The Post Whatever Thread

power cuts are the next level catastrophe as people become stuck inside with no fridges and no air conditioning.

like in the usa where they knowingly left those elderly people in the retirement home to just die in the floods

heatwaves for young sick & old are not a thing they can just paddle to the side of the nice calm lake and have a sit down and a cuppa to solve.

the proportionate work to rescue ratio is vastly higher than anything else except for digging people out of collapsed buildings.

i must have a look at the jet stream pattern to see if it moved late or early.
that will probably give a good idea of how long it will go in conjunction with the seasonal cycle.
why do you have to always make my ego problems seem like a problem
your making me feel
why do you always have to make me feel
my ego problems are not my problem
stop making my problems my problems !
YOU are responsible for my feelings !

... :?

Diary's of the teenage Ego
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don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies !
don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies !
Sorry did I read those 85 writs correct you don't want to be engaged with a crazy?

Don't blame you, I wouldn't either

Hope you not bought the ring

don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies ! don't engage with the crazies !
Wots a crazee?
Has anyone tried putting their phone in a refrigerator for an hour? Watch as the screen SLOWLY scrolls through the menus. A refrigerator slows everything in time. :)

Is that crazy?

If you climb inside a refrigerator yourself, don't forget to take the fly with you, a la the film, "The fly."
Wots a crazee?
Trolls & schizophrenics/polar/bi-polar in a state of mania
people who are acting crazy

their drive and intent is to take what ever is in reach and turn it into something that is a motivator for a directly intentional negative outcome for them and others.

like handing a child with a hand gun some live ammunition & saying "i just wanted to help them learn how it works properly"

Borderline schizophrenics with bi-polar disorder and a history of drug abuse for self medication have a very clear habit of trolling people to make them their victims.

you would likely be unable to tell the difference between a real Troll and such a person online
engaging with either one of them you either give the troll something they can use to abuse and hurt others, or you give the schizophrenic more energy which makes them become more manic and more liable to hurt themselves or others.
if you don't care about others then it doesn't matter.
American society is more psychopathic than UK society so Americans are more likely to say
"why should i care its not my fault I am the victim not them"
UK society is more likely to say "we should know better and seek to help others be better"
Good to know. Comforting.
just not very exciting
could use a little excitement
where's a crazy i can poke?
where's a crazy i can poke?
USA & UK politics not enough ?

i was on my way to visit a dying person in hospital when i encountered 2 unarmed police officers confronted by a psychiatric patient in full blown mania, wearing only a pair of shorts and half their body covered in blood.

they resolved the situation without force or violence within a couple of minutes.
it was quite amazing to witness.
USA & UK politics not enough ?
At several removes, sure. But I've been out of the ground-level fray for a while.
Like that:
they resolved the situation without force or violence within a couple of minutes.
it was quite amazing to witness.
Good training? Good recruiting? TO cops used to bring rubbies and druggies in to the ER late Friday, Saturday nights, knowing they'd be warm, get a meal, get a shower, some clean clothes. Handled them courteously - no easy feat! - and called them "sir". Some really good guys out there, patrolling the streets. You only ever hear about the rogues.

Would that be a cool occupation or what? Sailing the seas and raiding ships and coastal towns,

Would that be a cool occupation or what? Sailing the seas and raiding ships and coastal towns,
I've just stamped your passport to Somalia. It's a fake stamp, but don't worry; it doesn't have to pass close scrutiny.