The nature of the relationship between theists and atheists

for chrissakes, lg. that does not follow. we aint defacing church property or assaulting christians. i goddamn exemptions...freedom to form cults, worship......whatnot.
stick to your own goddamn space
for chrissakes, lg. that does not follow. we aint defacing church property or assaulting christians. i goddamn exemptions...freedom to form cults, worship......whatnot.
stick to your own goddamn space
forcibly placing god in the private sector and forcibly placing industry/economic development in the public sector does tend to place religious activities in a specific context
Our deeply personally religious founding citizens made it that way for a good reason. What if the religion in the public sector was not one you could agree with?
Our deeply personally religious founding citizens made it that way for a good reason. What if the religion in the public sector was not one you could agree with?
I guess it would be similar to one's country having an economic policy or course of action (like say the invasion of iraq) that one does not agree with
present day or circa 1960?
Regardless whether a particular paradigm is oppressive to a greater/lesser extent, a dominant paradigm remains a dominant paradigm.