The population problem

What should we do about the population problem?

  • Space colonization of planets/moons

    Votes: 14 16.5%
  • Improve food production (ie. nanotechnology)

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Sex education and availability of safe sex devices

    Votes: 18 21.2%
  • Birth restrictions

    Votes: 25 29.4%
  • There is no population problem

    Votes: 16 18.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 9 10.6%

  • Total voters
What "population problem?"

Originally posted by guthrie
"Recreation? What? You can't enjoy a picnic, if you see other people in the park?

There is such a thing as fish farming, isn't there? I thought "hunting and gathering" (mere uncultivated fishing) had already been assumed to be somewhat obsolete?"

Your being obtuse. recreaction is not spoiled by seeing otehr people, thats just anotehr land use i am suggesting we have changed things to suit ourselves for. AS for fish farming, anyone with any sense sees it has no future. For starters, the artifical environemnt is bad for the fishes health. Secondly, you have to feed salmon etc, on other fish! It takes something like 4 tonnes of them to feed one tonne of salmon. THereby stripping the seas of edible fish even faster.

Well I don't mind if hiking trails are "crowded" or if campgrounds are full of people, as I don't go to get away from people, but to go with a group and meet people.

I think you are being overly pessimistic about fish farming. I think fish might be persuaded to eat even synthetic food substitutes. Or we could eat "synthetic" fish, meat, or food. Just because a concept is in its infancy, and has not been much developed, does not prove that it does not have potential.

Originally posted by guthrie
"And why are the people already living assumed to be of greater value than those to come? Why discriminate against the preborn, just because they aren't here yet to vote? Any gain in human population benefits so many people who could not have lived otherwise, it should be worth some "crowding" to welcome them."

But you are assuming that we can infinitely crowd ourselves, which we cannot. The permitting of many more births might push us over the edge, ro at any rate increases misery for peopel already crowded. Secondly, "preborn" what is this term? Iit is not in any lexuicon of speech i know of. The point is that you cannot make a judgement of hte value of any life until after it is lived. Why do you see living as a benefit? How can you argue that something that doesnt exist might yet want to exist?

The "edge" of the flat earth? What "edge?" The "edge" of gloom and doom "overpopulation" propaganda? What relevance does such fantasy have to do with reality?

Infinitely crowd ourselves? Where did I say any such thing? Just because Julian Simon may claim humans are intelligent, and so can multiply forever, doesn't mean I have to make such absurd statements. Rather, I would hedge my argument with the sensible qualification that humans probably can't multiply on a single finite planet forever, but rather can do so, for "the forseeable future." Perhaps we should talk closer to what we know? Just because the world might not quite hold a billion billion people, does not mean we couldn't squeeze in 30 billion or more. If the earth could hold more than 30 billion, and yet people would perhaps likely never multiply to 30 billion, where is the "population problem?"

Why do people dismiss the desire of people who don't exist yet, to live? I have never understood that. If they are glad, after the fact, to be alive, doesn't that imply, before the fact, that it is good to conceive children? To assume otherwise, is to assume a contradiction, or to be blinded by excessive linear time thinking. God sees the future as plainly as today. We see the future only as a probability of possible outcomes, but we can do better than what you suggest. Surely it is better for my children that they exist, than to not have the opportunity to exist.

world happiness = average happiness x number of people

Surely existing > not existing

more people existing > (is better than) fewer people existing = more people benefitting from whatever or life

Originally posted by guthrie
"So? Why is over 10 billion any "worse" than 6.5 billion? "

Thus speaks the blind man. go live in mexico city or calcutta for a while.

Now what does that have to do with anything? 10 billion wouldn't come anywhere close to populating the world to be like Calcutta. Wouldn't that take around a trillion people to so fill the land with people? If the world now has cities only occupying but 2 or 3% of the land, what effect would increasing the population to 10 billion have? Cities filling 4% of the land? Like that's a big difference we should all get upset over? Like what's the difference? How would we even know the change had occured? The terrible distress of seeing a few suburban developments go up here and there, so people can have affordable housing and not be crowded as their numbers grow? Like that is some big whoop to get all bent out of shape about?

And besides, I don't see the people in Mexico City or Calcutta lining up to commit suicide, and many of them, probably more than for us, still want big families. Mexico City or Calcutta doesn't need fewer people, but they need to have their children, and perhaps spread over more land, or for people to gain wealth so they can tear down the slums and replace them with attractive highrises, designed for spacious accomodations, even at higher population density.

Originally posted by guthrie
"One can't propose lessening human population, without having the responsibility to consider what draconian measures that might entail, and whether "the cure is worse than the disease." And many people probably wouldn't mind living in a more densely populated world, considering all the people who still move from the "uncrowded" countryside to the "crowded" cities."

But of course one has to consider the measure it might entail, but as you can see from populaiton figures, people voluntarily control their birthrate when they can and it is no longer necessary to have 8 children just so that 2 may survive to keep everything going. And your forgetting all the people who move form the crowded cities to the comparatively uncrowded countryside. Lots and lots is how many, in fact some cities have shrunk due to it.

People have fewer children, not so much to not add to world population, but because they are selfish and don't want to be bothered with the "burden" of children. And because society now goes out of its way to make children seem expensive, to justify their own selfishness and hedonistic pursuit of more and more material things, and act like they are important, because of what they have, their careers, and education, rather than for being human beings created in God's image.

Surely you don't think that people have children, just to insure that 2 may survive? Many families want 5 or 8 children, because they expect them all to survive, and want a big family. Some people cherish human life, and still think that creating a precious new human life is a great thing to do, even if it crowds their homes with children. 1 child is worth far more than the house, so so what if one's house is crowded with children? Big deal. They will grow up and move away, soon enough, if not too soon.

From what I read, the draw of the cities, pretty much cancels out any population growth in the countryside. But if people left the countryside for the opportunity of the city, and now (or in the future) are forced to move back to the countryside, but now at urban densities, because there is just getting to be so many, many people, then that's cool! It would be great for our human kind to be so successful as to increasingly fill the land. So many people benefit from any human population increase, who couldn't have lived otherwise, that the "ideal" sized human population, if such a thing could be defined, would be nearly as large as possible. Thus, it would be cool to see less land being underutilized, and human habitats expanding to fill more and more of the land. As I recall, Genesis 1:28, and 9:1, does seem to say to humans to "fill" the earth. Urbanizing the planet to whatever extent needed, is the obvious answer to the population concern. Since most everybody wants to live, and more and more people would be glad to live, and most everybody wants to have children, and space colonization isn't practical yet, isn't the obvious logical answer to population concerns to encourage human populations to grow denser and denser? There is yet plenty of space for expanding human populations to grow into. We can grow outward and urbanize more land. We can grow inward and infill urban areas and populate them more densely. Most cities, at least in America, have lots of space within their borders that has not been used and could be used to construct more housing. We can even grow upwards, and stack people onto multiple floors of highrises, or apartment/condo complexes. Many people prefer the convenience of such living, to the work of mowing grass. After all all these breeders are primarily populating their own homes, aren't they? They hardly need to be "educated" to the risk of "overpopulation." Or as Julian Simon puts it, parents do most all the work of raising children, but society reaps most of the benefits. (i.e. productive workers, scientists, inventors, teachers, taxpayers, customers, etc.)

Originally posted by guthrie
"I prefer a density in which I and all my children are welcome. And where the sanctity of life is respected. Our current density is like a few liberals whining that one lone passenger should be all that is admitted on some big bus or airplane, lest they can't lie across every seat, or might have to endure a little talking or noise. Why those spoiled little brats with no vision or imagination? Why should I care how many people there are out there somewhere outside my home, as long as they leave me alone? I don't mind a very high density, and people living in highrises, to make room for all the more people, as long as the neighbors are friendly and harmless."

Clearly you have rose tinted glasses. You wont get friendly and harmless neighbours in a mad world of breeding people who reproduce as much as they can, which is essntially what you are advocating. ive already mentioned the experiment with rats. Your comparison with whining liberals is braindead.

Whatever are you talking about? Most all large families I have met, had good manners and very respectible children. Wouldn't growing up in a large family, better socialize children for living in a populous world?

And besides, aren't "rose colored glasses" better than mud-colored glasses?

It seems to me that when people didn't bother to count the cost of children, as late as the 1950s, most marriages lasted. Now with the arrival of "the pill," and all the immorality that all this nonsense about "safe sex" entails, we have an epidemic of divorces, STDs, broken hearts, etc. Looks to me like the world's ways aren't working?

Originally posted by guthrie
"Aren't humans going to continue breeding, perhaps no matter what? Maybe more sluggishly due to selfishness and laziness and distractions, or whatever "demographic transition" theory (or is it "contraceptive imperilism?"). Shouldn't we make plans to accomodate the population increase and celebrate all those births and the success of humanity, or look to God for answers and be willing to humble ourselves and submit to God and trust his destiny for us? Rather than plan for failure and mediocrity? What's so wrong with going forward?"

Sheesh, a christian futurist? Ive never met one of them before. See, you believe that god wil provide for you. the rest of us godless people say he wont. or it is very unliekly that he will. One need only look at history to see that. LIke I said before, people are voluntarily restricting their birthrate. Partly due to economic factors, but theres more to it than that. People like you make me sick, effectively saying there is only success with numbers, like a greedy millionaire counting up his hoard.
And as for rat experiments, I cant tell if they were rigged. you cant either. Perhaps you dont know baout the studies into stress on people in cities.

A Christian futurist? What a novel term. Would you care to elaborate on what a "Christian futurist" might be?

Some poster said in response to some question about world population reaching baby "6 billion," that as the earth gets older, the population will get bigger. Well, duh? Many of the responses were actually quite positive. Since God gave humans dominion over nature, nature is powerless to resist our population growth. In fact, nature doesn't even care how populated we get. Nature simply works the way God designed, the earth as a temporary home to accomodate expanding human populations. Human population growth is actually a measure of time, that shows the earth to be "young" (around 6000 years old Biblically), else we should expect there to be a lot more people. Population growth was normal all through history and can be read about clear back in Genesis when Abraham and Lot's tribes separated and spread over more land, to ease conflicts over animal grazing and other resources. God's answer then to population growth was to spread out, never to reduce human birthrates. Children were believed until recently, to be blessings from God. I have concluded that the flatness of the population growth curve, before the time of Jesus's birth, is a falsification designed to explain away the millions and billions of years evolution nonsense. Human populations have been growing all through history, and even in places that aren't yet big on modern medicine and sanitation, human populations still tend to grow relentlessly. I think having dominion doesn't just mean having the ability or intelligence to shape nature, but also could easily mean for humans to grow to be among the most populous of mammals. Not only do humans have dominion over nature, but they are a dominant force of nature, as we should be and were meant to be. Our wealth we accumulate shouldn't be squandered only on accumulating stuff and hedonistic pleasures, but also to share life with all the more people, and to be invested in children, "the future."

"World population is barely large enough for you and I to have been born."

What if both the optimists and the pessimists are right? What if those who plan for success tend towards success, and those who plan for failure tend towards failure? Then what should one be? An optimist or a pessimist?

What do we learn from history?

That people are in rebellion against God, and that tends towards disaster and suffering.

"Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it."

Corollary: "What we learn from history is that we don't learn from history."

We can't tell if the rat experiments were rigged? Oh come on now. Why do you suppose they did those experiments? Of course it wouldn't have had anything to do with trendy "overpopulation" theories? They just thought it cool to torture some rats? Had it been humans, the smart humans would have obviously expanded their cities. But those poor rats? Let's just artificially coup them up in a box, and see what happens? Of course they knew what result they were looking for, and rigged the experiment to "prove" what they already wanted to know. And of course humans behave just like rats, since we just assume evolution to be true, with no proof?

I am one of the "working poor," and yet I have far more stuff in my home, than my parents or grandparents did, when they were my age. My Dad when I was a kid, had his floor model console TV hooked up into his stereo system, when the concept was unheard of. I play video games on my Sony Playstation 2, and of course expect to feel the boom from the falling bridge, in the floor, having it hooked up to my AV TV, hooked into my stereo with 3 way stereo speakers with 12 inch woofers. When I was growing up, it was a "luxury" to have a window air conditioner in the living room of a friend's house. We had fans. Now most everybody in my family has central air conditioning, and I have to wear long pants into most any business or store, lest they freeze with with the ridiculously cold air conditioning.

Funny how it is often the rich, the people who should be able to "afford" the largest families, who worry the most about "overpopulation." The poor see it differently. They say of the poor, that "children are their only wealth." Perhaps the poor are "richer" than the "rich" are? I observe that the more money people have, the less able they seem to be to "afford" children. That only shows that we seriously have our priorities mixed, up, or think we are smarter than God, but obviously are not.
whoa way too long a post for average surfing. skimmed it.

the world population is continuing to explode. no one can deny that because it is the truth. third world countries don't need to be worried about that much in terms of environment destruction because they destroy virtually nothing. their population needs to be controlled for their own well being. first world countries use the most resources per child so need to be controlled even more. yes i am in the group you call "rich" and yes i believe there is a serious problem, not because i can't afford kids as you say. damn, i can afford a dozen kids. i just don't want to be the asshole who contributes to the problem. i don't follow your "god" so any mention of it is irrelevant. i think that you are selfish. selfish for wanting to bring more of your own offspring into a world that is barely providing for the ones already here. instead, give homes to the children that don't have them and forget about conceiving new ones.
Then let the world population "explode." We can't say parents are wrong to give life.

Originally posted by SwedishFish
whoa way too long a post for average surfing. skimmed it.

the world population is continuing to explode. no one can deny that because it is the truth. third world countries don't need to be worried about that much in terms of environment destruction because they destroy virtually nothing. their population needs to be controlled for their own well being. first world countries use the most resources per child so need to be controlled even more. yes i am in the group you call "rich" and yes i believe there is a serious problem, not because i can't afford kids as you say. damn, i can afford a dozen kids. i just don't want to be the asshole who contributes to the problem. i don't follow your "god" so any mention of it is irrelevant. i think that you are selfish. selfish for wanting to bring more of your own offspring into a world that is barely providing for the ones already here. instead, give homes to the children that don't have them and forget about conceiving new ones.

I hardly think I should be the only one to enjoy a large family. I can't have all the children who would be glad to exist. Everyone else should be encouraged to welcome the possibility that their families may also grow large. Large families should be encouraged worldwide. Why discriminate against people not yet born yet? Are we somehow better than they, just because we happened to be born first? What about "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," the Golden Rule? Because I was allowed to be born, shouldn't I help hold the door to life open, for those who are to follow? Children are wonderful, and would of course be welcome to join my family if God allows. I hope many other people feel likewise. I want my children to grow up in a child/family-friendly world. Such a world could much easier accomodate its growing human population. Or if we don't embrace life, will the selfish brats of the succeeding generations knock off us old people, when we don't seem to contribute as much as we used to, so they can steal their inheritances, before their time?

If we don't welcome the newcomers, we also likely won't do much either, to accomodate the people already here.

Even if people could magically be convinced to stop loving their children, to not have so many, wouldn't human populations remain large for decades until people finally pass away from old age? What would have been accomplished? Yet development could be done in as little as a few years, to better accomodate large human populations. Accomodating human population is far more relevant to quality of life, than senseless discrimination against people not conceived yet, which would only deteriate quality and respect for life and human rights, futher. If parents are willing to have children, by all means welcome them to have them. It is not a selfish thing to give the great gift of life. One of the best things we could do for future generations, is to have lots of children. How else will they get to be born?
Re: Promote large families worldwide, so more people can enjoy life!

Originally posted by Pronatalist

God did not create humans to be "too fertile."

No, in fact god did not create humans at all.

There is no evidence for the existence of god. There is evidence for the evolution of life.

Humans are just another life form on this planet. If we persist in breeding like bacteria, we will die like bacteria.

We are sentient I suppose, but we rarely act like it.

I no longer worry about it much, extinction is the inevitable outcome anyway.
Re: Re: Cute irrelevant analogy? Humans just another lifeform? HA!

Originally posted by Repo Man
No, in fact god did not create humans at all.

There is no evidence for the existence of god. There is evidence for the evolution of life.

Humans are just another life form on this planet. If we persist in breeding like bacteria, we will die like bacteria.

We are sentient I suppose, but we rarely act like it.

I no longer worry about it much, extinction is the inevitable outcome anyway.

Ummm. Didn't I hear something somewhere about bacteria dividing or doubling something like every 20 minutes? I think humans would be hard pressed to multiply so rapidly. So what relevance does your analogy hold? Besides, aren't humans of much greater value than bacteria?
Re: Re: Re: Cute irrelevant analogy? Humans just another lifeform? HA!

Originally posted by Pronatalist
Ummm. Didn't I hear something somewhere about bacteria dividing or doubling something like every 20 minutes? I think humans would be hard pressed to multiply so rapidly. So what relevance does your analogy hold? Besides, aren't humans of much greater value than bacteria?

Obviously we cannot come close to the speed of bacteria. I meant reproducing blindly with no thought for the possible consequences.

Humans are very important to other humans. On the cosmic scale of things we are not more important than bacteria.
Re: Re: We should grow human populations on purpose with thoughts for consequences.

Originally posted by Repo Man
Obviously we cannot come close to the speed of bacteria. I meant reproducing blindly with no thought for the possible consequences.

Humans are very important to other humans. On the cosmic scale of things we are not more important than bacteria.

Well sure we should give thought to the possible consequences. How do you suppose that humans came to become so numerous to begin with? We should be proud to grow more and more numerous, on purpose, and adapt our environment to better support large human populations, even building water desalination plants to make ocean water usable, where water might be too scarce for growing cities.

Desalination may be on the way

I think that there are so many people that censuses to determine demographic data, like where to build more roads, water mains, sewers, schools, or where even to locate new businesses in need of customers, is prudent. I do believe we should monitor, but not seek to limit or "control" human population growth. Human population should be the only kind of creature, welcome to grow its populations "unchecked" and without any arbitrary cap on national or world population size. Procreation should be respected as a God-given right, or perhaps even duty, that can never be challenged. While other things can sometimes be done to help the environment, human population growth should always be the untouchable factor, to be compensated for by development or use of better technologies. People have just as much right to enjoy big families in the huge and "crowded" megacities as in the countryside where they might have all the more room to grow into.

The third world is getting so populated, that it is high time they get more toilets, and treated, running water. But they should be free to keep on multiplying and enjoying sex naturally.

The 9th child is just as valuable as the 1st child. Human populations should be encouraged to grow "unchecked."

We should plan for and encourage growth. Of course China should go ahead and build their Three Gorges Dam(s), and such, and plan to go ahead and celebrate the birth of their 2 billionth citizen soon, rather than trying to deny their people's rights to have children. The desire of people to have children is such a worthy goal that it should be accomodated by society, and society willing to grow all the more populated, so its people can be born and welcomed, and given the same human dignity that we would want.
I answered this whole question earlier. The biggest problem with birth restrictions is that the Third World countries that need to implement them aren't really in the position to do it very effectively. The populations of the developed nations are actually
-declining- rapidly.


On an interesting sidenote, China implemented birth restrictions and now there is something like a 20:1 ratio of boys to girls. Looks like they don't be having a big population boom from the rising generation.

Gay man's paradise. :D

Btw, as far as Protenalist's big spiel, it's stupid. :rolleyes:
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population growth is the biggest threat there is to the environment. the earth is being destroyed because selfish people like you want more people when the poor earth can barely sustain the ones that are already here. i value earth and it's environments more than any human to ever walk it. humans are a parasite that stole earth from all the other species and sought to dominate and destroy it.

this whole future people nonsense is absolutely ridiculous. nothing exists before it is made. if i was never born, i wouldn't know the difference because i wouldn't exist.

yet another prime example of how religion sends us hurdling to the end of the world.
Population growth is not the threat. Material usage is. It can be argued that the US is (or was) one of the largest enviromental offenders, but they have a low average population densities.
Colonizing other worlds not practical yet, so grow denser and denser.

Originally posted by Balder1
I answered this whole question earlier. The biggest problem with birth restrictions is that the Third World countries that need to implement them aren't really in the position to do it very effectively. The populations of the developed nations are actually
-declining- rapidly.


Well one big problem I see, is that people aren't going to stop having sex.

People in the third world often refuse to use contraceptives, because they want children and want to get pregnant. Rather than population control, we would do far better to plan to grow.

While people may like to talk or make movies of colonizing other planets, or debate silly anti-life population-obsessed birth restrictions, the obvious answer to population concerns, as humans aren't all that likely to be persuaded that their lives are unimportant and colonization other worlds isn't at all practical yet, is for human populations to grow denser and denser. Urbanize the world to whatever extent needed, because so many people benefit from any gain in human population, that there is no point in trying to limit human population expansion. The human population isn't so big yet that we wouldn't have lots of room to grow denser, and to increase the pidly 2 or 3% of land devoted to cities now. So that is the obvious direction to go.

Originally posted by Balder1
On an interesting sidenote, China implemented birth restrictions and now there is something like a 20:1 ratio of boys to girls. Looks like they don't be having a big population boom from the rising generation.

Gay man's paradise. :D

Ummm. I don't think repressive governments often have much tolerance for sexual deviancy either. I think you have greatly overstated the sex ratio imbalance. But the injustice against the people in being denied their children can't be overstated.

Originally posted by Balder1
Btw, as far as Protenalist's big spiel, it's stupid. :rolleyes:

Oh, so this hedonistic society is all gun-ho about sex-sex-sex, but let a little thing like a baby pop up, and people turn chicken? We need to grow up. It's good for people to have offspring to be responsible for. It teaches them caring, character, maturity, responsibility, conservatism, or something. At least the children benefit by getting to live.

You obviously don't really know what you are talking about, if you think you can solve the problems that come with urbanisation here in this discussion, I suggest you should do your homework better, I did ONE search for a study on urbanisation.

I think you should read it, and THEN come back here and finish the debate,...

Here'sthe link.
Re: Reply to Fukushi -- Some excuse about urbanization a reason to deny human life?

I tried your link, but it didn't work. Usually I can't have too many browser windows left open, run my browser for a long time, and expect a pdf to load. Perhaps when I get my additional RAM, installed?

I don't know what I am talking about? Huh? I am talking about respecting and valuing human life. That means that everybody is welcome to have a place somewhere, even if human populations soar. Problems that come with urbanization, don't have much relevance to the needs of "the many" to live. Such problems can be worked out other ways, without limiting population.

I have noticed that many children's books on the human body or anatamy, show the penis and vagina on one page, or even a drawing of the erect penis in the vagina, a description of how the sperm "shoot" into the female reproductive system, and the baby growing on the next page, without any mention of any means to limit family size. That's much how it should be. A natural expectation that people would want to multiply. After all, it does seem that most people do want to have children. (Like we don't have enough people on the planet now?, some might ask. -- But we can find room for lots more people even so.) Sex should be natural, and the sperm welcome to reach the egg if it can, and make human babies. Children are well worth having. Most every child would want very much to live. So families should be encouraged to possibly grow unusually large and "unplanned," as the 9th child must be just as valuable as the 1st child. When people marry, the reproductive system should be welcome to function naturally, just like any other system of the body, as it promotes life.

They have even showed the baby emerging from the birth canal during prime time TV on shows like NOVA or Nature. With no mention of anti-life "birth control" nor population control. It seems that "family planning" is about something other than reproduction, like being anti-baby or anti-people.

Some Hugo cologne commercial years ago said, "The world is getting smaller. Smell better."

Urbanization? I think the Biblical example is for people to spread out, and to multiply, and increasingly fill the world as we have been doing all through history.

Many of the problems with urbanization have already been solved. Water is treated and pumped to homes, and sewage is safely collected and handled. Trash is collected. Streets, roads, freeways, and even efficient subway systems in large cities, handle the traffic. Many people prefer to live in cities for the proximity to schools, stores, and jobs.

While it might be better for the people in the countryside to enjoy having big families where they have more room to grow into, than people in congested urban areas, aren't the people in big or "crowded" cities valuable too? The problems or headaches that might come for a while with urbanization are but a small price to pay, to accomodate so many people enjoying being alive. I want people to live where they want, and to feel free to leave the "crowded" city if they want. But the population should still be encouraged to grow overall, for the benefit of "the many." If that means more urbanization just to squeeze in all the additional people somewhere, then so be it. I would want to live regardless, and so too would probably my many children I would hope to have if God allows.

Leaders or politicians shouldn't even expect to have all the answers. To try to do everything for all the people only raises taxes, and makes government bigger and more intrusive. Let people solve their own problems. Leaders are supposed to serve the people, not do everything for them.

I do think I know what I am talking about. Human life is of great enough value to be worth taking a few chances for. Human population is what it is. I do not believe it is something that humans should worry about controlling, but rather up to God just how much he wants to grow us.
up to God?!?

Now, I can see why you are a frenzic promoter for out of control copulation. Should have seen this before,...

You can't discuss topics with a prejudiced person.
I explained my vision upon this topic, even changed a bit of insight in to the matter of population control,...

So that's that. point final: it's all there.
Re: So what part of "fill" do you not understand?

Originally posted by Fukushi
Now, I can see why you are a frenzic promoter for out of control copulation. Should have seen this before,...

You can't discuss topics with a prejudiced person.
I explained my vision upon this topic, even changed a bit of insight in to the matter of population control,...

So that's that. point final: it's all there.

Well isn't it rather silly to think that people will stop having sex?

The only restriction God set for humans, is to marry first, due to simple little factors, like that fathers should obviously stick around and take care of their children, and that people should love and care for their mates, rather than merely seek their own selfish sexual gratification.

Why do humans have to complicate and confuse everything? They rebel against God, insisting on having pre-marital sex, and then they don't want to be bothered with the inevitable blessings/consequences, of children?

"Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth." Gen 1:28, 9:1

So what part of "fill" do you not understand?

And yes, I do not believe that humans should try to "control" the growth of human populations, but that is a matter that should be left up to God. For humanity, population growth is progress, as it is all the more people around who can enjoy life. Baby booms should not only be welcome, but welcome to persist as the numbers of people of childbearing age burgeons, and to expand across wider geographic regions. Large families should be encouraged worldwide, so that all the more people can live. Aren't birthdays still a cause of celebration? I would think that the idea that more and more people would want to live, should have been the primary population concern, one very worthy of accomodation. And the Bible clearly supports large human populations. The commandment to people to multiply and fill the earth, while I don't think it implies seeking unnatural fertility treatments if people would rather rely on God to heal their infertility, it does seem to imply that people not use "preventative measures" to limit family size. Reproduction was to be the natural and healthy outlet for "reproductive" urges, not hedonistic sex with barriers to possible conception of babies who would very much like to live too.

You claim I am prejudiced? Huh? Why would I be any more "prejudiced" than any other human who likes to live? What factor have I overlooked?

Why do most all humans think that human babies are cute and adorable? Because they are? Okay. Because we want to be socialable? That would be a good reason too. But couldn't it be also because of some innate desire God put in us, to see humanity increase and multiply? Isn't the possibility of pregnancy, part of what makes sex so sexy? Orgasm isn't really the "big payoff" for sex, because pregnancy is even bigger and improves one's life for a lifetime rather than 10 or 20 minutes. We should have compassion on and care for our offspring, not just because it is "the right thing to do," but also because we are investing in humanity's future. Because people have great value that they apply to themselves, and because God imputes great value to the individual human soul, the desire of each person to live and be accepted, transcends any concerns about overall population size. Human life is sacred, and there is sanctity of life, regardless if that might seem to tend towards huge and "crowded" human populations. Each individual still has the same great worth, no matter the population size. With humans, wouldn't it seem that humans have to come first? Even if we someday have to colonize other planets to make more room for our growing numbers, even though I think that scenario quite unlikely.
Dwayne D L rabon- what decreasing electromagnetic field? Its estoimated to take several thousand more yers before a pole reversal, and then it will likely build back up again like it has done many times before.
Well Gurthie, in relation to food resources the electromagnetic feild determines the motion of atoms in a life form, plant life, the stronger the field the larger the angular motion of the atoms in that life form, the same factor is relative to cell distribution in atoms, meaning cell density, structural deminsion of stablity for vertical growth and horizontial growth for cells increase, the same is true for ionic particles in the upper atomsphere. the result is that with a stronger magnetic field you get more substanial growth per sq ft of soil, deeper roots that increase the number of plants planted per area, as roots can exstract resources at greter depth, instead of taking resources from the sourrounding area where other plants can be grown, so stronger magnetic fields increase spaceing in a crop field increaseing crop out put as well as indivdual yeild of resources,friuts ect from each plant in that new spacing.

Gurthie in relation to a decrease in magnetic feild strenght, the magnetic field strength decrease at a continual rate as the magnetic poles travel to the earths center of axis, plainly the earths axis of rotation which travels at about 1040 mph(miles per hour) inducts the magnetic poles as this happens the reaction changes the strength of the magnetic poles as the magnetic force is either cross eliminated or deflexted in to the earths center of axis, this pattern is what causes changes in the yearly magnetic geiod, also responsible for seasonal changes and growth patters,weather ect.....
More directly the earths axis eventually consumes the magnetic poles inducting them into its center which causes the earths magnetic poles to collaspe, known as a pole reversal, what real happens is that the poles collaspe and then must reform, which is recongnized to reoccur with the new poles in opposite postion. meaning the poles reform in reverse order called a magnetic pole reversal or polar switch. the proccess of the pole reversal takes about 400 years for the poles to reform and return, where in returning in thier new postions they grow stronger and stronger untill they reach the maxium and are completely reformed, when they are at this point the new formation or reappearance of the new poles is at the 45 degree latitude, and from here the proccess of the magnetic poles traveling or moving towards the axis begins again and takes about 5,000 to 7,000 years.
Even though the pole reappear at the 45 degree latitude,( the last one being in mongloia china,) the poles actually begin reformation at the equator and then build up polarity, but the magnetic poles will not reach out of the earth core and surface untill about the 45 degree latitude, so then the reformation starts at the equator and but only passes though the surface when in builds up strong enough somewhere about the 45 degree.
Currently the earths magnetic poles are very close to the earths axis and are reproted by observes to be moving at a quick rate than pervious in the last ten years, in general the motion of the poles have been recorded for about 100 years, the plotting of the poles motions shows a progressing increase as the poles get closer to the earths axis, as this happened over the years and quite clearly the centuries or last 5,000 to 7,000 years the magnetic field has been getting weaker as it is inducted by the earths axis, the effect of the weaking magnetic feild can be seen ion observing or reading the grothw rates of animal and reported size of animals caught during hunting in the latter hundred years or so, the record show a continual decrease in the size of plant life and animal life. At the same time even though the pole are decreasing in field strength, it is moving faster, so it is decreasing but moving faster, this faster motion has increased the neurological reaction of animal life and human life and has increased human intelligence over the many hundreds of years and is why humans have been getting smarter, with invention, orginzation,ect... animals have as well been increasing in intelligence due to the increase in magnetic speed or motion, There is a balance the decrease has cause for less growth but the increase in motion has caused for more cell commuincation, or reaction which has increased human intelligence.

Currently with the new measurements of the polar motions increase in travel towards the earths axis, it is estimated that it will take 10 to 40 years for the magnetic poles to collaspe or begin reversal. the figure of 10 years is apllied because the earths magnetic feild is in reactance with the suns magnetic feild wich switchs every 11 years and may cause the earths magntic feild to prematurely switch, but as well it may cause the poles to slow down and add a few years(say 5 years) this is possibly because the suns magnitc feild will be opposite or the same as the earth, the effect of this reaction between the two magntic feilds of the earth and sun would buy more time if in oppostion rather than in the same direction. even so regardless of the suns magnetic effect on earths feild the present speed of the earths magnetic poles would reach the earths axis in about 40 years, or the point of the earths axis where the poles break apart. the earths axis is with in 5 degrees or so of the geographical north pole, reported to be about 87 degrees. or 87 degrees east, which is closer to russia than canada. if this accurate theere may be as many as 60 years before the magnetic poles reach the acutal axis, but however the magntic poles are exspected to collaspe befor reaching the physical or actual axis of the earth, and this leads to spectualation of the actual point of collaspe and so the best estimate in all saftly is 10 to 40 years.

so then we can see that the magnetic feild has been decreasing in magntic feild strength, and that the pole reversal will be soon, for many 40 years might seem like a long time, but the possiblity of 10 years demonstrates a concern for each individual to pay attention to the event.

Dwayne D.L.Rabon
Magnetic fields relate to what again? Did I miss something?

What is all this talk of magnetic fields?

Do you sell magnets for living or something?

So magnetic fields are weaker or something? So what?

Perhaps humans could sense magnetic fields, and had a sense of direction, before the Great Flood, and now we can't?

So what?

We have maps, GPSs, signs, compasses, etc. for navigation.

So what?

What's the significance?

Tell how big population is so wonderful to all the people who get to live, and why human population growth isn't the problem educated idiots claim it is.

I'm not sure what to relate magnetic fields to. I think electric motors and such, produce their own magnetic field they need.
My other referred to better distribution of food currently grown and better immigration intakes for the present situation, in which people do not have to starve when you match food supply prodcued and population. Eventually i think colonoisation of Mars is a good idea.
Welcome the masses to multiply so more people can enjoy living.

Originally posted by ele
My other referred to better distribution of food currently grown and better immigration intakes for the present situation, in which people do not have to starve when you match food supply prodcued and population. Eventually i think colonoisation of Mars is a good idea.

Yes, we should feed all the people and welcome them to live where they want. Food production, environmentalism, medical care, immigration, and all that, should be towards encouraging major population growth, so that more and more people can enjoy living. Large families should be encouraged worldwide, and people everywhere encouraged to multiply naturally without any means of anti-life "birth control."

I like the idea of colonizing Mars, as humanity should be welcomed to outgrow the earth, but I think it unlikely we will colonize other planets, because I don't see that in the Bible before the Biblical endtimes. Colonizing other worlds doesn't seem practical anytime soon so for the time being, the most practical thing for accomodating all the people, is to welcome human populations to grow denser and denser, and to urbanize the planet to whatever extent needed to welcome and accomodate everybody.