The Post Whatever Thread

That moment when you're working from home, on a conference call...but also on sci forums. The perks of working from home...
‘There could be more’: Mystery grows over Coast discovery

A new gold rush, by naturalist :)


long fleece ladys hand bag ?(with extra pockets)[i am joking i am a bit of a nature person i like wild life]
in a world where we are loosing unknown numbers of species every day
(im making this bit up)
for all we know it might carry the last & only natural anti-body for coronaviruses developed over thousands of years of living around bat caves
That moment when you're working from home, on a conference call...but also on sci forums. The perks of working from home...

how much coal burnt electricity will be saved by people working from home instead of a coal fired office building ?

how much oil burning for vehicle fuel are they saving ?

are they making more money by working from home by saving money ?

will we see oil companys put the price of gas up because sales are going down ?
why cant we do the same to the red meat market ?
Paternity tests are well known for producing some unexpected surprises, but the case involving a Washington man presents a new head-scratcher.

All is not as it seems


Only thought about putting this sort of strangeness to a person like Jan and asking why does god do this sort event?

It was to late to edit and add to the original post

i have met a person who eat their own twin in the womb.
spiritually(because i know that's the majority reality for how most people think) she carried the twin as part of her reality like a deceased pet that could speak to them from the after world
[[[FYI i know that's likely a bit of a looming pit fall later down the road when trauma happens if not well processed through therapy, i notice often such psychological pit falls act like shackles and chains around the intellectual ankles of people whom hold strong semi conservative religious beliefs, it behaviorally reinforces toxic psychosis patterns into the mind (creating)a larger & larger hill to climb over which never gets climbed because climbing the hill takes on the goal as a self defeating compromise]]]

they were quite physically attractive, fit & intelligent(i hope that helps or doesn't help)
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he was practicing some lines before

now she is

one of my thoughts(thanks) was they are like children
treat them like children
do not give them more intellectual power which becomes an anchor around your own mind, heart & world.
create/maintain compartmentalism
(this is a game changer for me)
mad fucking world

lol you THINK you think you know
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puking their toxic mental diatribe
self loathing hate & negativity
looking for a new victim . . .
roll up roll up

its def evil

the predator attempting to set up the prey to dump all its negative emotional shit
& emotionally abuse to get a power trip & blame someone else for their own problems
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True story -

Years ago I was at a Wireless Power Consortium meeting in Montreal. Just me, there representing my company. I had the usual list of people to talk to, temperatures to take, suggestions to make, talks to go to. One of the things on my list was to talk to a UK company that had a metamaterial that supposedly solved the phase reversal problem (which was a barrier to large-area small device chargers.)

I caught up to their CEO at a social event at a nearby brewery. "Oh I finally found you! Yes, we have a new material. Let me show you the video!" He then showed me a video that showed that . . . the phase reversal problem was not solved.

"So I see some nulls there. That looks like the phase reversal problem showing up" I said.

"No no! We have solved it. Elena, she will explain. She solved the problem! I am not explaining right." Elena was a Russian scientist who was the brains behind the company. I had met her once before and she was a brilliant scientist who had done some important work on wireless power transfer. She was also absolutely beautiful.

"Is she here tonight?" I hadn't seen her.

"No, she's jet lagged so she went to sleep. But I will have her go to your hotel room if that's OK to explain! She has solved it."

And suddenly I realized - I had seen this exact same James Bond movie. The beautiful Russian scientist is supposed to come to my room, but she never does, and the next morning my hotel room is ransacked looking for the data. She has disappeared, and her CEO is panicked over her disappearance. Then he disappears as well. Then two Russian thugs start tailing me, so I set an ambush and kill them both, but then I see a van driving away with Elena in the back of the van, so I steal a motorcycle and go screaming through the rain-slicked streets of Montreal . . . .

"I'll talk to her tomorrow," I told him.
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i think my fav DJ must be a higher level being

there is good DJ's
then there is my fav DJ's
then there is the best DJ

the difference is quite measurable

when one of my fav DJ's is killing it
they are sitting about where the top DJ sits normally.
Urgent response required for Free Lunch

i get a free lunch ? ... ?

NO ! I get the free lunch & it is YOU that needs to URGENTLY respond so i can get it.

The medicine must be wearing off

all roads lead to Rome if you are not a Roman
not all Romans are only in Rome or on Roman roads if you are not a Roman
what is the exception ?

are roming thoughts romish
what about a wonder
does it ponder
does it sit about & wobble like an idle gondola
or has the wheel worn the steel
chipped the paint & spurred the heel
of the roaming mind to feel
simply put is a golf shot

some things need cleaning & to be starved of oxygen

no brainers can have extremely high occupancy rates
bbc picture

nbc picture