The Post Whatever Thread

There is now a whole crop of adults - who can drink and buy liquor* - for whom 9/11 is an historical event from before they were born.

*here in Canada
Being able to see the world from 25,000 feet (without looking through a window)
I have only jumped once (tandem) from twelve thousand ( nothing compared to you). It was about 40 seconds of ''free fall''.
What I will always remember is looking at a 360 degree unobstructed horizon. It gave me the best impression of being under a dome of blue sky I've ever had.
I'm glad there was no cloud that day.
Welcome to getting older.
Don't think eidetic memory spares you from the ravages of aging.
im pushing myself physically at the same time
aging family whom i am trying to manage their reality which is quite consuming as they trend to be divisive thinkers & self sabotage then lay around paddling in it.

roughly 5 people trying to play mind games with me(4 work related 1 family)
while im trying to manage 2 family members whom are ageing
while im looking for a new job
while im pushing myself physically right to the edge of breaking point a couple of times per week.

normal peoples' illogical dramas tend to annoy me when they inject those directly into my personal head space which has been happening by 2 work people & 2 family people(im wondering if there is some dementia in the family members whom are under considerable psychological & emotional strain facing some hard life questions they are avoiding & making excuses for not answering).

im trying to play the helpful saint but making myself the punching bag for many
my sanity is suffering for it
but its nothing new to my world, that's almost normal for me but when certain things get impinged on some cracks will go all the way through.
while slowly going backwards financially by about 1 days income per week...

what is interesting is the memory holes appear to be very similar to black out memory holes from drug induced states.
running up against those triggers the need to comprehend them which usually defines a certain level of psychological trauma.
it has left me re-examining my buttons that some are pressing deliberately.

That feeling of need to kill something to solve something is as always ever present
in what ever form it takes(emotions are strange animals)
having to take control of that & sit it down on a seat beside me & make it fold its arms & be polite can be considerably consuming.
Globally that cabin fever psychological thing is escalating, i expect suicides & violence to increase directly as a result
im not sure the media will report it.
i suspect suicides have already increased significantly from covid but many govts probably dont want the stats to be published.
child violence(children acting out violent actions) seems to be spiking currently in many places
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I once met a crop that was better than a cop.

I once saw a hearth that was better than birth.

but it’s still the end that fascinates.
What super power would like to possess? I think being invisible or having wings. An invisible bird, so stealthy. #ramblings
The Perfect Opportunity
only ever presents its self as something you could have gotten away with after you have missed the chance to get away with it & have realized you would have been able to get away with it.
toxic American ego
you don't get respect unless you take it from someone else
respect must be earned & the only way you earn it is by making people fear you so they obey you
it is the cool-aid of American liberal(privilege) society
The poison in their own water
They perceive the slow painful death of another persons ego as being compulsory for their own to survive
im quite upset
& im not going to talk about it
so keep that in mind while your reading all my posts today and for the next few days
my tolerance for peoples bullshit is almost at an all time low right now
Between covid and trump , has woken us all up to the damage that lies and secrets make to the Health , to society as whole .
she wants me to break my own stuff
he wants me to break my own stuff so he can call the cops on me
what they both want is to have someone miserable around them
he thinks me being miserable gives him what he wants
which is to see someone else suffering

co-dependent abusive[read psychologically manipulative & liar to cause emotional distress, not physically abusive] relationship dynamics
the need to externalize the abuse to a 3rd party to validate themselves & continue their perception of being in control.

for many people that is the only reality for them when they are not getting what they want 24/7
its their vehicle to drive their own need for control over things they refuse to evolve to learn how to cooperate with.
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It sounds like you're going through a tough time, RainbowSingularity.

I hope everything works out okay for you.
It sounds like you're going through a tough time, RainbowSingularity.

I hope everything works out okay for you.

let myself get sucked into it really
believing the lies
only to have it ripped away from me when it was almost there
wiped out a business i was starting & which was my last chance to get a house deposit together & while waiting threw away a couple of job opportunity's so i could keep part time
now im a bit fucked
& trying to claw my way out of a hole
sucking down the emotional shit when i try & come up to grab air
work & home
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let myself get sucked into it really
believing the lies
only to have it ripped away from me when it was almost there
wiped out a business i was starting & which was my last chance to get a house deposit together & while waiting threw away a couple of job opportunity's so i could keep part time
now im a bit fucked
& trying to claw my way out of a hole
sucking down the emotional shit when i try & come up to grab air
work & home

Your a good man . But now you have learned . It is true sometimes , the good finish last , but not all the time . There are plenty of good people who finish first as well .
when i think of someone & something
it makes me feel like i want to kill a living creature
the feeling doesnt really care what it is that i kill
as long as its living and i kill it
it tells me it will be then feeling better
thats not entirely healthy
all be it very normal in human society

emotions are strange things
i cut my finger by accident with dental floss
by winding it too tight & pulling to tight on it
while my skin was slightly wet


in other news
im a bit concerned with the BBC ban
after the hsbc thing & the huawei thing
then the whos running those foreign tv stations thing
now the banning of bcc
it looks like global tensions are rising

it seemed like bbc was the last semi non biased media international still in the global scene

will this signal the closing of the iron curtain by china to the west ?
has it already happened ?
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why americans drive huge vehicles
because they dont look where they are driving
lucky none of the vehicles caught fire

interesting watching the cell phone video of the people driving slowly watching
as if they are helping or preventing injury when they are just driving slowly to watch other people suffer

casualty tourists

glad the person filming filmed it though, critical video evidence to help police etc etc
educate idiots if thats possible etc
why dont they have sat-nav alerts set up so all those drivers who are watching their cell phones sat-nav GPS cell phones have an alert flash up telling them to all slow down & pull to the right hand side and stop
seems logical
they dont do logical in the usa do they
thats illegal & against the 2nd amendment
the right to bare ignorance
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