The nature of the relationship between theists and atheists

What a deeply stupid question! Of course not. But it was a directed, well thought out, course of behavior designed to bring about some desired outcome. The motivation was clearly one of human compassion and a desire to improve the condition of others.

Or do you think he just did it for kicks?

He was inspired by other delusional freaks like him.
Gandhi coined the term Satyagraha to describe his philosophy of nonviolent resistance. The concept was influenced by the notion of ahimsa in the Hindu Upanishads and the tenets of Jainism, as well as various theorists of nonviolent resistance and nonresistance including Jesus (particularly the Sermon on the Mount), the Imam Hussein, Leo Tolstoy (particularly The Kingdom of God Is Within You), John Ruskin (particularly Unto This Last), and Henry David Thoreau (particularly Civil Disobedience)
Well they all believed in sky daddies, so clearly they were delusional freaks. :shrug:
Ooookay. The delusion of "sky daddies" is part of the dichotomous nature of many peoples approach to their world view, which is what I thought I said before. But that dichotomy in no way implies that the person is not generally intelligent or analytical in the parts of their lives that require it. As you've pointed out many times, most of our advancements to this point were accomplished by theists of one stripe or another.

Including all of the science that lead to the development of atomic weapons and such.
Ooookay. The delusion of "sky daddies" is part of the dichotomous nature of many peoples approach to their world view, which is what I thought I said before. But that dichotomy in no way implies that the person is not generally intelligent or analytical in the parts of their lives that require it. As you've pointed out many times, most of our advancements to this point were accomplished by theists of one stripe or another.

Including all of the science that lead to the development of atomic weapons and such.

Yeah, clearly, the world would have been a much better place without all those delusional theists and some more of the analytical athiests.
Yeah, clearly, the world would have been a much better place without all those delusional theists and some more of the analytical athiests.
You make a good point. Too bad we've had to put up with the additional torment and grief supplied by the purely theistic side of this dichotomy throughout history.
You make a good point. Too bad we've had to put up with the additional torment and grief supplied by the purely theistic side of this dichotomy throughout history.

Espaecially through the last century. All those oppressive theists in Russia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea...
You've clearly given up on rationality. Your fundamentalist makeup has firmly taken hold. Congrats.

No need to argue with a fundie, Sup. Simply point out their idiocy and leave it at that. You know full well the fundie will only continue to respond with more idiocy.
Yeah pointing out the nature of atheist impact on the world is clearly fundamentalism.

We need more divisive atheists to ensure world peace.
Yeah pointing out the nature of atheist impact on the world is clearly fundamentalism.

We need more divisive atheists to ensure world peace.

Case in point, Sup. Idiocy piled on to more idiocy.
Yeah pointing out the nature of atheist impact on the world is clearly fundamentalism.
How has atheism, as a simple lack of belief in god(s), had a significant impact on the world? Please don't use the "Stalin was an atheist" card, thank you. It's highly debatable and I can find as many counter links as you can find supporting links.


We need more divisive atheists to ensure world peace.

Let's focus on the actual undisputed facts, such as, in the name of god(s) of various flavors, history is ripe with domination, slaughter, oppression, torture, etc.
How has atheism, as a simple lack of belief in god(s), had a significant impact on the world? Please don't use the "Stalin was an atheist" card, thank you. It's highly debatable and I can find as many counter links as you can find supporting links.


Let's focus on the actual undisputed facts, such as, in the name of god(s) of various flavors, history is ripe with domination, slaughter, oppression, torture, etc.

All of them power trips by atheists pretending to be religious. Like Hitler. :shrug: