the Quran On The SCIENCE of the UNIVERSE!!!!


Registered Senior Member
I must note that the Quran is NOT meant to be a book of science but a guide to humanity. It does have certain scientific statements however. These are merly a few of the science but there are countless others.

The Quran Tells Of The Origins Of The Universe

It is undisputed scientific knowledge that at the time of the big bang everything in the universe was nothing but a cloud of “smoke” (an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition). all matter in the universe was here and this exploded in the big bang and expanded

Allah Says In The QURAN:

Then He turned to the heaven when it was “smoke”...
(Quran, 41:11)

It is undisputed fact that the universe originated from the Big Bang and that all of the matter in the entire universe originated from there and then exploded and spread out.

Allah Says In The QURAN:

Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?... (Quran, 21:30)

It recent discovery, science has found that the universe is steadily expanding (the continuation of the big bang) and as a result will one day collapse in the “big crunch”. this was found with help of modern technology in the 20th century, over 1300 years after the Quran says:

“And it is we who have constructed the heaven with might and verily it is we who are steadily expaning it" (Quran 51:47)

The Quran Tells Of The SEVEN layers in the Atmosphere In The Earth!!

“It is He who created everything one earth for you and then directed his attention, to the heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens, He has knowledge of all things. (Quran, 2:26)

Scientist have found that the atmosphere of the earth is comprised of exactly seven layers.

Layer 1 Troposphere
Layer 2 The Ozone
Layer 3 Stratosphere
Layer 4 Mesosphere
Layer 5 Thermosphere
Layer 6 Ionosphere
Layer 7 Exosphere

This is general science and is studied in High School but a source if you want on is; General Science 1985 p. 319.

These layers have been found very recently and through the help of satellites and very advance scientific equipment. These layers are completely invisible by the Naked eye but have been mentioned in the Quran thousands of years ago.

Also Allah says on this topic;

We made the sky a preserved and protected roof, yet the still turn away from our signs. (Quran, 21:32)

The earths atmosphere not only protects us from meteorites and other objects from space hitting us but it also filter out harmful light.

X rays are blocked out by the atmosphere and reach only 90 miles above the earths surface and Ultra violet rays reach 60 miles above the surface. Interestingly though the atmosphere lets in all of the harmless and beneficial light such as visible, infrared, radio and near ultraviolet. Also, the atmosphere protects us from the freezing temperature of space.

In the next verse of this Surah:

The Quran On The Orbits Of Planets

It is he who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. They swing along each in an orbit.(Quran, 21:33)

this is referring to the individual orbit of the planets. This was known within a few hundred years as people before this use to have many many theroies and ideas aobut the planets but the Quran describes it 1400 years ago.

And the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the all mighty, the all knowing. (Quran 36:38)

According to modern science, the sun too travels at an incredible speed of 720,000 km per hour in the direction of the star Vega in a particular orbit called the Solar Apex. Along with this all of the planets orbit aswell.

By the sky, full of paths and orbits.(Quran 51:7)

The solar system and the universe is filled with orbits of planets and stars and the paths of satellites and meteorites. There are approximately 200 Billion galaxies and each galaxy contains approximately 200 Billion stars. Most of these galaxies have planets, which orbit around the stars and orbiting around the planets are satellites (moons etc.) also meteorites and asteroids paths. These all follow very computed specific orbits. Not only this, galaxies also have a very specific orbit, so the heavens are filled with orbits. All of these scientific revelations revealed in the Quran thousands of years ago and even before the invention of a telescope!!!!
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These are a FEW of the many, many sciences in the holy Quran, over 1400 years ago.

Genisis, the Bible has many scientific errors such as the world being flat. Christians, obviously very emmbarrassed, now say this is just symbolic. another error is the obvious flaw that the universe was created in 7 days. this is obviously wrong aswell and Christians now also say this is symbolic even though it is cleary literal and has been taken serioiusly for thousands of years.
Also in the early times of Christinaty, people who stared thinking to scientificly were burnt alive.

The Quran tells us though to ponder upon the universe and learn. It is a duty of all men women and children to get a full education to the HIGHEST degree and education is the second most important thing after religion. In the Islamic Empire, While the rest of the universe was in the "dark ages" the islamic world was very prosperous. Baghdad was the capitol of science in the entire world and Arabs made huge advancements in Medicine, Maths, Astronomy, Biology, Surgery, Personal Hygene, Milatry and much much more.

The Islamic empire was prosperous taking over the enitire Arab world and even getting to Europe and Amfirca where it ruled for centuries. It was becasue of the ernormous wealth and science of the Islamic Empire, that in the 12th century the Crusaders from the West decided to loot the Islamic Empire in a much needed escape from the wests dark ages.

all of these scientific advancemts were made in the name of GOD and for the pruprse of Allah's pleasure. nowadays Science is not done for at religion at all. and most of the modern science can not be credited to religion.
The problem is publicity. As I understand it, a large number of scientists are religious. It's just that the athiests get most of the publicity, making science atheist. Athiesm doesn't have to do with much modern science, money does.
Personal view:

I don't think that science is atheist. Rather, I think that atheism is scientific.
Religion doesn't - and shouldn't - have anything to do with science.
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We made the sky a preserved and protected roof, yet the still turn away from our signs. (Quran, 21:32)

It's called a roof. As opposed to an EMF shield that protects us from cosmic rays, UV light and other harmful radiation.

Then He turned to the heaven when it was “smoke”...

It's called smoke. As opposed to energy that fluctuates from the quantum vacuum, and is trapped into existence and gradually builds up, before exploding, and for your information, without smoke. Smoke is caused due to the release of gases, and during the big bang, no matter existed.

Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?... (Quran, 21:30)

It says The Heaven earth are a connected entity and it was seperated. As opposed to the universe is expanding. If we use the logic you used, which is not logic at all, then were still connected to the universe.

“And it is we who have constructed the heaven with might and verily it is we who are steadily expaning it" (Quran 51:47)

This is scientific?

“It is He who created everything one earth for you and then directed his attention, to the heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens, He has knowledge of all things. (Quran, 2:26)

Riight, I thought you said the sky was a roof? So technically it's 7 roofs?

It is he who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. They swing along each in an orbit.(Quran, 21:33)

It's been known since early cultures of planet orbits, some have even calculated them. All I see here, is stating the obvious.

And the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the all mighty, the all knowing

It says the sun "runs" to it's resting place. As opposed to "sun too travels at an incredible speed of 720,000 km per hour in the direction of the star Vega in a particular orbit called the Solar Apex. Along with this all of the planets orbit aswell. "

By the sky, full of paths and orbits.(Quran 51:7)

The sky is full of orbits? It's the "heavens" that are full of paths and orbits. If the Quran cannot tell the difference between the heavens and the sky, it can hardly be called scientific.

In addition: As I said many cultures all around the world, like Hindu's, Egyptians and Mayans had very advanced astronomy. They did not just say "There are orbits and paths" they actually calculated these orbits, which IS scientific.

There's no need to say this, because it's obvious, you are just seeing what you want to see in the Quran. It's not science. It wouldn't even qualify as pseudoscience.
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for your smoke thing. Do a google search and find out yourself what is wrong with your statement.

as for something being science:

No, random statements on the nature of the universe or life is not science.
Gifted said:
The problem is publicity. As I understand it, a large number of scientists are religious. It's just that the athiests get most of the publicity, making science atheist. Athiesm doesn't have to do with much modern science, money does.

yes i agree with what you say in this post but this isn't what i originally meant. Science nowadays isn't being done becasue of religion but religious people are doing it.

what i was trying to say is that the discoveries of the Arabs were a direct result of being in the islamic empire and to expand the empire for relgion.

although the Bible encourages learning, Christians in ancient times and in the rule of Christianty were slaughteed and burnt alive for thinking to scientifically. such as people who though the stars were actually objects in space rather then just lights and decorations. Dont get me wrong, christianty encourages learning and is peaceful people in ancient times under christian rule didnt follow the religion properly and had different views on it.
the Arabic word that is used is "dukhan" which does not exactly translate to smoke.

also heavens in the Quran THROUGHOUT is used meaning the sky and the universe. in this case it is the sky becasue of the structure of the original arabic.

also, remember the Quran is not a book of science. it is not meant to tell of sicence or cofuse people.

also the Quran is 1400 years old and if it said things too scientific even if it was no found to be true the Arabs will think the Quran is saying all of these weird things.

if the Quran said that the world was flat, then now you would laugh as it is obviously not true, well the Arabs, 1400 years ago will laugh if you baffeled them with science saying the sun travels at 720,000 km/h even if it is true. thats why the Quran says the sun swims an obit.

Also the Quran was revelaed to the illeterate Muhammed (saw) who recited the Quran while others under strict supervision wrote these down (they went through a string of authenitcation and also were memorised COMPLETLEY by many many people. there are copies of the Quran found that are over 1000 years old and the same as of today.
A lot of mythologies could be interpreted that way. The Quran was likely influenced by local heathen knowledge of the universe. To this day we owe almost all of our knowledge of the Hellenic period to the Arabs that didn't burn books or kill round earthers.
"It is undisputed scientific knowledge that at the time of the big bang everything in the universe was nothing but a cloud of “smoke” (an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition). all matter in the universe was here and this exploded in the big bang and expanded"

It is NOT undisputed scientific knowledge that the big bang even occured. There are several theories and each have their problems. For example, if matter was condensed into a small ball then it would all degenerate into a black hole. If it was a quantum phenomena then the matter/anti-matter pairs would instantly cancel everything out. If it bypassed this then even thinking logically would provide arguments against it. For example, relativistically speaking the speed of the outermost galaxies (travelling at almost c) would slow time enough that for these galxies the big bang JUST happened, in which case galaxies and complex organizations of stars could not be formed (but they exist nonetheless). Also, the speed at which the particals supposedly accellerated too would basically make the particals move too fast to be effected in any real way to gravitational pull, in which no galaxies would be formed either.

Oh, and your seven layers thing is flawed because "ozone" isnt a layer. Ozone is a chemical (O3) which exists throughout the upper atmosphere (throughout all the layers). And anyways, those definitions of layers are only based on temperature, and seperated by definitions of man. There is nothing really different about them all except for that.

And the only reason the atmosphere only lets in the good radiation is because photons require a certain amount of energy to produce pairs of matter and antimatter (usually positrons and electrons).

And the universe was created in 6 days, God rested on the 7th. A day in the beginning of creation wasnt defined as 24 hours. A "day" could have been 20 million years.
Preacher_X said:
the Arabic word that is used is "dukhan" which does not exactly translate to smoke.

Here you can find a criticism to your smoke bullshit from your christian friends.

You know, those other monotheists who your pall Proud_muslim thinks should join hands in hands with your muslim brothers to crush the atheists.
ddovala said:
those definitions of layers are only based on temperature, and seperated by definitions of man. There is nothing really different about them all except for that.

those defintuions are based because each layer has a differnt mass or density, chemical structure, or property.

they arent just imaginery layers they are physically different, otherwise of they were just imagenry then how would satelitle or radio waves reflect off them?
on the big bang theory i read recently (a couple months ago anyway) that 2 physicists using m-theory from he string theory that they might actually have figured the the big bang out=) in 2020 a satelite goes up to to measure the gravity around our known universe and if calculated correctly it will herald the the big bang solution. my 2 cents worth and my first post on any forum

It is a mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it - aristotle
Preacher_X said:
those defintuions are based because each layer has a differnt mass or density, chemical structure, or property.

they arent just imaginery layers they are physically different, otherwise of they were just imagenry then how would satelitle or radio waves reflect off them?
Sorry PX but you cannot claim that this;

“It is He who created everything one earth for you and then directed his attention, to the heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens, He has knowledge of all things. (Quran, 2:26)

Is about the atmosphere because;

(Q. 67: 5)“And we have, (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps, and We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, and have prepared for them the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.”

the stars are not in the Troposphere.

You cannot just take the latest scientific ideas and then troll through the Quran for some vague verse which if twisted out of context just might agree with it and then claim the Quran miraculous
Also the Quran was revelaed to the illeterate Muhammed (saw) who recited the Quran while others under strict supervision wrote these down (they went through a string of authenitcation and also were memorised COMPLETLEY by many many people. there are copies of the Quran found that are over 1000 years old and the same as of today.
You're so lucky that your scriptures are that reliable. Take a look at our problem with the Bible...
I have noticed a few threads in this forum that should be moved or locked. This is one that I feel should be moved. So, I figured I'd post this here.

Does wet1 live here anymore? I just did a search on his posts and see that he hasn't posted since 10/29/03.

Who does one notify about this? And how? PM?