The population problem

What should we do about the population problem?

  • Space colonization of planets/moons

    Votes: 14 16.5%
  • Improve food production (ie. nanotechnology)

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Sex education and availability of safe sex devices

    Votes: 18 21.2%
  • Birth restrictions

    Votes: 25 29.4%
  • There is no population problem

    Votes: 16 18.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 9 10.6%

  • Total voters
The only problem with population is when we are not organized well enough to provide for the population, human's are hardly taking up any land compared to what land is available I do not know the numbers but I would guess it is less .0001% of the available land and now that our ancesters already have so much work done we should have little trouble to keep up with population growth. We should start mapping out land that would be best for whatever, like food prouduction, housing, farming and then transfer some of the resources we are using for other things that are not important to doing what needs to be done to the land, find whatever mineral resources are there and start digging them out, help nature replenish itself(I say this because I know we can build up fish and wildlife species quickly). When you are living in a city it might seem like population is a problem but travel a little by land and there is nothing but empty land in between the scattered citys waiting to be inhabitated! There is a population problem in certain areas though I guess, it is costly to start inhabiting land that has no infrustructure already in place but I think that it would pay for itself in the future.
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Title: People who vote for freedom, are "clueless?"

I can't believe the big % of voting for space colonization (like it was a real option) or the no problem crowd.

That means about 1/3 of Forum members are CLULESS!!!!

No, it means we are wise enough, to seek the best possible answer(s).

Just because there's now so many people around, doesn't at all mean we can't still reproduce more precious darling children to also enjoy life.
Population problems generally are local not global. For example, I hear there's an excess population problem in Tokyo and Beijing, but there is no such problem in Latvia, on the contrary, our population is shrinking, which is another problem.
I would always agree that sex-education is the key. I strongly believe in openness in schools and within our homes in teaching about safe-sex. Yet we spend billions of dollars on safe-sex here in the states, and it doesnt appear to be working very effectively. So I went with birth restricitions. Even though I am against a government that puts restrictions on such things. If a society is ignorant to the long term effects of having unsafe sex (AIDS, unwanted children, population problems) then maybe a government should step in and put restrictions. It seems to be working in China.

Take care:)

Sorry but it's backfiring in China. There are now too few young people to support an ever-increasing elderly population
Solution to population problem is PROSPERITY. Wealthy societies have fewer children, always. In agrarian societies children are a labor boon; in industrial/information economy they are a financial drain. Population problem solves itself.

That's why I voted "no problem".
Population problems generally are local not global. For example, I hear there's an excess population problem in Tokyo and Beijing, but there is no such problem in Latvia, on the contrary, our population is shrinking, which is another problem.

It is. Also in Russia, China, Japan, and quite a few other places. But that's a solution to what OP called "population problem".
Well yeah they have over populated but thats not the problem
when the chinese have studied animals and insects for many thousands of years
i am very sure they know when to strike at a population
and they would know through there studies the changes in behaviour of animals and insects
there as they have done in the past many years ago will and always will use animals as there army first
second they will use disease as this is obvious how they will do it
and third they will conquer thru critical mass stages
fourth no one will survive
fifth china will over power australia and one rule to rule the world
one govtment one god one rule
as you have noticed the europeans have quite a bit of sickly incidents on their hands
its not like they did or didnt deserve it
its a case of dont fuck with us we fuck back
when a child is thrown in the streets and the people over many years dont do a thing about it .....then cops threaten everyone who tries to help the child
they have been know to do this for many years over one child
then say to everyone well we will do the same to lady diana if we get her
then get caught following lady diana and these people are australians
the chinese will put together any information they want
if they see changes in decisions that are made then maybe they might change their mind on whether or not to make this war a long one or short one
when a child is accused of being a dark angel and is pure blooded
one can assume they have bred this breed for many years
with a dark angel comes a dfark army is nothing no one can do bout it
not the angels fault not the people nt the army
is how it turns out
this army has studied many years of animal signals and behaviour
with the studies no others have got as far as
would people really want to fuck with such a powerful nation
would they really want to throw sumone elses child or sumone elses belief out in the streets
in words like look wht we can do to this and we can torture it and do wht ever we want
\well im sorry for you it has a consequence
and the price for that is so high you have no chance
no one has the studies that china has and never will
no one will be left to whisper a word of what happend when its over
but the chinese will keep records so dont worry it will be talked about one day
It's true that the Chinese government is expert at brainwashing
They prefer it to physical torture, a kind of perverted Confucianism where reformation must be sincere
I don't know about their use of animals
they have plenty of people for cannon fodder
dont' worry Donnal, it will be OK
Anyone calculated what would be the population in 6000 AD? Taking in to consideration people are going to live longer like 20 years for every 100 years?
Re: By 6000 AD, people will have far outgrown the earth, and have moved to far better

Re: By 6000 AD, people will have far outgrown the earth, and have moved on to some far better realm.

Anyone calculated what would be the population in 6000 AD? Taking in to consideration people are going to live longer like 20 years for every 100 years?

Actually, such a calculation is pretty much meaningless, because extrapolating too far into the future from known data, quickly becomes so inaccurate as to make a reasonable estimation impossible. A far more reasonable population estimation, would be something like 8 billion people by 2025 or so.

Also, people living longer, has little to do with population size, as the birthrates among the younger people, has far more demographic size effect.

By 6000, the Biblical endtimes would have come and went, and people done gone to heaven (or that other place), or else people likely would have had to spread to more worlds, as human population is inherently "unstable," designed right from the start, to naturally grow and grow. So the earth would be quite "full up" with people, and like a baby in the womb, eventually the baby outgrows the womb and triggers its own "birth." A little urban sprawl, here and now works well to find or make place for additional people to come, well into "the forseeable future," but 6000 AD is beyond that time frame. I believe it all works itself out, or God has it planned, but by then, it may not look much like what you might expect.