The Proof for ETI


It's coming out folks, it's coming out. Now, they are not asking wether ETI exits, but when he will make first contact.

When UFOs Arrive

The U.S. and other world governments already have detailed secret plans for first contact.



State Of Emergency
If ET turns up at NASA's doorstep bearing that invitation, it is in for a surprise. Instead of getting a handshake from the head of NASA, it will be handcuffed by an FBI agent dressed in a Biosafety Level 4 suit. Instead of sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House, the alien will be whisked away to the Department of Agriculture's Animal Disease Center on Plum Island, off the coast of New York's Long Island. Here it will be poked and probed by doctors from the National Institutes of Health. A Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) will tow away its spacecraft.

Unfriendly as this welcome may seem, it is the chain of events that most likely will follow the visitor's arrival. Unique as the appearance of an alien-piloted spacecraft may be, the event incorporates elements of three situations familiar to federal emergency response workers: a plane crash, the release of radioactive material, and the capture of an animal suspected of harboring a contagious disease. Responsibilities in these situations are spelled out in Presidential Executive Orders.

Skeptics often ask why UFO sightings seem to take place only in remote locations instead of on busy city streets. Perhaps ET knows what earthlings have in mind when it lands.

Is this discloure eminent? All this talk of disclosure, first 400 top ranking officials of the government demand a disclosure. Then an economic summit is held in Switzerland to discuss ET technology and alliances with aliens. And now this. It seems, the governments are ready to make it official.
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crazymikey said:

It's coming out folks, it's coming out. Now, they are not asking wether ETI exits, but when he will make first contact.

When UFOs Arrive

The U.S. and other world governments already have detailed secret plans for first contact.



Is this discloure eminent? All this talk of disclosure, first 400 top ranking officials of the government demand a disclosure. Then an economic summit is held in Switzerland to discuss ET technology and alliances with aliens. And now this. It seems, the governments are ready to make it official.

There is a grouping known as the ACIO - Alien Contact Intelligence Organization to which advanced countries belong. Information is apparently shared about, with the USA acting as MC.
Tononi6 said:

So much for govt 'preparing for ET' - this story dates from the 1950s.

Yes, it appears the government has made contact long ago. However, the "next" contact, will be for the sake of the public. They can't keep this hidden now, latest polls show 90% of the US population believes in aliens, and more than 50% believe the government is covering up UFO and aliens.

I even wonder if DP is part of their initative.
crazymikey said:
Yes, it appears the government has made contact long ago. However, the "next" contact, will be for the sake of the public. They can't keep this hidden now, latest polls show 90% of the US population believes in aliens, and more than 50% believe the government is covering up UFO and aliens.

I even wonder if DP is part of their initative.

Even though I lean heavily towards the belief that there's more life out there I reserve my believe on ET's visiting, contacting, crashing, etc. Just like the guy from Missouri said "show me". It does make for some interesting conversation.

Oh By the way, why the discrepancy between believers of aliens and believers in goverment cover-ups. It would seem to me that the results of the two polls should be the same %.
Since you seem intent on advertising this thread:

I have proofs, and arguments, that I am willing to share, and put their durability to the test.

Good... lets put them to the test.

I would like to say, in advance, due to an unpleasant experience with another member.

*ears ringing*

I was merely attacked, for being convinced they exist.

You're claims were questioned, and the point was made that you showed no evidence. I'll gladly attack anyone who claims something extreme and doesn't back it up.

In a society, where half the world's population believes in Gods, attests to feeling his presence, heavens and hells, in a country that constitutionally accepts God, and prints," In God we trust" on dollar bills, despite the absence of evidence, how can then the belief in Aliens and UFO's be ridiculized, when there IS evidence, mountains of evidence, to support it.

Because there are NOT mountains of evidence. There are mountains of claims... just like the areas you just mentioned.

the predisposition to branding anyone who attests to the belief in Aliens a loony/crakpot

You will note that there are several members on this forum (probably before your time) who supported the ETI view... but actually did it intelligently. This can actually be an interesting subject, but not when the conversation is based on unsubstantiated claims.

over 400 top ranking officials

First, I can find no list of '400 top ranking officials'. I found this ( which is much less then 400, and most are not 'top ranking'.

In fact, the extent of prejudice against such a "discloure" is very strong. Even if you suggest to people to go and look at this they instantly turn hostile towards you.

Many of the people listed have made contradictory statements (which have been exagerated by the Disclosure Project), and several have been debunked in detail (yet are still used as 'proof').

We could consider the possibility of this being a right-wing or environmental party due to their firm opposition of weaponzing space, who could be using an UFO/ETI agenda to disguise their true agenda.

Yes, I agree completely;) Hell, even look at Only 1 out of 4 'demands' are about ETs.

and space weaponization is only one argument of many. It would constitute lying and henceforth be too risky, if founded, which could result in legal reprecausions and a loss of crediblity.

They've already lost their credibility... even within UFO circles because they continually take UFO researchers comments out of context, refuse to fix them, don't address mistakes pointed out, and yes... use this as 'proof' for their other unrelated agendas.

The following points were made by the collective testimony

All of which have no proof. Would you like to see the number of people who claim to have seen Elvis?

1:UFO have ben sighted, and recorded by the state.

Well yeah, but that has nothing to do with ET. Attributing UFOs to ET is like attributing fire to God because you don't understand what it is.

5: A project calleld the Alien Reproduction Vehicle, based on reverse-engineered UFO's, are being tested in wind tunnels.

Hehe, supposedly by Lockhead Martin no less. Yet they have not appeared to use the technology in any way, and have kept it completely secret from the others in their field.

6: US has plans to weaponise space, and is spending billions in monitoring space, space based weapons, and lasers.

Well, unrelated... except to their other causes.

7: US has obtained such Alien technology, that could revolutionize the world, solve our energy crisis problems, eradicate poverty, and the world could unite,to become a peaceful planet.

Yet we don't do it because the governement likes oil, right? I find it hard to believe that 'They' never thought "hey, we can make even more money because we don't have to do all that mining and stuff".

8: The security and secrey is so sophisticated and compartmentalized, that even congress AND the president don't have access to them. There is also a media sanitation program to ensure the information does not leak into the public.

Hehe, yet The Disclosure Project excaped their grasp.

These are extremely big claims, and render everything else in the world, in our daily lives, secondary, and if there is an ounce of truth in their claims, then they MUST be addressed.

Elvis being Jesus is also a big claim. I see no reason to address that though unless somebody can actually show proof.

This was a serious outpouring by these witnesses, who looked convinced of what they were saying, and they were recalling facts, and experience with ease, and most of the individual testimonies were natural, a few were showing intimidation from speaking out, a natural anxiety in speaking to large audiences. Most of them did not rely too much on written notes. Some also had, for media scrutiny, documents that confirmed their testimony.

Sounds just like people who have seen God/Jesus/Bigfoot/Elvis/the Jersey Devil/whatever.

Where exactly is any of this proof? More over, many of the names listed are 'questionable'. For instance (going from list at

Sgt. Cliff Stone - claimed to have recovered a craft and aliens at Indian Town Gap, Pennsylvania. Also saw crashed saucers at the Pentagon. Also claims to have recovered a B-52 in Vietnam which was 'set down' by a UFO. Funny how one man has had so many encounters with ETs.... and always happens to be in the 'right place'.

Carol Rosin - Is a activist and has been a long-time campaigner against all space-based weapons. She didn't comment on UFOs or ETs at all. Just the 'peace in space' agenda.

Larry Warren(USAF) - Claim debunked at Claims to have seen a video of the Apollo astronauts on the Moon pointing out artificial alien structures.

Astronaut Gordon Cooper - This one is kind of sad. He has made MANY claims, most of which have been debunked -

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell - Mitchell (a supported of the movement) has asked to be removed from The Disclosure Project many times because of repeated false claims on the site. (

Gene Mallove - cold fusion activist, who repeatedly makes unsupported claims which other scientists can not reproduce
Thomas E. Bearden (US Army) - Makes MANY MANY unsupported claims. The worst of which is probably his MEG 'invention' (

Glen Dennis - A 'witness' to alien bodies which has been debunked extensively (

Donna Hare - Claimed to see NASA airbrush over a UFO in a photo. She also saw "trees and their shadows on the ground"... which is impossible from an orbital photo.

The site creator has even claimed "We Need Your Help to Disclose the Secrets that could have Prevented the September 11th Tragedy." Do you notice just how little 'proof' is on the site, and just how little of the site is about ETs?
Greco said:
Even though I lean heavily towards the belief that there's more life out there I reserve my believe on ET's visiting, contacting, crashing, etc. Just like the guy from Missouri said "show me". It does make for some interesting conversation.

Oh By the way, why the discrepancy between believers of aliens and believers in goverment cover-ups. It would seem to me that the results of the two polls should be the same %.

The discrepancy, is because 90% believe Alien life elsewhere exists, and more than 50% believe they have contacted us. Yes, I understand your position, but not all belief systems and even scientific systems need visual proof.
Persol, all things are debunked. It's what sceptics do. But "debunk" is not evidence. It's just rhetroic. Most of time, when you see such extraordinary claims from top-ranking officials, the "debunk" is nothing more than a character assasination attempt, as has been done in the most of the "debunks" you have linked above. You need to give me more convincing proof, for otherwise. There are 400 witnesses testifying. Have fun.

Most of the site is not about ETI? That is quite literally rubbish.
the "debunk" is nothing more than a character assasination attempt, as has been done in the most of the "debunks" you have linked above
Perhaps you'd like to actually back this statement up?

Showing that someone has a history of unsubstantiated claims in other areas is very important, as it shows a trend in their behavior.

Also, where is this list of 400 top ranking witnesses?
Showing that someone has a history of unsubstantiated claims in other areas is very important, as it shows a trend in their behavior.

However, how can we substantiate that. Assume you take to court a powerful political figure whose been indecent to you. More than 20 witnesses testify against your character, against your one. How do you plead? 9 times out of 10, guilty.
These people are fighting against the state, innumerable witnesses can testify against them, in fact the state can even prove that they never worked in the position they claim, or that they have a history of psychological problems.

This is what happened to Bob Lazer - and he was one. Now there are 400. You can access all the documents and information on the web site for a small fee, or purchase the book.
So I'll ask again:
Perhaps you'd like to actually back the character assasinations statement up?
Do you honestly expect me to give this guy money when several flaws in his 'evidence' have been pointed out... several by his so called witnesses?

innumerable witnesses can testify against them

Lol, so your witness are credible... but witness that disagree with you are not. Uh huh. Regardless, the sites listed rely on past claims MADE BY THE WITNESSES. They aren't relying on character assasination, but comparisons of their past claims, which are well documented.
Well, it's like that Persol, if you want to see all the evidence, you have to expend some of your income. After you have done that, answer this question:

What do these 400 witnesses, stand to gain from lying? If not punishment; ridicule; mockery

Then answer this: How many of these 400 witnesses are more educated, and higher ranking, than you?
What do these 400 witnesses, stand to gain from lying? If not punishment.What do thousands of people have to gain from claiming to have seen god, jesus, bigfoot, etc? And why do you keep talking about punishment for their lies? Very paranoid aren't you?

And since you talked about Lazar...
Claims to have went to Cal Tech, yet was 261 out of a class of 369. Also, he is nowhere in ANY of the year books which people have.
Claims to have had a teacher named Duxler, which was true. But he taught at Pierce College, not Cal Tech.
Claims a BS degree in Physics and Electronic Technology from Pacifica. Pacifica was shut down the same year for selling degrees.
He gets married two years later, the certificate list's his highest school grade completed as 12.
Claims to have graduated MIT. Not in the yearbooks, couldn't remember what year he graduated, not in the phone books.
Claims he worked for Los Alamos labs. The phone books show that he worked for a contractor as a technician.
He then opened a photo processing store.
Claims that Teller was reading Sunday's newspaper story about his jet car. The lecture was on Sunday. The paper wasn't published until Monday.
Claimed to land at Groom Lake during his commute, but couldn't describe it.

Not a very good witness either.

Then answer this: How many of these 400 witnesses are more educated, and higher ranking, than you?
More educated, probably very very few. Higher ranking, who cares? Have you ever actually worked for the government? Rank isn't exactly a good measure of worth.
I am not saying Bob lazer is credible or uncredible, I can never know, he was only one.

You are comparing apples to oranges. The thousands of people who claim seeing God, Jesus, bigfoot, are not top ranking officials who are serving the government, who are working, or have worked in NASA, CIA, NSA. So I ask you again, what do they seek to gain? And punishment would indeed be the course of action if they lie in front of congress.

Then answer this: How many of these 400 witnesses are more educated, and higher ranking, than you?
More educated, probably very very few. Higher ranking, who cares? Have you ever actually worked for the government? Rank isn't exactly a good measure of worth.

LoL, first find out who the 400 are. High ranking does not matter? I assure, a professor teaching at Harvard has more credibility than a professor teaching at Kindergarten, or a scientist working at NASA has more crediblity than a caretaker at NASA. Do you know Stephen Hawking has also said, that UFO's may actually contain aliens, and the government is hushing it up" I guess he's uneducated too, right?
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I am not saying Bob lazer is credible or uncredible, I can never know, he was only one.
You are right, he is only one... and one I hope you understand is not credible.Here is a link showing his lack of understanding of current physics (

The thousands of people who claim seeing God, Jesus, bigfoot, are not top ranking officials who are serving the government
Many of them are... at least God and Jesus.

So I ask you again, what do they seek to gain?

What did Lazar and the creator of The Disclosure Project (Greene I think) have to gain? What do people have to gain from claiming they saw bigfoot/Elvis?

"Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the government is hushing it up"

Possible, yes... likely, no. You do realize that Hawking wasn't actually claiming that this is what was happening, right?

LoL, first find out who the 400 are.

You are completely free to post the names here. I have 10,000 names of people who have been told by your 400 people that the claims are all lies. Send me $30 and look at the list yourself. Don't expect me to buy a list when the people who are listed on the site have already been debunked sufficiently. I don't expect much better from your list.
Also, perhaps you should actually put his line into context...

Clearly the present exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely. So what will happen? One possibility is that we wipe ourselves out completely by some disaster such as a nuclear war. There is a sick joke that the reason we have not been visited by extra-terrestrials is that when a civilization reaches our stage of development it becomes unstable and destroys itself. Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the government is hushing it up" I wouldn't like to comment on that. Personally I believe there is a different explanation why we have not been contacted, but I won't go into it here. However, even without that, there is a very real danger that we will kill everything on this planet now that we have the technological power to do so. Even if we don't destroy ourselves completely, there is a possibility that we might descend into a state of brutalization and barbarity like the opening scene of "Terminator"
Persol said:
I am not saying Bob lazer is credible or uncredible, I can never know, he was only one.
You are right, he is only one... and one I hope you understand is not credible.Here is a link showing his lack of understanding of current physics (

Current physics, right? Even Newton had a lack of understanding of current physics, lol. Anyhow, I have nothing to say in support of Bob Lazer.
You can find sceptical arguments for any claim. The Russian's scientist Dr Podkletnov claimed he had discovered anti-gravity. Sceptics bombarded him with ridicule, even his colleague denied working with him. And now boeing is at its door step, and NASA is stealing his technology.

The thousands of people who claim seeing God, Jesus, bigfoot, are not top ranking officials who are serving the government
Many of them are... at least God and Jesus.

It is fidelistic.

So I ask you again, what do they seek to gain?[/b]
What did Lazar and the creator of The Disclosure Project (Greene I think) have to gain? What do people have to gain from claiming they saw bigfoot/Elvis?

Lazer gained nothing, but ridicule. People who say they have been abducted, gain nothing but ridicule. People have say they have seen UFO's, gain nothing but ridicule. I suggest you consult Budd Hopkins articles on abudctions. There is a world of difference between the claims of big foot and Elvis, and UFO's and Aliens.

And what do these 400 witnesses in CIA, NSA, NASA, Government, USAF, US army, us Nav,y gain. I ask you again. Answer, the question head on.

"Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the government is hushing it up"[/b]
Possible, yes... likely, no. You do realize that Hawking wasn't actually claiming that this is what was happening, right?

Well, as I did not say, he was claiming them, that should answer your question. Incidentally, he did not say, it was unlikely ;) What is your basis for saying it is "unlikely"

You are completely free to post the names here. I have 10,000 names of people who have been told by your 400 people that the claims are all lies. Send me $30 and look at the list yourself. Don't expect me to buy a list when the people who are listed on the site have already been debunked sufficiently. I don't expect much better from your list.

How can I be sure you do ;) I am sure however that Disclosure project does have the names, 21 of them I have seen already, and at less than 6 times your fee. If you want the information, it's at your fingertips. I am not here to convince you. You are a free soul, if you want to seek the truth, you seek it on your own :)
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Current physics, right? Even Newton had a lack of understanding of current physics, lol.You miss my point. He said specifically 'physicists think XXX', when no physicist on the planet worth his grain thinks XXX (or thought at the time of the quote). The link I gave lists several of these. This shows that he really doesn't know anything about current physics (as he would if he had a degree).

Lazer gained nothing, but ridicule.

First, it's Lazar. Second, he made more then a few pretty pennies off his story.

There is a world of difference between the claims of big foot and Elvis, and UFO's and Aliens.

Such as. According to you they both gain 'nothing but ridicule'. For whatever reason, people still claim it. Lazar is the perfet example of this.

Well, as I did not say, he was claiming them, that should answer your question.

But this in NO WAY supports your claims. The Disclosure Project does the same thing, as many of their claims are simply people opinions.

And what do these 400 witnesses in CIA, NSA, NASA, Government, USAF, US army, us Navy gain. I ask you again. Answer, the question head on.

The same thing that people who see bigfoot and Elvis have to gain. For WHATEVER reason, people make claims that will get ridicule. They do it anyway.

The point is that of the people listed, the credibility rating is low. Especially when you consider that their claims have been taken out of context and exagerated (such as you did with Hawkings). Many in no way offer evidence or even claim to have seen it, but they are used as support for the cause anyway.
How can I be sure you do I am sure however that Disclosure project does have the names, 21 of them I have seen already, and at less than 6 times your fee.
I'm offering 25 times more names for only 6 times the fee. More bang for your buck. If you want the information, it's at your fingertips. I am not here to convince you. You are a free soul, if you want to seek the truth, you seek it on your own