THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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In defense of Q, i think he (and many of us) hate all religion equally. You, like your christian familiars, choose to filter out the chaff from the wheat of your holy books and ignore the atrocities committed in their name against humanity. All religions are repressive of free human inquiry. Mainly because of the self realization that they cannot stand up to open, honest evaluation. This upsets the religious power mongers who ultimately profit from you sheep.
Ignorant people like Q who don't know anything about Islam or its teachings arrogantly declare 'hatred' on a history they know nothing about.

I think the ingnorant one here is the blinded. You are a moeba blinded by the false BS tought to you about your religion. Had you been born anywhere else you probably would be defending the religion of your region. That's what you are doing now, defending that which you truly do not know!.

So tell me Q, what supposed history of hatred do you refer to? Obviously not Islam, because Islam has a very rich and honorable history dating back 1400 years.

I'm not Q but he's a friend of mine so mind if I answer that?

How the Jihad originated 1400 years back and how the nature and idol-worshipping pre Muslim Arabs were the first nation to be traumatized by Islam. The Arabs being the only nation who were not given the choice of paying Jaziya and remaining non-Muslim, a courtesy extended later to all non-Muslims. The choice for the nature and idol-worshipping pre Muslim Arabs was only Islam or Death. Hence there are no surviving nature and idol-worshipping non-Muslim Arabs today. A point missed by many Arab and Western historians.
Islamic history

You may also enjoy this here:

why I left Islam

Have a nice RE-EDUCATION!!

Look, we're all flawed Human Beings, DH, but one only needs to point to "blasphemy laws" in Pakistan (et al) and "Shia law" in general to demonstrate the cruelty and insanity of Islam; and to see why secular, mutli-cultural societies reject it. It's not even the expressed denouncements of homosexuality, blasphemy, pedophilia, or other infidelities which draw the loudest criticism- it is instead the penalties and sentences: mutilation and, more typically, death which are offensive.

You'd think IF such penalties were effective deterrents that such "abnormal" Human behaviors would've been almost totally eradicated during the 1400 years of Islam; they haven't- Islamic Laws DON'T WORK.


Secular persons are astutely aware of "conversions by the sword" in history, since the expansion of European (and later "Western"-) power coincided with the very same phenomenon (also) for well over a thousand years with "Xianity"...

superluminal said:

In defense of Q, i think he (and many of us) hate all religion equally. You, like your christian familiars, choose to filter out the chaff from the wheat of your holy books and ignore the atrocities committed in their name against humanity. All religions are repressive of free human inquiry. Mainly because of the self realization that they cannot stand up to open, honest evaluation. This upsets the religious power mongers who ultimately profit from you sheep.

You have a right to hate religion. I however do not agree with your views that religions repress free human inquiry. The arguments you are using are recycled arguments used by many to criticize the Christian religion. You ignore the fact that Islam is fundamentally different than Christianity in the many ways. For example, Islam's holy book is one complete book, not a number of books written by different authors who were inspired by God's holy spirit as Christians believe. Islam's holy book is consistent, complete, and dynamic. Islam provides a complete way of life built on the foundation of the Quran and also the life and sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam has gone through the test of time, and after 1400 years, the majority of Muslims still greatly believe in and adhere to their religion. Many Islamic scholars thoroughout history have critiqued Islam, only to prove its relevance and success in human life. If you want to debate in an honest, open manner on Islam, I welcome it.

Godless said:
I think the ingnorant one here is the blinded. You are a moeba blinded by the false BS tought to you about your religion. Had you been born anywhere else you probably would be defending the religion of your region. That's what you are doing now, defending that which you truly do not know!.

So tell me Q, what supposed history of hatred do you refer to? Obviously not Islam, because Islam has a very rich and honorable history dating back 1400 years.

I'm not Q but he's a friend of mine so mind if I answer that?

How the Jihad originated 1400 years back and how the nature and idol-worshipping pre Muslim Arabs were the first nation to be traumatized by Islam. The Arabs being the only nation who were not given the choice of paying Jaziya and remaining non-Muslim, a courtesy extended later to all non-Muslims. The choice for the nature and idol-worshipping pre Muslim Arabs was only Islam or Death. Hence there are no surviving nature and idol-worshipping non-Muslim Arabs today. A point missed by many Arab and Western historians.
Islamic history

You may also enjoy this here:

why I left Islam

Have a nice RE-EDUCATION!!


Being a Muslim for all my life and engaging in comprehensive studies in Islam in various languages and on various scopes, I believe i am qualified to give my opinion of my religion. You, on the other hand, are not qualified to give your opinion on Islam, because you obviously know little to nothing about the religion. I have studied to a degree various religions and have come to the conclusion that Islam is the only truthful religion. The faith of Islam and the beauty and magnificience of the Quran are proof enough of its validity. The Quran states with few words, the most dynamic and influential statements which can fill light in the heart of people and empower them.

The history of Islam is very beautiful and glorious. You mentioned Jihad, so I will explain to you what is the meaning of Jihad, since you obviously don't know. Jihad is striving in the way of Allah in all matters in one's life. Jihad can be war, referring to a war against an aggressor or oppressor who subjugates people. In essence Jihad is Islam's method of active resistance to pressure from the outside which makes Jihad the primary defense against attack either physically, spiritually, personally. Jihad signifies Islam's anti-defeatist ideology. In Islam, it is better to die fighting against an oppressor than surrender to pressure and go into subjugation. This very concept of Jihad kept terror in the hearts of the European colonizers and murders who conquered Islamic lands and daily killed innocent Muslims. It is living proof of Islamic history, at in the entire world, no people fought against foreign domination more fiercely than the Muslim people. Living proof over the superiority of Islam against other ideologies. The concept of jihad saved Muslims from being complete slaves of the British, French, Italians, and Spanish by making it a concept of faith to resist occupation.

The two links you provided are obvious propaganda made to use people's unfamiliar with Islam and Islamic history to introduce twisted history and false information on Islam. If you want to learn about Islam, visit these links.




Qwerty Mob said:
Look, we're all flawed Human Beings, DH, but one only needs to point to "blasphemy laws" in Pakistan (et al) and "Shia law" in general to demonstrate the cruelty and insanity of Islam; and to see why secular, mutli-cultural societies reject it. It's not even the expressed denouncements of homosexuality, blasphemy, pedophilia, or other infidelities which draw the loudest criticism- it is instead the penalties and sentences: mutilation and, more typically, death which are offensive.

The Khalifah, Islamic State, was formally abolished by the Europeans pressure in 1924 after the Ottoman (Uthmani) Empire lost to the Allies. Massive Western colonization occured during and after the end of the Khalifah. This led up to the secular European backed rulers who took the thrones in Muslim countries. Many of them are the descendants of the European's former Muslim servants who suppressed the majority for the sake of their masters. Following the 1950s and one, massive interference in Islamic countries' domestic affairs caused these puppet monoplies to lose popularity among the masses. This contributed to resurgence of Islam in governments, but this was limited mainly from pressure by foreigners in the West. We all see what is happening to Hamas and post-independence Iran.

Blasphemy Laws are quite similar to the laws against Communism and the Holocause in the West, except they ban the insulting of Allah, the Holy Prophet, and the Quran. They don't ban dissagreement about these holy symbols of Islam, only insulting. These laws are usually put in place by the government in Islamic countries to please the majority will of the populace, who agree with and want more of such laws. It's what we call democracy, atleast for this issue. Shariah is the law ordained by the Quran, and it has no bad characteristics and again is supported by the popular will of the people. Islam and the Muslim masses disagree. By your criticisms it is obvious you do not understand Shariah law. Shariah law in the Islamic world is limited, again by interference from the West. Shariah as practiced in various regions today by governments with Muslim populations usually only has a few laws of Shariah, not the entire Shariah law. These laws are, the punishment of death for adultery or rape, punishment for homosexuality, death for pedophilia, jail for incriminating someone in public without just cause, jail for alcohol/drug consumption if Muslim, and also jail for falsely accusing adultery. These laws hardly seem unjust.

Shariah is the law ordained by the Quran, and it has no bad characteristics and again is supported by the popular will of the people. Islam and the Muslim masses agree.
Being a Muslim for all my life and engaging in comprehensive studies in Islam in various languages and on various scopes, I believe i am qualified to give my opinion of my religion.

NO this would make you BRAIN WASHED!!.

You, on the other hand, are not qualified to give your opinion on Islam, because you obviously know little to nothing about the religion.

You don't know shit about me Jack! I've studied many religions, and after 9-11 I really took an interest in Islam, I've been studying and reading about this awfull bullshit you call a religion since then. Don't take it personal, I think all religions are evil, and destructive to humans, not just Islam.

The Qua'ran is full of contradictions just as well as the bible is, nice attempt to try and conjure up some BS, from someone who has been reading about this shit for years now. :rolleyes:

Not only that, but I've been studying from former Islamics themselves. See for yourself, and get EDUCATED!!.

Some samples of Quranic contradictions for you

Thank you very much, for a false attempt, only an idiot would fall for it!!. ;)

Godless, it's not "Syth", the word really is an anagram for that descriptive term applicable to the whole "first" trilogy.

Anagram or not, he sure as hell picked a good word! Syth Lord of Tyranny

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DiamondHearts said:
People often make the mistake of grouping all organized religion into one category. Often using the history of other religious systems to somehow disprove another religion. This is as absurb as comparing the history and teachings of Capitalism to that of Socialism.

They ARE all in one category, the category of fantasy, ignorance and fear.

Ignorant people like Q who don't know anything about Islam or its teachings arrogantly declare 'hatred' on a history they know nothing about.

And you know me so well how?

So tell me Q, what supposed history of hatred do you refer to? Obviously not Islam, because Islam has a very rich and honorable history dating back 1400 years.

It appears others have already answered much of those questions. I was unaware 'rich and honorable' meant violent and oppressive.

Islam reserves great respect for Non-Muslims. In fact, Islam has made it obligatory on Muslims to do kindness to others. There is even a saying of the Holy Prophet (peace be to him) which states," that person who sleeps full at night while his neighbor starves is not a Muslim." So no, Non-Muslims aren't mere nickels to us, however by your language it seems you believe Muslims to be lower than you.

So, do we need, once again for the umpteenth time, provide quotes from the Qu'ran that states otherwise?

So what is this hateful nature of Islam which you hate so much? Is it Islam that is hateful, or is it you who is hateful to Islam, a religion which you obviously know little about?

Again, will the evidence of the Qu'ran be sufficient, or will you simply ignore it like every other muslim?

Allah give you mercy. Peace.

Reality give you brains.
Godless said:
NO this would make you BRAIN WASHED!!.

You don't know shit about me Jack! I've studied many religions, and after 9-11 I really took an interest in Islam, I've been studying and reading about this awfull bullshit you call a religion since then. Don't take it personal, I think all religions are evil, and destructive to humans, not just Islam.

The Qua'ran is full of contradictions just as well as the bible is, nice attempt to try and conjure up some BS, from someone who has been reading about this shit for years now. :rolleyes:

Not only that, but I've been studying from former Islamics themselves. See for yourself, and get EDUCATED!!.

Some samples of Quranic contradictions for you

Thank you very much, for a false attempt, only an idiot would fall for it!!. ;)

Anagram or not, he sure as hell picked a good word! Syth Lord of Tyranny


These futile attempts at contradictions can be easily proven to be false. I will do you a favor by showing you how. Also the word for folowers in Islam is not Islamics, its Muslims. I firmly believe you have little to no knowledge of Islam outside. I still hold this belief.

First: The Earth and Heavens were created in Six days. The earth was made in 2 days and the Mountains were made and set in 2 days. The heavens were made in 2 days. The four days mentioned in this verse incudes the earth and mountains.

Quran- 41:10: He set on the (earth) Mountains standing firm high above it, and bestowed blessing on the earth, and measured therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in FOUR DAYS

Second: you miss out on this verse, because the last phrase for the 10,000 years is in the Day of Judgement using the phrase 'your reckoning' referring to man's judgement. The 50,000 years refers to the day of when the angels ascend to Allah.

Third: The creation of the earth stands alone from the heavens. Arabic word thuma means also or in addition, as well as, then. []

Fourth: The Quran does not say the sun sets in muddy water nor does it rise from people. This is the story of the Quran which mentions does mention the setting and rising of the sun as to where that physically happens. But describes the story of a man Zul-qarnain who found during his travels a location where the sun set and that is where is saw it set that day, obviously. The sun rising from a place of unsheltered people does not mean that is where it sets, during his journey, at sunrise that is where he had reached. Signifying the beginning and ending of a day using the sunrise and sunset. To find different meanings out of this is absurd.

Fifth: The Islamic belief does not say that the sun or moon rotate around the earth. It says that the sun and moon have a course in the sky ordained by Allah. []

For the rest of the accusations, go to here:

(Q) said:

Originally Posted by DiamondHearts
People often make the mistake of grouping all organized religion into one category. Often using the history of other religious systems to somehow disprove another religion. This is as absurb as comparing the history and teachings of Capitalism to that of Socialism.

They ARE all in one category, the category of fantasy, ignorance and fear.

Ignorant people like Q who don't know anything about Islam or its teachings arrogantly declare 'hatred' on a history they know nothing about.

And you know me so well how?

By your response, I see that I was right. You actually do know nothing of Islam.

(Q) said:

So tell me Q, what supposed history of hatred do you refer to? Obviously not Islam, because Islam has a very rich and honorable history dating back 1400 years.

It appears others have already answered much of those questions. I was unaware 'rich and honorable' meant violent and oppressive.

No, actually by rich I means Having great worth or value, Magnificent, Meaningful and significant, and by honorable I mean Possessing and characterized by honor. Something which not so suprisingly you wouldn't know.

(Q) said:

Islam reserves great respect for Non-Muslims. In fact, Islam has made it obligatory on Muslims to do kindness to others. There is even a saying of the Holy Prophet (peace be to him) which states," that person who sleeps full at night while his neighbor starves is not a Muslim." So no, Non-Muslims aren't mere nickels to us, however by your language it seems you believe Muslims to be lower than you.

So, do we need, once again for the umpteenth time, provide quotes from the Qu'ran that states otherwise?

So what is this hateful nature of Islam which you hate so much? Is it Islam that is hateful, or is it you who is hateful to Islam, a religion which you obviously know little about?

Again, will the evidence of the Qu'ran be sufficient, or will you simply ignore it like every other muslim?

Allah give you mercy. Peace.

Reality give you brains.

The evidence from the Quran is proof enough of Islam's magnificient and just nature. It is only because you people lack proper reasoning skills to debate with islam in an intellectual manner. Are you so scared and frightened of the truth of Islam that you would want the Death of Islam? Your hypocrisy shows in that you proclaim Islam's non-existent violent nature, while you show your own violent nature? What else could be more proof in my favor.

Allah give you Mercy. Peace.
These laws are, the punishment of death for adultery or rape, punishment for homosexuality, death for pedophilia, jail for incriminating someone in public without just cause, jail for alcohol/drug consumption if Muslim, and also jail for falsely accusing adultery. These laws hardly seem unjust.

For the most part, this is enough to convince me of the insanity of islam, putting aside the fact that there actually is no allah or any god. This is just another example of religious intolerance for humans being humans. I really do hate religion.
The thing is Superluminal that once one is blinded by faith, it's hard to see logic, it's even harder to comprehen reason, and damn near impossible to try and teach an idiot who has been brains washed for so long the evil that their religious nature brings out. Who's religion is right? who determines? Society? What the hell is society? We are all individuals, and a demographic area of individuals that try and live together form a society, whatever religion happens to have been "forced by religious leaders" to that particular society is the domanating belief, those who opposed such beliefs are nothing but a memory, they are killed, mained, or remain silenced to save their neck. No religion in history other than Budhism, Taoism, I think formed without much violence, all the rest, were forced upon people. Christianity, Catholicism, Judeaism, all these were formed by force.

Dimondhearts is brain washed, he will fight tooth and nail, to defend his beliefs, he can't stand the fact, that he may just be wrong! What a waste of life, if he/she finds that all his/her's life has been a pathetic lie. Every religious individual fights for their belief, they try to reason, unreason, they try to point out logic, to the unlogical. One can show them contradictions in their manuscript "bable or Qua'ran, Vedas etc.." whatever and they first assume that the other party does not understand, or does not know anything, they claim we take things out of context, that we are just not of that particular religion, as if it took that to read. :rolleyes:

In my studies of Islam, I went to the source. The Qua'ran it is not a perfect book, it's not without discripancies or contradictions just like all the rest of ancient manuscript proclaimed to be the word of some false god. I then went to former member of this religion, they should know more about it since they lived it, they experienced it, they practiced it. I get most of my information from these sources. They have seen the lies first hand, these people in the Islam religion must hide, or deny that they dont believe cause it would cost them their life if they let it be known, unless they live in the west. Hell it's writen right there in the Qua'ran;

* "And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people
(assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that Allah and His
Messenger dissolve (treaty) obligations with the Pagans. If then, ye repent,
it were best for you; but if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate
Allah. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith," (9:3).

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the
Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in
wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish
regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them:
for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful," (9:5).

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the
Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves
subdued," (9:29).**

Nice religion! :rolleyes:

DiamondHearts said:
By your response, I see that I was right. You actually do know nothing of Islam.

In other words, you have nothing to say of value.

No, actually by rich I means Having great worth or value, Magnificent, Meaningful and significant, and by honorable I mean Possessing and characterized by honor. Something which not so suprisingly you wouldn't know.

You're right, I have never seen those values exhibited with Islam. I have seen your women oppressed, is that magnificent? I have seen the various sects within Islam killing one another, is that significant? I've seen Muslims killing 'infidels' in the name of Allah, is that honor?

The evidence from the Quran is proof enough of Islam's magnificient and just nature. It is only because you people lack proper reasoning skills to debate with islam in an intellectual manner.

Unfortunately, you'll be very hard pressed to come up with a stich of evidence from the Quran. And as soon as one begins to apply reasoning to Islam, it crumbles like the house of cards its built upon. Of course, we await your spectacular abilities of reason to enlighten us all.

Are you so scared and frightened of the truth of Islam that you would want the Death of Islam?

Nice kindergarten tactic there.

Your hypocrisy shows in that you proclaim Islam's non-existent violent nature, while you show your own violent nature? What else could be more proof in my favor.

My violent nature? Didn't you just threaten me with the "Death of Islam?"

Soon, you'll run out of propaganda and will resort to preaching.
Aren't propaganda and preaching one and the same anymore?

Well no! it depends on how you look at it, "propaganda is usually political, while preaching is always theistic...though lately, theism has become theogandanistic :D

Godless said:
The thing is Superluminal that once one is blinded by faith, it's hard to see logic, it's even harder to comprehen reason, and damn near impossible to try and teach an idiot who has been brains washed for so long the evil that their religious nature brings out. Who's religion is right? who determines? Society? What the hell is society? We are all individuals, and a demographic area of individuals that try and live together form a society, whatever religion happens to have been "forced by religious leaders" to that particular society is the domanating belief, those who opposed such beliefs are nothing but a memory, they are killed, mained, or remain silenced to save their neck. No religion in history other than Budhism, Taoism, I think formed without much violence, all the rest, were forced upon people. Christianity, Catholicism, Judeaism, all these were formed by force.

Dimondhearts is brain washed, he will fight tooth and nail, to defend his beliefs, he can't stand the fact, that he may just be wrong! What a waste of life, if he/she finds that all his/her's life has been a pathetic lie. Every religious individual fights for their belief, they try to reason, unreason, they try to point out logic, to the unlogical. One can show them contradictions in their manuscript "bable or Qua'ran, Vedas etc.." whatever and they first assume that the other party does not understand, or does not know anything, they claim we take things out of context, that we are just not of that particular religion, as if it took that to read. :rolleyes:

In my studies of Islam, I went to the source. The Qua'ran it is not a perfect book, it's not without discripancies or contradictions just like all the rest of ancient manuscript proclaimed to be the word of some false god. I then went to former member of this religion, they should know more about it since they lived it, they experienced it, they practiced it. I get most of my information from these sources. They have seen the lies first hand, these people in the Islam religion must hide, or deny that they dont believe cause it would cost them their life if they let it be known, unless they live in the west. Hell it's writen right there in the Qua'ran;

It is really easy for you to say that i am blinded by faith, however you cannot prove this. Do you know what I am thinking, no you don't? I can also say that you are blinded by your disbelief and that too has the same meaning. Rather I will say that your anti-religion bias is your determining factor in your condemnantion of Islam which is unfounded. Islam provides the perfect life and model for human beings to live by and it's my firm belief that Islam is the only way to live. If you don't have Islam in your life, Allah help you. Islam has always been very kind and courteous toward other religions. Infact, Islam allows religions to practice in its societies while still kepping Islamic theology dominant. The Christians, Jews, Hindus and Pagans all have enjoyed protection and justice under nearly one thousand four hundreds years of islamic dominance in the Middle East. Tell me, has there ever been a time in Islamic history where Christians, Jews, or Hindus have been killed other than in wars between two countries? No, there hasn't. Muslims never persecuted any religion. It was the Christians which killed the Moors who showed them the utmost respect. The Crusaders who spilled Muslim blood in Palestine followed by the modern Israeli Jews. The Hindus which killed and oppressed the Muslims of India leading to the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Serbs and Croats who genocidically massacred many Albanian and Bosnian Muslims. The Athiest Russians who ethnically cleansed the native Muslims of Tataristan, the Vainakhs of Chechnya and Dagestan as well as the indigenous Muslims of Central Asian republics. The Muslim Africans who were brought to the British colonies and forced into slavery and Christianity. Islam has had a very kind and nurturing attitude toward all people. It is only too bad that humanity's senselessness has not given proper respect to Islam. Today, where have the Muslims started wars? It is the West and its servants that initiate war against Muslims and their way of life. But Allah is the Most Just and Justice will be served.

You said you went to the Quran for your studies of Islam? What does this mean? Did you read a translation of the Quran from its original Arabic? Which translation did you read? Did you read a translation which explained to you the meaning of the real Arabic words? How much of it did you read? What 'non-existent' contradictions did you find? You went to a former member of Islam? An American? Does he know Islam? Did he convert to Islam? Did you meet him personally or did you visit his website? What kind of source would tell you so wrong that you would come to someone else to try to tell them that Islam is violent. Definately not a very knowledgeable source. If someone said something, does it make it true? So many questions, I look forward to your responses if you have any. If what you actually said was true.

Godless said:
* "And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people
(assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that Allah and His
Messenger dissolve (treaty) obligations with the Pagans. If then, ye repent,
it were best for you; but if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate
Allah. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith," (9:3).

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the
Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in
wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish
regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them:
for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful," (9:5).

The treaty obligation was to the Makkan Pagans lead under Kaffirun and Munafiqeen who massacred a tribe which was sympathetic to the state of Medina (Yathrib) which broke the treaty between the Muslims of Madinah and the Kaffirun of Makkah, it proceeded the conquest of the rival Makkan State. Here is the full context. This shows your deciet and hypocrisy


A (declaration) of immunity from Allah and His Messenger, to those of the Pagans with whom ye have contracted mutual alliances:-

Go ye, then, for four months, backwards and forwards, (as ye will), throughout the land, but know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah (by your falsehood) but that Allah will cover with shame those who reject Him.

And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (treaty) obligations with the Pagans. If then, ye repent, it were best for you; but if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith.

(But the treaties are) not dissolved with those Pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfil your engagements with them to the end of their term: for Allah loveth the righteous.

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah. and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.

How can there be a league, before Allah and His Messenger, with the Pagans, except those with whom ye made a treaty near the sacred Mosque? As long as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them: for Allah doth love the righteous.

How (can there be such a league), seeing that if they get an advantage over you, they respect not in you the ties either of kinship or of covenant? With (fair words from) their mouths they entice you, but their hearts are averse from you; and most of them are rebellious and wicked.

The Signs of Allah have they sold for a miserable price, and (many) have they hindered from His way: evil indeed are the deeds they have done.

In a Believer they respect not the ties either of kinship or of covenant! It is they who have transgressed all bounds.

But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity,- they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand.

But if they violate their oaths after their covenant, and taunt you for your Faith,- fight ye the chiefs of Unfaith: for their oaths are nothing to them: that thus they may be restrained.

Will ye not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger, and took the aggressive by being the first (to assault) you? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is Allah Whom ye should more justly fear, if ye believe!

Godless said:
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the
Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves
subdued," (9:29).**

Nice religion! :rolleyes:


After proving your blatant decietful lies and falsehood. It is you sir who is trying to brainwash others, not me.

This is a following verse to the same chapter, At Tauba (The Repentance), and in reality the same event. How can you claim to properly read the Quran if you read only 3 verses out of 29 and skipped 26 of them? Shame on you.

Allah give you Peace.
(Q) said:
In other words, you have nothing to say of value.

You're right, I have never seen those values exhibited with Islam. I have seen your women oppressed, is that magnificent? I have seen the various sects within Islam killing one another, is that significant? I've seen Muslims killing 'infidels' in the name of Allah, is that honor?

Having so little knowledge of Islam and so little reason to comprehend them, you wouldn't know them. In Islam women are far more respected than your your society. Islam honors women to a very high degree. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, 'Paradise is under the feet of your Mother.' This means that through extreme servitude and respect of one's mother, a Muslim can obtain Paradise. What other religion preaches that? What do the people of the West do with their parents? Throw them in Old People's homes because they become a burden to them. In Islam, this is completely wrong. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself said, 'After Allah and His Prophet (Muhammad peace be upon him), man's biggest right and respect is due to his mother.' As Muslims we are commanded to love and treasure our mothers, even over ourselves and our families. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) also said, 'the best among you men is he who is best to his wife.' Which shows the level of respect and love which Muslims are commanded to show to their wives. In the West, women are used in ads and in movies as objects and tools. This idea of 'freedom' is exploitation of women. Islam is the only religion which respects women to the highest degree and protects them from exploitation and abuse. One of Islam's greatest and most treasured symbols is the Muslim women who is the nurturing mother, the teacher, the caretaker, and the dutiful wife which Allah has commanded her to be. The only women mentioned in the Quran by name is the Holy Virgin Mary (Maryam) (peace be upon her), in fact there is a verse entitled Surat Maryam (The Chapter of Mary). The Holy Messiah Jesus (Isa) (peace be upon him) said in his cradle as an infant,

[' He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah. He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet;

"And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live;

"(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable;

"So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"!] 19:30-33.

This was to set the example in the Quran the respect and reverance due to the mother.

Sectarian violence does occur, but it is not as common with Muslims or never has been as compared to sectarian history in other religions, particularly in Christianity. The situation in Iraq right now is a problem because the US government had invaded a sovereign nation on the basis of lies and deciet. The escalation of sectarian violence is one of the US' goals in the region to make the Iraqi people weak and divided so the US can steal their wealth and use them as much as they want. Sectarian violence in the situation of Iraq has increased many times more than in history due to the US' divide and conquer rule to create violence between its people to consolidate their rule while the people kill each other. The situation was created by the occupation forces. Many countries like Palestine, Lebanon, and Pakistan have major Shiat minorities populations in Sunni countries and they are respected. Iran has a Shiat majority and a Sunni majority, but the situation is quite peaceful. There are a few cases of isolated violence from one or two people every now and then, but the situation is quite calm. Iraq is a special case, mainly due to American engineering and negligence. Christians sometimes bomb abortion clinics in the US, but this is not the overall standard in America. There are idiots in all regions of the world.

You have 'seen' Muslims killing infidels? Really where have you 'seen' them? Did they show some Muslims killing infidels on tv? I have seen some Israelis killing Palestinians on tv. I have seen Americans and British soldiers shooting innocent Iraqis and Afghanis. There is a video circulating around the internet showing British soldiers killing Iraqi boys. Infact, it was in the news. Have you seen that? 'Infidel' is an english word with an english origin. There are no words for 'Infidel' in Arabic. The word translated as 'Infidel' by Non-Arabs who have no idea of Arabic is the word Kaffir which means simply Un-believers, simply in Islamic terminology. If Joe kills a Muslim in Iraq or Afghanistan in the name of Jesus, does that say anything about the religion of Christianity? No, it doesn't.

(Q) said:
Unfortunately, you'll be very hard pressed to come up with a stich of evidence from the Quran. And as soon as one begins to apply reasoning to Islam, it crumbles like the house of cards its built upon. Of course, we await your spectacular abilities of reason to enlighten us all.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The example of me with respect to the prophets before me is like that of a man who built a house and made if complete save one brick. People were looking at how nice the building was but were wondering about that brick. I am that brick and I am the last of the prophets.”

Infact, Islam is perfect and Islam is the only truth. If you reject it, your rejection will be a source of darkness for you. You are entitled to your disbelief belief. If you insult Islam and spread hatred against Muslims, however, I have to step in to correct you. If you proclaim 'Death to Islam' like you did earlier, I can't sit here and let you say that. No hard feelings, but you don't know anything about Islam.

Allah give you Mercy. Peace.
Originally posted by DiamondHearts
Infact, Islam is perfect and Islam is the only truth.

Islam is most definitely not perfect and definitely not the only truth. Egotistic moron. And your women are oppressed, SEVERELY. Primitive monsters. Liar
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