The population problem

What should we do about the population problem?

  • Space colonization of planets/moons

    Votes: 14 16.5%
  • Improve food production (ie. nanotechnology)

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Sex education and availability of safe sex devices

    Votes: 18 21.2%
  • Birth restrictions

    Votes: 25 29.4%
  • There is no population problem

    Votes: 16 18.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 9 10.6%

  • Total voters
Kicks ass
1845 posts
What kind of education if not sex education?

Education to the persons ability.....
Ability to....? Even if we were all completely educated, population would still be a problem. We are running out of natural resources, I dont understand what you mean.
As I said already, only people of color are causing population problem. The solution is to paint everyone's skin white :D
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Ya, like we dont already have an abundance of white folk:D


My answer is actually half joke and half serious. By studying the reasons why the population of white folks are decreasing, you find the solutions to the problem.
Reminds me of the Manifold scifi novels.

We can't go for more resources to solve it. Pop will grow exponentially and the required resources will too. Then we will be forced to expand faster and faster until we hit a limit to how fast we can expand. You can't colonize and expand your habitat bubble faster than light! After that resources gained will lag behind the resources needed. Demand goes shooting up. Humanity will be torn apart in wars and chaos. However many people die won't matter, those people will keep fucking and making babies and pop will shoot right back up. The old people won't die because of advanced anti aging tech that will be up and running by then. By then the human race is done for. We get stuck in perpetual chaos and advance no further.

So, two ways. Increase supply ... or...

...decrease demand. Virtually eliminate human reproduction. This would be far easier if the human race could somehow achieve collective consciousness or if no stupid religious barriers existed. We could sterilize everyone at birth, and grow separate genitals from stem cells or ripe zygotes (harvested and grown at will from a separately developed gene pool, donated by people with blood samples etc). Reproduce only to keep the race from dying out and whittle that pop down. Have some sort of "hatcheries" or "hives" where reproduction will occur only when necessary. Gene pool growth? No problem, we could keeep reproducing and expanding it on a cellular level. All separate cells grown from separate genitals, and eliminate the sex drive from every human. Then, we could keep expanding at a much slower rate, long enough to develop enough technologies to do something about this crazy fucked up problem. The stupid problem of entropy and how to avoid the heat death it prophesies.
Ability to....? Even if we were all completely educated, population would still be a problem. We are running out of natural resources, I dont understand what you mean.


Educated populations have a falling birth rate.
Virtually eliminate human reproduction.

I dont think we'd have to go that far. Couldn't we just give a limit of 1 child per couple in the world? Or something along those lines?

All separate cells grown from separate genitals, and eliminate the sex drive from every human.

That would suck!
Nobody suggested prosperity???

The most effective damper on the birthrate is also the easiest to sell: prosperity. For a great many reasons, not all of which make sense but still have an undeniable correlation, poorer populations have birth rates above replacement rate and richer ones just the opposite.

The birth rates in Europe, U.S., Canada and Japan have already fallen below replacement rate. The only reason our population continues to grow is immigration. Even in the developing nations, economic conditions have improved from abysmal to merely dismal, and birth rates have dropped from catastrophic to merely scary. Estimates of the world population doubling within our lifetime have changed to just peaking within our lifetime and then backing down, even at the current rate of poverty abolition.

If you want to save the planet, do something to improve the lot of its poorest inhabitants. Prosperity no longer requires smokestacks and deforestation. Building an Information Age economy isn't terribly expensive or dirty. And people whose children aren't dying are more able to expend energy and capital on conservation, which is a luxury in the Third World right now.
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Honestly, the only answer is AIDS.

Let me explain: AIDS can only be contracted through blood. So those not infected would not get it unless they come in direct contact. Thus, when all AIDS patients die, the disease ceases (of course, some one could contract it from an animal).

I honestly believe that there is already a cure for AIDS. AIDS is not like cancer either. Once its gone from the population, its gone. If someone were to systematically integrate AIDS into a densely populated area, Earth might be able to hang on for a bit longer. Our planet is going to fall into a shit hole very soon. The United States' economy is dropping rapidly, and the Euro coin is becoming stronger (i believe), so Europe will become more powerful than America some time in the future. The problem is that Europe's population is decling and many people are emigrating from Europe. So, their economy will fal as well.

Its easy to see, for me, that the US definitely needs to switch to the Metric system (who are we kidding with this bullshit). Each small step towards a world community means greater prosperity (and most of all life) for all. This can only be is the population is controlled soon and precisely.

Listen to this song: Biohazard - Uncivilization
(of course it isnt true, but it does hold a good point)
Heh, I think that calling the problem overpopulation is a pretty sadistic way of looking at it.

Whereas some see it as there being too many people (How anti-social!) I see it as there not being enough food and shelter, just that simple.
I have read that the entire world population could fit into New Zealand, ( 1 square metre each ). But that does leave a heck of a lot of space .

there are a lot of ways to solve population of these is setting up space colony...

Im sorry, but that is the most irrational statement that i have ever heard. The population problem is going to collapse on the earth very soon... and we havent even been to Mars. We are going to be out of fuel in the year 2030 (i think), and you want to set up a space colony. You seriously need to do some reading before making such smug assertions... Of course it would be the ideal plan, but its nearly impossible.

Secondly, that wouldn't solve the population problem. Solving the problem requires some kind of a damper on the growth rate. Your plan does not do that.
Hey Slacker 47.

" but its nearly impossible ".

The only thing that is impossible is finding the impossible.

Nothing is impossible .. It is just another challenge..
Sorry Slacker 47.

I don't want to pick on you. BUT !!.

" We are going to be out of fuel in the year 2030 (i think) ",

Is the Sun going out ??.. Wind ??.. Wood even ??.. Waves ??.. Hydro ???.. Thermal ??.. Etc.. Etc.. ???.. Ad infinitum..
Methinks the only viable options are a reduction in the birth rate, or an increase in the death rate. Neither will happen fast enough to avoid calamity. The calamity will be the solution.

Is the Sun going out ??.. Wind ??.. Wood even ??.. Waves ??.. Hydro ???.. Thermal ??.. Etc.. Etc.. ???.. Ad infinitum..

I know that, I am soooo big on energy conservation and green power. The problem is that most countries are doing nothing to prepare for this event. Bush is just postponing the point at which the United States runs out of gas by attacking (and trying to conquer) the Middle East. Once the time arrives, tje entire population will panic, the economy will die, and people will say: "Shit, we shoulda listened to those treehuggers back in the 90's."

Nothing is impossible .. It is just another challenge..

I meant that it is impossible in the time span that we have left. At this current rate, the earth will be a complete shit-hole very soon. Probably while you are still alive. Just warning you.


That is exactly what I think, too. (kinda hoping, too)