The Nonsense of Atheists

The rise in atheism is the result of human philosophy going through puberty, rebelliously shattering the mind forged manacles of history. Let me stand on my own two feet as a have long since learned to walk alone.

I wander thro’ each charter’d street,
Near where the charter’d Thames does flow
And mark in every face I meet
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every Man,
In every Infants cry of fear,
In every voice; in every ban,
The mind-forg’d manacles I hear.

How the Chimney-sweepers cry
Every blackning Church appalls,
And the hapless Soldiers sigh
Runs in blood down Palace walls.

But most thro’ midnight streets I hear
How the youthful Harlots curse
Blasts the new born Infants tear
And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.
– William Blake, 1794*

its the folly of the gross materialist that they can't understand that existence literally forces them to bow down at every moment of their waking and sleeping life, with the grand finale being when they finally drop dead
its the folly of the gross materialist that they can't understand that existence literally forces them to bow down at every moment of their waking and sleeping life, with the grand finale being when they finally drop dead

The folly is on the part of those who live in an unrealized fantasy who's head-space is lock and cocked and pointed at me; it's on the part of those who desire more than they can ever have and wait and weep until death delivers it; it's on the part of those who don't see that there is grandeur in this life.

“There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” - Charles Darwin
kind of like the argument that black people stand outside of human society proposed by the capitalists who had an interest in the salve trade of yesteryear


That substitution technique is recognised as a flawed debating technique. Please try to make reasonable arguments.
its the folly of the gross materialist that they can't understand that existence literally forces them to bow down at every moment of their waking and sleeping life, with the grand finale being when they finally drop dead

Bow down? What are you talking about?
That substitution technique is recognised as a flawed debating technique. Please try to make reasonable arguments.
on the contrary, applying the same general principle of an argument to a variety of circumstances is the best way to determine how buoyant it is.

Arguing that there is no infringements of rights based on an arbitrary designation is circular at best, and downright criminal at worst.
I think you miss the glaring inadequacy of the proposal. Even if we were to dish out a (quite generous) quantity of credibility and assume that he has nailed down exactly what a religious experience entails, he hasn't moved an iota in contextualizing the claim of an experience of god to an materialist/atheist agenda. I mean suppose that he induced a perception of cocktail umbrellas by the use of a magnetic helmet in a lab - would that be sufficient grounds for contextualizing the validity of claims of experiencing cocktail umbrellas?

Its an astounding case of atheistic douche baggery trying to borrow from the credibility of science at the expense of philosophy (which, btw, seems all the rage now)
If material force can induce a subjective religious experience in the brain, then that kind of undermines the notion that it's something supernatural. By the way, drugs proved this already long ago.
Ah, the senses are how we experience life. Or you could "bow your head" to a non-existent abstraction and ignore everything around you. That is truly tragic.
If material force can induce a subjective religious experience in the brain, then that kind of undermines the notion that it's something supernatural. By the way, drugs proved this already long ago.
So if material force could induce a subjective experience of a cocktail umbrella, then that would undermine the notion that a cocktail umbrella has an existence outside of one's cognitive facilities?

Or is there something markedly distinct from the subjective experience of cocktail umbrellas that renders them different?
Ah, the senses are how we experience life. Or you could "bow your head" to a non-existent abstraction and ignore everything around you. That is truly tragic.
I'm not sure you understand.
The tragedy of serving the senses is that one misses the opportunity of actually controlling them ....
on the contrary, applying the same general principle of an argument to a variety of circumstances is the best way to determine how buoyant it is.

No, it's particularly childish. Failing to recognise the differences between the items can radically change the context. You abstracted to absurdity. You failed.
sorry for the long post but there was SOO much to respond to..

and there was no need to.

you keep on with this 'we are not all the same' shpiel but your posts have shown that your arguments are inconsistent and the rest of it is nonsensical. you get defensive when you are labeled a christian or are religious but never state exactly what you believe that makes you a christian. furthermore, it's contradictory to be defensive that everyone has a 'different piece of the puzzle' that is valid but don't say this other christian's opinions are my own as if that makes any difference. there is no reason to be defensive if that is your belief, it's just bs. that's like saying don't say i condone rape even though i think other people's opinions are a 'piece of the puzzle' and god wants them to have these valid opinions but don't pin it on me.

it's all a round about fabricated bullshit to find a way to evade criticism personally as well as indirectly defend christianity or religion or any christian's beliefs. this is what you have been doing repeatedly as well as lori's. if your beliefs are really contradictory or in disagreement with others, then you would have had arguments with eachother's posts or pointed them out and why. don't pretend that you have problems with religion but are passive, it's just total bs. even jan ardena and solcado have differing opinions and argue about it. don't toy with us as if we are as deceptive as you because it's clear and we aren't that stupid. it's called calling a spade a spade which you are afraid to do, either because you are hiding your true beliefs or you are just lazy.

for instance, you believe that a belief in god means something other than just that people believe in god or think that a god must have created the universe. it doesn't necessarily have to do with anything beyond that. it doesn't mean they are 'doing something with it that is correct or incorrect, right or wrong'. do what with it? lmao. wake the hell up, dude.

i find the way you reason to be deceptive.
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the pigeonhole comment was me not lori..why do you keep getting that confused? why do you keep thinking that ALL christians talking here are talking from the same beliefs?? there is lots of differences between lori's beliefs and mine..that doesn't (always) make either of us just means we see different aspects of continually keep trying to 'lump' us all we all believe the same things (plural)..there is a common belief,yes, but that doesn't mean we share the same beliefs for the details..maybe god wants/needs you to have a different opinion.

in your church history did every member act the same way (not at church) or did they each have their own imperfections?

why do atheists put up with this bs?

this whole post is deceptive as well as stupid. if they are all valid then getting defensive is indicative that one is hiding their real beliefs while defending just what one is supposedly claiming they don't represent. it's like saying i defend nazi's but just because i'm a nazi doesn't mean we are all the same. it's circular bullshit. :bugeye:

its not the belief that is causing those is what ppl are doing with their beliefs that cause the problems..
we can tell you have had bad experiences with religion, your hate shows through your posts..your hate is turning into bigotry and hate ALL thing matter if they are good or not..
if you dont get perspective then i will look forward to seeing you on americas most wanted..(be sure to mention your user name so i can point and say 'told you so') one ever answered me..what do you call an atheist who hates god?

totally missed the point.

this person keeps claiming they are not religious and now indirectly defending religion because it's the 'people' are the ones who make it 'bad' or 'good'.

the point was that many people believe in god or believe god is responsible for creation but that doesn't mean that belief has any bearing on what kind of character they have or what they do or what they think in life anymore than acknowleding that the moon exists has some bearing on what i do or don't. ask any random person on the street and most people believe that a god must have created the world or universe. wth does that have to do with what they do or don't do? btw, what do you call a lying, cheating, and whoring criminal that believes in a god? does that make any difference? does that belief make any tangible realistic difference at all? so an atheist that supposedly argues against religion or the concept of a god/deity is dangerous and they supposedly 'hate' god? but not the many sinners and assholes who believe in a god out there just the same? does the drug dealer that believes in god not dangerous? are these theists really that fuking stupid? :shrug:

of course i dislike all things 'christian', since that denotes a religion. i don't hate everything in the bible, it's been stated repeatedly that there are moral lessons/metaphors in the bible.

how is it possible that these people can function at all in society? does their brain work at all?:eek:
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NM Squirrel,

Can you define this god that you believe in ? ”

any attempt to do so will find someone disagreeing with it. one size does not fit all..

Of course, would you expect us to just believe without something valid in it's definition to justify the belief ?

“ The problem is not that I don't respect your choice to believe, it's that when asked to really define as best as possible this god, the slope gets very slippery. ”

thats why only you can choose to believe or not. you know your size..


“ You are left with pure endless speculation or you create a new religion. ”

egads..not another religion..why can't a person just believe and not have to be in any religion??
its fun to speculate..isn't that how a lot of science came to be?

You can, if you only claim faith and not try to justify the belief with definitions then sure, why not. The reason I raise the question is really for you the believer. What god am I believing in ? is a good question.

If you choose something that is essentially hidden away, something that has no definition, then nothing can be attached to it, no actions or responsibilites can be assigned to it. It's just there.

In which case then you should have no problem with someone who chooses not to believe in something that is supposedly just there.

My wife is very spiritual, she can't define it, she just believes there is something more to it. She makes no claims of knowledge and she also understands it's possibly just a side effect of our conciousness.

It's very hard to accept the fact that we will all one day die.

“ So define away. ”

just cause i see him one way

Ok, but how do you see him ? That would be the start of defining it/him. At which point you start to create the religion, at least for yourself.

What's the point in a god if it doesn't do anything ?

It must do something, so how do you see this entity interacting in our lives or our world ?

“ IOW, you don't have to believe in god for things to be the way they are, you are just choosing to do so. ”

i choose to..everyday i choose to..every post i choose to..its not a one shot decision.

Ok, you have chosen to believe. So then I ask in what ?

Again, don't answer it for me. I don't believe. It's a question that I would ask myself if I believed. Otherwise I don't know what I am believing in.

Maybe that is a difference in us. Which in the end is fine, nobody has such knowledge.

“ So then it gets back to what god, define your god. ”

define oneself..

5' 10" 170 lbs, brown hair, green eyes, like sports, backpacking, mountain climbing, kayaking, rafting, skiing, fishing, beer, women in hot outfits, women naked, love my wife and kids at least most of the time LOL. Do I need to continue ?

“ There is no way to do this without making claims of knowledge. ”

which gets argued with..what answer would be acceptable for an atheist?
(don't answer 'proof' or 'evidence')

Well you can't provide proof. But with a definition comes scrutinization. When we scrutinize this definition we will find additional questions. Maybe some that you haven't thought of. See, this is why there are religions. The more the god is defined, the more questions raised and more definitions have to be added. Pretty soon, man is claiming to know exactly what god they are believing in. And unless this god spoke to man and the texts are truly the word of god, then man made it up.

You created this god you believe in because you are not following a god of the bible or koran right ?

At some point you should be able to define what kind of actions it takes etc

If there was something that proved to you there was a god would you believe ? YES ”

does that proof have to be tangible/emperical? why can't it be emotional/spiritual/psychological/etc

It could be. I guess I would know if/when I encountered it. But I would need to have enough of a signficant interaction that I could define it to some degree.

“ Smart, educated theists understand this, that is also why they believe in evolution and allow it to fit in with their religious views. Because they get to a point where arguing against the evidence makes them look the fool, and they aren't. ”

Proverbs 10:14
The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.
Proverbs 13:16
All who are prudent act with knowledge, but fools expose their folly


“ Originally Posted by jpappl
We don't need the bible or the koran or any other specific text to teach us this. ”

that doesn't mean we can't find the good that is in them.IOW its not an excuse to NOT read them.
wisdom comes from any direction, the fool is the one who refuses to look in all directions..(look both ways before you cross..)

True, maybe you have chosen to avoid a label because of all the bad in them. It's fine to pick and choose what inspires you. If you are not claiming to follow a religion, and use the texts to find inspiration then you are just finding ideas that correlate with who you are as a person. You're finding that which supports your personal philosophy.

“ The theist who wants to do good will find that which encourages such behavior in the bible. The bad guy can find things which are condoned by god to do bad. ”


:) Which is why the world is best viewed as gray and not black and white.