the Quran On The SCIENCE of the UNIVERSE!!!!

Who are these mad wide eyed scientists that you claim have denied the proofs of the Quran in a ''very scientific and convincing manner''?

Mad, wide-eyed scientists? I suppose they're bewitched as well? Read the thread. Or go to the religious forum and read that thread. I wonder how mad and wide-eyed you are?

Now just for giggles and laughter.... what university have you studied at? Or did you flunk out of school and into unemployment?

Irrelevant. Now you attack your detractors because you have no defense for the argument. Pathetic.

I'm trying to help you. It's foolish for you to attach religion to science. Unless you seek a religion that is not absolute. Your choice.
Did anyone say that Steven Weinberg was too vague when he won The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979?

That is Appeal to Authority. But aside from that, you can't simply take a single quote from a single person and use it to confirm the Quran, and then go on to say the worlds leading scientists agree with the Quran.

And as I stated before, if the Quran were even minutely accurate, it would have told us the exact contents of the heavens. Does your god not know these things?

The Quran does not go into detail into every scientific fact it states.That would simply be impractical.

The Quran doesn't even remotely come close. One can interpret scriptures anyway they want, that is apparent in most religions as few can agree on those interpretations.

The Quran is not a text book.

Of course, it is a just another scripture, most likely written by men.

It has stated scientific facts that no person could have possibly been able to discover 1400 years ago at the time of its writing.

That is your opinion, but certainly not the opinion of the scientific community.

If the Quran went ito a lot of detail into its scientific facts, it would have been very long and it would have confused people who lived over a thousand years ago in the deserts of Arabia.

Sorry, that excuse doesn't wash. Science explains, it's intent is not to confuse.

It is one of the funniest avatars I've ever seen and always makes me chuckle whenever I see it.

1) "Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...(The Noble Quran, 41:11)"
....clearly indicates that, at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of smoke (i.e. an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition). The First Three Minutes, a modern view of the origin of the universe'' Steven Weinberg pp 94-)
Al, have you tried reading the whole sura?

[41.9] Say: What! do you indeed disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two periods, and do you set up equals with Him? That is the Lord of the Worlds.
[41.10] And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and made therein its foods, in four periods: alike for the seekers.
[41.11] Then He directed Himself to the heaven and it is a vapor, so He said to it and to the earth: Come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We come willingly.

This quite clearly states that the heavens were created after the earth had been made suitable for life. This did not happen in the first three minutes of the universe.

2) Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then we separated them (Koran 21:30).
At the time of the Big Bang the earth didn’t exist. All that was created was Hydrogen, helium and some lithium but no earth.
Only later in vast stars were the larger atoms formed.

3) "We created the univese with our force and we are expanding it"
The Holy Quran, Zariyat: 47

YUSUFALI: With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.
PICKTHAL: We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
SHAKIR: And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.

Not according to these translations. Reinterpretations are very convenient.

4) "The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed),- even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a new one: a promise We have undertaken: truly shall We fulfil it. (The Noble Quran, 21:104)"
Stephen Hawkings agrees with this through his theorey of the Big Crunch.

If the universe has a beginning then it makes sense that it must have an ending.
As the Quran talks about the Resurrection, then the universe will presumably end then (in less than a thousand years?).


The Koran is aware of the phenomenon of "black holes", stars that have collapsed under their intense gravitational field, so that even light cannot escape.

I swear by the sky and (the phenomena of) Tariq.
And what will explain to you what Tariq is?
It is a star that pierces (or makes a hole). (Koran 86:1-3)
The Koran uses the word Thaqib in Arabic, a word that literally signifies a puncture or a minute hole

"Space is already being punctured by the formation of black holes..."
Martin Rees, Master of Trinity College Cambridge (Our Cosmic Habitat (2001) (Rees, page 120)

YUSUFALI: (It is) the Star of piercing brightness;-
PICKTHAL: - The piercing Star!
SHAKIR: The star of piercing brightness;

Piercing also means to make a hole yet it can also be used to mean a small bright point of light. Where does it actually say the star is black?

"By the sky with all its weavings/knittings (huu-buk)" (Koran 51:7) .
"According to our present concepts, empty space is anything but simple..., and on an even tinier scale, it may be a seething tangle of strings." Martin Rees, Master of Trinity College Cambridge (Our Cosmic Habitat (2001) (Rees, page 107)
Weaving is often used as a metaphor for the complexity and uncertainty of life.

By the Sun and its brightness
And by the moon when it imitates it (i.e. reflects that brightness)
And by the day which reveals it.
By the night which conceals it." (Koran 91:1-4)
Common observation.

"Oath to the universe (all things in it) which is going and revolving"
And we know that from atoms to the galaxies, everything in the universe are revolving.
Look up at the night sky. The sun, moon and the stars can all be seen to revolve around the earth.

We made the sky a preserved and protected roof, yet the still turn away from our signs. (Quran, 21:32)
Protected from what? From the heavens falling on us? I see no mention of UV light.

Consider yourself living in 7th Century Arabia:
If you did then you would realise that all these verses would have made perfect sense to them.
You and others are trying to reinterpret simple and often poetic verses into major scientific theories. Yet I see no reason not to accept the simpler interpretation of the desert Arabs.
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Igor Trip....

You know that it is impossible that any of the quotes I provided to you from the Quran could have been written by man 1400 years ago in a time where most people thought that the world was flat. It is plain simple that the Quran is the word of God. Deny it and you deny yourself. Think about this before taking plain facts and using immature arguments in futile attempts to discredit them. I've passed a message of Islam onto you, its up to you now to look into it.

Just remember, Almighty God Allah will never forgive those who disbelieve in him.

The same goes for everyone else.

You know that it is impossible that any of the quotes I provided to you from the Quran could have been written by man 1400 years ago in a time where most people thought that the world was flat.

Actually, it was a known fact that the earth was round in ancient times. The greeks were well aware of this and I think that maybe even the Babylonians were aware of it. It is only with the ignorance of the dark ages and religious intolerance that the earth 'became' flat.

It is plain simple that the Quran is the word of God. Deny it and you deny yourself.

This is religious thinking and this is why this should be in the religious forum.

Think about this before taking plain facts and using immature arguments in futile attempts to discredit them.

Actually, it's just that we've seen all these before and have shot them all down before. Islam is not science. Nor should it be. We're not trying to discredit scientific theory. Just your liberal interpretation of said theories and also your interpretation of Qu'ranic verses.

Remember, science is ever-changing. Do you want to run an ever-changing discipline up your religious flag-pole? Don't hang your absolutism on theory.

And futile is your interpretation of how they were refuted. I think that most would agree that futile is better applied to your attempts to connect your religion with our science.

I've passed a message of Islam onto you, its up to you now to look into it.

Yes. You've passed on a religious message. See how this thread should be in the religious forum now?

Just remember, Almighty God Allah will never forgive those who disbelieve in him.

The same goes for everyone else.

Same goes for you in regard to YHWH or Ganesh or any of the other gods people push as God. Well, actually it is limited to Allah and YHWH as they are the only one-god religions. The pantheonic gods are more liberal and allow other gods. You aren't cursed for not following a particular god.

Hellfire and torment for those who don't believe what you believe. Good deal.

Goodbye. Don't feel you need to leave the forum. Head on down to the religious forum and have a ball. Just don't tell us Islam is science. That's all.

All i'm saying is .... think about it.

That's all we're saying too. You should do more than swallow dogma. Use your mind and realize that you're being manipulated.
Igor Trip....

You know that it is impossible that any of the quotes I provided to you from the Quran could have been written by man 1400 years ago in a time where most people thought that the world was flat. It is plain simple that the Quran is the word of God. Deny it and you deny yourself. Think about this before taking plain facts and using immature arguments in futile attempts to discredit them. I've passed a message of Islam onto you, its up to you now to look into it.

Just remember, Almighty God Allah will never forgive those who disbelieve in him.

The same goes for everyone else.


Nonsense. Guess what we still don't believe in allah and are less likely to because we now have more proof of how gullible people who believe in allah are.
It is plain simple that the Quran is the word of God. Deny it and you deny yourself. Think about this before taking plain facts and using immature arguments in futile attempts to discredit them.

Sorry AL, I thought you were here to discuss, not preach.
Igor Trip....

You know that it is impossible that any of the quotes I provided to you from the Quran could have been written by man 1400 years ago in a time where most people thought that the world was flat.
Al. I managed to rubbish every one of those quotes. The first one is not only wrong, it actually proves that the Quran could not be from God.

I have to disagree with Invert-nexus here because the Church of Rome had accepted Ptolomy’s map of the universe with its spherical earth, very early on (though I’m not saying everybody believed it).

It is plain simple that the Quran is the word of God. Deny it and you deny yourself. Think about this before taking plain facts and using immature arguments in futile attempts to discredit them. I've passed a message of Islam onto you, its up to you now to look into it.
Then explain this;
[41.9] Say: What! do you indeed disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two periods, and do you set up equals with Him? That is the Lord of the Worlds.
[41.10] And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and made therein its foods, in four periods: alike for the seekers.
[41.11] Then He directed Himself to the heaven and it is a vapor, so He said to it and to the earth: Come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We come willingly.

This quite clearly states that the heavens were created after the earth had been made suitable for life. This did not happen in the first three minutes of the universe.

Is God really that bad at science?

Just remember, Almighty God Allah will never forgive those who disbelieve in him.
Why? Does he have a ego problem?