The Qur'an

Yes, it could and it could also represent the fact that the Qur'an is just not really that good of a book.... I'm sure you never thought it this way--- you're just too smart (or brainwashed) :rolleyes:

I have thought it this way- the possiblity of both exists- but you are continously posting it as if you found the answer.... :bugeye:

Peace be unto you ;)
Bizza said:
Yes there is! It seems you haven’t been paying attention to my posts, or you would have seen your answer already.
I said (on more than one occasion):
“Everything temporal and finite seems to have a cause in this universe, based on all empirical evidences so far.”
No, you can not use physical and scientific jargon to prove your superhero who only exist in your and your kind (God believer)'s dream world.

Then you might as well omit the logic of all the great thinkers of the past and the progress in Human thought to this stage, which by the way, finds its foundations from those great thinkers (from thousands of years ago!) even to this day?

I omit the ones who talk about fairy tales.

Oh but we do check “what is really going on in Cosmos...” and science seems to agree with what the “divine logic” in the Qur’an has said all along. Funny that science hasn’t refuted any of that, which is even more damning to your case.

No, science doesn't play this game. You Qur'an doesn't provide anything other than what ancient observers already found out through their observations. These are written, known things, your Qur'an just made plagiarism, Qur'an brought nothing new to humanity.

How do you know “they were not waiting for (or derived their thoughts from) divine revelations.”? Do you think they were all “atheists” back then? Do you think “divine logic” wasn’t passed down through prophet’s way back then either? How on Earth could you possibly know this for sure?

This is the main difference. I don't have to believe in things that I don't know. But obviously you do. And don't try to steal the achievements of human minds -and only human minds- in order to prove your imaginary character.

Furthermore, where do you get the idea that these great thinkers were “illuminating themselves”? Don’t you think their own foundations of thought and logic weren’t passed down from prior great thinkers from their past? Do you think they just happened to think up all their new laws and foundations of their logical premises and axioms without any prior understanding or learning? Please!

Of course, we call this process as "evolution of human thought". We started on trees and in caves as bunch of apes. We didn't fall from heavens. We evolved from animals, and biologically we are still animals. Everything has a prior history. What I am saying is, God is nowhere in this equation, or outside of this equation. Because it does not exist. It is an imagination.

Then everything we have learned and advanced from the past to this stage is “plagiarism”? The mind boggles!

No, "using ancient's knowledge as a word of God and tell people that this is his words" is plagiarism. Your mind boggles because it is God infested.

So Muslim’s never advanced from the teachings of this past knowledge then? Why would the West even approach and want to learn from the Muslims back then, travelling vast distances to learn, when they could have easily translated the knowledge of those ancient’s and enhanced from them all by their selves?

Muslims were advanced not because they were reading and extracting knowledge from Qur'an. They were advanced because they translated ancients' knowledge, observed physical things and applied their knowledge on physical things. Not because they were muslims, because they were human beings. Qur'an has nothing to do with Algebra.

And it took science hundreds of years to come to the same conclusion which was already mentioned in a book written 1400 years ago? Wow!

Science came to similar conclusion with a piece of knowledge which was known thousands of years before Qur'an. If Qur'an didn't accept that already well established knowledge, it would have been difficult to expect some people to believe it. Many of other Qur'anic verses were falsified many times, but that didn't make any effect on some muslim populations. Due to fear, ignorance, comfort, or for any other reason.

Exactly! And no one here said it came from nothing either. Quite the contrary, science (and I) agree that something cannot come from nothing! That was my whole contention from the start. Remember? And bear in mind the terms finite and temporal to ascribe to existents in the premise?

Science doesn't deal with mumbo jumbo. It deals with physically existing things. It means everything has physical background. So Big Bang should also have a physical background, history, reason or cause. Not the imaginary God(s) of Agricultural era.

Amazing! So now you just agreed with everything I’ve just said all along!

No way, in your dream.
Nonetheless, all these “products” come from our deductive abilities of what we observe and perceive in this physical universe (from empirical evidences). That’s why we have Philosophy, Metaphysics and Theism. All of which by the way, are a product of Human thought and that word you don’t seem to like very much now... “logic”. Another word you seem to have an allergic reaction to!

I only dislike the word "creation" for political, logical, and philosophical reasons. I have no problem with human mind. I have problems with false religions such as the one you promote and try to poison fellow human minds.

First, the Qur’an doesn’t guess. Secondly, the Qur’an is not a book of science, rather, it’s a book of signs, laws and an inspiration for us to think for ourselves and ponder on the things we otherwise take for granted. I have provided enough information so far. If you want many other verses and Hadith’s, then I‘d suggest you ask Sheikh Google!:rolleyes:

All in all, Qur'an is nothing but a lullaby. It has nothing new, it has no point, just an archaic melody for archaic people. Get over.
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I have thought it this way- the possiblity of both exists- but you are continously posting it as if you found the answer.... :bugeye:

Peace be unto you ;)
It is a possibility that's there's a world wide conspiracy of idiot academics that just don't get Ron Hubbard s Intergalactic Space Opera and THAT is why it isn't taught as core curriculum at University all over the entire globe (and is instead relegated to academic studies of the occult along with Christianity and Islam).

It's also possible that another Alien force is fighting against the Xenuic fraction. They live on a plane of reality that allows them to only interact with stuck up academics who have leveled up to 351 on WOW. THEY are what's behind the lack of Ron Hubbard s Intergalactic Space Opera as core curriculum at Universities the world over.

and other possibilities.

OK, given all these possibilities, why do you think that Ron Hubbard's Intergalactic Space Opera is not taught as core curriculum at University?

Oh, and by the by, what are your ideas about the Qur'an not being taught as core curriculum at University?
and other possibilities.

Michael, all I'm saying is you're presenting it as if you found out which possibility is correct. You're making a huge deal out of it as if this was your main argument. If it is then the other possibility exists- if you want to strengthen your case then disprove the other possibility. BTW you must realize there are religious universities that do teach them as a core subject.... but that is besides the point. If they did teach it in public schools you atheists couldn't possibly stand it- look what happened with ID- I don't think ID should be taught in science classes- but the point is a nation is full of many kinds of people with different beliefs- they don't want religion to be taught as a core because you have a lot of conflict of interest- this is why the separation of religion and state in the US is a good idea. You like to skip some basic facts when you pose your arguments.

Peace be unto you ;)
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Michael, all I'm saying is you're presenting it as if you found out which possibility is correct. You're making a huge deal out of it as if this was your main argument. If it is then the other possibility exists- if you want to strengthen your case then disprove the other possibility. BTW you must realize there are religious universities that do teach them as a core subject.... but that is besides the point. If they did teach it in public schools you atheists couldn't possibly stand it- look what happened with ID- I don't think ID should be taught in science classes- but the point is a nation is full of many kinds of people with different beliefs- they don't want religion to be taught as a core because you have a lot of conflict of interest- this is why the separation of religion and state in the US is a good idea. You like to skip some basic facts when you pose your arguments.

Peace be unto you ;)
I already said this isn't a formal debate. It's not possible to do an independent study on Why Ron Hubbard's Intergalactic Space Opera isn't core curriculum. BUT, we observe that it is the case and we can speculate as to WHY.

I'd say we live 99.99999999987% of each day doing just like this. If you were riding your bike home from University and saw a gang of guys wearing red and looking like they are looking to mug someone, and you happen to have your wallet and full months rent, you'd probably turn around and ride another way. if it were a group of girls from Korea, you'd ride on though - maybe even stop to say hello. If someone seen you do this and asked their buddy: Why do you suppose 786 turned around. You know what, they'd probably give an answer in all of 3 second. They wouldn't speculate on the infinite number of universes. They'd observe you turning around and probably make a pretty good answer as to why.

So, I'm wondering WHY is it do you suppose that Ron Hubbard s Intergalactic Space Opera isn't core curriculum? What about that other book, the Qur'an?


PS: Bizza gave an answer, Bizza said it was because academics are stuck up snobs who think they know more then Bizza. Well Bizza knows a lot of stuff too! Bizza smart.... Damn akadeemics... :p
So, I'm wondering WHY is it do you suppose that Ron Hubbard s Intergalactic Space Opera isn't core curriculum? What about that other book, the Qur'an?

Because there will be an epic uprising from Atheists and all other religious supporters who staunchly oppose Islam or Ron Hubbard's Intergalactic Space Opera..... :shrug:

PS: Bizza gave an answer, Bizza said it was because academics are stuck up snobs who think they know more then Bizza. Well Bizza knows a lot of stuff too! Bizza smart.... Damn akadeemics... :p

This could be true... we are speculating afterall- I don't understand why you're laughing at this idea (smiley)- or do you want to speculate specifically in the direction you had in mind- anyways I'm done with this...

Peace be unto you ;)
Because there will be an epic uprising from Atheists and all other religious supporters who staunchly oppose Islam or Ron Hubbard's Intergalactic Space Opera..... :shrug:
Do you really think there's going to be an epic uprising? Is that really your answer?

Isn't there's a much more simple and reasonable answer as to why both these books are not on the core curriculum list?
No, you can not use physical and scientific jargon to prove your superhero who only exist in your and your kind (God believer)'s dream world.
Besides your continual hand waiving and protests towards a valid argument, you still cannot contest to it can you? It's quite obvious by the way. You have nowhere to run or hide (logically) and you resort to rhetoric by claiming I use "scientific jargon"? That's your response? Great... you just reaffirmed my assumptions of the atheist mind all along! LOL!

No, science doesn't play this game. You Qur'an doesn't provide anything other than what ancient observers already found out through their observations. These are written, known things, your Qur'an just made plagiarism, Qur'an brought nothing new to humanity.
Oh reaaaaalllly? Well you better be prepared to answer the article below... responding to your (and Michhead's) audacious and ignorant claims. Not only that, did you read that verse I provided on Black Holes? Now how again did the Roman's, Greek's or any ancient's know about Black Holes again? That's right... they didn't!

This is the main difference. I don't have to believe in things that I don't know. But obviously you do. And don't try to steal the achievements of human minds -and only human minds- in order to prove your imaginary character.

Of course, we call this process as "evolution of human thought". We started on trees and in caves as bunch of apes. We didn't fall from heavens. We evolved from animals, and biologically we are still animals. Everything has a prior history. What I am saying is, God is nowhere in this equation, or outside of this equation. Because it does not exist. It is an imagination.
And how do you think all these preceding animals became "evolved" again? Do you even have an idea, or is it that you just don't know? I think it would be the latter eh? How did "life" (abiogenesis) begin Baftan? Did these dumb, mute, senseless and unconscious atoms somehow "evolve" into consciousness all by themselve's? Plllllleeeeaaaaassssse!!! THAT belief is the MOST rediculous of them all and one that any rational and sensible thinking person should NEVER accept.

No, "using ancient's knowledge as a word of God and tell people that this is his words" is plagiarism. Your mind boggles because it is God infested.

Muslims were advanced not because they were reading and extracting knowledge from Qur'an. They were advanced because they translated ancients' knowledge, observed physical things and applied their knowledge on physical things. Not because they were muslims, because they were human beings. Qur'an has nothing to do with Algebra.
Ancient knowledge and thus, modern thinking also, stemms from God Himself since the dawn of Mankind. So everything you have learned to date is owed due to the teachings and inspirations of God, handed down to over 120,000 Prophets during this time. These teachings are not so much as "scientific" detail to be used only in science, but are teachings that encompass all facets of life in the most basic yet fundamental way possible. This is because God does allow Human's to further themselve's and think for themselve's and not to be some sort of "automatron"!

Science came to similar conclusion with a piece of knowledge which was known thousands of years before Qur'an. If Qur'an didn't accept that already well established knowledge, it would have been difficult to expect some people to believe it. Many of other Qur'anic verses were falsified many times, but that didn't make any effect on some muslim populations. Due to fear, ignorance, comfort, or for any other reason.
And which verses "were falsified many times" again? Do prey tell oh wise one!

Science doesn't deal with mumbo jumbo. It deals with physically existing things. It means everything has physical background. So Big Bang should also have a physical background, history, reason or cause. Not the imaginary God(s) of Agricultural era.
And why not? Is the "Agricultural era" beneath you?

No way, in your dream.
When you make comments that reflect EXACTLY what I have been contesting all along... it is sheer reality that you agree with me. You can't contest this no matter how much you try to use your usual rhetoric and hand waiving.

I only dislike the word "creation" for political, logical, and philosophical reasons. I have no problem with human mind. I have problems with false religions such as the one you promote and try to poison fellow human minds.
No, it is the likes of you and your kind that are poisoning the rest of the rational and sensible thinkers of this world. Make no mistake about it!

You DO have a problem with the word "creation" and you even admitted it by saying, "no not this disgusting word (creation)". Wanna try to wriggle your way outta that one?

All in all, Qur'an is nothing but a lullaby. It has nothing new, it has no point, just an archaic melody for archaic people. Get over.
It's you that should "get over" it. If the way we think and believe is of no problem to you all, then why attack us? Why not just get on with your live's and just be happy for yourselve's that you think you are above us "archaic" people. Why can't you just get over that? But noooooo... you can't help yourselve's can you? You have to try to convince us of your immense logic (*cough*hillarious*) and invade our societies with your diseased theories that have no real cohesive philosophical content, let alone any scientific fact to support it to begin with! Sounds a lot like the claims you make of us don't you think? But nooooo... bring on the rhetoric instead, as usual, with no sensible argument, logic nor science whatsoever! Then enter your usual "cheerleaders" to create the atmosphere for yourselve's. Make yourselve's comfy people... it's going to be a bumpy ride!

PS: Bizza gave an answer, Bizza said it was because academics are stuck up snobs who think they know more then Bizza. Well Bizza knows a lot of stuff too! Bizza smart.... Damn akadeemics... :p
It would be nice if you could actually back up claims for once? But sadly and expectedly, you dissapoint and fail miserably, as usual.

And where exactly did I say "academics are stuck up snobs"? hmmm? I really do feel you are desparately trying to reach out to your brethren and also in need of a psychological assesment, immediately, before you explode from self-induced-rage!

Isn't there's a much more simple and reasonable answer as to why both these books are not on the core curriculum list?
If you actually did some research, you would have found a plethora of faculties in academia that do actually contain the Qur'an in their libraries? Not only this, there are renowned scientist's that use the Quran within their curriculum... and they're not even Arab's or even Muslim. Funny that hey?

Just a foreword before I destroy your claims with evidences to the contrary, I would like you to be aware that the Quran is not a book of science alone and is not supposed to be used as a text to assertain and learn detailed scientific phenomena's. Instead, (as I already mentioned before), it is a book of signs, inspiration and guidance to think for ourselve's and unlock the marvels of life and all that dwells within the universe. Needless to say, it is also a book of moral laws to draw upon in cases where Human intuition alone does not suffice. And much much more! So in effect, it is a book about just about everything in one way or another, in its fundamental state. The rest is up for us to conceive, think, learn and experience for ourselve's.

Now onto the counter-facts to your rediculous claims hey Mickhead?

Some scientific truths are used for a wider understanding of the Holy Qur'an.

After a study which lasted ten years, the famous French physician Maurice Bucaille addressed the French Academy of Medicine in 1976 and expressed the complete agreement of the Qur'an and established findings of modern science. He presented his study on the fact that the Holy Qur'an includes certain statements concerning physiology and reproduction.

The reason behind this choice was that "how can a text produced at the time of the Qur'an could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times".

Decades later a noted embryologist Keith L. Moore and expert in his field, upon being presented with the statements made in the Qur'an regarding the stages of the formation of the embryo from the mixing of the male and female gametes up to the embryo's full development remarked "It has been a pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur'an about Human Development.

Professor Moore presented his findings to scientists at several conferences. Several Canadian periodicals published many of Moore's statements. He moreover presented three television programmes in which he highlighted the compatibility of modern science with what has been revealed in the Qur'an 1400 years ago.

Consequently, he was asked: "Does this mean that you believe that the Qur'an is the word of Allah?" to which he replied "I find no difficulty in accepting this."

Actually Professor Moore was mesmerized at the preciseness of the descriptions and the terminology used for various stages of the development of the embryo. He included all the relevant Qur'anic verses and authentic statements of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) into his book, The Developing Human: Clinically oriented embryology with Islamic additions, which was published by WB Saunders in 1987 and was used afterwards as a university textbook in the United States.
The book now contains verses from the Qur'an and the Hadith (verified statements of Prophet Mohammad 'PBUH') for every stage of development and Professor Moore has also adopted the clbuttification used in the above two sources.

Consider also the statement of Tejatet Tejasen (Professor at the Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mei University, Thailand) after his study on the Qur'an Surrahs and verses dealing with embryology:

"From my studies and what I have learnt at this conference I believe that everything that has been stated in the Qur'an 1400 years ago is true. That can be proved the scientific way". Also the statement of E. Marshal Johnson (Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Anatomy, Daniel Bough Insbreastute, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA) when he became aware of such statements in the Qur'an and studied them: "The Qur'an describes not only the development of external form but emphasizes also the internal stages - the stages inside the embryo of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science... "

Actually Islam can be used as a guide to science and scientisits by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... There exist statements in the Qur'an shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the Qur'an.
Consider also the statement of T.V.N. Persaud (Professor and Head, Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Manitoba, Canada): "Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was illiterate... we are talking about 1400 years ago, you have some illiterate person making profound statements that are amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature... I personally can't see how this could be mere chance, there are too many accuracies and like Dr. Moore I have no difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which lead Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to these statements".

These are some quotes from the "Scientific Community" concerning the divine nature and the origins of the Holy Qur'an. In fact the Qur'an and Hadith do not just talk about embryology but many more phenomenon including the earth and sun being round, spinning around their own axis and following their own orbits, the origin and formation of the universe, the two types of seas between which is a barrier, the role of mountains in stabilising the earths crust, the formation of milk in cows, the location of pain receptors within the body, the expansion of the universe, the precise nature of the water cycle, the change in atmospheric pressure at high albreastudes, the gender of the bee which is responsible for producing honey (female), the stars consuming themselves via the combustion of their gases and this being the source of their light and many more.

So peoples academic capabilities might differ yet they can go and ask those who have knowledge, those who are in a position to make such a judgement, like those quoted above.

Now to add further, here is a list of "Universities" that seem to store the Quran in their "libraries" Mickhead. Their librarieeeeeees.... and in Universitiiiieeeeees I tells ya!

Academic Courses using the Qur'an

"Teaching the Qur'an Online and Over Time: A Virtual Seminar" (Bruce B. Lawrence, Duke University, and Daniel Varisco, Hofstra University)

"The Qur'an, Hadith, and the Prophet Muhammad" (Alan Godlas, University of Georgia)

"The Qur'an," (Barbara R. von Schlegell, Department of Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania), with an extensive bibliography

al-Qur'an, from the "Al-Khazina [The Treasury]" website, (Jerome Clinton, Princeton University)

"Seminar on the Qur'an," (Neguin Yavari, Columbia University)

"Islamic Scriptures: The Qur’an and Hadith," (Amir N. Zamani, Rutgers University)

"The Qur'an (Koran) in Translation," (Valerie Hoffman, University Of Illinois)

"The Qur'an as Literature" (Carl Ernst, University of North Carolina)

Still confused Mickhead?:shrug: There's a nice warm white jacket and a nice white padded room for you waiting... just in case.;)
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Of course the Qur'an is stocked in University libraries, right next to all the other religious books. I can promise you it is not given any more or less weight than any other religious book, Budhist, Shinto, Scientology, Bible or Torah. The Qur'an is stocked in libraries because it's taught in comparative religious studies.

The point stands that the Qur'an is NOT core curriculum. Now, concidering these are supposedly the WORDS OF GOD then that's sort of funny isn't it? I mean, one would assume that if the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING including reality said something then it'd be IMPORTANT enough for it to be CORE CURRICULUM.

I don't choose what is and is not core curriculum - so don't get pissy at me. This is a fact. The Qur'an is not core curriculum.

Can you find one person who slips in his religious views into his class? Yes, sure. So what? You can find just as many Christians at University claiming the Earth is 7000 years old. THAT'S NOT CORE CURRICULUM Either.

Think about Bizza. You did a thorough search of the Internet and found a couple Muslims who include it in their studies. THAT'S not really all the surprising. Christians are always trying to slip in bullshit about the Bible as well. BUT think for a moment - your own search tells you that the Qur'an is held with such little regard that it's not taken as being all that important.

One would think if there were a REAL book by a REAL GOD it'd be so f*cking amazing that EVERYONE in the UNIVERSE would recognize it's value - not just members of the cult.

Sorry but this is the reality of things.

But, I digress, if there is ONE thing you have learned from the Qur'an, that you think should be taught at Universities the entire world over - something that students don't already get reading a bit of Indian, Chinese or Greek philosophy - then write it NOW. Because if you CAN NOT come up with something that's worth teaching at University that you have learned from reading the Qur'an then THAT sort of says it all .... doesn't it Bizza?

Time to put up OR shut up,
Lets have it,
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Yep... you've confirmed it... you've finally confirmed being my number one on the list of "moron of moron's" and out doing another moron that preceded you. Well done Mickhead!:bravo:

See... I can tell your IQ level is pretty much well within the "idiot" line. Do you know how I know? Well... it's obvious to me now that you only filter out the facts and look for words that only suit your agenda. How I can figure that out is; when you idiotically claimed that I somehow searched the Internet and found a couple Muslims who include it (the Quran) in their studies. You didn't actually read the article (obviously) because if you did, you would have noticed that the renowned and reputable scientist's that did the 10 year study were in fact, NON-MUSLIM'S:eek:. And THAT'S what is even more damning to your case. LOL!!!

And I even mentioned that before I posted the article, but due to your frantic and maniacal "word filtering", you missed it. How sad... for you that is!

Read that article again and you will get all the answers to your stupid and idiotic claims.

But don't get upset with me... I wasn't the one that included the Quran as part of the curriculum using a biliogical textbook written by the most renowned non-Muslim scientist's in their field, and in universities in the United States too!!!:shrug:

Nuff said. Accept it or shut the faaaaaaarrrrrk up!
there are religious universities that do teach them as a core subject....

A "religious university" is an oxymoron. One does not learn there, they continue with their indoctrinations to higher levels of delusion.

they don't want religion to be taught as a core because you have a lot of conflict of interest-

No, it's not a bad idea to teach about religions. It's a bad idea to indoctrinate people into a religion, which is what you refer.
Read that article again and you will get all the answers to your stupid and idiotic claims.

But don't get upset with me... I wasn't the one that included the Quran as part of the curriculum using a biliogical textbook written by the most renowned non-Muslim scientist's in their field, and in universities in the United States too!!!:shrug:
I understand Michael's response to mean that the quoted examples of scientific suport for the science of the Koran and singular, rare instances initiated by individuals who are either muslim, or have a strong sympathy for Islam.

That being the case I too would like to know "ONE thing you have learned from the Qur'an, that you think should be taught at Universities the entire world over" that lies in the field of science. If you have already provided an example in this thread please just mention the post #.

I hope you will be able to answer this without the invective and personal attacks that have peppered the last several pages of this thread. (And without explaining to me how you were only reacting to provocation: I'm not interested in excuses, but in a discussion based upon your answer to the question.)
I understand Michael's response to mean that the quoted examples of scientific suport for the science of the Koran and singular, rare instances initiated by individuals who are either muslim, or have a strong sympathy for Islam.

That being the case I too would like to know "ONE thing you have learned from the Qur'an, that you think should be taught at Universities the entire world over" that lies in the field of science. If you have already provided an example in this thread please just mention the post #.

I hope you will be able to answer this without the invective and personal attacks that have peppered the last several pages of this thread. (And without explaining to me how you were only reacting to provocation: I'm not interested in excuses, but in a discussion based upon your answer to the question.)
For the umpteenth time... the holy Qur'an is not a book of science. It contains verses which mentions information on scientific phenomena described in its fundamental state. That is, it doesn't go into detailed formulaes or mathematical constructs. But that doesn't mean that the information contained is not of divine origins, as these Western scientist's have seemed to have "got it" without bias or predjudice and was achieved by being purely objective and rational in their research.

The information they found in the Qur'an was so accurate that they actually cite verses from the Qur'an and the Hadith in their thesis' and thus, use this in their texts within their curriculum, which btw, is what is being asked by the OP.

And this is not the only "rare" instance a non-Muslim Western scientist has used the holy Qur'an within their textbooks. There are others and if need be, I can provide them, but for the sake of brevity, the article I provided should suffice in answering Michael's confused state of affairs.

Accept Islam or else.
Get over yourself dude... seriously... your rhetoric reaks of atheistic ignorance!
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It contains verses which mentions information on scientific phenomena described in its fundamental state.

No, it does not. Complete bs.

That is, it doesn't go into detailed formulaes or mathematical constructs. But that doesn't mean that the information contained is not of devine origins

It was written by ignorant men who believed in myths and superstitions, much like yourself, no divine origins whatsoever are found.

The information they found in the Qur'an was so accurate that they actually cite verses from the Qur'an and the Hadith in their thesis' and thus, use this in their texts within their curriculum, which btw, is what is being asked by the OP.

The Quran has never been found to accurate about anything other than it's own shortcomings and penchant for violence.

And this is not the only "rare" instance a Western scientist has used the holy Qur'an within their textbooks. There are others and if need be, I can provide them, but for the sake of brevity, the article I provided should suffice in answering Michael's confused state of affairs.

It doesn't suffice in the least, nor is it likely you'll ever produce anything that will suffice considering it's all bs.

Get over yourself dude... seriously... your rhetoric reaks of atheistic ignorance!

Yours rhetoric reeks of lies, deceit and delusion. You're a prime example of the Islamic propaganda machine.
No, it does not. Complete bs.

It was written by ignorant men who believed in myths and superstitions, much like yourself, no divine origins whatsoever are found.
LOL! Yes there is.

The Quran has never been found to accurate about anything other than it's own shortcomings and penchant for violence.
Another subjective statement with NO intellectual content. Expected!

It doesn't suffice in the least, nor is it likely you'll ever produce anything that will suffice considering it's all bs.
Without telling me "how" it is "bs", once again, yet another subjective statement with NO intellectual content. Expected!

Yours rhetoric reeks of lies, deceit and delusion. You're a prime example of the Islamic propaganda machine.
And your's isn't hey? There's a pot calling the kettle purple!:bugeye:

Save your energy for others that you can convert... not to the converted.

Also, fools learn nothing from wise people, but wise people learn alot from fools, like your kind. Have a nice day!;)
And that's how you defeat an atheist in a debate ladies and gentleman.

Thanks for coming!:D
For the umpteenth time... the holy Qur'an is not a book of science.
Hold on there. There are twenty three pages in this thread. I haven't read them all. I noticed some interesting claims on your part and asked a question. It would help our discussion to proceed in a constructive manner if you work at remaining calm: typing 'for the umpteenth time' implies exasperation with me. I haven't given you any reason to be exasperated with me. ...... Yet.

Now, you still haven't answered the question. I understand you to be saying the question is not important. There are no specifics in the Koran you would wish to be included in a science curriculum, rather some verses anticipate discoveries of 'western' science and this you feel should be acknowledged. Do I have that right?

Assuming I do I would like to know the specific points the scientists yuou mention found so accurate that they actually cite verses from the Qur'an and the Hadith in their thesis'. Would you provide full citations for these please.
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A "religious university" is an oxymoron. One does not learn there, they continue with their indoctrinations to higher levels of delusion.

And a university is secular indoctrination--- you are just a cult member of these groups so you would know better :D

No, it's not a bad idea to teach about religions. It's a bad idea to indoctrinate people into a religion, which is what you refer.

It is an extremely bad idea to teach them anything they do not want to learn- that is indoctrination of a sort--- whether it be Evolution or the Holocaust--- But these MUST be taught- how the fuck would assholes like you survive if they didn't.... This is how your group, your cult gains membership :eek:

Peace be unto you ;)