shocking for muslim men to even consider changing it? They won't.

Saudi Arabia also has a law which bans Muslim pilgrims from attending certain graves of famous people, this is insulting on Muslims. The Saudi family are monarchs which were placed in power with the help of the British and the French and remain in power due to American support.

Too funny, you blame others for your own barbaric ideals.

Without western support, their regime would crumble. The ruling Saudi family do not represent Islam. They often drink alcohol, gamble, and waste the money of the people on extravangances which Islam is completely oppossed to.

And you're blind to this type of corruption within religion because ...?

Also I would like to ask you about female genital mutilation. Where did you get your information from? Islam forbids even the piercing of body parts of women other than nose and ears, so how would Islam allow the mutilation of female genitals. I think you are very much misinformed. I am a Muslim and I know it is not at all true, this is a blatant lie. Maybe some Non-Muslim tribes in African countries do this, but how can you level such a charge against us? Under the banner of Islam, only male circumsion is practiced.

'Um Atiyyat al-Ansariyyah said: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (pbuh) said to her: Do not cut too severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband'." 1,8

1981-JAN-29: The Great Sheikh of Al-Azhar (the most famous University of the Islamic World) stated that parents must follow the lessons of Mohammed and not listen to medical authorities because the latter often change their minds. Parents must do their duty and have their daughters circumcised.

Women who claim to have been raped are imprisoned often? Do you have any stories? I can tell you being a Muslim from the Islamic world myself, that when a women accuses someone of adultery she needs proof. If there is proof, the crime for the man is execution. This is far more just than the western rule regarding rape. If there is no proof, usually it is bio sample, then the charge is reversed against her. Then she is charged with falsely accusing a man. Adultery is different, if it is consentual between two individuals, then the crime is punished as adultery. If the women is charged with adultery, the man is also charged naturally. "Honor killings" are a word for masking the punishment for the crime of adultery. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts may choose to execute their family member if that family member has dishonored the family by committing the crime of adultery. In the Muslim world, adultery is a serious crime and rightly so. Adultery is the basis for alot of the family problems and broken homes in Western countries.

More lies and propaganda. You should have been an ad executive.

Rape under a fundamentalist regime:

I never said that. I guess twisting truth is something you are used to. A pity you lack basic honesty.

You didn't have to state it, one need only follow your line of reasoning to come to that obvious conclusion. Of course, you don't appear able to follow any line of reasoning.

The word for Jizya you mispelled Zizziya. I did a simple google search and found that you just copied and pasted it from some Anti-Islamic or some Zionist website. Nice try, but you prove you insolence once again. Someone already answered it at .

Ah yes, if one disagrees with muslims, they are anti-muslim or zionist. And of course, you can't even begin to understand the hypocrisy of that.

Why feel sorry for me when I am firm and resolute in my belief and my happiness that Islam is the only religion for humankind which will give them peace and justice? It is not Islam which you are against, it is your false perception of Islam which you are against. The fact that many idiots have understood Islam to be a dangerous religion does not prove anything. Islam is the best religion for everyone, including you.

If I ever choose to slice out the brain from my head and replace it with sawdust and straw, and were to give up my life completely to ignorance, delusion, barbarism and fear, then yes, Islam would be for me.

Allah Almighty says in a hadith qudsi, "O My servant! If you take one step toward Me, I am taking ten towards you."

Qur’an 24:34 “Force not your slave-girls to whoredom (prostitution) if they desire chastity, that you may seek enjoyment of this life. But if anyone forces them, then after such compulsion, Allah is oft-forgiving.”
SnakeLord said:
Just a quick couple of questions..

Give your women respect and honor

Ok, I would submit that giving women respect comes in the form of allowing them the right to choose what they want to do. It seems quite strange then that the sentences before that one seemed to imply that muslim women don't have rights. Let me point it out:

Or does she cut her hair short, wears jeans, and tries to behave like a man?

Is a muslim woman allowed to?

No, in the Islamic law she is not allowed to cut her hair like a man, she is not allowed to wear tight jeans and she is not allowed to act like a man. Our women have modesty and honor and they don't need to act like men to be equal like they do in the west.

SnakeLord said:

Is she free to kill her unborn children because they are a burden to her?

Is a muslim woman allowed to?

Abortion is illegal in Islam because it is taking a life of another human being, unless it is to save the life of a mother. No one should think to kill someone else because they are a burden to them.

SnakeLord said:

Maybe she dances with you in clubs with unmarried men?

Is a muslim woman allowed to?

No way. This is a thing which ruins the reputation and honor of the Muslim women. Clubs are places of evil and dancing with unmarried men is also evil. These are the places that cause the degradation of women.

SnakeLord said:

How vile.

For you perhaps, but what if the muslim woman wants to? Does she have that right? Is she given the "respect" to make her own choices?

Every Muslim is allowed to make their own choice in regards to what they want to pursue as long as it does not contradict any principle of Islam. In our culture, parents are given a high place in our lives so we must also ask permission from mother and father if we plan to do soemthing major. Muslim women have the right to work, own property, divorce, go anywhere they want. I have been to many places in the Muslim world, and my experience is that Muslim women will prefer to keep their honor and modesty as their highest attribute in their lives. I have seen exactly the opposite from the West, where women literally have to sell themselves to gain anything. How shameful.

Sock puppet path said:
Here the testimony of a female apostate

where on earth is this great islam that lots of muslims talk about?
a tolerant,peaceful and fair islam for all humanity?
SInce i rejected it i have tons of people telling me that the real islam is this and that and that women are treated like gold and i am still asking where is it?but no one can answer!
you see i lived in a muslim family where i was constantly seen as servant,nothing compare to my brothers!it could have been worse! my father an algerian muslim living in France,treated us like slaves,something to control!when i at school read the sentence in the q'ran"women are inferior to men"i saw red like a bull!i finally understood why i was treated that way,the way women in islamic country are treated!One of my childhood friends,muslim, keep telling me how the religion was hijacked by bad muslims and i am like alright me where is that supposedly awsome islam is followed?which islamic country is following the true islam?where women are treated equal,put on a pedestal,where people of different faiths can live in peace there?where is it?because as far as i know i don't see it!!! in those countries women is oppressed!
i will choose hell rather than be a slave to men,slave to islam!

Go inform her that she was actually treated well DH

Mustaphakofi where are you?

You talk to a person who claims to be a Muslim who hates her religion. It must be fact, right? Maybe someone's father sucks, blaming the religion is kind of immature. If anyone has a problem with what I say, they should come respond to me in this topic.

Islam is the greatest religion ever. Muslims are all servants to Alllah. That is one of the major parts of Islamic ideology.

Islam is Forever.

Allah give you Mercy. Peace.
No, in the Islamic law she is not allowed to cut her hair like a man, she is not allowed to wear tight jeans and she is not allowed to act like a man.

That says it all. You're now in no position to claim that you have respect for women. You've argued yourself down the toilet.

Our women have modesty and honor and they don't need to act like men to be equal like they do in the west.

But given your very own statements, we see it's not that they don't need to, or don't want to - but that, (in your very own words): are not allowed to.

Further to which, what is dishonourable about a woman having short hair? What is wrong with jeans? It's just clothing made of different material.. What exactly is the issue?

It's kinda tragic really.

Clubs are places of evil and dancing with unmarried men is also evil.

Dancing is a wonderful joyous thing that people have been doing for millennia. Might I ask if a married man is allowed to dance with an unmarried woman, or go into a club?

These are the places that cause the degradation of women.

Are men allowed to go?

I have seen exactly the opposite from the West, where women literally have to sell themselves to gain anything. How shameful.

Oh? Where did you go exactly?
(Q) said:
So, you now admit Muslims DO oppress their wives. Of course, you lie when you state only a 'few'. It is in fact many, if not most.

What would you know what it is like in Muslim countries? Have you ever been there? All you know is what is on your Zionist, Anti-Islamic websites. You are far from the truth.

(Q) said:
They are brainwashed, like you. However, they are not so brainwashed to know the difference between abuse and adornment.

Now you are making judgements of things you have no knowledge of. How many Muslims do you know? You are probably one of those racists who doesn't even talk to Muslims because they are filled with so much hate. Maybe you are one of the Westerners who like to pull of the scarf of a Muslim lady and beat her and then call it adornment. As A Muslim, we love and treasure our women, a concept which is alien to you.

(Q) said:
So, in contradiction to your claims that muslim women are devoted to their religion, laws must exist in those countries forcing them to wear scarves.

My point in providing this information was to demonstrate against your claim that women are not forced to cover everywhere in the Muslim world. Have you ever been to countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. Not all Muslim women cover, but it's ok. No one bothers them. It is better for them not to cover, but if they don't, then they are still the women of Islam regardless. We still respect them.

(Q) said:
Or, because their husbands demand it.

And you would know how?

(Q) said:
More lies. If most muslims are against it, why is it so shocking for muslim men to even consider changing it? They won't.

Muslim men do try to change it, but the changing a policy of the Saudi government is like if a poor man came to the richest man in the region and asked please remove this law, we dont like it. Not alot of pressure. It is a fact the US supports and funds the Saudi government, or else they would have fallen long ago. Most Muslims dislike the Saudi monarchy.

(Q) said:
Too funny, you blame others for your own barbaric ideals.

Do you deny the fact that for the Saudis in 1800s to conquer Makkah's large internal resistance begged the British and French to help them? The Non-Muslims then invaded the Makkan holy city and massacred women, children, the elderly. Even though only Muslims are permitted in the Holy City housing the holiest religious building in all the known world. People who wrote records of it claimed that the streets of Makkah were dyed red with the blood of Muslim worshippers and civilians. Why not blame them if they supported them in the conquest of Arabia, then funded them to remaking the Middleeast, and even now support them?

(Q) said:
And you're blind to this type of corruption within religion because ...?

I have stated that according to Islam, the modern Saudi monarchs are as far away from Islam as you are. How does this show a corruption within religion. It is the corruption of the Saudi monarchy, not Islam's corruption.

(Q) said:
'Um Atiyyat al-Ansariyyah said: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (pbuh) said to her: Do not cut too severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband'." 1,8

1981-JAN-29: The Great Sheikh of Al-Azhar (the most famous University of the Islamic World) stated that parents must follow the lessons of Mohammed and not listen to medical authorities because the latter often change their minds. Parents must do their duty and have their daughters circumcised.

This is known to be a "weak" hadith in that it does not meet the strict criteria to be considered unquestionable (classified as mursal, i.e. missing a link in the chain of transmitters in that none was among the original Companions of the Prophet.) In addtion, it is found in only one of the six undisputed, authentic hadith collections, that is in the Sunan of Abu Dawud (Chapter 1888). According to Sayyid Sabiq, renowned scholar and author of Fiqh-us-Sunnah, all hadiths concerning female circumcision are non-authentic.

Despite the opinion of the [Egyptian Al Azhar] scholars, female circumcision never became widespread among Muslims around the world and is essentially non-existent among the native inhabitants of Saudi Arabia and many other Muslim countries today.

I personally am against it. I never heard of this before. This is not in the teachings of Islam. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said any mutilation or changing of Allah's creation is unlawful except piercing of ears and nose for Muslim women and Male circumsion. I have lived in the Middle East for a long time, and I have never heard of this. It's not very common practice.

(Q) said:
More lies and propaganda. You should have been an ad executive.

Rape under a fundamentalist regime:

Lies and propaganda. Become Ad Executive.

(Q) said:
You didn't have to state it, one need only follow your line of reasoning to come to that obvious conclusion. Of course, you don't appear able to follow any line of reasoning.

Not your reasoning.

(Q) said:
Ah yes, if one disagrees with muslims, they are anti-muslim or zionist. And of course, you can't even begin to understand the hypocrisy of that.

They are anti-Muslim if they hate Muslims and want the 'Death of Islam.' They are Zionist if they support Israel against Palestinians. You people are obviously both.

(Q) said:
If I ever choose to slice out the brain from my head and replace it with sawdust and straw, and were to give up my life completely to ignorance, delusion, barbarism and fear, then yes, Islam would be for me.

Indeed that would also make you a better person.

(Q) said:
Qur’an 24:34 “Force not your slave-girls to whoredom (prostitution) if they desire chastity, that you may seek enjoyment of this life. But if anyone forces them, then after such compulsion, Allah is oft-forgiving.”

Firstly, you quoted the verse wrong. It is not 24:34. The actualy verse is 24:33 and includes much more than that. Before I quote I would like to mention that the crime in Islam for forcing someone into prostitution is death. It is inexcusable.

An Nur
34:30. Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

31. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.

32. Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and he knoweth all things.

33. Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah gives them means out of His grace. And if any of your slaves ask for a deed in writing (to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum), give them such a deed if ye know any good in them: yea, give them something yourselves out of the means which Allah has given to you. But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is Allah, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them),

34. We have already sent down to you verses making things clear, an illustration from (the story of) people who passed away before you, and an admonition for those who fear ((Allah)).
DiamondHearts said:
What would you know what it is like in Muslim countries? Have you ever been there? All you know is what is on your Zionist, Anti-Islamic websites. You are far from the truth.

I've traveled extensively through most of North Africa and parts of Asia. I've lived with Muslim families in both Turkey and Morocco.

Now you are making judgements of things you have no knowledge of. How many Muslims do you know? You are probably one of those racists who doesn't even talk to Muslims because they are filled with so much hate. Maybe you are one of the Westerners who like to pull of the scarf of a Muslim lady and beat her and then call it adornment. As A Muslim, we love and treasure our women, a concept which is alien to you.

Your negative assumptions of me are clearly based on your beliefs, which shows the true nature of Islam; intolerance, division, alienation. Your claims of how muslims treat women have already been shown to be false.

My point in providing this information was to demonstrate against your claim that women are not forced to cover everywhere in the Muslim world. Have you ever been to countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. Not all Muslim women cover, but it's ok. No one bothers them. It is better for them not to cover, but if they don't, then they are still the women of Islam regardless. We still respect them.

Then why don't Muslims abolish the role of women under Sharia law?

And you would know how?

I've lived with Muslims.

Muslim men do try to change it, but the changing a policy of the Saudi government is like if a poor man came to the richest man in the region and asked please remove this law, we dont like it. Not alot of pressure. It is a fact the US supports and funds the Saudi government, or else they would have fallen long ago. Most Muslims dislike the Saudi monarchy.

You really should stop blaming others for you own inadequacies.

Do you deny the fact that for the Saudis in 1800s to conquer Makkah's large internal resistance begged the British and French to help them? The Non-Muslims then invaded the Makkan holy city and massacred women, children, the elderly. Even though only Muslims are permitted in the Holy City housing the holiest religious building in all the known world. People who wrote records of it claimed that the streets of Makkah were dyed red with the blood of Muslim worshippers and civilians. Why not blame them if they supported them in the conquest of Arabia, then funded them to remaking the Middleeast, and even now support them?


I have stated that according to Islam, the modern Saudi monarchs are as far away from Islam as you are. How does this show a corruption within religion. It is the corruption of the Saudi monarchy, not Islam's corruption.

Why then did King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz proclaim himself, "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques?"

Despite the opinion of the [Egyptian Al Azhar] scholars, female circumcision never became widespread among Muslims around the world and is essentially non-existent among the native inhabitants of Saudi Arabia and many other Muslim countries today.

It's not very common practice.

But, common practice amongst muslims, nonetheless.

They are anti-Muslim if they hate Muslims and want the 'Death of Islam.' They are Zionist if they support Israel against Palestinians. You people are obviously both.

Yes, they are infidels it they don't agree with Islam. Divide and alienate.

Indeed that would also make you a better person.

Your servant, sir. Will you be using the traditional sword or axe?
What would you know what it is like in Muslim countries?

See, this got me thinking. I could return the question to you - with concerns to your statements concerning the west. Then it dawned on me that you probably have visited, or indeed live in the west - and so seemingly can make statements concerning western people.

But see, then I did some more thinking and came to the conclusion that people from the west would know all about you muslims without having to go to a muslim country because you're all fucking over here.

That in itself made me raise an eyebrow.. You seemingly detest the west to some massive degree so why fucking come here in the first place? Were you forced?
Were you forced?

They aim to rule!.

Can't you see this fucking idiot is advertising his/her's bullshit religion like it was the best thing next to pancakes? :rolleyes:

Islam is not a religion per-se, as so much Islam aims to rule govern the populace where they are in. That's why they can force their laws of Islam, on any given populace were they are located. Islam is part of government.


Can't you see this fucking idiot is advertising his/her's bullshit religion like it was the best thing next to pancakes?

More than most perhaps. While I seriously dislike christians, and indeed all religious people, it is not them that are burning English flags and trying to turn my country into something it is not.

I am also probably one of few that never wanted England to involve themselves in war with muslim nations. Why would I honestly give a shit if these people want to live in mud huts and have no freedom? It is of no concern to me whatsoever.

However, I do like to debate, and did see certain issues with this persons statements. To try and claim women are treated with respect, while in the very next sentence giving me a list of things that they are not allowed the right to do is, as you'll know, absolute contradiction.

I saw some of this already in the other muslim post concerning a man who's son died.

Of course, being in a country that pretty much grants people the right to free speech, this person must be given that right - whether he is quite clearly the biggest c**t in existence or not. I have personally grown beyond chopping people's heads off, dressing my wife up in such manner whereby you can only see her eyeballs, or claiming my way of life is better than everyone elses. Being a man that believes in freedom and freedom of speech - I will afford him the right to give his opinion, whether I consider it utter bollocks or not.
Being a man that believes in freedom and freedom of speech - I will afford him the right to give his opinion, whether I consider it utter bollocks or not.

OH! I'm in total agreement with that.

However when his/her's opinion becomes part of law, either by force or non-violent persuation, now that I'm in total disagreement with.

Did you read the link?

I found it very interesting, and if one were to study Islam, that is the aim of this particular religion, i.e. Islam is not so much a religion but a way of life, thus eithre by force or persuation they aim to rule, govern were they are in a geographical area.

Islam in political power, or as a movement targeting political power (political Islam), is as much a political ideology as it is a religion; it aims to establish Islamic states and rules and needs political power to do so. This political power has enabled it to maim, gag and kill women on a mass scale. Political Islam is a reactionary contemporary movement that was the Right's alternative during the Cold War and also the result of Arab nationalism's failure. In Iran, in particular, political Islam was brought to the fore of the 1979 revolution vis-à-vis the Left and as a Cold war tool and because of an anti 'westernisation' and Islam-ridden tradition dominant in a majority of the intellectual and cultural sections of society. It was in Iran that the Islamic movement became a notable political force vying for power. This meant that the misogyny in Islam was given a state, laws, courts, the military and herds of police, Pasdars, Baseej, sisters of Zeinab, and Hezbollahs at its disposal to carry out its laws.
click ref.

Rather it is found in the works of influential contemporary Islamic thinkers. Under the title “The Objectives of the Islamic State” Abul Ala Mawdudi, for one, points out two kinds of objectives to be assigned to the Islamic state: negative objectives “like deterring the aggression and preserving the freedom of people and defending the state,13 and positive objectives such as banning all forbidden things which have been condemned by the Qur’an.”14
click ref.

So, and in conclusion while I'm in total agreement that one should speak or write what the belive, I also keep in mind what is the objective to this or any other religious organization!. And that is the will to govern a people with their beliefs.

SnakeLord said:
I am also probably one of few that never wanted England to involve themselves in war with muslim nations. Why would I honestly give a shit if these people want to live in mud huts and have no freedom? It is of no concern to me whatsoever.

Ah, but it goes beyond that. They soon begin buying up the houses in your neighborhood, building their own schools and temples, forcing Sharia law into your laws, electing themselves into government positions, changing the very landscape you reside with Arabic adorned streetsigns.

Then, you too will live in a mud hut with no freedoms. ;)
However when his/her's opinion becomes part of law, either by force or non-violent persuation, now that I'm in total disagreement with.

I agree totally, but must also state that alas.. I don't have the time to give a shit about this dickhead or his wife. If he bothers me personally, I'll chop his dick off and mail it to his mother. Other than that he has the same rights you and I do.

Ah, but it goes beyond that. They soon begin buying up the houses in your neighborhood, building their own schools and temples, forcing Sharia law into your laws, electing themselves into government positions, changing the very landscape you reside with Arabic adorned streetsigns.

They've been doing it for years. That's probably why my country is such a shithole. However, I still give them their rights. When they infringe upon my family then I will show them how worthless their god is.

Given the choice I'd just drop a nuke on all of them and done with it. Not having that choice means I have to settle for second or third best.
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