The problem with atheism...


You gave me an inspiration for a more Essencial explanation of Unconditional Love. Thanks! :)

Is when you project your love into an object. As the object and you are separated, then, a separation from the object cause hurt.
You have a reason to project your Love on someone. It's a charactheristic that this person or this object has that attracts you. The object causes a feeling of external need

Love is Unconditional. It's not projected, It's in YOURSELF. As this Love is not dependent on circumstances, like losing the object of your love, in the common love, this love doesn't cause hurt. This Love is self-sulfilling. It's not only self-Love but Love in Its Essence, pure and True Love.

Recently, I read in a book something really interesting...

It was said in the book that ancient philosophers felt that promoting atheism publicly would endanger the philosopher himself, since it would render society immoral and anarchic!

Socrates learned this lesson by himself when he taught his atheist views to his students and they turned out to be a menace for the Athenian society!!!! :D:D:D:D

That's History... ;)

It seems that atheism creates immoral people...
And we can see it clearly in our world today... :(


I could show you how your insult is wrong, but frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.

I've given you no reason to insult me. I've treated you with courtesy and respect.

Oh yes, and Socrates was not an athiest per se, and he wasn't really a menace, but a decent man. Interesting parallel though.

"You have brought about my death in the belief that you will be delivered from submitting your conduct to criticism; but I say that the result will be just the opposite. You will have more critics, whom up till now I have restrained without your knowing it, and being younger they will be harsher to you and will cause you more annoyence."

Love-love? :eek:

There are two aspects of man's existence which are the special province and expression ofhis sense of life: love & art.

I am refering here to romantic love, in the serious meaning of that term-as distinguished from the superficial infatuations of those whose sense of life is devoid of any consistent values, i.e., of any lsating emotions other than fear. Love is a response to values. It is with a person's sense of life that one falls in love--with that essential sum, that fundamental stand or way of facing existence, which is the essence of a personality. One falls in love with the embodiment of the values that formed a person's chaacter, which are reflected in his widest goals or smallest gestures, which create the style of his soul--the individual style of a unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable consciousness. It is one's own sense of life that acts as the selector, and responds to what it recongnizes as one's own basic values in the person of another. It is not a matter of professed convictions (though thesre are not irrevlevant): it is a matter of much more profound, conscious and subconscious harmony.
Many errors and tragic disillusionments are possible in this process of emotional recognition, since a sense of life, by itself, is not a reliable congnitive quide. And if there are degrees of evil, then one of the most evil consequences of mysticism--in terms of human suffering--is the belief that love is a matter of "the heart", not the mind, that love is an emotion independent of reason, that love is blind and impervious to the power of philosophy. Love is "the expression of philosophy" of a subconscious philosophical sum and perhaps, no other aspect of human existence needs the conscious power of philosophy quite so desperately. When that power is called upon to verify and support an emotional appraisal, when love is a conscious integration of reason and emotion, of mind and values, then and only then it is the greatest reward of man's life. (Ayn Rand)

Now that!! is not giverish, as you wrote with the explanation of lower case love, Love thing you got going on? :bugeye:

As for Socrates, well he never wrote down his philosphical views, we have to depend on Plato, which was his pupil. Though many believe Plato's views may have somewhat plaqued the teaching of Socrates. In essense we got Plato's distorted views of what Socrates perhaps tought!!.

Your explanation of love is good... :)

But what I'm talking about here is that

Love is love in the pure form.


love is our Love projected in an object. Like a girl or a boy, or a car or whatever. ;)

I differentiate those two loves.

And my Unconditional Love is the first one. It's not projected, is an Universal Love.

Nelson now you cleared it up for my foggy mind

I suspected you were talking about, the use of the word love in metaphor fashion as to explain how much one cares for an object.

This could also be caried as love of career, etc... however this type of use of the word love, is purely in metaphor.

It explains how one cares for these objects, or things such as career, etc. I.E.. (I love sun shiny days), what have you. It's the feelings we all have, for joy.

Plain existence, one loves themselves, etc..

But to feel love or love a non-existence, or a supernatural phenomena which one can't even begin to explain is purely irrational, and subjective. Yes i do understand that to love or feel loved is as well a subjective however if the object exists, and can be explained it's totally different. One can care about the car, how the wind feels in their head etc., and use the word "love" metaphorically to explain these feelings.
Yes, and It can only be explained irrationally as you said. As I said before, we can't explain God, Love, rationally... :)

Now we are getting to somewhere... :)

How to explain It then?
Modern Psychology, Basic Neurology and Ancient Philosophies are good alternatives... ;)

Re: Nelson now you cleared it up for my foggy mind

Originally posted by Godless
But to feel love or love a non-existence, or a supernatural phenomena which one can't even begin to explain is purely irrational, and subjective.

God is non-existent to you, that is fair enough, but for you to say that God is non-existent to me is ludicrous.

If you want an explanataion of God then read the BG As it is.

Remember you cannot explain the love you have for other people in a comprehensable way, that could allow someone to understand what love is, neither can you prove that you love, or that love exists. It is entirely personal, as is love of God.

Yes i do understand that to love or feel loved is as well a subjective however if the object exists, and can be explained it's totally different.

So what about after the subject or object of love ceases to exist. Is it not still possible to love them, even more deeply perhaps?


Jan Ardena.
Re: Re: Nelson now you cleared it up for my foggy mind

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
God is non-existent to you, that is fair enough, but for you to say that God is non-existent to me is ludicrous.

If you noticed, Godless states that it is irrational and subjective. You continually assert that God is an absolute/universal truth. Prove it.

Remember you cannot explain the love you have for other people in a comprehensable way, that could allow someone to understand what love is, neither can you prove that you love, or that love exists. It is entirely personal, as is love of God.

Love is an abstract concept that we use as a label for an experienced emotion. This emotion exists in the mind or "self-awareness", not in the external reality that we share. Does your love for anything affect me in any way? Does my love for anything affect you? Does it affect external reality? No it does not. Just the same, the experience you call God does not affect me or external reality.

So what about after the subject or object of love ceases to exist. Is it not still possible to love them, even more deeply perhaps?

That subject still exists in the mind, so yes it is possible to continue to love them.


God is non-existent to you, that is fair enough, but for you to say that God is non-existent to me is ludicrous.
No that doesn’t make sense. Either God exists or he doesn’t. From a given perspective it can be said that god does not exist. If that perspective is true then it is true for everyone. To say that he doesn’t exist for me but he might exist for you is nonsense. The existence of a god is not determined by individual beliefs.

If you want an explanation of God then read the BG As it is.
There can be many explanations for something. That an explanation can be derived in no way determines whether the explanation represents truth or not. Explanations can be imaginative fantasies or truth.

BG is a mythological story that provides an explanation for a god. It doesn’t provide any mechanism to show whether the story is true or not.

The only way to distinguish between truth and fantasy is evidence. BG doesn’t provide any evidence so we have no reason to believe that the explanations offered by BG is anything more than a fantasy.

BG, in parts, is an interesting read and contains some useful independent (of theism) guidelines for an effective lifestyle, but it otherwise provides no help as to the question of the existence or non-existence of gods.

Re: Re: Re: Nelson now you cleared it up for my foggy mind

Originally posted by Raithere
If you noticed, Godless states that it is irrational and subjective. You continually assert that God is an absolute/universal truth. Prove it.

Subjective yes, past a point, irrational, depends on the individual.

Love is an abstract concept that we use as a label for an experienced emotion.

That is your own subjective veiw.
If it is an experience as you stated, then that experience is different according to each individual, even if i were to agree with you.

This emotion exists in the mind or "self-awareness", not in the external reality that we share.

Are you saying we cannot share what is in our minds with others?

Does your love for anything affect me in any way?

If you believe this to be a relative world as i do, then yes.

No it does not.

How do you know?
Do you know everything there is to know about love?

Just the same, the experience you call God does not affect me or external reality.

For you to be sure of that, you would have to know everything, as the 'experience i call God' is the cause of everything. So before you can say He doesn't exist, you would have to know that He didn't exist if you were being honest with yourself, therefore you would have to have proof of evidense.
The experience i call God, is personal to me and whoever wants to have a relationship with Him, therefore it does not matter whether i prove my experience to you or not.
All you have at your disposal is personal insult, if you should choose, but apart from that you have no proof of evidence of anything, as you do not wish to have that experience.

So what about after the subject or object of love ceases to exist. Is it not still possible to love them, even more deeply perhaps?

That subject still exists in the mind, so yes it is possible to continue to love them.

Are you saying love is delusional then, or is it a reality even though there is no proof of evidence?


Jan Ardena.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Nelson now you cleared it up for my foggy mind

Originally posted by Jan Ardena

Love is an abstract concept that we use as a label for an experienced emotion.
That is your own subjective veiw.

What else is it then? Can you give me a full definition of love? Please note that simply equating terms is not a definition (i.e. Love is God, is not a definition.).

If it is an experience as you stated, then that experience is different according to each individual, even if i were to agree with you.

That is precisely what I said.

Are you saying we cannot share what is in our minds with others?

In the ultimate sense, yes, that is what I'm saying. Unless you've found a way to transfer you emotions and experiences directly into my mind. Conveying what you experience through words, music, art, etc. you can share a translation of what's in your mind but that is not the same thing. The shared vocabulary is subjective on both ends of the conversation. This is why it is so important to define your terms.

Example: What green is to you is not green to me. I've a partial red/green color deficiency. Can I see green? Yes, I am not color blind. But what I see is not the same as what you see. Thus when you use the word green, or the color green in a painting what you are trying to convey is not what I experience in my mind.

Does that mean we can't, or don't, share anything at all? No, it doesn't. We can share things that exist in our mutual external reality. I can prove to you that you can hammer a nail though a piece of wood by doing it in front of you. I could hand you the hammer and nail and you can do it yourself. But if you are skeptical of me and all I do is say "I've done it before." Then we have nothing in common to agree upon.

If you believe this to be a relative world as i do, then yes.

What do you mean by a relative world?

How do you know?
Do you know everything there is to know about love?

Yes. I do. Love is an internal concept. We can try to share this concept. We can try and relate it to each other. We can try to express it in words, art, music. But until we develop some mind to mind link we will, in the ultimate sense, fail. The concept of love is like the concept blue. I can say blue to you. It gives you some idea of what I mean but, in the ultimate sense, it fails. I could be more specific; Midnight blue, sky blue, periwinkle blue? Even these concepts fail the perception of the mind. I could relate a particular frequency of light, this would be much more specific, but still ultimately fail for perception is in the individual mind. We can only know, ultimately, what it mean to ourselves.

Do I know in any absolute sense that your feeling of love doesn't affect me? No. But then there is nothing that can be known in an absolute sense. But if your assertion is that it does you'll need to demonstrate it before I even come close to believing you.

For you to be sure of that, you would have to know everything, as the 'experience i call God' is the cause of everything. So before you can say He doesn't exist, you would have to know that He didn't exist if you were being honest with yourself, therefore you would have to have proof of evidense.

No. I know that your concept of God does not affect my reality. If it does, I have yet to see any single miniscule piece of evidence for it. I also have yet to see any evidence that it affects the external reality that we share. But you are correct; I cannot know for sure. I don't claim to. You are the one claim to know the absolute truth. Thus the onus of proof is on you. So far you have failed.

The experience i call God, is personal to me and whoever wants to have a relationship with Him, therefore it does not matter whether i prove my experience to you or not.

I concur. So why do you feel the need to try to prove it to me? Why do you keep proclaiming that you own the truth? It is only when you do these things that I ask you to prove it. When you admit that it is an internal experience I have no problem with it.

All you have at your disposal is personal insult, if you should choose, but apart from that you have no proof of evidence of anything, as you do not wish to have that experience.

I truly try not to stoop to personal insult. Apart from that I do have evidence for things. I have evidence that the Earth is spherical, that bricks are hard. I have also experienced God. Unfortunately, I have no proof or evidence of that experience and I would not try and convince anyone that my experience is more truthful or correct than anyone else's. For all I can prove, it might have simply been a delusion.

Are you saying love is delusional then, or is it a reality even though there is no proof of evidence?

I already said it. Love is internal, subjective, emotive, and ultimately unrelateable. Is it a reality? Yes. Does it exist in all realities? No. Does it change the internal reality of the one experiencing it? Yes. Does it directly affect our shared external reality? Not that I've seen. Do people act upon this internal reality and therefore change the external reality? Yes. Do I think love is a good thing? Yes.

Thanks Raithere!!

No matter how one writes an explanation, the views of each of us of what was said is percieived differently by each individual.

Specially thieists:rolleyes:

Jan's argument reminds me of George H. Smith's book (Atheism, The Case Against God) Part 2: Reason, Faith And Revelation.

To quote Him on The Attack on Reason:

"Christian Faith is not merely believing that there is a god. It is believing that there is a god no matter what the evidence on the question may be" i.e., ("Have faith," in the Christian sense, means "make yourself believe that there is a god without regard to evidence." Christian faith is a habit of flouring reason in forming and maintaining one's answer to the question whether there is a god.(Pages, 100-101)

quote Jan: "God is non-existent to you, that is fair enough, but for you to say that God is non-existent to me is ludicrous."

in other words she is claiming here since I lack faith in god, I should not judge her faith in god.

I think she's right to claim here, we don't know of her experiences, though they sound ludicrous to us, however we should still not judge. Truly though the burden of proof still by all means falls on the thiest, as it always has. Thiests making claims of supernatural existence without proof, is moot, however the same falls on athiests we cannot claim that the supernatural does not exist, we can only state that there's no evidence of it's existence! therefore we reject the notion of the supernatural because of lack of evidence.

As for love, well it is defianable, an emotional subjective feeling of great care for an object or person.
Originally posted by Raithere
You said...

Love is an abstract concept that we use as a label for an experienced emotion.

I said...

That is your own subjective veiw.

You said....

What else is it then? Can you give me a full definition of love? Please note that simply equating terms is not a definition (i.e. Love is God, is not a definition.).

Using that description, you can say that all feelings are just labels for an experienced emotion, but what is an experienced emotion. Could it be that emotion is an abstract concept for an experienced feeling. The truth is you have no real idea other than how it relates to you. This is where mundane science is useless. Einstein and Newton were well aware of this cut off point.
Upon what do you base your findings, the dictionary, so-called experts or personal experience or even all.
You say “Love is God, is not a definition” but it makes far more sense that love originates from a person than a concept that originates from another concept which cannot be explained but can easily be perceived, or through chemicals in the brain.
For you love may be just a concept or chemicals and that would allow you to act accordingly, but for everybody love seems to be similar but different according to the consciousness of the individual, therefore everybody acts according to their particular consciousness.

In the ultimate sense, yes, that is what I'm saying. Unless you've found a way to transfer you emotions and experiences directly into my mind.

So what about music, books, relationships, television, word of mouth, radio, fashion, magazines, doesn’t these have an effect on the mind, thereby shaping it, therefore creating mindsets.
Are you telling me you have not been influence at all by anything?
Can you say for sure that you are not hypnotised at present and are acting out the will of someone else by sticking to your mindset, not even in the slightest?

Conveying what you experience through words, music, art, etc. you can share a translation of what's in your mind but that is not the same thing.

How do you know?
Based on the propoganda put forth by USA and UK after 9-11, some people immediately went out and killed or brutalised, not only muslims but seikhs, because it said on the telly that it was a Islamic attack, and because some muslims wear turbans, seikhs must also be muslim. Do you think that would have still occurred had the two powers not jump immediately to that conclusion?

Look at the music industry, the film industry, the fashion industry, the majority of people are totally influenced by these, they live their lives according to these things. Look at speech, how that has changed, with the intervention of ‘slang’ people change the way they speak, they change the way they dress, they change their ideals, they change the way they eat etc according to outside influence. Everywhere you turn there is someone else’s influence, our minds are not entirely our own.
Doesn’t that famous ‘war of the worlds’ radio broadcast tell you anything about the fickleness of the human mind?

The shared vocabulary is subjective on both ends of the conversation. This is why it is so important to define your terms.

It is no more important for me as it is for you to define terms, overall knowledge is subjective.

Example: What green is to you is not green to me. I've a partial red/green color deficiency. Can I see green? Yes, I am not color blind.

Knowledge is not all about what you can see. Sight is not the only form of accessing knowledge. You can still understand that green is a colour even though you can’t see it. None of us can see air but we understand, according to our concious level, what air is and how it works, manifests itself and it components.

But what I see is not the same as what you see.

How can we be sure it ever is?
Through higher understanding maybe?

Thus when you use the word green, or the color green in a painting what you are trying to convey is not what I experience in my mind.

But you have your own experience of green, otherwise why are you talking about it. Green does exist to you even though you can’t see it, you can understand it from other people.

No, it doesn't. We can share things that exist in our mutual external reality.

And what is that mutual external reality?

I can prove to you that you can hammer a nail though a piece of wood by doing it in front of you.

But suppose I don’t have arms, does that experience not then exist?

I could hand you the hammer and nail and you can do it yourself. But if you are skeptical of me and all I do is say "I've done it before." Then we have nothing in common to agree upon.

But I also have a brain that can understand this can be done even without you intervention.

What do you mean by a relative world?

Everything is related, so what we do affects the perception of the world, for example before Jimmy Hendrix came on the scene, rock and roll guitar had an identity of its own and then came Jimmy who took it to another level, and it has carried on progressing. He helped change the perception of rock guitar by doing what had been done before but changed its outlook amd expression.
Do you know everything there is to know about love?

Yes. I do.

I seriously don’t think so.

Love is an internal concept.

Internal yes but concept no, at least according to my experience of love, so you don’t know everything there is to know about love otherwise I would have no reason to disagree with you.

But until we develop some mind to mind link we will, in the ultimate sense, fail.

According to your understanding but not mine.

The concept of love is like the concept blue. I can say blue to you. It gives you some idea of what I mean but, in the ultimate sense, it fails. I could be more specific; Midnight blue, sky blue, periwinkle blue? Even these concepts fail the perception of the mind.

That is because blue is not love, you can’t see ‘love’ you feel love, when you say I’m feeling blue then one can understand that you are feeling down, it doesn’t matter whether you understand the colour blue, this concept of 'blue' came about through outside influence, it is not natural.

We can only know, ultimately, what it mean to ourselves.

But what you fail to realise is that it is still knowledge that can be understood, but not in an animalistic sense, like mundane science would have us believe, but in a higher sense, that which is important to our (higher) ‘selves.’

Do I know in any absolute sense that your feeling of love doesn't affect me? No. But then there is nothing that can be known in an absolute sense.

You speak for yourself.

But if your assertion is that it does you'll need to demonstrate it before I even come close to believing you.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe me or not, it doesn’t work like that.
If you wish to understand anything about what I term higher understanding, then you have travel that road yourself, because it is personal.

No. I know that your concept of God does not affect my reality. If it does, I have yet to see any single miniscule piece of evidence for it.

Tell me, what exactly do you have evidence of?

But you are correct; I cannot know for sure. I don't claim to.

For one who says he knows everything about love, you don’t sound too sure of anything.

You are the one claim to know the absolute truth.

I know of the Absolute Truth, getting to know Him is my work.

Thus the onus of proof is on you. So far you have failed.

There is no need of proof, I already percieve the Absolute Truth and therefore have not failed. What you mean is I have failed to convince you, but the irony is, I’m not try to convince you, we are simply debating.

I concur. So why do you feel the need to try to prove it to me?

In what way have I tried to ‘prove’ to you, can you show me any posts.

Why do you keep proclaiming that you own the truth?

Again, can you show me any posts which say ‘I’ own the truth.

It is only when you do these things that I ask you to prove it.

What things?

Aren’t there people here who say God doesn’t exist, in my book that is just as dedicated as saying God does exist. The difference is, these people do try and offer proof and they have failed miserably, that is why they become (violent) offensive.

When you admit that it is an internal experience I have no problem with it.

I know what I know through my own experience first and foremost, then I can relate it to other peoples experience, therefore I don’t have to admit anything. Why should I have to admit I am hungry, if so, I know I’m hungry and can therefore understand that other people get hungry.

I truly try not to stoop to personal insult.

Glad to hear it.

Apart from that I do have evidence for things. I have evidence that the Earth is spherical, that bricks are hard. I have also experienced God.

Your evidence is knowledge, your experience confirms the knowledge.

Unfortunately, I have no proof or evidence of that experience and I would not try and convince anyone that my experience is more truthful or correct than anyone else's.

Was it not truthful to you?
If yes then why try to find evidence, what is more factual than the truth.

For all I can prove, it might have simply been a delusion.

‘I can’ and ‘might’ don’t sit well in the same sentence, they are contradictory. :)


Jan Ardena.
"You say “Love is God, is not a definition” but it makes far more sense that love originates from a person than a concept that originates from another concept which cannot be explained but can easily be perceived, or through chemicals in the brain."

What I love is how theists seem to think they are the ones with strength and faith. Theists believe all the answers are present and that we have them all. The true strength is in realizing that we don't know a heck of a lot.

Love Is God is a simple answer. It's an answer that opens an easy way out for people who can't handle the fact that we don't know everything. Love can not be expressed through words. As I've said, language is just an advanced form of grunting and is a poor attempt at art, which is an attempt to immitate nature. Love is Love is about all we can really say.

"Knowledge is not all about what you can see. Sight is not the only form of accessing knowledge. You can still understand that green is a colour even though you can’t see it. None of us can see air but we understand, according to our concious level, what air is and how it works, manifests itself and it components."

Bet you a million dollars it's impossible to picture a new colour in your mind. A totally new colour beyond what any human has ever seen.

"There is no need of proof, I already percieve the Absolute Truth and therefore have not failed. What you mean is I have failed to convince you, but the irony is, I’m not try to convince you, we are simply debating."

Yup, sounds about right. Like most theists you like the idea that it's possible to know everything. Ignorance at it's highest.

"Everything is related, so what we do affects the perception of the world, for example before Jimmy Hendrix came on the scene, rock and roll guitar had an identity of its own and then came Jimmy who took it to another level, and it has carried on progressing. He helped change the perception of rock guitar by doing what had been done before but changed its outlook amd expression."

Jimi was acid rock. Though he changed guitar forever, it was still closer to acid rock.

"That is because blue is not love, you can’t see ‘love’ you feel love, when you say I’m feeling blue then one can understand that you are feeling down, it doesn’t matter whether you understand the colour blue, this concept of 'blue' came about through outside influence, it is not natural."

This goes beyond confusing me. Blue is a concept that came from outside influence? Explain please.

Bah,. more later..computers class over.
Re: Thanks Raithere!!

Originally posted by Godless
I think she's right to claim here, we don't know of her experiences, though they sound ludicrous to us,

You fool, you say "you don't know of my experiences," but they "sound ludicrous" to you. :p

Truly though the burden of proof still by all means falls on the thiest, as it always has.

What? it like a rule or something. :p
Can you get me a copy....don't want to be breakin' any laws and shit! :p

As for love, well it is defianable, an emotional subjective feeling of great care for an object or person.

Why thank you Godless, i can stop believing in god, now you cleared that one up. :D

Lets go and indulge in some blood wit me?:p:D


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Could it be that emotion is an abstract concept for an experienced feeling. The truth is you have no real idea other than how it relates to you. This is where mundane science is useless.

Jan, this is exactly what I've been saying. I'm not saying that we don't actually experience emotions, only that this experience is entirely inside the individual and has no reality outside of that individual. It is entirely personal and subjective.

And I agree that science has proven pretty lame with regards to psychology. We've mapped some structures of the brain, we've figured out some of the neurological and chemical aspects of our mental processes but we're still at the Neolithic level of understanding thought, emotion, and the consciousness. Hell, we still use electro-shock therapy, thorazine, and lithium to treat patients. This is the equivalent of using a hammer to fix a radio.

love seems to be similar but different according to the consciousness of the individual, therefore everybody acts according to their particular consciousness.

Are you even reading my posts? This is exactly what I'm saying… though I believe I said it a bit more clearly than "love seems to be similar but different".

Are you telling me you have not been influence at all by anything?

No, I'm not. Wherever did you get that idea?

Can you say for sure that you are not hypnotised at present and are acting out the will of someone else by sticking to your mindset, not even in the slightest?

This is a meaningless exercise. Just as well to wonder, like Chuang Tzu, whether I am a butterfly dreaming I am a man. What is the point you're trying to get to?

Conveying what you experience through words, music, art, etc. you can share a translation of what's in your mind but that is not the same thing.
How do you know?

I already gave you an excellent example of color deficiency. No two people's perceptions are the same. No two people share the same mind or even one identical emotion.

I did not say you couldn't relate you emotion or engender emotions in another. You, quite obviously, can. I said that you can never experience exactly what another person experiences.

It is no more important for me as it is for you to define terms, overall knowledge is subjective.

I didn't say it was more important for you than for me. I was stating that it is important, in fact necessary, to do so in order to have any meaningful conversation.

Knowledge is not all about what you can see. Sight is not the only form of accessing knowledge.

Are you being purposefully obtuse? I'm citing an example. I never even intimated that sight is the only source of knowledge.

How can we be sure (that what I see is what you see) ever is?

We can't be, that's my point. In fact, regarding my color-deficiency I can prove that we don't. You recall those eye tests with all the little circles of color that made a 7 or a 9 or some such figure? Where a normally sighted person sees a 7, I see the 9. Proof. Verifiable, testable, repeatable.

Green does exist to you even though you can’t see it, you can understand it from other people.

No. You can't. Try it. Define green so that a person who was blind from birth can 'know' it. The best you can give them is a definition built upon abstract concepts… this is not the same as experience.

And what is that mutual external reality?

Just that. The world of shared experience. The place where results are repeatable. The place, outside our minds, where we meet.

But I also have a brain that can understand this can be done even without you intervention.

Only due to your own experience of our shared reality. I gave you a mundane example to prove a point.

What we do affects the perception of the world.

Sure can. It can also change the world itself, not just our perceptions of it, and then others can experience the change. I didn't state anything contrary to this.

this concept of 'blue' came about through outside influence, it is not natural.

Ah yes. Reality is an illusion. I forgot you believe the BG.

But what you fail to realise is that (blue) is still knowledge that can be understood

You're getting dangerously close to stating nonsense. I could read that last part as knowledge can be known.
I'll take it differently though and reply;

Knowledge can be understood but understanding does not imply "knowing" or experience. I can understand a description of what it feel like to bungee jump but until I've done it I don't "know", I haven't experienced it.

There is no need of proof, I already percieve the Absolute Truth and therefore have not failed. What you mean is I have failed to convince you, but the irony is, I’m not try to convince you, we are simply debating.

You’ve done less than fail to convince me. You've failed to put together a valid argument that proves your assertion. Which, I might add, is the whole point of debate. Or are you merely arguing for argument's sake?

In what way have I tried to ‘prove’ to you, can you show me any posts.
Can you show me any posts which say ‘I’ own the truth.

I wasn't quoting you, I was paraphrasing to your assertion that you know the truth in an absolute sense. Which you just stated above; "I already percieve the Absolute Truth". Thank you for providing me with such a convenient example.

Aren’t there people here who say God doesn’t exist, in my book that is just as dedicated as saying God does exist. The difference is, these people do try and offer proof and they have failed miserably, that is why they become (violent) offensive.

Anyone who states, absolutely, that God doesn't exist is presuming to know everything. These people are few and are guilty of faulty reasoning. What you will find is people who state that they see no evidence for God, or that the preponderance of "evidence" used to support the reality of God is wrong, and thus choose not to believe in something for which there is no evidence. According to history, it is usually the people who claim to know God that become violent and offensive.

Was it not truthful to you?
If yes then why try to find evidence, what is more factual than the truth.

Because I am a rational person. I don't stop questioning with my first assumption of truth. If I didn't try to find evidence for things I thought were true I would still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny because at one time I did and I would never have questioned it. And I'm pretty sure they don't exist.

You do the same thing. Unless, that is, you believe in everything you believed as a child. If not, if you've rid yourself of childhood misconceptions, you're merely guilty of failing to question your beliefs at some arbitrary point in your life. Most people do, at least with certain subjects.

For all I can prove, it might have simply been a delusion.
‘I can’ and ‘might’ don’t sit well in the same sentence, they are contradictory. :)

Really? Then I guess I can not use can't in the same sentence since the meaning of can and not are contradictory. I can, however, wonder if you might be wrong. Oops! I did it again!

Why don't (do not) you learn more about grammar before you try to deconstruct my sentences?
