The problem with atheism...

Re: Re: Thanks Raithere!!

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Originally posted by Godless
I think she's right to claim here, we don't know of her experiences, though they sound ludicrous to us,

You fool, you say "you don't know of my experiences," but they "sound ludicrous" to you. :p

Truly though the burden of proof still by all means falls on the thiest, as it always has.

What? it like a rule or something. :p
Can you get me a copy....don't want to be breakin' any laws and shit! :p

As for love, well it is defianable, an emotional subjective feeling of great care for an object or person.

Why thank you Godless, i can stop believing in god, now you cleared that one up. :D

Lets go and indulge in some blood wit me?:p:D


Jan Ardena.

Thank you Jan, you just proved my point: When I was trying to defend your right to believe whatever the hell you believe in, your "ludicrous mind" interpreted what I said as an insult to you!!. :confused:

Who is the "fool" here?:eek:

Love Is God is a simple answer. It's an answer that opens an easy way out for people who can't handle the fact that we don't know everything. Love can not be expressed through words. As I've said, language is just an advanced form of grunting and is a poor attempt at art, which is an attempt to immitate nature. Love is Love is about all we can really say.

"Love is God" is an attempt to expalin Love beyond words.
There's nothing "supernatural". Supernatural is actually something that can't be explained by words and rational thinking.

Using Eastern Philosophy...
It's like drinking tea instead of eating the cup. You use the cup (word) to carry the tea (meaning), but what you really want to absorb is the tea (meaning) not the cup (word).

You can say Love, or Amour, or Amor, or Amore... All those words mean the same thing, they are just in different "packages" or in different "cups" as the example above... ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
"Love is God" is an attempt to expalin Love beyond words.
There's nothing "supernatural". Supernatural is actually something that can't be explained by words and rational thinking.

You can say Love, or Amour, or Amor, or Amore... All those words mean the same thing, they are just in different "packages" or in different "cups" as the example above... ;)
Problem is, you need a definition for God then. Equating two terms doesn't give us much of an example if you can't adequately define either of them. Or rather, as in this case, there are many definitions for both.

Originally posted by Raithere
Problem is, you need a definition for God then.

If you want a defimition of God, then read 'Bagavad Gita As it is,'
Brahma Samitah or Bhagavata Purana/Srimad Bhagavatam. If you don't wish to broaden your mind by reading, and you don't take our word for it, then what is the use of you questions. If you are serious, then at least take the time out, you just may learn something.

equatingo terms doesn't give us much of an example if you can't adequately define either of them.

But it would if you could define them, take it to the next stage, otherwise your wasting your time, find out for sure.

Sorry to cut in here R, i will reply shortly to your last post.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
If you want a defimition of God, then read 'Bagavad Gita As it is,'
Brahma Samitah or Bhagavata Purana/Srimad Bhagavatam. If you don't wish to broaden your mind by reading, and you don't take our word for it, then what is the use of you questions. If you are serious, then at least take the time out, you just may learn something.

I have read the BG. I've also read quite a few of the commentaries on the BG from "BG As it is". I have scanned some of the Bhagavata Purana I saw nothing to recommend any of them as truth over any other work of fiction or ancient mythology. Perhaps you might point out something I missed. Some kernel of proof that you seem to believe is there. Bring it out for examination and discussion.

As I've mentioned before; In my opinion, the BG is a bunch of poorly reasoned, self contradictory, transcendental philosophy supported only by it's own circular logic and appeal to authority that it is not able to verify.

"BG As it is" is commentary and explanation (I use the term loosely) of the BG by some self-proclaimed guru. Why should I accept his authority or that claimed by the BG. I too, can write a book and claim Krsna wrote it or inspired me to write it. I too, can claim I've reached enlightenment and wish to teach others. Many other religions claim the same thing. So do many cult leaders. You're explanations are self-serving and meaningless, when you even give them.

Frankly, I'm getting rather tired of your repetition. The only "proof" you ever give for your arguments is self-referential and circular. Why don't you read it yourself, extract and post "the definitive" definition for God. "BG is the truth" may be your mantra but it means nothing of import to me.

BTW I read approximately 500 - 1000 pages per week, not including what I read at work or online. Topics include: Fiction, History, Science (All areas), Religion, Archaeology, Skepticism, Criminology, Politics, Sociology, Linguistics… just to name some of my primary areas of interest. In other words, I have taken the time out to learn something and do so on a daily basis. I take offense to your implication that I don't.

Originally posted by Raithere
Are you even reading my posts? This is exactly what I'm saying… though I believe I said it a bit more clearly than "love seems to be similar but different".

You said love is an ‘abstract’ ‘concept,’ that is not what I am saying.
abstract- to do with or existing in thought rather than matter, or in theory rather than practise; not tangible or concrete.

I believe love to be very subtle but tangible, just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it is non-existent, as anything, it can be perceived through the senses, mind and intelligence, should you want to. You also described it as a ‘concept’ that ‘we use’ as a ‘label’ to describe an experienced emotion, again we are not on the same wave length. To me love is natural, one doesn’t need to be taught how to love, love in its highest expression is un-conditional, the most common expression of unconditional love, is the love between mother and child, especially at the baby stage. The mother doesn’t ask for anything but gives everything despite the childs unawareness. I know nowadays things seem to be changing with regards to social conditioning, but nevertheless it is still very prominent, not because it is a concept, because it is natural.

So in answer to your question, yes I am reading your posts.

No, I'm not. Wherever did you get that idea?

I asked if you were saying we cannot share what is in our minds You said, “No Unless you've found a way to transfer you emotions and experiences directly into my mind.”

Conveying what you experience through words, music, art, etc. you can share a translation of what's in your mind but that is not the same thing.
How do you know?

I already gave you an excellent example of color deficiency. No two people's perceptions are the same. No two people share the same mind or even one identical emotion.

You may never percieve the colour green through your eyes, but you can understand that green is a colour, and its significance in life, it may not be ultimate but it is still knowledge. I may never understand high-level mathematics, but I do understand mathematics according to my level of consciousness, and that is still knowledge.

You, quite obviously, can. I said that you can never experience exactly what another person experiences.

You could never know that for sure.

It is no more important for me as it is for you to define terms, overall knowledge is subjective.

I didn't say it was more important for you than for me. I was stating that it is important, in fact necessary, to do so in order to have any meaningful conversation.

Are you being purposefully obtuse? I'm citing an example. I never even intimated that sight is the only source of knowledge.

There is no need for that kind of remark, let us act civilised.

How can we be sure (that what I see is what you see) ever is?

Define green so that a person who was blind from birth can 'know' it. The best you can give them is a definition built upon abstract concepts… this is not the same as experience.

Green is real, there is no need to give abstract concepts, you can tell them green is a colour, you can say the grass is green, and all other things, because it is real. If what you say is true, then there is no need to teach a blind man anything as he can’t see anything. The blind mans only defect is his sight, he still has other knowledge acquiring senses., and hopefully, still wants to learn about his environment.

Only due to your own experience of our shared reality. I gave you a mundane example to prove a point.

That’s one way I agree, but I would also say that it could be worked out.

Ah yes. Reality is an illusion. I forgot you believe the BG.

So you don’t understand the BG.

Knowledge can be understood but understanding does not imply "knowing" or experience. I can understand a description of what it feel like to bungee jump but until I've done it I don't "know", I haven't experienced it.

They are different stages of knowledge, but knowledge all the same.

You’ve done less than fail to convince me.

Why do you think I’m trying to convince you?

You've failed to put together a valid argument that proves your assertion.

According to you.

Which you just stated above; "I already percieve the Absolute Truth". Thank you for providing me with such a convenient example.

Since when does ‘perceive’ means ‘know.’

Anyone who states, absolutely, that God doesn't exist is presuming to know everything. These people are few and are guilty of faulty reasoning.

Almost everybody who perceives themselves as ‘atheist’ as at some stage during my time here stated that God does not exist.

According to history, it is usually the people who claim to know God that become violent and offensive.

Well this board is on to a historical breakthrough, congratulations.

Because I am a rational person. I don't stop questioning with my first assumption of truth.

Have you any idea how nonsensical that sounds.
Truth isn’t an assumption, it has to be actual, by its very nature, otherwise there is no such thing as truth.
We only need evidence to substantiate something we are not sure of, you are not sure as to the existence of God, I am. I am not trying to convince you of anything, because I know from my own experience that the chances of you being convinced by me are almost zero, especially in your current frame of mind.

If I didn't try to find evidence for things I thought were true I would still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny because at one time I did and I would never have questioned it. And I'm pretty sure they don't exist.

Funny that, I never believed in those two things at all. I played along with the santa thing because to a kid it is exciting, but believe, nah!
It was quite obvious to me that this big fat guy couldn’t fit down our chimeny.

You do the same thing.

You are really insulting aren’t you?
You’ve no idea what I do.

Unless, that is, you believe in everything you believed as a child.

Now that’s just plain silly.

Most people do, at least with certain subjects.

Have you asked most people?

As I've mentioned before; In my opinion, the BG is a bunch of poorly reasoned, self contradictory, transcendental philosophy supported only by it's own circular logic and appeal to authority that it is not able to verify.

I don’t think you understood it, because there is obviously more to it than.

Ah well your loss. :)


Jan Ardena.
I don’t think you understood it, because there is obviously more to it than that.

Raith, if I might interject here.

Don't even give any sort of reguard to any of Jan's statements reguarding the BG. I asked him a while back to prove it, and he didn't. Why? At this point, I can only speculate because their isn't much to prove.

So, for future reference, just consider all references to the BG void.

Jan seems to be rather pathetic when it comes to acually providing proof for his claims. Much like most thiests.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
I believe love to be very subtle but tangible, just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it is non-existent, as anything, it can be perceived through the senses, mind and intelligence, should you want to.

Tangible is generally used to describe something physical, touchable or palpable. Is this how you meant it?

If love can be perceived through the senses (sight, touch, taste, hearing, or smell) it can be verified in the real world. It would have a physical attribute (such as mass) or a measurable affect (such as acceleration). Tell me then, of a test that will verify the presence of love.

Conveying what you experience through words, music, art, etc. you can share a translation of what's in your mind but that is not the same thing.
How do you know?

Perhaps, for you, a poem about a tree is the same as experiencing it in the now. For me, and I believe for most people, being able to see, touch, taste, smell, and hear a tree is rather different than the mere words. Words can evoke memories of an experience but memory too is not the same as experiencing something in the present. And what if one has not already had such an experience? If one has not sensed a tree, mere words are a pale comparison.

You may never percieve the colour green through your eyes, but you can understand that green is a colour, and its significance in life, it may not be ultimate but it is still knowledge.

I did not say that if one was unable to have an experience one could not have an understanding or knowledge about the subject of that experience. What I am saying is that understanding and knowledge are not the same as the actual experience.

There is no need for that kind of remark, let us act civilised.

Sorry if I got a bit edgy but I get frustrated at your continued straw-man arguments. I did not say "Sight was the only form of accessing knowledge." Therefore your arguement against it is meaningless.

Define green so that a person who was blind from birth can 'know' it. The best you can give them is a definition built upon abstract concepts… this is not the same as experience.

Green is real, there is no need to give abstract concepts, you can tell them green is a colour, you can say the grass is green, and all other things, because it is real. If what you say is true, then there is no need to teach a blind man anything as he can’t see anything. The blind mans only defect is his sight, he still has other knowledge acquiring senses., and hopefully, still wants to learn about his environment.

You continue to build straw-man arguments. I have never stated that sight is the only means to gain knowledge. You are arguing against something that I have not said.

I will reiterate, yet again, with an example: A blind man can never experience the color green… therefore how can you convey the experience of the color green to a blind man? Grass is green, yes. But if I give a blind man a handful of grass can he feel the "green" of it? Can he smell the "green"? No. Therefore he has no experience of it.

That’s one way I agree, but I would also say that it could be worked out.

Then using the example above demonstrate how you would covey the color green to a blind man so that he would have the experience of green not just a definition built of abstract concepts.

You've failed to put together a valid argument that proves your assertion.
According to you.

Then please repeat it.

Truth isn’t an assumption, it has to be actual, by its very nature, otherwise there is no such thing as truth.

I didn't say truth was an assumption (once again, the straw-man argument).

We only need evidence to substantiate something we are not sure of, you are not sure as to the existence of God, I am.

How else can one be sure other than by evidence? Are you telling me that from birth you knew the BG and the Vedas? If not, please show me the evidence you use to substantiate it.

I am not trying to convince you of anything, because I know from my own experience that the chances of you being convinced by me are almost zero, especially in your current frame of mind.

I'm not asking you to convince me… that would be extremely unlikely. I am asking you to put forth some sort of valid argument. Appeal to authority and circular logic do not constitute a valid argument. Neither do straw-man attacks invalidate my arguments.

You are really insulting aren’t you?
You’ve no idea what I do.

I'm not trying to be insulting here.

My point is that people change their beliefs over time. I used the example of childhood beliefs as an example. I hardly feel the need to prove that people's beliefs change from childhood to adulthood. In fact, you confirmed this assertion when you commented that my statement "Unless, that is, you believe in everything you believed as a child." was "just plain silly".

What I'm getting at here is that the things you believed were true when you were a child you no longer believe. Your perception of what was true changed. How then can you be sure you have arrived at the truth at this point in your life? Do not the same principles of evidence and examination apply?

I don’t think you understood it, because there is obviously more to it than.

That's my summary. I've seen nothing in it to validate it's truth or reality.

Originally posted by Tinker683

Raith, if I might interject here.
Don't even give any sort of reguard to any of Jan's statements reguarding the BG. I asked him a while back to prove it, and he didn't. Why? At this point, I can only speculate because their isn't much to prove.
So, for future reference, just consider all references to the BG void.
Jan seems to be rather pathetic when it comes to acually providing proof for his claims. Much like most thiests.
I'm truly getting to that point. I enjoy discussion and debate but am starting to believe that Jan's misunderstanding what I say is deliberate. Jan also refuses to actually give any proofs for his assertions other than a vague reference to the BG or the "truth" as he knows it.

Originally posted by Raithere
I'm truly getting to that point. I enjoy discussion and debate but am starting to believe that Jan's misunderstanding what I say is deliberate. Jan also refuses to actually give any proofs for his assertions other than a vague reference to the BG or the "truth" as he knows it.

Thats fair enough.


Jan Ardena.