The nature of the relationship between theists and atheists

We may observe, that, notwithstanding the dogmatical, imperious style of all superstition, the conviction of the religionists, in all ages, is more affected than real, and scarcely ever approaches, in any degree, to that solid belief and persuasion, which governs us in the common affairs of life. Men dare not avow, even to their own hearts, the doubts which they entertain on such subjects: They make a merit of implicit faith; and disguise to themselves their real infidelity, by the strongest asseverations and most positive bigotry. But nature is too hard for all their endeavours, and suffers not the obscure, glimmering light, afforded in those shadowy regions, to equal the strong impressions, made by common sense and by experience. The usual course of men's conduct belies their words, and shows, that their assent in these matters is some unaccountable operation of the mind between disbelief and conviction, but approaching much nearer to the former than to the latter. (David Hume - The Natural History of Religion - Chapter XII)

i shit on proclamations
there are no real theists
all are atheists
We may observe, that, notwithstanding the dogmatical, imperious style of all superstition, the conviction of the religionists, in all ages, is more affected than real, and scarcely ever approaches, in any degree, to that solid belief and persuasion, which governs us in the common affairs of life. Men dare not avow, even to their own hearts, the doubts which they entertain on such subjects: They make a merit of implicit faith; and disguise to themselves their real infidelity, by the strongest asseverations and most positive bigotry. But nature is too hard for all their endeavours, and suffers not the obscure, glimmering light, afforded in those shadowy regions, to equal the strong impressions, made by common sense and by experience. The usual course of men's conduct belies their words, and shows, that their assent in these matters is some unaccountable operation of the mind between disbelief and conviction, but approaching much nearer to the former than to the latter. (David Hume - The Natural History of Religion - Chapter XII)

i shit on proclamations
there are no real theists

What a load of shite.
So, now Hitler was pretending?

Muhammad was a pretender, too.

Its an interesting book. Hitler was apparently quite the well read, self educated man.

Predicted a lot of stuff which came to pass eventually.

Makes me wonder why he wrote so much crap for public consumption.
It's known as political manipulation.

Yes, he became the image he created of himself. Odd, innit?

"Propaganda must not serve the truth especially not insofar as it might bring out something favorable for the opponent."

"Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise."
What a load of shite.

you have convictions? of god?
do share. how did this come about? revelation? faith? indoctrination? idiocy?
tell me why....

The usual course of men's conduct belies their words, and shows, that their assent in these matters is some unaccountable operation of the mind between disbelief and conviction, but approaching much nearer to the former than to the latter. (David Hume - The Natural History of Religion - Chapter XII) beg to differ.
perhaps an attempt to convert me would be more expeditious rather than an acct of your religious history?
do it, sam

i yearn for knowledge
you have convictions? of god?
do share. how did this come about? revelation? faith? indoctrination? idiocy?
tell me why....

The usual course of men's conduct belies their words, and shows, that their assent in these matters is some unaccountable operation of the mind between disbelief and conviction, but approaching much nearer to the former than to the latter. (David Hume - The Natural History of Religion - Chapter XII) beg to differ.
perhaps an attempt to convert me would be more expeditious rather than an acct of your religious history?
do it, sam

i yearn for knowledge

I've discussed my beliefs with Pete in the Atheism thread. Post 221 onwards.
the post dates 04-17-08, 08:15 PM. is it a first in that particular line?
prior to that, what has been the nature of your religious discussions here?
What do you think is the nature of the relationship between theists and atheists:

What are the characteristics of this relationship?

What do you think this relationship is not, but should be?

What do you think this relationship is, but should not be?

There is no relationship, they're just different views, one is unnaturally foolish and the other is theism
ahh, sam
i read it
you ask why things are the way they are
you have'nt a clue
neither do the rest of us

you are indian first
islam, merely a fad

more importantly....thou art an infidel!
ahh, sam
i read it
you ask why things are the way they are
you have'nt a clue
neither do the rest of us

you are indian first
islam, merely a fad

more importantly....thou art an infidel!

Are you worried about my soul dear?
What do you think is the nature of the relationship between theists and atheists:

What are the characteristics of this relationship?

What do you think this relationship is not, but should be?

What do you think this relationship is, but should not be?

bogus question. lemme reword..

What do you think is the nature of the relationship between secular govts and fundies
bogus question. lemme reword..

What do you think is the nature of the relationship between secular govts and fundies

one forcibly publicizes issues of economy/industry and forcibly privatizes god - the other forcibly places god in the public arena
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while "forcibly" is overkill......very nicely illustrated
the only time i am even remotely aware of the fundies is when they go to capitol hill to stir up goddamn shit.