The Passion of the Christ


Valued Senior Member
The Passion of the Christ
Although I'm an atheist I really liked this movie. It's quite moving - quite literally to tears. The woman behind me in the movie theater was totally losing it. And my friend I saw the movie with – she lost it a little as well. Anyway, religious or not it’s a moving movie.

Disclaimer: If you’re a little out there you may not want to go see this movie – for fear of pushing yourself right over the edge. Yes I mean you The Visitor :)
im probably gonna see it, but is it just about the torture of a guy for 12 hours, or is there any point/plot to it?
alain said:
im probably gonna see it, but is it just about the torture of a guy for 12 hours, or is there any point/plot to it?
M*W: I'm not gonna waste my time nor money on this farce. How many others were crucified under Roman rule? That wasn't Yeshua hanging there, it was Barabbas. Christians are so gullible. They need a dying demigod savior, and it's ridiculous. They're not saved at all!
Michael said:
The Passion of the Christ
Although I'm an atheist I really liked this movie. It's quite moving - quite literally to tears.

Do you like and are you moved by violence? Are you moved by lack of mercy? Are you moved by prayers not being answered? Are you moved by the death of the innocent?

What exactly is moving you??, because all the above angers me.

Just like MW, I'm not wasting my money, time, or emotional state over such a distastefull movie.
Michael said:
Although I'm an atheist I really liked this movie.
The movie strings antisemitic stereotypes together like beads on a rosary, and then plays them for the ever lasting financial glory of Gibson et al.

The Passion narrative itself is a wholly unsubstantiated story, authored by an increasingly Gentile sect at a time characterized by Yahve and bracketed by Masada and bar Kochba - a sect increasingly hostile to Judaism and more than willing to embellish an unremarkable execution with awkward Midrash using the 22nd Psalm and the scapegoat story as proof text.
I think that it is kinda funny that the guy who plays Christ was struck by lightning while shooting the movie.

Is it a sign?
CA, you have not seen the movie, correct? I haven't seen the movie, but I think quite a few people are being presumptous.
There were so many movies which were anti ISLAM and anti muslims, Muslims did not make so much fuss about them, make you wonder why the 'usual' anti semitic charges as flying all around with this film ???? :rolleyes:
Muslims don't fuss about anti muslim, or anti islamic stuff? That is blatently incorrect. Have you forgotten about the muslim state issued fatwa against Salman Rushdie, even today the muslim community are thristy for his blood. What about the whole fuss that Muslims created over the symbol of Nike on shoes. How about burning theatres down in India, and UK when so called anti muslim movies are showing.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I'm not gonna waste my time nor money on this farce. How many others were crucified under Roman rule? That wasn't Yeshua hanging there, it was Barabbas.
And you know that how? Alien revelation? Past life regression? Ouija board? Tarot cards?
ConsequentAtheist said:
And you know that how? Alien revelation? Past life regression? Ouija board? Tarot cards?
M*W: So you think people who are "enlightened" need to use divination techniques to find the answers to deeply spiritual questions? My, my, you do live a very sheltered life! I'm surprised as intellectual as you would have us think you are, I wonder why you don't seem to understand spiritual matters? Could it be your deep-seated negativity? Give that some thought.
crazymikey said:
Muslims don't fuss about anti muslim, or anti islamic stuff? That is blatently incorrect. Have you forgotten about the muslim state issued fatwa against Salman Rushdie, even today the muslim community are thristy for his blood.

I think you are so misinformed, who issued the fatwa againt salman rushdie ? it was the mad mullah, Al khomini in Iran, this shia man DOES NOT represent Islam, he represent the 10% shia minority within the Muslim world, so his so called stupid fatwa is not biding.

it is this STUPID fatwa that gave rushdie the publicity he does not deserve.

I have nothing against salam rushdie, he is a scumbag, but if he chose to be one, then so be it.

What about the whole fuss that Muslims created over the symbol of Nike on shoes.

We are talking about the anti muslim movies, there are many anti muslim movies where they framed Muslims as evil terrorists, we did not complain so much because we know it is all load of BS.

As to Nike symbol, we protested in civilized way and the matter was solved.

How about burning theatres down in India, and UK when so called anti muslim movies are showing.

I never heard of muslims burning down theatres in India, in fact, it is the muslims who are burnt ALIVE in India by the hindus:


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As to the UK, the only incident I remember was Muslims PROTESTING ( not burning ) against a theatre show which depict Jesus (pbuh ) as homosexual, mind you, we Muslims get offended if someone insulted Jesus(pbuh ) he is our prophet as well.

I dont recall any time where muslims burnt down theatres in the UK !! :confused:
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Muslims don't fuss about anti muslim

Apparently, the man who issued the fatwa does not represent Islam. Yet you do, and you're publically called him a scumbag.

In fact I recently read a recent article, when Salman Rushdie went to India recently, of the Muslim league of India offering an award of 100,000 rs to the person who will publically blacken(literally) his face. In fact, the Muslim league threatened the state, that if Salman Rushdie is not ejected from the country, they will start riots.

Do they also not represent Islam?

So you don't make a fuss eh? Not from what my research has uncovered:

Dharamputra (1961)
Yash Chopra’s directorial debut involved two families -- one Hindu and the other Muslim -- living in harmony until Partition rips them apart. The film immediately triggered off communal strife all over the country. What incensed fundamental forces was the idea of a Muslim man falling in love with a Hindu girl. Irate mobs disrupted screenings of the film all over the country and it was taken off even before it was properly screened.
Chopra vowed never to make a controversial film again.

Bombay (1995)
It was Shekhar Kapur who once said 'intercommunal romances are okay. But never a Hindu-Muslim liaison.' The perennial rule breaker Mani Ratnam broke the unwritten law when he showed his Muslim heroine Manisha Koirala eloping and marrying his Hindu hero Arvind Swamy and getting trapped in the vortex of the 1993 Mumbai riots.
The film had a Bal Thackeray-like figure played by Tinnu Anand. The Shiv Sena supremo’s consent was sought over-and-above the official Censor Board before the film’s release. All hell broke loose after Bombay’s release. Theatres screening the film were threatened with dire consequences and a bomb was hurled at the director at his home in Chennai. Who said filmmaking is a safe endeavour?

Riots in Bhopal over "Gadar"

There have been riots in Bhopal as the Muslims have objected to some scenes in the new Sunny Deol, Amisha Patel movie "Gadar-Ek Prem Katha". The movie set during the Indo-Pak partition deals with the travails of Kartara Singh (Sunny) and Sakina (Amisha), who play the roles of a Sikh and a Muslim respectively. What apparently set the mob off were a couple of scenes where the Muslim girl is show offering namaz wearing a vermillion dot. There are other scenes in the movie which have been considered to be vulgar and anti-Muslim. Police had to resort to lathi charge and firing of tear gas shells to control the mob which was pelting stones and throwing petrol bombs at the movie theater. Police say that the movie was passed by the censor board and there is nothing much they can do about it. But they suspect the handiwork of a local politician behind the incident.

I also distinctly remember the the mobs started by Muslims a while back, in this war movie from India called BORDER. Multiple theatres were burnt down, and many died. Here in London, we had fights at the theatres, and I remember reading, how security was tightened at theatres where this movie was showing.

The whole fuss was over a 2 min scene, showing a hut burning from mortar fire, and an Indian soldier running into the flaming hut and getting the Quran for an old Muslim man. I watched it out of curiosity, and there was absolutely nothing anti-muslim about it.

Now, do none of these represent Islam either. Don't be hypocritical.

Regarding muslims being burned in India. You are probably right, and probably the same is happening to some Hindu's. It is not a state problem, especially when the president of India is a muslim.

You are generalizing all the time "we musilms don't fuss" "Hindu's are burning muslims" all cultures are capable of irrationality, prejudice and dire acts, it is deep-seated in our human psyche. However don't generalize. Not all jews are fussing over The Passion of Christ. Not all muslims burn down theatres. Not all Hindu's burn Muslims.
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Im not religious by any means but I would have to say this movie "story" about "Jesus" is rather insightful. Wether or not you believe in God or Jesus or anything of that nature there are many insights to ideal and thoughts posed in this movie. I went to see it to satisfy my curious mind. I try to give equal thought and time into all the major ideals and religions and philosophies. I think everyone can get something out of this movie thats worth $7 or less dollars and a 2 or so hours of their time. But as for me I give it 2 thumbs up, It was really gorry to the extreme but there was apoint behind all that gore that most do not and will not see. I think Mel Gibson did an excellent job.

crazymikey said:
Apparently, the man who issued the fatwa does not represent Islam. Yet you do, and you're publically called him a scumbag.

Did I say I represent Islam ? Salman rushsie is SCUMBAG, in fact he is not rotten one.

You are so concerned about this scumbag but you are not concerned about the insults he wrote in his book against Muslims ?? what a hypocrite you are ?

In fact I recently read a recent article, when Salman Rushdie went to India recently, of the Muslim league of India offering an award of 100,000 rs to the person who will publically blacken(literally) his face. In fact, the Muslim league threatened the state, that if Salman Rushdie is not ejected from the country, they will start riots.Do they also not represent Islam?

where ? in hate anti muslim site ???? give me a break !! you are not concerned about the feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims, you just want to defend a scumbag !

So you don't make a fuss eh? Not from what my research has uncovered:

I did not know you are a distinguished researcher !! :rolleyes:

I also distinctly remember the the mobs started by Muslims a while back, in this war movie from India called BORDER. Multiple theatres were burnt down, and many died. Here in London, we had fights at the theatres, and I remember reading, how security was tightened at theatres where this movie was showing.

I dont accept rumours and hearsay....if you dont support your above statements with solid credible proof, then you are a liar.

The whole fuss was over a 2 min scene, showing a hut burning from mortar fire, and an Indian soldier running into the flaming hut and getting the Quran for an old Muslim man. I watched it out of curiosity, and there was absolutely nothing anti-muslim about it.
Now, do none of these represent Islam either. Don't be hypocritical.

so it is you ( the non muslim ) who decide which part was offensive and which was not ?? :rolleyes:

Regarding muslims being burned in India. You are probably right, and probably the same is happening to some Hindu's. It is not a state problem, especially when the president of India is a muslim.

It is a state problem, Muslims in India are MINORITY, the hindus are burning muslims and christians alive.

You are generalizing all the time "we musilms don't fuss" "Hindu's are burning muslims" all cultures are capable of irrationality, prejudice and dire acts, it is deep-seated in our human psyche. However don't generalize. Not all jews are fussing over The Passion of Christ. Not all muslims burn down theatres. Not all Hindu's burn Muslims.

I agree, but my point was the USUAL anti semitic stick always start hitting at anyone who dares to even question the jews ! hell, 2 weeks ago I was accused of being anti semitic ( although I am semitic myself being an arab ) just for quoting that one member here is actually a jew !!!!!!!!!
Quote: "M*W: I'm not gonna waste my time nor money on this farce. How many others were crucified under Roman rule? That wasn't Yeshua hanging there, it was Barabbas. Christians are so gullible. They need a dying demigod savior, and it's ridiculous. They're not saved at all!"

First of all, I agree that Jesus (Yeshua) suffered no more than anyone else that was crucified, but I don't understand when you say it was Barabbas hanging there instead of Yeshua. What do you mean?
M*W believes all sorts of crazy stuff. But the substitution explanation originally comes from the forged gospel of Barnabas where Judas was crucified.